Hello and welcome to Second Chance. This story was suppose to be a normal OC story, but i changed my mind. I wanted to write a SasuNaru Hurt/Comfort story. So I changed it from the OC to SasuNaru. Here it is hope you enjoy.

Second Chance

Summary: "They are my kids Naruto, and I want to be in their life!" Sasuke yelled. Naruto glared at the raven "They have lived for 10 years without you there! They don't need you now!" Naruto yelled. His tear stained face softened "Just like how you didn't need me"

Chapter 1 Videl and Marvella (Uchiha) Uzumaki


"Come on kit transform. You in this form are not going to help!"

"What…ah …do you…think I'm trying to do?" Naruto panted forming the signs for the oiroke no jutsu. A puff of smoke appeared and disappeared replacing a blonde Naruto with a longhaired raven woman. Naruto collapsed as another wave of pain hit his abdominal. "This is no time to rest yet kit. Hurry and get to Tsunade while I'm still holding them."

"I can't…" Naruto was cut off by another wave of pain with his mouth letting out a blood-curling cry. "Yes you can! Come on you waited for 10 months to see these kids and now they are minutes away and you are giving up! What happen to the Naruto that I knew?" Kyuubi complained to Naruto. Naruto struggled to stand reaching for the black cloak near the door. He pulled the door open letting the heavy rain wet the foyer "T-That Naruto…died." He panted staggering out the door towards the hokage tower.

! ! !

Naruto neared the tower as his vision blurred. He knocked on the door. He saw a blurred blonde haired woman open the door saying something. "Baa-chan" he managed before passing out in the woman's arms.

Tsunade looked down in her hands at the past out girl- no the passed out Naruto in complete shock. Naruto just passed out in her hands, panting heavy labor breaths. "This is not possible," She mumbled removing the cloak to confirm what she was thinking. Her eyes widened when she saw the enlarged belly.

"Tsunade sama is there anything wrong," Shizune, said coming to the door. "Get an operation room ready now! We need to perform an emergency c-section." Tsunade ordered Shizune as she picked Naruto up bridal style trailing after Shizune.

! ! !

"Kit? Are you okay kit"

Naruto moaned hearing the fox's voice and Kyuubi shaking him. He opened his eyes to meet the fox standing over him. "Why am I here?" He asked the fox. Kyuubi crouched down, his red mane falling forward "You fainted kit." "What! Did I make it? Please tell me I did not faint in the streets Kyuubi. Oh god my babies their going to die because of me." Naruto started to cry.

Kyuubi sighed, "Stop crying you didn't faint on the streets." He placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder grabbing Naruto's attention. Naruto looked up to the fox, his crimson eyes glowing "You made it. I made sure you arrived safely. Your first born is being born now" Kyuubi smiled as Naruto grinned and tackled him to the ground. "Thank you Kyuubi."

"I can monitor the kit's birth and so far everything is going…" Kyuubi's happy face melted and replaced with a cross of sympathy and concern. "Kyuubi what happened?" Naruto asked seeing Kyuubi's facial expression change. Kyuubi gently pushed Naruto off. "Kyuubi?" "Kit I'm sorry but the second one is not going to make it" he informed Naruto. "What do you mean 'not going to make it'?"

"Naruto he's not going to make it. He's a stillbirth."

"No No No" Naruto shaked his head as he grabbed Kyuubi's shoulders. "You fed them some of your chakra. Both of them should be fine!" Naruto yelled "My chakra has nothing to do with the natural growth. He was being crushed in the womb with his brother. There was not enough room." Kyuubi explained, "I couldn't do anything" Naruto pulled away from the fox. He remembered then when he felt the movement of one of the babies stop moving. "No" he kept repeating in denial. "I'm sorry kit" Kyuubi wrapped his arms around Naruto. "Send me back" Naruto demanded

"Not yet. They are closing you up."

"Send me back now!" Naruto yelled thrashing around "Listen if I send you back now, you are going to be risking your life! Do you want to leave your surviving child alone?" Kyuubi yelled forcing Naruto to stay calm. "How did he look"

"He looked like his father, except his cheeks. He had red markings from the enhancement." Naruto cringed thinking about how his child had looked liked his other father. "You can go back now they are done"

! ! !

"Are you sure its Naruto, I mean she looks nothing like him"

"I know that brat anywhere." Tsunade agreed back to Shizune. "Even If you are right, how would he be able to have kids?" "I don't know how…"

"It was the kyuubi" Tsunade and Shizune looked to the raven lying on the white bed. "It was because of him I was able to be pregnant." Naruto explained pushing his body up. "Easy Naruto. Your stitches are still fresh. You can easily reopen them." Tsunade said pushing Naruto back down. "I'm fine baa-chan." Naruto said refusing to lie back down. "Where are my boys? I want to see them" Tsunade let go of Naruto's shoulder "Shizune go get the kid." Shizune left the room. "Naruto there is something I have to say…" Naruto's tired eyes looked up to the blonde woman. "I know already. The younger one did not make it." He said,

"How did you know?" Tsunade questioned. Before Naruto could answer, Shizune came back in with a crying bundle. She places it in Naruto's waiting hands.

