Disclaimer: I don't own Rookie Blue.
A.N. You know you're obsessed with Rookie Blue when you take every situation and somehow manage to tie it into a Rookie Blue story. My brother had the stomach virus so...
This takes place in the future; Luke and Andy had a friendly breakup (before she moved in) and still speak to each other. Andy and Sam are together (duh! McSwarek forever) and Traci and Jerry are together.
Enough of my rambling...hope you enjoy!
Sam stirred slightly when he felt Andy extract herself from his embrace. Knowing she would feel bad if she thought she woke him up, he didn't move. He heard her walk into the bathroom and turned over.
Sam woke again a few minutes later and realized that Andy was not next to him. He sat up. "Andy?" he called softly. There was no answer. Worried, he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.
Sam knocked on the door. "Andy? You okay?" He heard a strange sound. "Andy?" He realized that the door was slightly ajar and opened it.
Andy was seated on the floor with her head against the toilet seat. As Sam came in, she moved slightly and threw up, while attempting to hold her hair back.
Sam moved next to her and placed his hands over hers. He gathered her hair back and found a hair clip on the counter while Andy braced both of her hands on the toilet.
He tied up her hair and then sank down next to her, running a soothing hand down her back.
When she picked her head up, Sam pulled her close. "What's wrong? You think its something you ate?"
Andy leaned into his chest. "I don't know" she whispered, and then she pulled out of his grasp and was sick again.
Sam rubbed her back soothingly. When she finished, he saw tears in her eyes. "It's okay sweetheart." He pulled her close and kissed her forehead. Then he cursed.
Andy looked up at him startled.
"Andy, you're burning up. It's not just something you ate."
She leaned into his embrace, his cool skin soothing. "I don't feel well Sam." She paused and then pulled away. "You shouldn't be here. If I have something you can catch it." She pushed away from him and stood.
Sam jumped up and helped her clean herself up before gently scooping her into his arms and carrying her back to the bed. "I'm not leaving you like this. Besides, when I was little Sarah used to get like this all the time and I would be around her and I never caught it. I think I'll take my chances." He set her down in the bed and handed her a water bottle. "I'll be right back."
Andy curled up against the pillows, watching through slitted eyes as Sam entered the kitchen. He returned a minute later holding a cup, a spoon, a bottle of cola, and the trash can. Andy opened her eyes all the way, confused.
Sam smiled. "Trash can is for if you don't make it to the bathroom. I remember what it was like with Sarah." He sat down on the bed and handed her two Motrins. "How do you think you caught this?"
Andy used the leftover water from the water bottle to wash down the pills. "I went to visit Traci today on my lunch break. She's been home for two days since Leo has a really bad case of the stomach bug. Everyone else in the class who had it said that it was a twelve hour thing but poor Leo had it for much longer. I must have caught it from him." She looked at Sam. He was pouring cola into the cup. "What's that for?"
Sam dipped the spoon into the cup and stirred, making the cola flat. "A home remedy that used to help Sarah. I figured we might as well try it." He handed her the cup. "Drink slowly."
While Andy drank, Sam refilled the water bottle and climbed back into bed. Andy finished the cup and set it down. Then she settled herself against him. As he wrapped his arms around her, she spoke. "Did Sarah get sick often?"
Sam sighed. "Before she was attacked, she used to get the stomach bug about once every two months. Her teachers would call my mother as soon as they found out any child in the class had it because chances were Sarah was going to catch it. After she was attacked, it was harder to tell if she really was sick or if she made herself sick so she wouldn't have to go to school."
Andy curled closer. "I'm sorry" she murmured.
Sam stroked her hair. "Not your fault. You should try to sleep."
Three times during the night Andy woke up. Each time, Sam was there for her, to hold her and to comfort her. She didn't know how she survived being sick after her mother left and before Sam came into her life.
Sam woke when the alarm went off and quickly shut it off. He dressed and packed up before waking Andy. "Sweetheart, I know you don't feel well but you have to call Best and let him know you're not coming in." He inwardly cursed the fact that Andy decided to tell people that they were taking it slow so everyone knew they were dating but no one knew that they were virtually living together. Everyone just assumed that Sam picked Andy up from her apartment everyday and dropped her off every night.
Andy moaned as she opened her eyes. She sat up slowly and Sam handed her her cell phone. Andy called Best and left a message saying she was sick.
Sam took the phone from her. He tucked her in and kissed her forehead. "I'm sending a text to myself from your phone so it looks like you contacted me but I really think we aught to stop this charade of not living together."
"Mmmmmm." Andy was half asleep. Sam finished texting and turned her phone off.
He made sure that there were no tell-tale signs that he was in her apartment last night. He knew Frank would send someone to check on her, and, on the off chance that it wasn't him, he needed to keep that part of their relationship hidden until Andy wanted to make it public. He wished she had already done it, because then he would have taken a personal day. Instead, he knew he was going to be worried about her all day.
Sam made sure that there were a few water bottles by the bed in case she needed a drink and then kissed her forehead (noting that she still had fever) before heading to the barn.
A.N. Wow! Three in a day - a first for me! I think my professors should have me write essays more often because I come up with RB fics instead of doing my actual work.
Love? Hate? Leave as a one-shot? Continue? Your opinions matter so please review.