Summary: Oneshot. After a mission, Alex visits Brecons Beacons once more. Chaos ensues.

Disclaimer: Of course I own Alex Rider. That's why I'm writing fanfiction. Lol, jks! I don't own anything. *sobs*

To my first ever reviewer, Fearlee, I thank you so much XD! I feel so appreciated and I hope to write more. Be aware that I will not publish anything until it is finished. It might take a while.

Causing Chaos

Alex walked into the Royal and General, dripping with water and wearing a scowl on his face. How he hated missions in tropical places. Sure, the sapphire blue seas and golden beaches were nice, but after getting bitten by swarms of insects and forced to swim between hoards of jellyfish, Alex no longer found himself excited at the prospect of going to an exotic location for a mission. No, it was the good old snow, wind and ice that did it for him.

As he continued to the lifts, he was greeted by the receptionist who had been working there long enough to realise that he had a right to be there. She smiled at him and pressed the button that would send the lifts down to him.

Alex walked into Blunt's office, placed the report he had written of his latest mission on the desk and sat down in the chair facing the two heads, trying not to get the chair too wet , not that he cared. In fact, it might actually teach them a lesson – never send Alex to tropical places.

Mr Blunt scanned the report quickly and gave Alex one of his rare smiles of pride and approval. Over time, Alex had gotten close to his two bosses, especially since Jack had died. They had provided him with a place to stay and tutors when he had been kicked out of school. He suspected that they knew about Tom's knowledge of his 'job', but he never mentioned it as he didn't want to sound ungrateful for their leniency in allowing Tom to know without having to sign The Official Secrecy Act.

After the complimentary enquiry of his wellbeing and praises on his clean and efficient achievement, Blunt put the file down and started talking. "Today, the Sergeant of Brecon Beacons called us. It seems his recruits are getting lazy and believe they have…" a slight pause, "…seen it all. He requested an agent that could wake them up as well as give them an insight into having a job with Special Operations. We believe you would be suitable for this task, as you are very experienced with guns and MI6. You have also gone through many things that most normally would not. The seminar is planned for today at 1200 hours. Transport is provided. Do you accept?"

Alex thought for a moment, pondering the task. Then, after a few moments of comfortable silence, he replied. "Yes."

"Very well," Blunt said and leaned back. "You may go now."

Alex looked at the time, saw he had just enough time to get changed, and walked out the door.

"The soldiers are going to have a very big surprise," Mrs Jones finally said, and Alan Blunt allowed a small smile to grace his face and nodded.

Alex walked out of the bank wearing some black combat pants, a black long sleeved shirt, a black windcheater and the dog tags he wore whenever he wasn't on a mission. He'd had a shower, but hadn't been able to get the dye out of his hair, so it was black with green tips. Damn Smithers for his permanent hair dye! He also hadn't had enough time to go down to Smithers, so he had a pierced ear, with an earring that would explode if he didn't remove it properly. He looked around, found the official black army jeep that would take him to the place he had trained for a week in and started walking towards it. He smirked when he caught sight of his reflection in the tinted glass. Even if the soldiers didn't listen, he could still teach them not to judge a book by its cover when they were lectured by a teen dressed like an emo.

The new recruits looked up as a teen with badly died black hair with green tips and a pierced ear burst through the door. They looked even more confused as he was greeted by the veteran soldiers, such as K Unit and started looking angry when he made his way up to where the guest speakers were. Alex found his seat near the edge of the podium and sat down. He was beginning to think this would be fun.

The other guest speakers looked at him for a moment in confusion, but dismissed him when they noticed that the Sergeant was still introducing them all. "…Agent Black from MI5 who will talk to you about how to deal with civilians and Agent Rider, or Cub, who will end this seminar with a lecture on guns and working undercover."

At this, many of the soldiers and guest speakers who hadn't met Alex before looked shocked. They all wondered why a kid would be giving them a speech on guns when he probably wasn't even out of school yet. However, they swallowed their protests when the Sergeant gave Alex a smile and sat down.

After an hour of mind numbing speeches by the other speakers, Alex stood up and walked to the lectern. He had used the time wisely, mentally writing his speech and daydreaming about food. He cleared his throat and began. "The most commonly used gun among soldiers is….."

After he had given a detailed speech on guns, he looked around and noticed that most of the men in the hall were sitting stunned by his knowledge. Deciding to use this to his advantage, he continued. "When working undercover, it is crucial to remain…."

At the end of his speech, he smirked at the soldiers sitting in amazed rapture. Deciding to have a little fun, he started again, whispering confidentially, "And of course, the most important thing, spoken by the renowned Agent Moody himself, is….." The soldiers leaned forwards to hear these softly spoken words of wisdom.

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" he yelled into the microphone.

Alex smiled gleefully at their alarmed expressions, stifling his laughter as 'Agent Black' whipped out his gun, eyes wide with shock. He couldn't help laughing though, when the Sergeant pointed his rifle at Agent Black when he noticed the gun.

Ah, the sweet joys of causing chaos.