Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or Little House on the Prairie…I just wanted to play with the characters a little.

A/N ~~This story was inspired by the hawt pics of RPattz while he was filming Water for Elephants. Farmward looked pretty in his work clothes…which led me to think of LHotP…which made me want to put Edward on the Prairie…and this is what I came up with. I realize that things were chaste during Prairie times, but you never knew what really went on behind closed doors.

Twilight on the Prairie

"Good mornin', Half-Pint," I heard Pa say in a gruff voice. "Come on, now, Bella. Wake up, sleepy head."

My pa Charlie was kicking the end of my bed as he tried to rouse me from my coma-like slumber, so I rolled over and grunted at him. "I'm up Paw. Just give me a minute."

He reached down and squeezed my toes through the thick quilt before leaving my room and stomping down the hall to my Brother Emmett's room. As I extricated myself from the warm covers, I huffed in frustration. "Just once I would like to sleep in past the crack of dawn."

But, such is life on the prairie.

I quickly threw my clothes on and headed downstairs to start breakfast. Since my ma Renee died, I had taken over most of the household chores; cooking was priority one. Between my ox of a brother and the field hands, I had my work cut out for me when it came to meal time. I was either preparing for, serving, or cleaning up after meals for most of the day. It was hard work, but nothing compared to what they had to do on the farm, so I couldn't complain. If I was honest with myself, I'd have to admit that I actually enjoyed taking care of all of them… especially Edward.

Edward Masen, the adopted son of Doc Cullen and his wife Esme, was one of my father's summer farm hands. He'd come home from college for the summer and was working the land with my family. Our small community was like that; we all helped each other out. And even though Edward and his twin sister Alice were "privileged," they were not afraid of hard work.

Although Edward was studying to become a physician, his father, Carlisle, supported his desire to help us out on the farm during school breaks instead of working in the medical clinic with his dad. Doc Cullen considered it to be another type of "education" that would help Edward become a well-rounded member of society.

Whatever the reason, I was just glad Edward was around.

He and my brother Emmett had been friends forever. Heck, Edward was practically a part of the family. Growing up, he spent every spare minute with us. We would all work side-by-side to get our chores done so we could swim and fish down at the river. Even though I was friends with his sister Alice, she didn't enjoy mud fights and baiting hooks like I did. I was a tom-boy, through-and-thorough, so I ended up being a third wheel, tagging along behind Emmett and Edward wherever they chose to go.

When my Ma died suddenly a couple of years ago, Edward was heartbroken just like we were. And when I broke down crying after the funeral, it was Edward who comforted me.

Pa had shut himself off to deal with the pain, and I didn't want to burden Emmett, so I decided to sneek out to the barn to be alone. I'd always found refuge there when something was bothering me, and I'd slept many a night in the hay as I grew up. It wasn't uncommon for Ma to come and wake me up in the loft surrounded by my many cats. But this night was different because I knew that my ma would not be coming to wake me in the morning.

As I made my way to the loft, I was distraught not only because of Ma's death, but also because of the impact it had on my plans for the future; my dream of studying to become a teacher would now be put on hold indefinitely. I was mourning the loss of my ma and my profession. Plus, I was overwhelmed with guilt for being so self-centered during this time of tragedy.

I was lying back in the hay crying when I heard the barn door squeak open. I sat up quickly and tried to wipe away the tears before my visitor found me. When I looked up a few moments later, I saw Edward standing above me with a pained look on his face. The moonlight shining through the stall door illuminated his chiseled features and made him look like an angel.

That night, he was my angel.

He sat with me, stroking my hair and giving me chaste kisses on the temple. He brushed the tears from my face and cradled me in his strong arms until I fell asleep. All these years he'd been like a brother to me, but that night, something changed between us.

When I woke up the next morning, I was startled to realize that I was draped over Edward with my head snuggled into his chest. Our legs were entangled and his face was nuzzled in my hair. I could feel his powerful hands gently rubbing my back as he hummed a contented yet mournful tune. I felt completely safe and protected in his arms.

When he realized that I was awake, his actions froze and his body stiffened beneath me. I could feel his accelerating heart beat under my cheek before I lifted my head and propped up to look at him. I met his anxious eyes with a relaxed stare before I brought my hand up to stroke his face with my fingertips. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as I felt his arms tighten around my waist. When his eyes met mine once again, the worry from before had been replaced with an emotion that I couldn't identify.

