Guilty By Association
A HariPo freeverse piece
by mew-tsubaki
Note: The Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowling, not to me. This pairing is a Mew and Mor's Weird Pairing, which you may find in the M&MWP forum (see my profile for details). Check out and join the forum FUN! Read, review, and enjoy! Originally written for Morghen.
"It's not so tragic if I don't look down." —La Roux, "As If By Magic"
There was so much you could've done
You're the adult here (barely)
You're the one with experience (perhaps)
You should've stopped him
You've steeled yourself against such types
The boy toys
The bad boys
The smart ones
The "built" ones
But who could've guessed a merely
h-a-n-d-s-o-m-e one?
It's fun to tease them all
But with him, you're
It's strange
You poke and prod with his brother & his friends
Yet you see a…lost
in those dark,
You hoped for the best
Really, you did
You hoped that his skulking around would stop
He'd get new
He could be the hero, not his brother
You thought you knew best
You listened & kept quiet
just to see his heartache-inducing smile.
Now it's all blown to bits
&& p.i.e.c.e.s
He's gone, they're all gone
And in the end, he was a
& you still keep his "locket" a secret
Who can you blame but yourself?
This pairing is too sweet! I think I have plot bunnies for them…
Thanks for reading, and please review!
-mew-tsubaki ;)
Thanks as always to Morghen for beta'ing! XD
2017 note: I find most Regulus ships intriguing, tbh. But I remember kind of running with this idea with Rosmerta back in 2010… :O