Yo yo waz up fool! I know you are all terribly mad at me for not updating *glares at the crickets* And I would give the excuse of school, but let's face it. It was my own lazy fault and nothing else. And you don't even want to hear that stuff anyways. You want to read the story (right?)

Don't own YGO. If I did, Pleashipping would be more than just likely.

They were scared of her. She could feel it. She had only joined them five minutes ago and she was already at the top. Frowning, she remembered the meeting.

"I am giving you the chance, to join me and my band of thieves." Nesmut sneered.

"Why would I want to join the lowest and weakest band of thieves in all Egypt?"

"Because your other option is to be whipped until you can't see straight and left in the desert with nothing on." he gave her a smirk. "Nothing." Glaring, Nesmut threw back her shoulders and lifted her head.

"It's no wonder you're begging me for help. You know very well you need serious help if you ever wish to be a real threat. Maybe if you're nice I'll give it to you." he only smirked and stood up, circling her like a pack animal. He ran his hand through her hair and gave it a little tug. She continued glaring at him. He got down and whispered right in her ear,

"Your answer?" she hissed at the feeling of his breath in her ear and jerked away. "I suggest the correct one." he said getting up from his squatting position and back to his throne. Nesmut gave a small smirk.

"Well, when you put it that way, how can I resist? I get my own quarters, high position. Assassinations are my strong point. I refuse any small petty tasks." The Thief King merely smiled.

"That can be arranged, my dear."

Was she happy with what had happened? No, but it was better than dead. She could live with these incompetents for a while, make her move, and then she could be the best. He was a fool to let her live.

"N.. Nes.. Nesmut." a voice said. She turned around to see a boy standing there shaking.

She had seen him briefly when stalking the place. To her understanding he was a boy they had captured in a village a few months ago that had watched his parents be brutally murdered. For the most part he was used as a messenger boy. He had obviously heard about what she could do.

"Yes?" she hissed.

"The ... the ... Thief King wants you."

"Oh yes, it would be my divine pleasure to go kiss his majesties feet." she mumbled sarcastically to herself. He just stood there looking at her with wide eyes. "Why are you still here? You can go and tell the coward I'm coming." He nodded and ran.

A smirk was propionate as she followed the boy. It didn't go unnoticed that as she walk almost every eye was on her. The smirk became more pronounced, showing off one canine tooth. In the crepuscular surroundings it looked like a daemon come to take their souls to a place worse than the Shadow Realm. The guards at the door to the "throne room", as she learned it was called, glared at her but let her in.

She swept through the doors and the smirk melted away like a block of ice left in the desert during the summer.

"What do you want?" Nesmut snapped at the figure standing at the far wall, who's back turned.

"Now that's not the proper way to address your King. You have to bow and beg for an audience." He said without even looking at her.

"Why would I beg an audience when you called me?"

"It appears that the rose wasn't enough," He turned around to stand in front of her and his cool indifferent eyes stared right into hers "but I'm sure a pretty woman like you wouldn't mind some more decorations to get it through your head." She glared at him but an unwilling face twitch gave away how much she didn't want that to happen. As it was, with a bloody rose carved into her skin she could be one of the most recognizable people in all of Egypt. Slowly and angrily she lowered herself onto one knee.

"Oh great Thief King, I humbly ask for an audience." She spat through gritted teeth, silently vowing that he would die painfully. He smiled a predator's smile.

"Now was that so hard?" The Tomb Robber asked her sarcastically. The look on her face said it was indeed very must "so hard". She started to rise but he tuted. "Did I say you could get up?" The glare thrown at him made him laugh as she lowered herself back onto a knee. She looked very much like she was about to rip out his throat. "I have a mission for you. There is a very important and revered man coming out here to our small and humble abode from the palace. Your job is to make sure he's not welcome."

Despite the immense anger she felt at being ordered around like a common servant, Nesmut smirked. This is what she was good at. It was what she lived for.

"Who is he?"

"He's a high priest of the Pharaoh's court and the head magician. That's not too much for you to handle is it?" Nesmut snorted. She had taken care of plenty of priests and magicians alike.

"Of course not." She sneered, and then added on spitefully, "Majesty."

He glared at her briefly then waved his hand casually, before turned back towards his throne. Taking this as her leave, she stood up and walked briskly out the door. As soon as she was out of sight she let tightened her hands into fists and slammed them against the wall. She stood there breathing hard before a laugh bubbled up and out of her mouth. It was a very insane sounding laugh.

"You are going to get it Your Majesty. I'm going to make sure of it. You'll regret treating me like scum. I want you to scream." The laugh echoed through the cave again. "And I get what I want." Smiling now, Nesmut turned on her heel and stalked back towards he quarters. The shadows from where she was standing peeled away from the walls and snaked their way back to the throne room.