"He's beautiful" Naruto said in a loving voice as he stroked strands of blonde hair, The child calmed down opening his onyx eyes. "Just like his" Naruto mumbled pulling his legs up, and cuddling the child. The child looked up into Naruto's sky blue eyes. Naruto gasped seeing the onyx eyes flash red then back to the dark color. "You're definitely his child. Videl, (1) your name is Videl" He said the last part loud enough for Tsunade and Shizune to hear him. "I want to see his brother."

"Naruto he's gone. You even said that yourself" Naruto looked up to Tsunade "He's my child. I have the right to see him." Tsunade sighed. Sometimes it was pointless to argue with Naruto. Shizune looked to Naruto confused. "Naruto can you answer a question for me?" Shizune asked getting his attention from Videl who was entertaining himself with Naruto's long hair. "What question?"

"Well" Shizune started sitting down in the seat next to the bed "Who is the father?" Naruto redirected his attention to Videl "It's obvious to me who it is but I want to hear it from you before conforming it."

"Is it that obvious? I wanted to hide them from him."

"We can keep it a secret, but Tsunade and I need to know the truth to know what to expect with the child's natural, and chakra growth." Shizune touched Naruto's hand gently and smiled letting him know that she will keep the secret. Naruto looked down to the warm hand, and was overcome with the desire to cry. He opened his mouth to say the name, but stopped when Tsunade walked in with a white bundle in her arms. Her face betrayed her showing that she was crying. Naruto handed Shizune a sleeping Videl and stretch for the bundle.

"He was a beautiful baby. Reminded me of a certain raven when he was a baby." Tsunade said and handed Naruto the still bundle.

Naruto's breath hitched as he had a good look at the baby."Oh God" Everything was him. The trait marks that identify their father were all there. The hair, the pale complexion, and sure enough under those eyelids were the same eyes that Videl and him share. What separate this child from his father were the red markings decorating his cheeks. Naruto did not notice until he saw tear drops on the sleeping child's face that he was crying.

"I'm sorry." Naruto cried repeatedly while holding the stilled baby close. "Naruto hand him to me." Tsunade said not wanting to see Naruto like this.

"NO" Naruto yelled jerking his arms away from Tsunade. "Let me hold him longer."

"Naruto hand me the child," Tsunade demanded inching toward Naruto. "No! Can't you let me be with him longer? I gave birth to him. I do not care if he is gone or not. Just let me have him." Naruto argue back "Kit something is happening" "What? Now is not the time Kyuubi." Naruto mumbled to Kyuubi holding the child close to his chest. "Kit this is the time! The child, I'm sensing life in him."

"WHAT" Naruto exclaim ignoring Tsunade's weird glaze at him. "Naruto the kid is alive!" Naruto looked down to the baby in the blanket. His face lit up when he saw the little chest rising and falling slightly. "It's a miracle." He said as more tears came.

"NARUTO! Give me the child! He is dead!" Tsunade yelled at Naruto her anger showing. Naruto looked up at Tsunade his happiness plainly showing. "Baa-chan! No he is not it is a miracle. He's alive!" Naruto blurted out. He moved away the blanket to show the pale child moving slightly.

"H-How is it…" Tsunade stumble looking at the child. "It's not possible there was no pulse. I checked myself" Shizune voiced standing as she looked down, stunned, at the child. "But it is possible when I'm the mother." Naruto said grinning. He was happy beyond happy. His child was a tough one.

"A-Alright. Naruto now you have to give him to me, to check him." Naruto nodded handing the baby to Tsunade. "What about a name. He needs a name." Naruto looked at his child squirming around. He opens his eyes for the first time, and sure enough, there were those onyx eyes. "Marvella (2)" Naruto said not looking away from Marvella's eyes. Tsunade smiled "Perfect name for him. But we need to know the fathers name for the birth certificate." Naruto's smile dropped he clench the sheets under his palms. "If I tell you the father's name, will you promise to keep it a secret from him? I don't want anymore connection to him." Naruto asked, "Yes we promise. He will not know about Videl and Marvella"

Naruto bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes tightly. "Sasuke Uchiha"

Okay that is the first chapter

(1) Videl mean Life in French

(2) Marvella mean Miracle in French

If you like it or is confuse then review Thank You.