Indulgence: Follow the chaos

A/N: I'm back with another chapter, and I hope you all enjoy it. This wasn't originally a part of the plot I had written up so I labeled it as an interlude. It'll extend to the next chapter, then the chapter after that will return, or kinda merge back to the original storyline I have written down here. If anyone wants me to make another (late) Valentines interlude, I'll be more than glad to. However, I need a certain amount of people voting for it.

AU. "Welcome to the Vongola dorms." Tsuna never thought living with his step-brother, Giotto, would make rabbit-hungry wolves hunt him down. Nor did he think he would fall into complete turmoil or love. Honestly.

WARNING: Yaoi. Colourful profanities throughout the entire story. Suggestive themes.

Don't like? Don't read :)



NOTE: This chapter is more of an interlude chapter than a normal one, so I labeled it as such. It's somewhat abruptly cut off from the previous, so you'll have to bear with me for now. Everything will be explained and return to the original story (to make more sense) in the following chapters following the second interlude after this.

Chapter seven: Interlude I: Gather & party.


Giotto's heart skipped a beat as his eyes widened impossibly. "You're kidding me..." He brought up a hand up to face, unaware that it was shaking.

"He's already playing his role. Keep that in mind, Giotto." The man said, as he entered his classroom.

As the door closed behind Reborn with a rattle, Giotto slowly put his arm down. "I don't believe it." he muttered to himself, eyes still wide with shock. Slowly, an uncomfortable, searing hot feeling in his chest rose as he turned around to walk down the staircase.

As his murderous aura began to increase, he silently accepted the anger that slowly overtook him. There was only so much crap one could take in a day, and Giotto was no exception. He was human. He needed to vent out his anger somewhere. He needed to lose all the stress that had been building up so far. He need to let go of these infuriating feelings to move on and get past this point.

He need something. Anything. Anyone. He needed a doll to rage out on. He needed-

...Oh the joy of planning out someone's funeral. But this one time was an exception. The only exception.

Because right, now, he just had to kill something. Or rather, someone.


End of Recap

Two nights and three days.

So far, that was the duration of Giotto's sudden disappearance. After his curt claim about going on a walk, he cut off all means of contact and never came back home to the mansion.

G and the rest knew how calm and composed their friend always was, but they just didn't know how to react this time. Never in their life, had they seen the blond man so enraged. So ready to take someone's life. Knowing that Giotto was more than responsible for whatever turn of action he took, Gokudera and the rest focused their attention to the poor, victimized brunet.

Tsuna literally looked like a living-dead and honestly felt like one. All the colour had been drained from his face, his frail body continuously trembling and his actions and gestures always hesitating, inhumanly weak and almost ghost-like. He was literally much too traumatized to even notice that his oldest brother had suddenly decided to leave him.

Absolutely no-one could snap Tsuna out of his traumatized state. It was for the fact that Tsuna hadn't actually been done through, but just the moments' of experience was enough to make himself lock himself up in his room and shut himself away from society. Tsuna refused to get out of bed and go to school, so no-one forced him to.

They all thought, "He just needs time to recover from the shock." G had been the smart one to say this when everyone was feeling a bit down for once. Although they were all infuriated and angered by the actions of this heartless, cruel student of Namimori, they couldn't possibly be angry. They couldn't, because Giotto had gotten enraged in place of them.

The man had been absolutely furious. G and the rest had experienced just a tiny portion of his wrath as he left that day. It was known as a fact that, if Giotto did not return home for more than one day and cut off all contact, he was pissed off and ready to go on a rampage.

However, on the fourth day at approximately one-thirty in the morning, Giotto returned.

Without uttering a single word, grunt or glance, he ignored all those who had woken up from his rather heavy footsteps.

"Giotto-san!" A few called out, mindful of Tsuna and a few others who were still asleep in their rooms close by, "Where have you been!"

"Oi, where have you been for the past three days?" G asked sternly, stopping the man in his tracks.

"Move, G." Giotto's voice was soft but strong. It was stern, much like G's, but a bit more tired and demanding.

"Answer my question and I'll move." G glared at his best friend, unamused. "Did you even bother taking the rest of us into account on your stupid little walk?"

Giotto glared right back, completely and obviously not in the mood which G was making worse. "Get out of my way before I make you move, G."

"Oi-!" His words died in his throat and was replaced by a low, angry growl when Giotto stuffed a hand into his coat, feeling around for something. He immediately took that as a sign that Giotto was serious about making him move.

The red-head's glare simply intensified. "Whatever."

Aggravated, G simply turned on his heels and returned to his room as he slammed his door shut with utter annoyance and anger. The others frowned at both the blond and red-head's decision of actions, but nevertheless, returned to their rooms as they couldn't do anything. Before going in, they glanced back one last time and took note of Giotto's appearance.

