A Worthy Opponent
By Laura Schiller
Based on: Tokyo Mew Mew
Copyright: Reiko Yoshida, Mia Ikumi
Lettuce and Pai circled each other warily in mid-air, trading kicks and blows, dodging, Lettuce's long braid flying like a whip as she spun. The tall young man with the pointed ears and dusk-purple eyes and the girl in the green swimsuit and boots.
"You are inattentive, Mew Lettuce," said Pai, throwing a ball of electric yellow energy which knocked her several feet away. "Watch my arms and legs, not my face! Always be alert!"
In the moonlight, the bare white skin of his muscular arms glowed like marble.
She flew back and aimed a sharp kick at his stomach, which he barely dodged.
"Why instruct me, Pai-san? - Doesn't that make it harder?"
He deflected her punch by closing a large, hot hand around her wrist. "Why don't you fear me?"
His eyes burned into her green ones for a moment as they held each other immobilized.
"Because you could have killed me by now," said Lettuce, her soft voice breathless. "And you haven't."
The Mew mark glowed on the spot just above the cleavage of her suit.
A stamp from her double-pointed boot on the instep of his foot made him curse and let her go.
"Watch my castanets, Pai-san! Ribbon Lettuce Rush!"
"Fuu Rai Sen!"
The lightning bolt and water jet collided in mid-air, exploding them apart. Yet when the force cleared and they could open their eyes, Pai noticed that the green-haired girl was smiling.