Author's Note:

Here it is—the sequel to Across the Stars, Book I: When You Believe! If you haven't read the first fic, please don't let that stop you from reading this one! I hope to bring everybody up to speed quickly.

==Across the Stars==

Destiny's Call

War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks by the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dooku. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere.

In a stunning move, the fiendish droid leader, General Grievous, has swept into the Republic capital and kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, leader of the Galactic Senate.

As the Separatist Droid Army attempts to flee the besieged capital with their valuable hostage, two Jedi Knights lead a desperate mission to rescue the captive Chancellor. . .


Conspiracy of Heroes

The Chosen

He was the originator of the conspiracy. He was the first to speak from his heart.

He became a war hero, a poster boy for the Republic. A beacon of light in a shrouded galaxy, a beacon that his superiors saw shone brighter now than ever.

If only they knew the reason for that light.

As the bloodbath dragged on, he came home as often as he possibly could, even if only for a few hours. A stolen moment here and there became an anchor for him, a reason for fighting, a reason for living. He came home as often as he could.

He wasn't there to hear his daughter's first word.

He was told it was "Da-da."

The Senator

She accepted the conspiracy. She had opposed it at first, but a brush with Death convinced her otherwise.

She became a powerful voice in her arena, where battles were won with words rather than blaster bolts. A beacon of light in a shrouded galaxy, a beacon that her colleagues saw shone brighter now than ever.

They knew the reason for that light, if only they would stop to think about it.

As the bloodbath dragged on, she came out to the frontline as often as she possibly could, weighed down though she was with politics and motherhood. A stolen moment here and there became an anchor for her, as he became her strength. She came out as often as she could.

She wasn't home to hear her daughter's first laugh.

She was told it sounded like music.

The Child

She was born into the conspiracy. She didn't have much of a choice in that regard.

She grew from infancy into toddler-hood, coming into her own with an innate grasp of something that her young mind could not describe with her limited vocabulary. A beacon of light in a shrouded galaxy, a beacon that others like her sensed but did not fully understand.

If only they knew the reason for the power of that light.

As the bloodbath dragged on, she grew more aware of the war, watching the news and sensing the deaths. Stolen moments here and there with Daddy became an anchor for her, as she aspired to be just like him. With the help of her guardian, she commed him as often as she could.

Mama and Daddy weren't home much.

They were her heroes, nevertheless.

The Guardian

She leapt into the conspiracy. Her best friend needed her, and she wouldn't let her down.

She became the guardian of her friend's daughter, and managed to remain a powerful voice of truth by the written word. A beacon of light in a shrouded galaxy, a beacon that many tried to dim by criticism.

They understood that that light would burn away the growing darkness.

As the bloodbath dragged on, she remained at home, raising a precocious child whose parents worked tirelessly to protect the Republic. She had no man's shoulder to cry upon, no man's arms to hold her, no man's voice to uplift her. She found solace in her Creator, instead, whenever she needed it.

There were precious, once-in-a-lifetime moments that made up for the lack of her own family.

She saw the baby take her first steps.

The Negotiator

He stumbled upon the conspiracy. He was driven by a love for the boy who was both son and brother.

He became a war hero, a poster boy for the Republic. A beacon of light in a shrouded galaxy, a beacon that his peers saw shone brighter now than ever.

As the bloodbath dragged on, he reunited with his own love as often as he possibly could, even if only for a few hours. A stolen moment here and there became an anchor for him, a reason to hold on to his sanity in the midst of an increasingly insane galaxy. He met with her as often as he could.

It wasn't often, at all.

Oddly, he found that he could live with it.

The Finder

She was the first to be inducted into the conspiracy. She was driven by compassion for an orphan and his wife.

She became an intelligence operative, an unsung hero. A beacon of light in a shrouded galaxy, a beacon that she often dimmed lest it be her undoing.

As the bloodbath dragged on, she reunited with her love as often as she possibly could, even if only for a few hours. A stolen moment here and there became an anchor for him, a reason to hold on to her innocence in the midst of so much evil. She met with him as often as she could.

She miscarried their first child.

He never found out that he had been a father for one month.

The Captain

He stumbled upon the conspiracy about two years after its conception. He entered into it through loyalty to his commanding officer and compassion for that officer's child.

He became a war hero, the best of the best. A beacon of light in a shrouded galaxy, a beacon that few people realized was actually there.

As the bloodbath dragged on, he found himself increasingly protective of another commanding officer. Brief but countless moments of camaraderie became an anchor for him, a reason to hold on to his humanity and individuality. That camaraderie slowly grew stronger.

It was as unprofessional as anything could possibly be.

Oddly, that didn't stop him.

The Learner

She figured out the conspiracy nearly two years after its conception. She entered into it through a pure, child's love for her mentor and his family.

She became a war hero, a poster child alongside her mentor. A beacon of light in a shrouded galaxy, a beacon that burned bright and fierce.

As the bloodbath dragged on, she found herself increasingly dependent upon an officer under her command. Brief but countless moments of camaraderie became an anchor for her, a reason to push herself to do better and better. That camaraderie slowly grew stronger.

It was against the rules, just like the conspiracy.

She believed that love overcame the toughest obstacles.

Author's Note:

Cookies to anyone who recognized all of the characters depicted here. If you have trouble identifying all of them, go back to the epilogue for When You Believe. That should help.

I loved doing the repetition here. I've never written anything quite like this before.

The first chapter should be done in about a week, possibly sooner. As I watch the movie, I keep stopping it and going back to play the past few seconds so that I can accurately describe all the little nuances of the characters.

To my reviewers (on the WYB epilogue):

Pearlmaidenredskyla: Awww! Now I've gotta give you another hug! *does just that* As you could probably figure out from this prologue, yeees, Ahsoka's definitely a star player here! I love that girl. =)

Historian 1912: Who said what in the "trailer" was left out intentionally so that there would be less spoilers. If I were to have said, that would be giving away more of the story than I want to, and I want certain plot twists to be a surprise when you read them. (Yay, you're hooked!)

"To Be Continued," well… it's true. *shrugs* The first installation of the story is complete, but the story itself isn't. Besides, it's like the end of the first two Lord of the Rings films, when they say "To Be Continued." So I'm in good company. =D

Jedi Angel001: Thank you very much! Hope this fic delivers!

Please review!