I cupped his cheek in my hand and whispered, "What's wrong?"

I couldn't tell if he was going to cry or if he was angry with me as he shook his head back and forth. He wouldn't answer me. I was confused because I'd never seen Edward in such a state.

I started to get upset, thinking I'd done something wrong.

Had I hurt him in some way?

As the tears welled up in my eyes, his face softened and he said, "Please, don't cry, Bella." He released my waist and brought one hand up to cover mine on his face. As his mesmerizing green eyes held me captive, he rubbed my hand across his cheek before bringing my palm to his lips. The contrast in sensation gave me chill bumps—hard calloused fingers gripping my hand while soft tender lips brushed against my palm.

My entire body began to flush as Edward tickled my palm with his lips. I had never, ever felt such a sensation. I could feel a tingling purr vibrate across my chest as my nipples hardened like I was outside in the cold. The sensation traveled down my body and settled between my legs, pulsing. I felt like I couldn't catch my breath. I sucked in a gulp of air and stared at his beautiful face as he kissed my palm gently.

I swallowed hard and panted, "Edward… I'm scared." I wasn't even sure what I was scared of, but the emotions and responses that were brewing in my body were foreign and alarming.

He pulled his lips away and released my hand before he grabbed me by the waist. He sat up and pulled me, my knees scraping across the floor, until I was left kneeling at his side. He leaned in to me and placed his hands on either side of my face. His eyes darted back and forth across my face as he tried to get the words out.

"Bella, I… don't be scared. I-I would never hurt you. Please. don't think—"

I interrupted him when I placed my hands on his face, mirroring his position, and whispered, "I trust you, Edward. I'm not scared of you; I'm scared of me." He let out a labored sigh as he whispered my name and brought his forehead to mine.

We sat on the dirty floor, panting and holding that position until we heard the rooster crow, signaling the start of a new day.

When we pulled away from each other, Edward looked panicked. He dropped his gaze to the floor and said, "Bella, please forgive me. I-I feel terrible for…I didn't mean—"

I had to stop his faltering words, so I placed my fingers under his chin and lifted his head. When our eyes met, I shook my head slightly and said, "Edward, you have given me a most precious gift. I felt lost and alone last night, and you found me. You eased my pain just by being here with me. Please, please…don't take it away by showing regret."

His eyes blazed into mine momentarily before he lunged forward and grabbed me, pulling me into a tight embrace and burrowing his face in my neck. He breathed in so hard that I could feel the air pull across my skin and hair. His breath sent shivers up my spine as his hold on me was unyielding. I was reveling in the contact when he whispered, "I don't regret anything. I just want to be close to you. I've always wanted to be close to you, Bella."

As tears pricked the corners of my eyes, I was only able to squeak out, "Me, too.'

After that day, things changed on the prairie.

Our family routine was turned upside down when Ma died. I took on all the household responsibilities and did my best to fill her shoes. I'd always helped around the house, but I never realized the enormity of her job. I was overwhelmed. Gone were my afternoons to fish or laze by the river and read. My "chores" were never ending and my responsibilities were countless—cook, clean, gather eggs, cook, mend clothes, feed the animals, cook, wash clothes, purchase supplies, hang clothes, and cook again.

Repeat and repeat.

Those first few weeks were tough. We were still in silent shock, but that didn't keep the festering emotions that were looming right under the skin from erupting at times. The most prominent emotion was anger. My poor pa struggled with his internal fury over the loss of his soul mate. And, since I was the one that took her place in the domestic realm, I took the brunt of his ire.

Bottom line: He was used to his partner doing things a certain way and I wasn't his partner. We both had to adjust.

During this transition time, Edward was not around very much. I wondered if he stayed away because of our connection in the barn or because of Pa's adjustment issues. Either way, I missed him in a way that I never had before. In the past, I was always happy to see him when he came to visit, but I'd never yearned for his presence. Now, I found myself longing for his companionship.

I soon realized that I had taken for granted that he would always be there, just like I had with Ma.

With each new day, things started to settle down. Our new daily routine was getting easier and the reckless emotions that had been barreling through our family like a runaway train were finally slowing down. Tempers were tamed. Tears dried up. Life continued.

A few weeks later, I was in the side yard hanging clothes on the line when I heard a familiar voice.


A smile started to spread across my face until I realized that he and Emmett were getting the poles together to go fishing.


