So Troublesome
Pairings: ShikaNaru
Warnings: Swearing, slash, shounen ai, groping, and minor angst.
Genre: Romance/Family
Rating: T
Disclaimer: If I owned them, it wouldn't be suitable for eyes under the age of 18/21/the-legal-age-in-whatever-country. So obviously I don't. :3
Summary: Who knew that telling your respective parent figures would be so difficult?
A/N: Well, someone said that if I did a multi-chapter ShikaNaru story they'd be happy. So here's what'll hopefully be a two part story about 'Meeting the parents.' Poor boys. Pity them. Enjoy~! KakaIru in the next chapter!
Shikamaru stared at the door that seemed to loom before them, dread and sickly anticipation beginning to build up in his system. Brown eyes slid over to his equally nervous lover, watching the sharp eye teeth worry his bottom lip. Naruto felt the stare and turned his head to grin widely at the taller, lips twitching. The brunet sighed and slung an arm around his boyfriends waist (it was less effort than the shoulders), pulling him closer, and finally flicked the door open.

"Oi, mom, I'm home," he called out, voice flat and tired. He pulled Naruto in, feeling slight resistance in his muscles that told Shikamaru just how hesitant he was to experience the expected disapproval of his lovers parents. Before he could say or do anything to reassure the younger teen his mother called out from the kitchen.

"Good! That means you can get in here and set the table." Shikamaru groaned and slumped against his softly snickering blond, muttering about overbearing and slave driving women. He took that time to tilt his head and whisper into Naruto's ear.

"Don't worry, they'll love you," he muttered, pressing a lazy kiss to the tanned skin. "Just let them adjust for the first bit."

"I will Shika," Naruto whispered back, bringing his hands up to straighten Shikamaru's head so he could properly kiss the genius. "I trust you. You know I do."


"Shikamaru! Shikaku! Get in here!" Yoshino's yell made her son wince and glare in the direction of the kitchen and her husband grumble audibly from upstairs. Naruto bit his lip in a failed attempt to restrain the grin growing across his lips and shooed the other out into the hall.

"I'll wait here, and you can come and get me in a bit?" he murmured tentatively, chewing his bottom lip again. "Or I could come and help...?"

Shikamaru shook his head negative, prompting the other to sit and pressing another kiss to the down turned mouth. "Don't worry about it. It's troublesome but your nerves are already frayed and if you have a screaming woman on your case it'll just get worse. Stay here and I'll fetch you when it's time."

Leaving Naruto sitting where he was Shikamaru slouched as he slowly walked towards the seething woman who would surely be the end of him and his father both. Meeting Shikaku at the foot of the stairs they both shook their heads and smoothed a hand over the tops of their skulls. They both shuffled in, heads down and hands shoved deep into their pockets so they wouldn't have to look at the annoyed woman standing with her arms crossed irately over her chest.

"It's about time you two," Yoshino snapped, shaking her head with an unhappy frown. "What in the hell took you so long?"

"There was a rat in the sock drawer and I was trying to see if I could spot a cat on the street so it could take care of the problem for me," Shikaku grumbled, eyes darting around. Shikamaru briefly pondered whether or not his father had spent any measure of time with Kakashi-san in the last few days, because that was the lamest excuse he had ever heard from the mans mouth. His mother didn't look very amused either, if her tapping foot and blank stare were any indication.

"Shikaku," Yoshino growled, her face still a blank mask, "shut up." Her head quirked to the side and her stare landed on her disinterested son whose gaze was directed somewhere to the right. "And where were you?"

Shikamaru sighed and ignored the question, opting instead to pull out stack of plates and began to set the table. He went about his business until his mother let out an aggravated 'ahem.' "I was dealing with something."

"Mhm, and that something happens to have something to do with the reason you're setting out a fourth plate?" Yoshino asked sceptically, eyeballing the unexpected addition critically. Shikamaru shrugged, retrieving the chopsticks and laying them out and then grabbing the plates of food already laid out on the counter.

