Author's note: Rated T but some of the subject matter can be Rated M. This is a continuation of my other story 'Remember Me'. So if you haven't read that before this, you should check it out! Please? :-) Anyway enjoy.

Chapter 1 Momma Misa

"Wow…" was all Nick could say after his love-fest with Macy. He was still trying to catch his breath because it seemed that Macy had been storing up some hidden pent-up energy since he just laid there for most of the time while Macy did most of the work.

"Yeah…wow," Macy agreed. She couldn't believe how active she was with Nick.

"And all that for that promise ring," Nick sighed contently. They were both still amazed by how satisfied they felt. They found great comfort with just lying next to each other on her bed in each other's embrace and they would have stayed like that for awhile longer until Nick noticed Macy's eyes grow wide with horror. "What is it, Mace?"

"My mom," was all she said when he too heard a car door slam shut from the street below.

"Shit! I think she came back early from my aunt's place!" Macy exclaimed as she quickly got up to put her clothes back on. "Nick! Hurry you need to get dress."

But the boy was already half-way into his trousers when they both heard the front door open.

"Macy! I'm home!" called Mrs. Misa. "Can you help me put some stuff away in the fridge. Your Auntie Jane cooked a feast for us!"

Macy was almost done buttoning up her blouse and Nick was finish putting on his cardigan when they both hurriedly went down the stairs to meet her mom.

"Nick?" her mom said curiously. She was surprised to see him there.

"Hi, Mrs. Misa," Nick greeted her while he did his best to hide his nervousness. "How are you doing today –um- I mean tonight?"

But Macy's mother didn't answer. Instead, her eyes narrowed with suspicion as she looked at him and her daughter. Macy knew that look so she quickly added, "Nick just came over to get a book he wanted to read."

She looked at the book she brought down with her as her excuse and sadly it was her limited edition book of Jonas Memorabilia. Great. Out of all the books she could have grabbed she chose this one…

"Yeah," as Nick received the book from her. "T-that's right. Thanks Macy. I just needed to see this…um…book about me and my brothers to…uh…know how the marketing of our merchandise is representing the band."

Macy nodded her head excitedly with agreement.

"Yeah. I say they are doing a great job, if I do say so myself," Macy piped in as she nervously looked at her mom.

But Mrs. Misa did not say anything at all. She knew better because she recognized that glow her daughter had on her cheeks. It was the same look she had when she made that miserable attempt to convince her that her hickey was a mosquito bite. But she excused her after that first incident because she knew her daughter wouldn't do anything stupid anymore. However, now she could not ignore the fact that not only did her child as well as Nick have that same glow about them but their hair was noticeably disheveled. And it might be his personal choice, but Mrs. Misa highly doubts that Nick Lucas, of the band Jonas, chose to freely wear pink lip-gloss which was smeared unevenly on his lips.

Macy and Nick exchanged a nervous glance.

"Well, I'll see you in school tomorrow," Nick said quickly and he was about to kiss her on the cheek but due to the tense situation he smartly chose otherwise and instead awkwardly, shook her hand.

Once he was gone, Macy needed to do some serious damage control. She grabbed the food packages that her mom brought home from her aunt's house.

"Yummy! These smell delicious," Macy said quickly. "Why did Auntie Jane cook so much for us anyway?"

But her mother didn't seem to want to engage in any conversation with her. Instead, she went up the stairs and Macy followed her. She knew she was going to hear it. When they reached their apartment, instead of making a left towards the kitchen, Mrs. Misa went the other way towards Macy's room. Macy tried to out run her but she blocked her path.

"Mom!" Macy cried out because she was afraid that she was going to open her door. "Wait…I can explain…"

But it was too late because once her mother opened the door the evidence was there. Mrs. Misa knew Nick didn't just come to pick up a book because if that was the case, then why were Macy's bed-sheets crumpled on her bed?

"I can't believe this," her mother muttered under her breath.