I felt my face getting red as I starting slinging the clothes over the line in frustration. They got to go fishing while I was stuck here finishing the laundry and getting dinner ready. I resented the hell out of it!

I fumed and huffed and puffed as I continued to empty the basket until I heard someone gently clear his throat behind me. I stopped mid-huff and my laundry tossing wavered momentarily when I realized Edward was behind me. I wondered if he witnessed my tantrum. I was frozen in my spot next to the line, arms up, hands holding a pillow case as I heard him move closer. I was scared to turn around and face him.

He chuckled, "What did that laundry ever do to you?"

His snide comment just cut me to the bone and my pent-up anger unleashed in the form of tears. The tears infuriated me even more because I had never acted like such… a-a girl.

As soon as Edward realized I was crying, he rushed to me, yanked the pillow case from my hands, and tossed it back in the basket. He grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to look into his eyes. Through my tears, I could see the concern on his face as he said, "I'm sorry, Bella. I was just messing around."

I nodded and let my eyes fall to the ground. His grasp on my shoulders tightened and he shook me gently. "Hey, look at me. What's wrong?"

I shook my head side to side and whispered, "Where have you been? Ma died and you just disappeared. It's been so hard."

He released my shoulders and pulled me into his arms. I immediately felt a sense of contentment that had been absent since our night in the barn. He began whispering words of comfort in my ear as we swayed back and forth. He explained that his father had told him to give our family some time to adjust, so he had been staying away. He apologized for his absence and promised to be there for us from that point forward.

I believed him.

When he released me, I wiped my eyes and gave him a reassuring smile before I started hanging the clothes again. I was completely taken aback when he started helping me. I had never seen a man doing "woman's work" before.

I looked at him and questioned, "What are you doing? I thought you were going fishing?"

About that time, Emmett rounded the corner of the house and yelled, "Come on, Edward. The fish are waitin'." Emmett paused when he saw Edward hanging the clothes and laughed, "What the heck are you doing, man?"

Edward continued helping me and called Emmett over. "Emmett, we need to help Bella finish this so she can go to the river with us."

Much to my surprise, Emmett walked over and started helping, too. I tried to tell them that they should just go ahead and leave because I still had other chores to finish, plus dinner to cook.

It was Emmett that said, "Well, let's get the chores finished and go catch some fish. We'll cook up the fish for dinner when we get back."

I'd never felt so loved in my entire life.

As the weeks turned into months, my day-to-day routine became more manageable. Edward, being true to his word, was around almost daily helping out in any way he could. I noticed that Edward was more attentive of my needs, and a little more affectionate. He would touch my hair and smooth out the fly-aways or grab my elbow as we walked side by side. In the past, our interactions had been boisterous and playful, but now they were gentle and tender. I could feel the change between us, and I was becoming more and more dependent on him physically and emotionally. He was my rock.

He had convinced Pa and Emmett that I needed a break once in a while to just "be," so about once a week, I would take a couple of hours to read or swim or just lay by the river and relax. On one such occasion, I was nestled under a tree reading when I heard someone approaching. I was relieved when I saw Edward marching toward me with a bag in his hand. He plopped down beside me and pulled some cookies out of the bag.

With a smile, he handed me one and said, "These are from Esme. She thought you might like a treat."

I put my book to the side and thanked him for the sweet gesture. We sat in silence and ate cookies, just enjoying the moment. I realized that we hadn't been alone since that night in the barn and I started to get a little nervous. It was obvious that our relationship had changed, but we had never talked about it.

I was trying to figure out a way to bring the subject up when Edward broke the silence. "You know, I have to leave for college in a few weeks."

I felt a lump develop in my throat as he looked up at me through his lashes. I swallowed hard and fought to hold back the tears. I had to look away as my heart broke into pieces in my chest.

I could feel his movement beside me before I felt his hand touch my cheek. As he turned my face to his, I could see that his eyes were glistening too. He gently stroked my face and whispered, "I have to tell you something. I don't want you to get mad, but I feel like I have to say it before I leave." He paused and looked to the sky before taking a deep breath and expelling it quickly. When he looked at me again, I could smell his sweet cookie breath drifting between us. I was anxious to hear the words he was struggling to compose when they suddenly rushed out of his mouth. "I love you, Bella."

I stared at him in awe as he continued, "I know that it's inappropriate to have these feelings, seeing as how you're my best friend's sister, but I couldn't leave without telling you how I feel."