"I'll be right back," he grumbled, paying no mind to his mothers doubting eyes following him. He trekked back out to the foyer, holding out his hand to the fidgeting blond still perched in his place. Naruto grinned anxiously and he grasped the pale hand, standing and padding into the hall just behind the Chuunin.

"Shika, are you positive this is a good idea?" Naruto asked softly, leaning up against the vest covered shoulder. The brunet sighed and paused just outside the kitchen door, pulling the insecure boy into a tight hug and resting his chin on top of the fluffy yellow spikes.

"Naruto, I'm absolutely, one hundred per cent cocksure that they'll come to love you, if they don't like off the get go," Shikamaru stated, pulling back just enough to engage his lover in a long kiss, brushing his tongue along the seam of dark lips and eventually sliding it inside to explore familiar territory. They remained attached for a minute before finally drawing away from each other and bracing themselves for the trial that was to be dinner with the parents.
Naruto's fingers drummed a fast paced rhythm across the table top, trying desperately to meet Yoshino or Shikaku's eyes but unable to retain the connection. He worried his lip again, wearing off the skin until it was painfully red and due to begin bleeding anytime. Beside him, Shikamaru lazily cupped his cheek in one hand to support his head and rested the other reassuringly on the blond's knee. He rubbed slow circles on the black clad appendage until Naruto's rough and calloused hand rested atop his and squeezed tightly.

Nara Yoshino had her hands steepled in front of her face, hiding her mouth and most of her nose from view. Her husband sighed and muttered to himself, obviously seeing no problems with what was going on. Naruto nearly wilted under the intense stare, using his chopsticks to push around the last scraps of food around his plate. Finally the only female in the room spoke up.

"So," she began softly, a steely undertone to the deceptively quiet voice, "what, exactly, are your intentions for my son?"

Naruto squeaked, his head snapping up as Shikamaru groaned and dropped his own, forehead thumping onto the table and ponytail drooping. "E-excuse me?"

"Your intentions for Shikamaru," Yoshino repeated, "what are they?"

"I-I don't know what you mean," Naruto stuttered, blue eyes darting between his boyfriend and the older boys mother. "We're dating is all..."

"And how long do you intend to stay together?" she asked slowly. "Or is this a casual fling?"

"Mother-" Shikamaru attempted to interject. He was cut off by a sharp reprimand from his mother, followed by a razor sharp glare from her and a helpless shrug from his father. He grumbled and laid his head back down. "Troublesome."

"I- we wouldn't be here if it were a casual fling, would we?" Naruto phrased it as a question, unsure if that was the correct answer or not. "I mean, I want us to stay together as long as we can. If that means we stay together for the rest of our lives, or for only another year, then so be it I guess..."

Shikamaru tightened his grip on the tanned hand curled around his own, inconspicuously sliding closer to his lover. Yoshino's hard eyes stared at them still, unwavering.

"Shikaku, Shikamaru, you stay in here and do the dishes." She stood and motioned at the blond. "Naruto and I are retiring to the living area for a little one on one talk."

The two brunet's watched their significant others leave the room -one forced out by the other- and then turned to look blankly at each other before sighing and slowly moving to clear the table. Shikamaru piled every dish on top of the other on one hand, making sure none of them fell by pushing a small amount of chakra to stick them together while Shikaku slumped over the sink, filling it. Shikamaru watched his father with one eye, remembering the day the trick was taught to him, and the huge pile of antique dishware he broke that night. His mothers fury was the perfect motivation for the acceleration of his skills.

Both of them stood in silence as they began the tedious task of cleaning the kitchen. Minutes ticked by slowly and Shikamaru vaguely wondered how Naruto was handling his mother (or how his mother was handling his boyfriend). They finished in the same lazy quiet and then both took a seat at the table, slumping down into their chairs.

"So..." Shikaku glanced at his son and raised an inquiring eyebrow.


"You don't care?" Shikamaru asked, stretching out his legs and thumping his feet onto the chair opposite him. "That he's a boy?"