"Take him away." Seth spat at the guards. They carted off the man the court had just finished judging. He had been stripped of his monster and sent to the dungeons. Noticing the Pharaoh leaning back in his chair and seeming deep in thought Seth exclaimed,

"No more! The Pharaoh wishes to be alone!" Everyone except the high priests moved out of the room in moments. Atem looked at Seth and he could see the gratitude in his eyes.

"My Pharaoh, doesn't something worry you?" Karim asked. Atem smiled at him.

"Yes Karim. But what doesn't worry me these days?" Karim nodded and backed off.

"I would like to speak with Isis alone." He exclaimed to the gathered priests. Isis looked up, shock etched clearly on her face. The male priests bowed, and exited the room; many casting glances at Isis and the Pharaoh, none more than Seth.

"What do you want my King?" Isis asked. Atem frowned.

"I want to know why you were leaving Mahaad's quarters this morning in your night clothes. Am I mistaken or aren't your quarters on the other side of the palace for privacy measures you yourself requested."

Mentally Isis worried. She had not known the Pharaoh had seen her exit Mahaad's room that morning, and did not know what could come from it.

"Yes, my quarters are on the east side of the palace."

"So why were you in the west side?" Isis bit her lip trying to come up with a liable lie.

"I was… I had a vision in the night. I ran to tell Mahaad because it was about him. When I was about to leave after telling him I thought I saw the Thief King and he offered to let me stay in his quarters so no danger would befall me. I know now it was not the Tomb Robber as nothing occurred during the night and the precaution was unnecessary." To Isis's worry and horror, Atem frowned.

"You spent the night in Mahaad's quarters?"

"Yes my King."

"And nothing happened?" Isis frowned then her eyes widened.

"No, no. Mahaad was nothing but a gentleman. He offered me his bed while he slept on the floor."

Atem frowned again. "I trust Mahaad and will not pursue the subject. What was the vision? It must have been bad if you had to tell him as soon as you had it."

Isis bit her lip again, and this time it did not go unnoticed by the King of Egypt.

"It was hard to tell, but I saw danger for him. For all of us. I could not tell how soon." The King nodded and stood. Isis inwardly sighed; happy she had managed to pass everything off.

"You may go Isis. I am sorry for suspecting anything." Isis nodded and muttered a "My King." and walked off. Atem followed her to the doors. Outside Seth stood. Isis nodded to him and walked off towards the library. Seth nodded at her but started walking with the Pharaoh.

"Why did you wish to see her, my King?"

"I have my reasons Seth, and they are not for you to question." Seth looked offended for a second or two but nodded. They walked for a while longer before Atem stopped. Seth stopped along with him.

"Yes my king?"

"Seth, I want you to do something for me."

"Anything Pharaoh."

"I want you to keep and eye on Isis. I feel that she wasn't telling me the truth when I was talking to her. And when Mahaad comes back, keep an eye on him too."

"Yes my king."

Nesmut crouched behind a dune in the desert outside the small town that was unknowingly housing the Thief King waiting for the diplomat from the palace to come into range. A few men were station a few yards away in the case she failed. But that would not happen. Down the road she could see a large party of people on horses trotting towards the town. In the front rode a man in the clothing of a Pharaoh's priest. Around his neck he wore a golden ring with five golden spikes.

Nesmut smirked. Piece of cake.

Mahaad quickly tired of the constant monotony of the travel to the small town where the Thief King had been reported. He was left with his thoughts most of the way, and he found most of those thoughts being the solo priestess of the Pharaoh's court.

Suddenly the Ring activated and pointed to a dune somewhere in the distance. What?

"Men! That dune there, be on guard when we ride past!" The men nodded and got their spears ready. They moved into a protective circle around the priest, and Mahaad got ready to use his shadow magic.

Nesmut noticed their change in position and swore. That blasted priest had somehow known she was there. She swore again for good measure then turned to the men behind her.

"Change in plan boys."

Mahaad almost attacked when he saw the person move from behind the dune. He was sure it was danger, but something stopped him and he looked again. It was an old woman hobbling down the road. He relaxed.

"It is nothing but an old woman. Stand down." The soldiers relaxed back into their previous position and continued walking normally. Mahaad nodded kindly at the woman as they passed and she looked up at him briefly before turning her head back to the ground.

Mahaad looked back up to the horizon, on which a city lay. Good, the journey was almost over. Just then he heard a scream from behind him and saw a bunch of men attacking the old woman. Fury poured into his heart and he rode to protect her. He roughly grabbed the woman and lifter her onto his horse. Her grip was abnormally strong for an old woman, but Mahaad unwisely brushed it off.

He called the Illusion Magician from the Shadow Realm and it quickly dispatched the men. He smiled, but it quickly faded when he felt something cold touch his neck from behind.

Eh? Eh? Good? Bad? Terrible? Amazing? Honestly I want your opinions. You can even flame for all the heck I care.

(Hey lazy person who won't review because you don't want to log in/type out a review. Stop being lazy)