Ok I really need to stop writing stories cause I'm just gonna get overloaded sooner or later (most likely sooner). I wanted to try something new so this story will be written in first person rather than my usual third person

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the OC's that appear in this.

Flames will be sent to Sephiroth for his enjoyment, and I will not reply to reviews that are like "Good story update soon" because really there's nothing to say to that other than "Thanks I'll try"

Anyways on with another story!

Edited 10/14/2012

"Shit, shit, shit!" I chanted as I ran down the hall to my last class of the day. Books jumped and bounced in my arms due to my current pace and I struggled to keep them securely in my grasp. Dark brown hair swayed side to side in my traditional ponytail and occasionally I would have to flip my head to the side to keep my bangs out of my deep royal blue eyes. The doors in front of my banged open mercilessly just as my professor called out my name on attendance.

"Erin Lancaster!"

"Here!" I called, taking a seat at the back of the large classroom. He scowled at me through half rimmed spectacles.

"Late!" he barked moving on to the next name on the list. I silently mocked him under my breath as I arranged my books in a somewhat organized manner around me.

After the obnoxious attendance, which was completely unnecessary but Professor "Punctual" insisted it was to be done, the class began the regular lecture about the mixing of chemicals.

Finally two hours later I stalked out of the room (or prison as I've dubbed it) and out into the bright afternoon sunlight. Wincing I tried to shield my sensitive eyes from the radiance of the sun but was unfortunately unsuccessful due to my excessive load. Quickly I made my way to my Porsche- oops did I say Porsche I meant Pontiac, threw my books on the empty passenger seat and drove off.

The ten minute drive to my apartment was rather uneventful and boring and it was too long before I arrived at home. Dumping my homework on the fake- black leather couch I stared at my PSP lying on the white coffee table. As I stared back the stupid thing almost seemed to dare me to come play it, and try the game that I had bought just a little while ago: Final Fantasy Crisis Core.

So far all it had done was just sit loaded inside the gaming system and wait for me. Sometime after I had bought the game I checked it out on the internet and got info on all the characters and a bit of background on the storyline. Being a Final Fantasy VII fan I already knew most of the characters such as Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth, the Turks, AVALANCHE, Rufus Shinra and so on. However there were characters who I was not familiar with, these included but are not limited to: Angeal, Genesis, Kunzel and Lazard.

There was something about Genesis' character the compelled me to like him and the fact that he was the bad guy throughout the game only made the connection stronger. I've always had a thing for the antagonists. That aside I managed to tear my gaze away from the small screen, and headed towards my undersized kitchen to make myself some lunch.

Finished with that menial task I came back into the living room, and plugged in a random movie. The one that I just so happened to grab was 'She's the Man'. I smiled pleased with my choice; it was one of my favorite movies the other being Advent Children but that was only because of Sephiroth. Settling down I watched the film as I ate my dinner vowing that afterwards I would start on my mountain of homework.

All too soon the movie was over, and I forced myself out of the comfortable position I was in to put my dirty dishes away. When I re-entered the kitchen I noticed the extreme mess that awaited me. Pots and pans were still lying in the sink from the previous night's supper. Sighing I made a vow that I would first clean up this mess and then start on my assignments,my procrastination streak always chose the worst moments to make an appearance.

Done with the dishes I headed back to fulfill my promise to begin on my coursework but judging by how much was there, I doubted that I would be done any time soon.

Many hours (and breaks) later I was cleaning up all of my finished homework. Looking at my alarm clock the red numbers read 12:33, and I was eternally grateful that I had no classes tomorrow. Now it probably would have been easier to just save it all for tomorrow but to be honest I greatly dislike taking up my time off to do troublesome homework. Not to mention that leaving something unfinished is one of my pet peeves. Once I start on a project I have to finish it.

With my books all put away I began to get ready for bed. Changing into a black tank top with black, and red pants I stepped into the bathroom to brush my teeth and to brush my hair.

That done I slumped on top of my lovely queen sized bed that my wealthy parents had bought for me on top of paying my rent so I wouldn't have to work. In return for all of this though I had to focus solely on school and keep my grades in the 85-90% range, and somehow I miraculously managed it. Shutting off the light I snuggled into the warm covers and sighed heavily before drifting off into peaceful slumber.

3rd person POV

"Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess. We seek it thus and take to the sky." a smooth voice quoted from a book that he holds in his hand; a silver haired man wearing entirely black leather turns to walk towards him, "Ripples form on the water's surface. The wandering soul know no rest…"

"LOVELESS, Act I." the silver haired man stated smirking slightly. The quoter 'hmm'-ed in response and put the book aside on the giant pipe he was sitting on.

"You remembered." he said hopping down. The man had short auburn hair that was slightly flipped out at the ends. His eyes were a brilliant shade of azure blue. As clothing he wore a red overcoat with black shoulder pads. Underneath was a black turtleneck and black leather pants with belts criss-crossed across his front.

"How can I not when you've beaten it into my head." the silver haired man replied pointing to his temple with his right hand, and then with his left executed a downward swipe that suggested he wanted nothing less than a spar. His companions (two as there was another black haired man with sideburns and a large sword strapped to his back who was beside the one in red) responded by picking up their weapons. The auburn haired one took up a rapier style sword with a red blade and a very intricate hilt with bird designs. The other chose a training sword in favor of the one on his back.

"Don't take Sephiroth lightly." he warned the red-head

"Hm… noted." he replied haughtily following his team mate into battle against the silver-haired Sephiroth.

Leaping, they attacked him at once aiming to over power him, but failed however as Sephiroth merely deflected their attack with his extra long katana. After that they continued to assault him at different times and angles. Their opponent however had no trouble blocking and gracefully avoiding all of their strikes without any wasted energy or movement.