Shikaku sighed and followed his sons example, resting his feet up on the table top. He ran a hand over the top of his head to smooth any errant strands of hair. "I'll admit it wasn't what you mother and I were expecting, but if it's what you want, it's what you want and there's nothing I can do about it."

Shikamaru hummed and stared longingly at the jug of water that rested on the counter, wondering if he should simply get up and bring it and two glasses over of if he should make a clone to do it for him. The clone sounded better. He flipped through the seals and with a puff of smoke another him set out to get the wanted items with a disapproving glare. Shikamaru shrugged an ignored his fathers snort.

"It's easier this way." As the clone poured the water with a sour expression, Shikaku had to agree.
Half an hour later (well, Shikamaru knew it was actually thirty-five minutes and thirteen seconds, but he'd never admit to counting the time) Naruto stumbled in, face impossibly pale for someone of his complexion. He latched onto Shikamaru and breathed deeply in the same way that he did when he felt nauseated and trying to keep in his miserable whimpers. Shikamaru sighed and rearranged the body until both of them were comfortable and leaned back in his chair with his arms around the blond.

Shikaku shook his head and shot the boy an understanding look regardless that it went unseen.

"Been through something like that before?" Shikamaru murmured, stroking the flyaway hair. Shikaku shrugged and refilled his glass, chugging it back in one go.

"Mm, when I first started dating your mother," he grumbled, tilting his glass this way and that. "Her father was a monster; threatened to castrate me more than once."

Naruto's deep breathing falter at the last half of the sentence and a hiccuping whimper left him. Shikamaru's eyes immediately moved down to stared at the shaking shoulders. Worried, he pulled the boys torso up and leaned his head to whisper into his ear. "Naruto, what's wrong?"

As Naruto shook his head, Shikaku's eyebrows dipped down and he stood, casually stretching. "Well, I think I'll go take a walk. Maybe your mother will join me."

Not missing the blond's flinch Shikamaru waved his father off and waited until the room was empty to speak again. "Naruto, what happened?"

Naruto sniffed quietly. He wasn't quite crying then, but there had to be enough tears gathered in his eyes to make his nose begin to run. A minute ticked by as Shikamaru waited patiently and Naruto tried to work up the courage to speak. Finally, the blond took a deep breath and raised his head, lips upturned into a fake smile.

"Sorry for that Shika, but I don't really think your mom like me too much."

"And what makes you say that?" Shikamaru inquired slowly, trying to puzzle out what his mother did to make it seem as though she didn't like the blond (other than be herself, of course).

"She..." Naruto hesitated, pulling further away and biting his bottom lip. "She had that...look in her eyes, the same one that the villagers still get when they see me."

Shikamaru's eyes grew wide for a second before he reigned in control of his expression and gently deposited his boyfriend into the chair he was resting his feet on. "Naruto, I want

you to stay here. I'll be back in a minute or two."

Naruto gaped at him as he turned and walked out of the room. "Wait! Shika, don't-!"

He sighed as the brunet, stubborn about something for what was probably the first time in his life, walked away, and thumped his head back against the top of the chair.

He saw his parents walking arm in arm, the cool night air a pleasant reprieve after the hot summers day. A rumble built up in the back of his throat as he stalked towards the couple on silent feet, hands balled into fists and chakra beginning to signal his anger and malcontent.

"I have to talk to you," he growled, lazy expression wiped clear off his face as he dragged his mother away from her husband and around a corner.

Shikaku sighed and sat down to enjoy the illuminated clouds floated across and around the full moon.

"What did you say to him?" Shikamaru demanded, cutting off his mothers violent protests. Yoshino stared at him, dumbstruck and befuddled at her sons sudden energy. Then her lips pulled into a narrow line and her arms crossed over her chest.

"I simply said that if he hurt you he would regret ever entering into a relationship with you."

Shikamaru tried desperately to read his mothers impudent, juvenile expression, giving a loud scoff when he couldn't quite sort out if she was lying or not. "There must have been something else. You practically traumatized him over something you said, and I doubt if that was it."

