Title: Snuggles

Chapter Title: Arthur and Ariadne I

Rating: K

Summary: A series of one/two shot(s) of snuggles between various and all pairings.

A/N: Here is the long awaited snuggles between Arthur and Ariadne for their fans. This one is based on the song "Mine" by Taylor Swift. I'm not a main Arthur/Aria fan however; this is a collection of all ships and all ships I shall catch a voyage on. I hope this is up to par with your expectations. I will admit the song softened me to this pairing. Lol.

"Arthur! Hurry up! It doesn't take that long to make popcorn."

Ariadne waited for weeks to see this movie. With a job taking up the first few weeks when it premiered in theatres and the crazy schedule she and Arthur maintained with or without working, they never had time to see it. When she realized it would be releasing on DVD/Blu-ray, she made Arthur promise he'd take one night off to watch it with her.

Now she was getting impatient. She wanted to watch it with him; she could have seen the movie ages ago if it were the opposite case. Just when she was about to get up to see what was taking him so long, he walked in with a large bowl.

"What took you so long? Make popcorn the old way?" She laughed as he sat down beside her.

"Actually, yes I did." He gave her a smirk.

"No way," she said with wide eyes. Taking a piece out of the bowl, she grinned. "I love homemade popcorn. Thank you."

"You're welcome. So what are we watching?"

She gave him a sly grin and grabbed the remote off the side table. Pressing play, the previews and release trailers played.

"Promise me you won't complain," she said batting her eyes.

Arthur raised a brow and then it dawned on him. "This is-" he was cut off by the menu as it came onto the screen. "Sweeny Todd. Really Aria?"

"Arthur! I don't want to watch it alone. I promise it's not bad."

She scooted closer to him, wrapping her arms around him. He glanced at her with a skeptical look. Her response was to cling to his arm and lay her head on his shoulder.

"How do you know it's not bad if you've never seen it?"

"I saw the play when I was ten."

Arthur choked a little on his popcorn. "Ten?"

"My parents love Broadway," she shrugged.

"If you get scared or grossed out, don't complain to me."

She pulled away and pressed play before smiling back at him. "Yea whatever, you know you enjoy me clinging to you."

He smirked and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her back to him. "I won't deny that."

They fell into silence as the movie started. Halfway through after Arthur had moved the half empty bowl onto the table in front of them to hold onto her better. When the scenes of bloodshed played, Ariadne buried her face in his shoulder. Arthur was pleased; she could see him smile smugly in triumph that way.

Okay this isn't my best one but I'm half awake and this story needed to be updated. I promise a much better Araidne/Arthur shot next. It might take a while as school is crazy but I promise! Thanks for reading.