"It's ...uh…not what you think," Macy said feebly because she knew this was a losing battle.

Her mother wasn't paying her any attention as she began rummaging through her stuff.

Macy could feel her whole body go numb.

"W-what are you looking for m-mom?" she asked her nervously.

She was looking under her mattress and under her pillows but it wasn't there. She needed to confirm her suspicions and when her mother was about to open the drawer to her side-table Macy loudly yelled, "NO!"

Because there it was…an opened box of condoms.

This time Macy was left speechless because there was no way she could get herself out of this one.

Her mom stood in her room for awhile looking at the box. Macy couldn't read her expression. She never saw her look like that before.

She dropped the box on the floor and as she passed Macy on her way out of the room she said severely, "I'm so disappointed in you."

To say Macy felt so ashamed would be an understatement because she never saw her mother look at her like that before. And it only got even more tense that night when Liam came home from his soccer game. Her brother who was usually clueless about everything could even sense that something was definitely wrong.

"What did you do?" he asked her.

But Macy kept her mouth shut because she didn't want her younger brother to know what she and Nick have been doing these past couple of months. Macy tried to talk to her mom but she would just get up and leave and whenever she tried speaking to her, her mom would immediately start having a conversation with Liam. It was impossible to get her to even look at her. It was like she didn't exist.

"What is the matter with you, Mace?" Stella asked Macy the next day in school. "You're so out of it."

Macy spent the entire day sulking around in school while everyone else seemed to be reveling in the fact that school was almost done and summer was near. The petite brunette was in noticeably lower spirits and didn't seem to be speaking much to anyone which alarmed her best friend.

"Stella, my mom found out," she whispered to her as she looked around to make sure no one was listening to her conversation.

"About what?"

Macy wasn't comfortable about saying it out loud so she gave her a look that she hoped that Stella would understand. She wanted to take advantage of the fact that they shared a special best friend/ sister bond that transcended verbal communication but Stella wasn't utilizing this ability at that moment.

"What does that mean?" Stella asked her inquisitively as she copied the look Macy gave her.

"You know…" Macy repeated and this time she tried to emphasize the look again that gave the message that my mom found out Nick and I are doing it.

But Stella still couldn't figure it out so Macy after sighing loudly in frustration said in a barely audible whisper, "My mom knows that Nick and I are having sex."

"WHAT?" Stella cried out. "I thought you and Nick were careful about keeping that a secret. I mean when you told me last month that you and him were doing it, I didn't even believe it and I still partly can't believe it now because I just can't picture you guys doing that."

Macy stared at her in shock as a blush crept on her cheeks and said in a whisper, "You try picturing us doing that?"

"Oh, you know what I mean!" Stella said as she too felt herself blushing. "Anyway, how did she find out?"

"She went to my room and saw the evidence…"Macy said sheepishly. She could feel herself becoming as red as a tomato.

"She saw you and him IN THE ACT?" Stella almost cried out in horror.

"NO! And Stella please don't be so loud!" Macy said as she looked around hoping that no one was eaves dropping. "She saw my bed and the box of condoms we use."

"Oh my gosh, Mace," Stella said as she placed an arm around her. "I'm so sorry about that. How did she take it though?"

"Well, she won't even look at me and the last thing she said to me was that she was so disappointed in me," Macy replied gloomily. "I'm so ashamed for having her find out that way…and I didn't even tell Nick that she knows."

"You're going to have to tell him sooner or later because I highly doubt he will be welcome again into your house," Stella pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right," agreed Macy but a part of her wanted to keep it to herself because she didn't want to freak Nick out too much.

So at the end of the day, Macy waited for Nick after his last class. He was more than glad to see her because she seemed to be avoiding him throughout the day.

"Hey, Mace," he greeted her happily as he kissed her on the cheek.

"Nick, we need to talk," she said seriously.

"Okay," he said hesitantly because he didn't like the tone in her voice. He knew enough about relationships to know that the phrase we need to talk usually leads to something the other person wishes to avoid.