He saw her lips twitch and then purse tighter together. Her eyes flashed about and then fluttered. A guilty look flashed across her face and that was when Shikamaru knew he had her cornered. "Please mother. He means a lot to me, and I never wish to see him hurt."

"I'm sorry Shikamaru," Yoshino said softly, sighing. "I didn't mean to hurt him, but it's going to be difficult to get used to who he is."

"What, the container for the Kyuubi?" Shikamaru demanded, hands returning to their painfully tight fists. "He may have that bastard fox inside him, may even use its chakra, but that's not who he is!"

"I know that!" Yoshino spat back, glaring. "But I have my reasons to be wary just as everyone else in this place does."

"Fine, but until you get over your issues, we won't be returning here."

That said, he stormed back around the corner, past his father, and into the house. Naruto's head snapped forward as he entered the kitchen and was beginning to speak when Shikamaru grabbed his hand and dragged him out the door. Yoshino watched them leave with furious, tear-filled eyes and a death grip around her husbands arm.

"Shika, what the hell happened?" Naruto asked desperately, trying to twist his head to look back at his boyfriends parents left standing on the porch. It was only once they were out of sight of the Nara residence that the brunet stopped and pulled the blond into a tight embrace.

"Don't worry about it," he whispered, dropping his forehead onto Naruto's shoulder. "If she wants to be a bitchy old hag, then we'll stay away from her until she gets her head out of her ass."

Naruto jerked away, wide blue eyes staring. "Shika, you can't break away from them! They're your family!"

"And you are too," Shikamaru answered immediately, keeping his hands closed around Naruto's wrists. "And if she can't accept you, then she doesn't deserve to know you."

When Naruto's lips began to tremble and he was nearing the point of hyperventilation, Shikamaru added, "Besides, then I get to keep you to myself for a while longer."

Naruto snorted, pushed him, then pulled him back into a hug. "You're so insufferable."

"Maa, it's a specialty of mine." Naruto laughed, leaning up to kiss the brunet.

"Now you sound like Kakashi-sensei," he muttered against the taller boys lips, grinning. Shikamaru hummed and pretended to think.

"Lazy, perverted, and notorious?" There was a pause and Naruto waited patiently. "Yeah, I think I could do that."

Naruto snorted and playfully hit the other, then pulled him into another kiss, this one longer and involving a lot more tongue. When they finally released each other (after about five minutes), Naruto's nose scrunched up thoughtfully. "You know, kissing is actually really gross when you think about it."

Shikamaru stared at him with a blank face, blinking slowly. "We kiss, and that's what you're thinking about?"

"Well, no," Naruto mumbled with a sheepish grin, "but Iruka-sensei got in a fight with Kakashi-sensei yesterday and was lecturing him on how disgusting it was to have someones tongue shoved down your throat every other minute."

"Really now."

"Yup!" Naruto grinned and slid his hands down from Shikamaru's shoulders to his waist, trapping the bigger boys arms between his own. "Of course, it really only occurred to me when you started to pull away. I was distracted by you for the rest of it. You have a really clever tongue you know."

"And you're used to getting out of trouble," Shikamaru muttered, slipping his own hand off the black clad waist to lightly pinch one rear cheek. Naruto snickered and squirmed forward to rub his body against the brunet's, groaning quietly against the pale neck as Shikamaru's free hand joined his occupied one in its massage.

"We should get home," Naruto mumbled, arousal beginning to heat his body. "After all, it's your turn to meet the parents tomorrow and you've got one tough cookie to impress."

"Well," Shikamaru grumbled, bringing his hands up to form the hand seals, "at least I know what to expect."

Naruto's laughter echoed for a few seconds after they disappeared.
Well, there's the first chapter. Next is Kakashi and Iruka! I wonder how poor Iruka is going to react to his adopted sons change in relationship status. And if Kakashi going to give them pointers? Hmm, I don't know yet!