all right, so this a skip a day update cause i watched fringe last night! Anyway i hope i didn't keep many people waiting! i'm trying to write as i go and so far i've got the creative juices going and what not, anyway, here we go! oh AND THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO REVIEW! you guys are my lifeline.

Summary: Things are weird. REALLY weird.

Warnings. M. yes, M.

Spoilers: None.

Disclaimer: I OWN nothing! :(

There was a knock at the door. Peter wasn't fully awake but he heard the pound, followed by an accented 'hello?' Groaning, for he didn't want to move away from Olivia, Peter gathered the sheet up and wrapped it around his hips, gathering it in the front. Trailing the sheet with him he staggered his way into the front room and peered out the window, just as a smaller tan man peered in. He unlocked the door with a grumble and squinted into the light at the man.

"Oh hello," he said, "You miss your dinner reservations last night."

"Yes," Peter answered, rubbing his hand over his chest, "We must have gotten a bit busy."

"All right sir, would you like for us to move them up to tonight?"

"Um," Peter said, hearing Olivia stir, "No, no thanks. I'm all right."

"All right then," he answered, "Your breakfast is here."

Peter almost groaned, but realized that he was quite hungry and stepped aside, watching Olivia wander down the steps into the front room dressed in only his shirt. He felt his heart pick up pace and his body stir, luckily being able to hide it in the large wrap of the sheet that was gathered in his hand. Olivia wandered up behind him and placed a kiss on his shoulder before looking around him as the man brought in the breakfast tray.

"Rico?" she said, looking confused. The man, drawn back by the name, smiled shyly at her.

"No miss," he answered, "My name is Antonio."

"No, no, you are Rico," Olivia insisted. She knew the man. He'd served her drinks before. Peter, smiling ruefully at Antonio, turned around and grasped Olivia to him, smiling.

"It's all right," he whispered, kissing her forehead, "Thank you sir."

"Yes sir," the man said quickly before ducking out of the villa as fast as he could.

Olivia turned her big green upset eyes on Peter, twisting away from his grasp and sitting down to eat. She draped her legs over the arm of the couch and looked away from him, angry. Peter sighed and stared at her.

"Liv?" he said, calling her name. She did not respond to him.

"Olivia," he said, this time moving around to drop into the chair across from her.

"His name is Rico," she said flatly, "He served me drinks on the beach."

"Okay," Peter said slowly, unsure why they were even having this fight. Was it a fight?

Olivia gave him a look that made him almost positive they were fighting.

"Maybe he's his brother or something-"

"No," Olivia said, shaking her head, "It's the same man, I remember."

Peter picked up a waffle and placed it on his plate, drowning it in syrup. The silence was heavy and unwelcome, but Peter had no reason to argue with her. He'd never seen the man before in his life. Olivia looked at him from the side and he looked up to see her, her innocent expression masking's something else in her eyes. She wasn't mad at him. He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Okay, all right," he said after a moment of looking at each other that way, "What is it?"

Olivia picked up a strawberry and ate it in front of him, shrugging. She swung her legs back over the arm of the chair one at a time, giving him a good long chance to see the she wasn't wearing anything underneath his shirt. He felt the movement underneath the sheet that he had wrapped around his waist. She stood up and sauntered back into the bedroom. Intrigued, Peter stood and followed her, watching as she bent over the bed to start making it.

"Can I have the sheet back?" she asked in a saucy voice. Peter's single eyebrow raised and he smirked at her, dropping the sheet to give to her.

"Come and get it," he replied, letting it pool around his feet. Olivia looked up at him and looked down at him, biting her lip and heading over to him, crouching down and grabbing the sheet. She watched his face as she touched him, his eyes growing wide and watching as he rocked back on his feet. She pumped her hand down on him and then stood up, eyes level with his, her hand not yet letting go.

"Yes?" Olivia asked, seeing the question in his eyes.

"Do you regret what we did? What we're about to do?" he asked, unbuttoning the three buttons that held his shirt on her.

"Nope," she answered, smiling, "But let's kill to birds with one stone, okay? I'll meet you in the shower."

Oh God, the shower. It was Peter's one weakness. With all the women he's been with, the ones he remember the most are the ones that showered with him. It was like his biggest turn on. She winked at him and twisted away, stripping his shirt like a ballerina, just as she turned the corner. Groaning aloud, he followed her into the shower.

They wandered down the beach, hand in hand around 4 in the afternoon. It had taken them a good hour in the shower and a good hour to get into clothes after that. But Peter was finally dressed in white shorts and an open white shirt while Olivia dressed in her brown bikini and lime wrap. Olivia kicked up the waves with her toes, smiling the whole time while Peter looked out over the resort. Everything seemed perfectly at ease, like it was the perfect vacation for the perfect couple. Peter was just day dreaming about life when he felt a bit of sand hit him in the face.

"Hey!" he said, looking over at Olivia who looked incredibly innocent. Too innocent.

"Hmm?" she said. Before she could say anything else Peter had picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder, running her into the waves at full speed. Bounding over the splashes as they rolled in, Peter laughed as Olivia pounded his back. He went to drop her but she pulled him with her, the both of them tumbling into the waves together.

Peter came up out of the water laughing, followed by Olivia, brushing her hair from her face. She looked at Peter and playfully hit him on the chest, smiling at him. He brushed a strand from her face and stared into her eyes, mesmerized. Suddenly he dipped his head low and kissed her sweetly and gently, holding back nothing for her. She kissed him back and smiled as he pulled away, staring into her deep green pools of love.

"I'm glad you agreed to come," he said smiling.

"Me too," she said, her body turning towards shore. Suddenly she stopped. Peter looked at her and was about to ask why but followed her eyes and looked up at the resort.

"Does something look….off?" Olivia said, tilting her head. Peter looked at the building, hard.

"No," he said after a while, "No. Why?"

"Something's wrong," Olivia said, heading towards the resort, "Listen Peter, listen."

And he did, he listened, hard.

"I don't hear anything," he said finally.

"Exactly!" Olivia said, "It's 4 in the afternoon and there's no one around. No one."

Peter shook his head, "What are you saying."

"I'm saying I haven't seen anyone here, this whole time. That's a little strange."

"There are people here Olivia," Peter said, looking at her, "We partied with them two nights ago."

"Can you remember that?" Olivia asked, whirling around.

"No, but that's because we drank-"

"Exactly! I can't remember anything about that place. Nothing."

"Olivia, you're overreacting," Peter rationalized, "We're on vacation on a secluded Island, we aren't supposed to see anyone."

"But I'm not," Olivia said, looking at him with hard eyes, "I'm serious."

"Okay," Peter said, "Look, tomorrow night we'll go out and meet people and not drink anything, okay?"

Olivia sighed and looked at her toes. She was sure something was amiss.


But something didn't sit right with her and she was sure of it.