So they both went to the atrium and made sure no one was there.

"I'm so sorry about yesterday," Macy apologized. "I didn't know my mom was going to be back so soon."

"It's not your fault. If anything it's me who should be apologizing," Nick assured her. "I just hope you didn't get into too much trouble. She didn't suspect anything, right?"

"Well, that's the thing," Macy confessed. "Nick…she…um…knows why you were there."

"What?" Nick asked her disbelievingly. "How does she know? Did you tell her!"

"Of course not!" Macy retorted. "Why would you think I told her?"

"Then how does she know you and I had you know," Nick asked her questioningly. He could feel his cheeks burning up right now because the thought of her mom knowing about their sexual escapades was way too much for him to handle.

"She went into my room and saw my bed," Macy said quietly. "And she found the box of condoms we used."

"Shit…" was all Nick said. He put his arm around Macy to comfort her because she was visibly saddened by this. "How did she take it?"

"What do you think? She was so furious with me to the point that she won't even talk let alone look at me! I thought she was going to murder me in my sleep."

"Mace, I'm so sorry," Nick apologized. "Is there anything I can do?"

"The only thing I could think of is that you can't come to my place anymore."

"Of course, I won't come by," Nick admitted because he really didn't want to deal with the wrath of Mrs. Misa who just learned that he stole her daughter's innocence.

"And…I don't think I can be able to go with you on tour…" she said gloomily. She tried to hold back her tears but one escaped and so Nick held her tighter.

"Mace…really?" he said saddened by this fact. "I mean I guess that makes sense. But still…"

"I'm probably going to be grounded for life," Macy whined as she slumped against Nick. "I can't believe it…My life sucks right now."

Nick tried to rake his brain on how he can comfort his girlfriend but he too was depressed that she wouldn't be able to come on tour with him. What could they do?

They sat there together without saying anything because there really wasn't anything they both could offer to make them feel better about the situation. It must have been well past 5pm when they left school since the janitor kicked them out.

Nick walked her home but Macy made him stop midway so that her mom, whom she was sure would be watching, won't see him.

"Macy, if there's anything I can do to fix this, I would," Nick said before they parted ways.

"I know," Macy said depressed. "But I think this is going to take a while for this whole thing to blow over."

Nick could see the sadness in her eyes and he felt it too. He gave her a big hug.

"Just remember even when we're apart, I'll be thinking about you," Nick whispered into her ear.

"Same here," Macy whispered back.

Macy did not know what to expect when she reached home but the moment she arrived she felt the same amount of tension she experienced yesterday. If possible, she could have sworn it was more intense today.

"Macy Anne, please come in here," her mother called to her sternly from the living room.

Macy gulped because she knew this was going to be serious since she used her second name.

"Yes, mom."

"Sit down," she said indicated the chair in front of her. The moment she sat, Mrs. Misa laid it on her.

"What on earth do you think you are doing? To even do that with that boy! Do you know how much trouble you can get into? You can ruin your life! And just when you need to be concentrating on applying to college and getting athletic scholarships and academic scholarships! You're not the daughter I raised you up to be!

"Mom, I know you're upset but Nick and I are smart enough to take care of ourselves. And we are safe about-er- doing that. I mean—

"Are you listening to yourself? How is it safe for seventeen-year-olds to have sex?" her mother yelled. "He's a rock-star, Macy. He's not ready to have a serious relationship. He's just stringing you along—

"NO HE'S NOT!" Macy said angrily. She loved her mom but right now she was saying pretty offensive stuff about the boy she loves. "Nick and I love each other. He's not using me."

"Do you hear yourself? How naïve can you be? If you plan to get serious with some boy you need someone who has actual stable goals in his life like a doctor or lawyer, not an entertainer," her mother pointed out. "They just move from girl to girl—"

"I can't listen to this," Macy interrupted frustrated. "You're delusional. Nick is nothing like a typical rock-star. He's a gentleman."

