A/N: I have opened up anonymous reviews for my stories for anyone who would like to comment who does not have an account on this website. However, I will disable the feature if all anonymous reviews are just bashing sessions. Also, I have decided to go with s2Teennovelist's advice and post my other story, Saving Our Home, along with Keeping Happiness. If it gets bad reviews, then so be it.

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I don't Own Yu-Gi-OH!

Chapter 22: First Date

"Where are you taking me?"

Atemu kept his silence, and his smile. He wanted Yugi to be surprised.

"Atemu, come on."

The corporate man only continued to lead his girlfriend up the stairs. Atemu opened a set of double doors, which led to the roof. Yugi's eyes opened wide with tenderness and delight.

The roof floor was lined with autumn flowers. A white canvas hut surrounded a table which was lined with a pale blue cloth. Wine glasses sat erect next to several small dishes, covered by silver domes. Candlesticks, along with the setting sun, provided light for the intimate meal.

"Oh Atemu!" Yugi exclaimed almost breathless, 'it is so beautiful!"

He wrapped his arms around her waist, inching her closer to his body.

"I figured, now that the cat is out of the bag, that we could have our first date."

He released her torso as he led her towards the table by the hand. Like a gentleman Atemu slid out her chair. Fluttering her eyelids in gratitude, Yugi accepted the seat. He scooted the chair before taking his own seat.

A bottle of Merlot rested on a pile of ice. Atemu opened the wine, gracefully intertwining his fingers under Yugi's glass. After pouring the red liquid he handed the glass to Yugi, who nodded in thankfulness. He followed the same movement as he prepared a glass for himself.

"To us."

"To us."

The soft ting of glass was heard before the two took a sip. Yugi blushed as the wine touched her tongue, which caught the attention of Atemu.

"Are you okay Yugi?"

Yugi set the glass down.

"Yes," she smiled, "I just didn't realize how strong this wine would be."

"You don't have to drink it if you don't like it." Atemu commented, feeling terrible about Yugi's reaction.

Yugi shook her head.

"It's not that I don't like it, I just wasn't expecting it to be that strong. I just am not a big drinker."

Atemu nodded, still feeling bad. He wanted everything to go perfect. The wine had become a setback. He only hoped it was be the only one.

Yugi watched Atemu's face hide his embarrassment. She placed her hand over his.

"This is really sweet."

Atemu gave her a loving smile, the type that expressed complete content. The woman across from him was something he never expected, yet it was what he wanted, no needed. This date may not end in bed like his other dates have in the past, but he couldn't care less. Yugi was worth the wait.

Yugi looked closer at the table. Domes covered the many plates, which she only assumed was the food. What struck her curiosity the most were the utensils. Chopsticks rested neatly atop a napkin next to her bowl.

"Chopsticks?" She asked, knowing Atemu was not originally from Japan.

"I wanted to be a bit traditional for you." Atemu said, lifting the domes. The scent of rice, green beans, carrots, fruit salad, and grilled salmon overtook the smell of autumn. He picked up his chopsticks, signaling Yugi to help herself. She smiled and lifted her own utensils. She scooped some rice, carrots, and salmon into her dish. Atemu followed suit, adding green beans to the mix.

The two ate in silence for a moment, enjoying the taste of the freshly prepared food.

"This is delicious!"

Atemu smiled. "I had some help from Anzu, to be honest."

"She helped pick it out?"

Atemu nodded. "Who knows you best right now other than Anzu?"

Yugi giggled. "True."

The two filled their stomachs while enjoying their conversations.

Well, most of them.

"So, how is Vivian doing?"

Atemu sighed through his nose. "She has been better."

Yugi nodded. "I hope she can get through this."

"Yugi," Atemu began, "I don't see how you can be concerned with her. She told the press about us, twisting the truth. She ruined your life."

"She didn't ruin it." Yugi countered, "She just hindered it a little. Besides," Yugi gave him a serious look, "you hurt Vivian first."

Atemu dropped his gaze. "You got me there." He stated, recalling the breakup and Vivian's tearful face. Atemu paused, before raising his eyes once more. "But I wasn't happy with her. And you said…"

Yugi placed a hand on Atemu, causing him to stop.

"I know," she said lovingly, "and you were right to let her go."

Music began to play in the background. Yugi turned to see a violinist strumming a bow along the set of strings. She felt the table move. She redirected her eyes to Atemu, who had left his seat and now stood next to her chair, extending his hand.

"May I have this dance?"

Yugi blushed, thinking back to the last time they dance together. She set down her chopsticks onto her napkin and took Atemu's hand. He lifted her off her seat and led her to an open spot on the roof. He twirled her around once before bringing her close. The two swayed slowly to the soothing sound of the music.

Atemu gazed at Yugi, her amethyst eyes dazzling in the low candlelight. He intertwined his fingers with hers. Never had a grasp feel so comfortable, or so right to him before. He didn't want to let go.

Yugi stared at Atemu, his crimson eyes glistening from the fading sunlight. Her hand fit his perfectly, like two puzzle pieces that was part of the world. She leaned in, resting her head on his chest.

The young man placed his free hand across her back. He pressed firmly, squeezing her closer. He loved the feeling of her body against his; happiness filled his heart. Yugi pulled him closer, compressing tightly against his chest and back, indicating her own happiness with the embrace.

The couple swayed for what seemed like forever, which neither of them cared.

Yugi finally lifted her head, looking back into Atemu's gorgeous crimson eyes.

"How long have you been planning this Atemu?"

The Egyptian stopped his swaying motion and tapped his chin. "The day I set up the press conference."

"That was a week ago."

Atemu leaned in closer. "I know."

Yugi smiled lovingly towards her boyfriend.

"This is so sweet and romantic."

"I hoped you would have liked it."

Atemu pulled Yugi into a passionate kiss, channeling his feelings through his lips. Yugi sunk into the kiss, reading all the emotion Atemu felt at that moment.

He had found his happiness.

This is the end of the book one of the Happiness Trilogy. (A little short, I know, but all that was going on was the date). Next is Keeping Happiness, which focuses on Atemu and Yugi's relationship and the problems that occur in their lives. See my profile page to get a more specific summary.