
Prompt: The two of them are sprawled on a couch together. Eames lightly massages Arthur's scalp without really thinking about it, and Arthur melts into the touch.

They are a little more than friendly, but they never define their relationship. It isn't needed really, especially with their sporadic schedules. Beside which, relationships tend to complicate things, particularly in their line of work. No one wants an end like Mal and Dom, so no need for labels.

They are sprawled out on the couch, some limbs entangled. Arthur rests against Eames's chest, enjoying the tranquility of their evening alone. The movie Eames selected plays in the background, but after the stressful day, Arthur is more content to lie back and relax.

Eames pays little attention to the television screen, but instead, keeps an eye on Arthur. The day went poorly for Arthur, who wound up getting shot in the knee twice and overall abused by the projections. Not to mention, Cobb loves to yell at him for every little mistake. Eames had wanted to punch Cobb in the face, but you don't attack your boss for a friend with benefits. If that's what one would call them.

Eames leans further into the couch and his hand reaches out for Arthur's hair. He cards his fingers through Arthur's soft, ungelled hair. He does not realize what he is doing until Arthur makes a soft sound at the back of his throat and melts into Eames.

Arthur continues making the soft noises, the stress of the day slowly leaving his body. He snuggles as much as he can into Eames's body and slowly falls asleep. As he drifts into unconsciousness, he thinks that if this is what love is like, perhaps, he and Eames can give that a go someday.