"A gentleman doesn't take advantage of a pure innocent girl!" her mother yelled back.

"HE DIDN'T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME!"Macy yelled back and said freely without realizing the effects of her words. "I was the one who wanted to have sex with him. He never pressured me to do anything I didn't want to do."

Her mother's eyes went wide in shock. She couldn't believe what she had just said. This was not her daughter. She was a stranger to say the least.

"I don't know who you are anymore because you surely are not the daughter I thought you were," she said slowly. "I can't even look at you because are you really going to throw everything away for that boy? You have goals in life before you met him! Big goals! You can be a professional athlete or a phy-

"You know what mom? This is my life. I can do what I want," Macy answered her. "And even though Nick wasn't part of my life awhile ago, he is now and I would do anything for him."

"Are you saying you would throw everything away for that boy?"

"Yes. I would do it in a heart beat."

"Macy Anne, that boy is not good for you," her mother argued. "He's just using you until the next girl comes along. You need to break up with him or else-"

"OR else what, Mom? I can't listen to this anymore because you're telling me to give up the person I love the most," Macy said. "I can't do that. And if you can't accept him then it's fine because I love him. I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear but there's no way I'm letting Nick go. I'm done with this."

And even though she wanted to mend things with her mom, she now was the one who couldn't be in the same room as her. Her mother called her back but Macy stood up and walked to her room and slammed the door. She skipped dinner and cried herself to sleep until she heard a knocking on her window. What could that be?

She looked outside and saw Nick in the sidewalk. He had been throwing rocks at her window. She rushed down and opened the door.

"Nick!" she yelled excitedly as she ran up to give him a big hug. "What are you doing here?"

She rested her head against his chest as she tightened her embrace around him.

"I just couldn't go without saying one last good-bye," he said. As he rested his head on top of hers.

"What time do you leave tomorrow?"

"Seven in the morning," he answered quietly. "I really wish you could come, Mace. Maybe I can kidnap you."

"I wish," Macy said. "But then my mom would disown me…hmm…but maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea considering what she said about you this afternoon."

"What did she say?" Nick asked her curiously as he pulled away from her. He was really interested in hearing this.

"She said that you weren't serious about me and that because you're a rock-star it's your habit to just string girls along and use them," Macy said scornfully.

"Wow…that's harsh. But doesn't she know my brothers and I are not typical rock-stars," Nick pointed out. "We don't exactly live a life of sex, drugs and alcohol. And we're not exactly womanizers. I mean what band wears purity rings on their fingers?"

Macy gave him a look and said, "Nick, you know your ring is meaningless now? I mean at the rate we've been doing it I'm surprised that ring hasn't burned off your finger."

Nick gave her a disdainful look and said, "Okay I know I'm not exactly keeping my promise but you have to admit, Mace, Jonas is the cleanest, most kid-friendly band out there. So you're mom shouldn't be worried about you dating me."

Nick felt uneasy because he was the type of guy who always felt the need to seek the approval of adults. And when he found out Mrs. Misa didn't approve of him, he found this as a direct stab to his ego. Macy could read his concern since it was apparent on his face.

"But forget about it," Macy said and then added in a seductive tone, which this time actually sounded quite seductive. "You're here now. Why don't we go upstairs and make another memory?"

Nick gave her a look and said "Are you serious? Do you want me dead or something?"

Macy laughed and said, "My mom is a heavy sleeper. She can sleep through an entire thunderstorm and not suspect a thing. Come on, Nick…it will be our goodbye before the summer."

As tempting as that may have sound, Nick really didn't want to risk his and her life as well for one night together. So he tried to refuse but Macy was giving him that look that said that she wanted him really bad. Being a boy with raging hormones, he threw caution to the wind and quietly followed her up to her room.

