Hi, everyone! Before you get all excited, this isn't the next chapter of Temptations... more of like an update of what's going to happen. I wanted to get the next chapter out but my computer crashed with all of my files (not only Temptations) but also tons of other stories/ideas that I had thought of. I lost motivation to write for a long time but now, recently, I've been slowly trying to get back into Bleach and also writing fan-fiction. Some of you might have noticed a writer here that has similar skills called "a_ntiivirus". She is actually me! XD
I've started a new story called "Infected" which is a horror series that I will be continuing but I am also working on the new release of Tempations in a whole different AU setting and much, much more IchiHime moments that I know you will love to see! So, what I'm asking you is to unsubscribe to me here and subscribe to my new account, please. I'll be uploading some new one-shots there, as well so I hope you don't mind doing this for me? :)
Anyways, I want to thank every one of you for the support you've given to me and I hope you'll follow me on my account! The link is fanfiction(dot)net/~antiivirus , just put a period where the (dot) is and no parentheses. I'll also put the link on my profile so you can go there, as well. :) Whoever follows me on my new account, you have my thanks and I will be taking requests once I get the first chapter of the New!Temptations up. Thanks everyone and I'm sorry for making you do this! I hope everyone's doing great and let's cross our fingers for more IchiHime moments this year!