I was stunned by his admission, but also relieved that my love for him was not unrequited. I had loved him forever, but had fallen in love with him that night in the barn. My shattered heart mended as I met his gaze and said, "Edward, I love you, too."

The glorious smile that erupted across his face melted my mended heart. He let out a sigh and started chuckling as he grabbed my face in his hands. "You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that. I have been torturing myself trying to figure out how to tell you. I kept picturing you running away from me screaming that I was sick… or depraved."

I placed my hands over his and gazed into his eyes before I whispered, "I could never run away from you; you're perfect. You've always had my heart, Edward, and now you have my soul."

His chuckling stopped abruptly as his eyes darkened and searched my face. My pulse started to race as I realized what he was searching for… the courage to kiss me.

I could tell that he was struggling to work up the nerve to do it as he sighed over and over and the pressure of his hands on my face increased. I removed my hands from his and placed them on his shoulders before moistening my lips with my tongue. I glanced down at his full lips and told him with my eyes that I wanted it, too.

Please, just kiss me.

He inched his way closer to me and pulled my face to his. As our lips hovered, and I inhaled his breath with each of my gasps for air, I could feel my desperation for him grow.

Finally, after holding our position for what seemed like forever, he gave me my first kiss.

The moment his soft, full lips touched mine, a flushing pulsing wave rolled through my body and set me on fire. His gentle caresses across my panting lips were exquisite torture as my body craved more. I tried to hold back. I tried to be a good girl and enjoy the chaste kiss, but my hands betrayed me and wound up through his hair pulling him closer to me. When I opened my mouth slightly, he responded by sucking my lower lip into his mouth. The taste of cookies was still on his tongue as it traced along the inside of my lip.

As our kiss deepened, I felt him lower me to the ground. Our bodies were radiating heat like the mid-day sun as he probed my mouth with his succulent tongue. Our bodies were pressed together and our hands were roaming covered flesh as we lost ourselves in the shade of the tree. The pulsing between my legs grew in intensity when I felt his manhood stiff against my thigh. I could feel him grind against my thigh with every thrust of his tongue in my mouth, and all I could think about was how it would feel between my legs.

Just as I was about to combust from the need for friction, he pulled back from the kiss and hovered over me. I whimpered like a wanton hussy wanting more as he reined in his passion and replace his fiery tongue with chaste kisses to my cheek, my eyelids, and then my temple. I fixed my eyes on him as he then gently caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

After a few minutes, when our heavy breathing had subsided, he asked, "Will you be mine, Bella? I-I mean, will you wait for me?"

With adoring lips, I answered, "I would wait for you forever, Edward."


The months after he left were hard on me. I'd grown accustomed to his emotional support and his loving presence, so the days without him were lonely and long. His brief visits during school breaks did nothing but billow my need for him, but I counted the days until his next visit nonetheless. While my mine knew that I had to be patient and support him from afar while he was in school, my heart wanted to beg him to stay and never leave me again.

I learned to cherish the occasional letter that I received from him. The paper wore thin on a few of them because I'd read them over and over and over. The last one I received gave the date of his return for summer break.

Edward was coming home.


Edward had been home from school for two weeks and had fallen back into a familiar routine at our house. He would always come over for breakfast before toiling in the fields with Emmett and Pa. He was a hardworking man who earned the respect of those around him. Because of his earnest efforts and genuine nature, my family had accepted our budding relationship. My Dad had always embraced him as a son and Emmett already considered him a brother, but Edward and I still breathed a sigh of relief when we were given their blessing.

As I made my way into the kitchen to start breakfast, I found myself anxious to see him, as always. I had just finished rolling out the biscuits when I heard him come through the door. I glanced over my shoulder and took in his tall lean frame. He had changed—matured—during his time away. His body had filled out and he looked more like a man than a boy. I caught myself ogling him and turned back to the task at hand as I blushed uncontrollably. I felt him come up behind me before he placed a chaste kiss on my cheek.

I cleaned my hands on the dish towel and turned to greet him when I realized he was kneeling on the floor in front of me. I gasped and put my hands to my face when I realized what he was doing.

He grabbed my left hand in his and held a ring in the other. As tears welled up in my eyes, I heard the words from his mouth. "Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment of forever. Would you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?"

As joyful tears fell from my eyes, I choked out a "yes" through quivering lips. He slipped the diamond on my finger and stood in front of me beaming with joy.

He pulled me into his arms and nuzzled his face into my neck as he whispered, "I couldn't wait for forever."