Once again they attacked together lunging at him from different sides. However much to their chagrin Sephiroth held his sword perpendicular to the ground simultaneously blocking their blows at once. There was a moment of rest, but only a moment before the battle continued when he pushed them off.

Again they tried a team attack the red-haired one fighting him straight on while the raven -haired one jumped over top to strike down at the silver haired man. He missed unfortunately when Sephiroth jumped back, apparently however was part of the plan when a red coat leaped into the air. In a intricate manoeuvre he spun around several times gaining speed with each rotation heading straight towards their adversary. Effortlessly the assault was brought to a halt by a simple swipe of Sephiroth's sword.

The black haired one now struck him head on clashing swords a few time before locking blades with him.

"Huh, is that the best you can do?" Sephiroth asked in a friendly mocking way before pushing the other man off and once again slashing his sword downwards as a sign of eagerness to fight.

"All hail Sephiroth, huh?" he responded with a slight smirk on his handsome face. The red one however did not look amused in the slightest.

"Angeal stay back. I'll take Sephiroth alone." he ordered holding out his arm to the side signalling Angeal was not to interfere.

"Genesis!" he started insulted but Genesis paid him no mind.

"The world needs a new hero." he said while running a hand alone his blade making it glow a bright crimson and rune-like symbols to appear for a brief moment.

"Hm, come and try." Sephiroth taunted confidently almost to the point of arrogance and his face already held a triumphant smirk almost as if he knew how this was going to end based on previous experience.

"So smug… but for how long?" Genesis returned instantly moving to attack him. His attacks were slower than they were before but it was easy to tell that they were definitely a step up power wise. A vertical strike down at the silver haired man left a crater in which Sephiroth was kneeling. Grinning a very confident 'hm' left the silver-haired man's lips, Genesis returned it with one of his own thinking he had the upper hand in this situation.

A quick slash from Sephiroth's blade caused Genesis to leap backwards in order to escape it. The fight was back on however before his feet barely touched the ground. They parried and blocked each others blows before the silver haired man started to really start taking his opponent seriously after they had locked blades for the second time. Not soon after the red head was jumping into the air to avoid an attack and Sephiroth was right behind him.

The battle continued in mid air, sparks flew every time their weapons clashed. One such hit sent Genesis hurtling back towards the ground that was now hundreds of feet away. Deciding to kick it up another notch his red gloved hand started to glow with an orange tint. Throwing his hand left and right he unleashed fireballs that were aimed at his opponent. Sephiroth managed to deflect the few that were heading directly for him, and then they broke apart into smaller spheres continuing right past him. With another wave of his hand Genesis had them all turn around and once again target the silver haired man.

Sephiroth was able to block a few projectiles before they over came him and he became engulfed by them. Aiming to finish the fight Genesis drew back his brightly glowing hand. It was now clear that this was a fight to the death. Just as he was about to cast it towards his opponent Angeal foiled his plan.

"Stop! You'll destroy us all!" he said evenly trying to make his friend see sense. The only response he received was for Genesis to latch his glowing hand onto Angeal's face.

"That's no way to talk to a hero!" Genesis yelled angrily as fire exploded on the raven haired man's face sending him hurtling towards the ground. Turning his attention back to Sephiroth he barely had time to deflect the slash of energy heading directly for him. Several more followed immediately afterwards in quick succession all of which he was able to counter easily.

Landing back on the platform on which the battle had begun Genesis vaulted backwards to avoid another slash that sliced clean through the platform. Sephiroth landed on the falling piece of metal smirking victoriously as he disappeared from view.

Then without warning a flurry of slashes tore apart the closest part of the platform to him. Once again Genesis leapt backwards as the silver haired man followed his attacks flying towards the slowly retreating red head.

Their intense battle continued as though they were unaware of their quickly deteriorating surroundings. Genesis was now officially on the defensive against Sephiroth as he blocked and parried all of the man's vicious blows. One such attack sent him flying backwards hitting a block of metal, and flipping him over to land skidding to a stop on his feet. Growling he looked up to gauge Sephiroth's position, which was above him and incoming.

Once more Genesis ran a hand along his blade infusing it with so much magic power it glowed so bright it almost hurt to look at. Without time for the slightest hesitation he once again clashed with the almighty Sephiroth.

A brilliant white light engulfed them both as raw power fizzled through the air, and crackled around them. As the light continued to pulse with pure raw energy a sound like tearing fabric could just barely be heard above the din. Slowly the bright light became engulfed by a black hole that started from its center and Genesis could only watch with a mix of awe and horror as he was pulled towards it. He was unable to tear his eyes away from the anomaly as he heard the sound of a body slam sickeningly into a metal wall. From what he could gather it seemed to be a tear in the fabric of reality or that's what he assumed at least, and inside was a black nothingness. This was the last thing Genesis saw of it before he was forcfully hauled inside.


Pure unadulterated agony was all he felt for what seemed like was an eternity. It felt as though his body was being torn apart cell by cell right down to his very DNA. His mouth was open in a silent scream but no words would justify how much pain he was feeling in this moment of time.

Then just as suddenly as it had started his suffering vanished as he hit a hard unmovable substance. In sync with the loud thump that was him hitting the floor a young woman shot upright in bed.

Edit: Well I hope that was a bit better I went through and fixed up a lot of my errors and added in some more detail where I felt it was necessary as well as taking some out that wasn't lol. I will be going through the whole story and editing the chapters so just be patient with me while I do XDD

Well there you go another story started. As of yet I'm not completely devoted to updating this story From the Ashes is my main priority, but reviews may cahnge that! Please leave one if you like it so far! Unfortunately this chapter is not completely from my mind the vast majority of it is taken from a part in Crisis Core I just put a little twist on it :3.

Treats to whoever correctly guesses as to what happened to Genesis!