Macy wasn't sure where this dangerous steak was coming from. Maybe it was her form of rebellion against her mom who was being really unfair to Nick this afternoon. But she didn't dwell too much on it because Nick was there and she practically ripped his clothes off as they started making out quite aggressively on her bed. As much as Nick liked this wild side of Macy, he was overwhelmed by how forceful she was. He was adjusting to the sensation of her caresses and her kisses and then he realized that Macy was having a hard time fumbling with his belt.

"Mace, chill. It's okay I got it," Nick said as he unbuckled his belt with one hand as he chuckled a little bit because he was getting turned on by how desperate Macy seemed to be to have her way with him. "You really want this don't you—umph!

He couldn't finish what he wanted to say because Macy pushed him back down on the bed and continued kissing him fiercely. He felt her unzipping his pants and as much as he wanted her to take charge again he needed to find out what was going on with Macy. She was way too forceful. Something was up. Thankfully, his girlfriend was very petite (even though she possessed uncanny strength for such a small body) he was able to scoop her up and switch positions with her so that he was on top and she was pinned on the bed.

"Macy," he said concerned. "Is something wrong? Why are you so…um…aggressive today?"

"Why? Is it not good enough for you?" Macy replied in an almost scornful tone.

This was not like her.

"What are you talking about?" Nick asked her concerned.

"I thought you like it when I'm rough," Macy pointed out as she tried to pull him down for another kiss but Nick stopped her. He tried to ignore the hurt in her eyes.

"Yeah, I do but this is not like that other time," Nick said referring to their time together after he gave her the promise ring. "Something's bothering you."

Macy didn't want to look into his eyes when she admitted that he was right because something was definitely bothering her and she blamed her mom for it. Because as much as she trusted Nick, it was other girls she couldn't trust, especially since she witnessed the whole Penny debacle that happened earlier this year. She didn't want to relive through that pain of seeing Nick being infatuated with another girl.

"What is it, Mace?" Nick asked her even more concerned.

Macy took a deep breath and said, "It's just that…you're a rock-star…"

"So…? Last time I checked, I was a rock-star when we started dating. That's nothing new."

"But Nick, you're going to be gone for three months and you're not single anymore…and there's going to be a lot of girls throwing themselves at you and I'm not going to be there…and—

"Mace, are you serious?" Nick said almost hurt by the accusation she was leading to. "You think I'm going to cheat on you?"

Macy gulped because she could tell that Nick was wounded by her accusation.

"I know you won't do it intentionally. And I trust you. It's just those groupies I don't trust," Macy admitted. She peeked up at him as she nervously played with a strand of her hair. He was insulted to say the least.

"Macy, you know me," Nick pointed out. "I'm not like that. I don't string girls along. And even though we won't be together, I'm going to call you every second I can get. Plus, this is not my first time touring with my brothers so I'm used to the groupies and all the girls throwing themselves at me but I never once hooked up with any of them. That's not my style. You know me, Macy. I could never do that to you."

Macy knew she was stupid to even consider Nick cheating on her. If there was any guy in the world who would be voted most trustworthy and loyal it would be Nick Lucas.

Macy smiled and said, "I'm sorry I was just being dumb…I didn't mean to offend you."

Nick laughed and replied, "It's fine, Mace. I understand why you're so concerned. Besides if I was in your shoes I'd be worried too. I mean I am quite handsome. Girls constantly throw themselves at me. They can be pretty crazy and wild. So how can I resist them?"

Nick was purposely being ridiculous because he wanted to show how absurd the idea of him cheating on Macy really was. Macy got the point so she gave him a smirk and playfully punched his arm and said teasingly, "You're such a jerk. You know that?"

Nick smiled as he dipped his head closer to hers for a kiss.

"Yeah, but you love me so you're a jerk as well," Nick said slyly and as he lowered his head down for a kiss, he added. "Now why don't we continue where we left of?"

They both kissed each other passionately and their touches became even bolder. This time, Nick was the one undressing Macy but with much less aggression. They were much less forceful but so much more passionate.

"Nick, please…" Macy begged as she felt her whole being consumed with desire once there was no longer any clothing-barrier between them. "I want you…"

He nodded his head and opened the drawer as was his routine to reach for the box but he felt nothing. This time he got up and looked into her drawer and started taking things out as he looked for it. This could not be happening. They were so ready…

"Mace, where is it?" he asked her as he continued emptying her drawer.

"What?" she asked breathlessly.

"You know…the condoms?" he asked her as fear struck in his eyes because he really, really wanted to do it.

"It should be there," Macy said in her lustful voice as she ran her hand through her hair. All she could think of right now was making love to Nick.

"Um, no its not, Mace," he answered as he now held the empty drawer in his hands.

"What?" Macy said as she now propped herself up on her elbows. Then the reason sank in her and she exclaimed. "SHIT! My mom probably took them."

Nick gave a big groan of frustration. This could not be happening. He got all worked up for it too because his current condition wasn't going to go away any time soon. Macy sensed his disappointment and she wasn't too thrilled by the fact that she wouldn't be able to do it with him so she knew it was dumb but she suggested it anyway.

"We could…um…do it without one…"

Nick looked at her incredulously.

"Are you serious?" he asked and was clearly surprised by her suggestion. In normal circumstances he would have flat out refused, but these were not normal circumstances and that was why Nick Lucas, the boy three points shy of being a genius, was actually considering having sex without protection.

Macy nodded her head because right now she was also not thinking straight.

"Yeah," Macy said lazily as she stroked his arm enticingly. Love can make you do crazy things and they both were not weighing in the seriousness of this decision.

Nick gulped as he considered this.

"What if you get pregnant?" he asked her seriously. Despite his sexual urges, Nick was very aware of the consequences that could happen.

"I mean just pull out when need be," Macy replied in the same lazy tone because she was so full of lust she needed to feel him. She pressed her body against his to show that she was serious about being very risky tonight.

"Come on, Nick. I won't see you for three months…I need to be with you tonight…please?" she begged him. She really wasn't thinking straight.

He'd do anything for Macy and right now wasn't an exception because he wanted this as much as she did. And he didn't want to think about the consequences because she was right. They weren't going to be together for three months so they both needed each other.

So he turned towards her and he positioned himself but he paused before he did anything because he just needed to confirm it again.

"Are you sure, Mace?" he asked her tentatively.

"Nick, if you don't do it than I sure am going to," Macy said as she brought her hips closer to his. "I love you, Nick."

"I love you, too," he answered and after that moment the two engaged in a rather risky yet intimate activity.

The next morning, Macy woke up to an empty bed. The only proof that Nick spent the night was the indentation on the pillow next to hers. She sighed and took the pillow into her hands as she gave it one last sniff so that she could remember his scent. She wanted to go back to sleep but she heard someone ringing the bell. No one seemed to have heard it so she reluctantly got out of bed to see who it was.

"Auntie Jane? What are you doing here?" Macy asked surprised to see her mom's younger sister on the front porch.

"It's the 24th isn't it?" her aunt replied.


"Oh, Macy stop pretending! You're mother told me how you wanted to go with my family back to Pennsylvania and visit your old Auntie Wanda on her farm," her aunt said excitedly.


"Yeah, your mom called me last night and said how you missed your childhood days back there and how you wanted more than anything, to spend your whole summer in Martinsburg. So where's your stuff? The van is all packed. Your cousins will be so happy to spend some time with you!"

Macy was speechless because if there was one place on earth she wished to never go back it was the farm she and her brother grew up in when they were little kids. Her mom was definitely determined to make her summer a living hell.

Closing Remarks:

Will Nick and Macy's love survive during their summer apart from each other? Will something happen to Macy from their last time together? See, how distance and jealousy can play a part in a seemingly perfect romance. Expect drama.

Since I'm in school, it's probably going to take me awhile to finish this. I have the basic idea where I want to go with this story. Review! Thanks!