Dark circles under his fiery orbs, face drained pale, hair more wild and untamed than usual and his suit covered in splatters and specks of something they didn't want to confirm.

However, despite the abrupt suddenness of Giotto's disappearance, reappearance then change in attitude, it took a turn for the best. Because it was just simply Giotto's presence that shook the brunet out of his traumatized state. And quite contrary, it was Tsuna who changed Giotto. But this time, forever.

The next day, Giotto remained locked up in his room all day, without taking a single step out, or without uttering a single word to those on the other side of the door. No-one bothered messing with the owner of the dorms, as they knew they would have definitely suffer if they even tried to voice out their opinions.

Usually, it was situations like these where G would step forward and try to convince his buddy to take a step out for a few words, but this time, the man refused to do so.

"If he doesn't want to come out, then leave him be." Was all that G would say whenever someone tried to convince him to coax Giotto out of his room doing god knows what.

As usual, the next morning, everyone was up and making their way down to the dining room. Everyone including Giotto and Tsuna. The two brothers usually locked themselves up in their respective rooms, but they had suddenly changed their minds the previous night. Mostly likely due to a small run-in that occurred between the two in the middle of the night. Or so they simply assumed.

At first, most of the members of the dorms were present in the dining room, including Tsuna. Five minutes into breakfast, the doors suddenly swung open, revealing Giotto, who looked tired and refreshed at the same time.

"Giotto..." Tsuna whispered to himself, finally realising that he hadn't seen his brother in what seemed like such a long time.

A few stood, and even bowed to greet the blond man, who simply nodded with his stoic expression in reply. He seemed unfazed by the questioning and curious stares directed towards him. There were even a few glares thrown in.

"G-Giotto..." Tsuna suddenly said, after everyone sat back down. "G-good morning." He smiled a little, feeling a little guilty for the fact that he had forgotten about the man.

Giotto stared at Tsuna for a moment, as so did the others did. A few held their breaths. Vaguely knowing the type of person Tsuna was by now, what would happen to the brunet if the blond man continued to ignore him as well? The poor brunet would be depressed all over again. However-

"You too, Tsunayoshi." Giotto cracked a small, yet tired smile, much to everyone's surprise. So he wasn't planning on ignoring Tsuna, but them. A few moments later, he added in, "And good morning to you all too." His smile remained and wore off a few seconds later, as the man took a sip of water from his glass.

A few replied back once more, as they shrugged everything off to eat breakfast. Tsuna, who glanced up at Giotto once more, tilted his head to the side in confusion as he took note of the dark circles under his eyes and the tired demeanor he radiated.


"Wait, G-" At the sound of his name, the red-head wanted to turn around. But judging by the voice, he didn't. Though, a reply slipped out of his mouth.

"What's this all of a sudden?" He stated, albeit bitterly; more than he intended on so.

"G, you need to listen to me-"

G spun around, glaring at the man calling out his name behind him. The sour look on his face disappeared as a slight smirk replaced it, turning back around.

"Spare me your apologies, Giotto."

"G, just listen-"

G abruptly spun around once more, fishing out a pack of cigarettes from his pants' pocket. "How long have we known each other for, moron? I have enough experience with you to figure out what you were doing."

Giotto was certainly stunned for a second or two, but quickly shook it off. G was right. They've known each other since kindergarten. It wasn't a new thing for them to have arguments much worse than this, because it happened on a daily basis.

"Is that so?" The blond cracked a small smile and spun on his heels. "Then, I'm going out for a breather. You don't have to worry this time, G. I won't do anything."

"Che." G smirked and dug into his pocket for the light, only to find it missing much to his dismay. "I probably left it on the dressing table." He mumbled to himself, checking his other pockets just to reassure himself. As he decided to check his room, he walked up the stairs to his room, only to be stopped along the way.

Turning his head around, he caught sight of the small brunet shyly who had called his name.

"Yo, feeling better now?" He asked, desperately trying to ignore his urgent need for a smoke.

"Y-yeah. S-sorry..."

G raised a brow, "For what?"

"B-because, I-I'm sure I caused everyone a-alot of trouble..." Tsuna mumbled shyly, looking down with an expression akin to guilt taking over.

G smiled lightly and ruffled the soft brown mop of hair. "Don't sweat it. We're here for you, so try to act a little spoilt and rely on us sometimes, a'ight?"

Tsuna didn't know how to respond to that, so he simply stuttered out, "E-eh?" Smart.

"Then, if you'll excuse me." He attempted to walk off, only to be pulled back once more.

"...U-um, G-san!" Tsuna said quietly, holding onto the man's sleeve so that he wouldn't walk away.


"A-ah, no... I-I was just wondering... if G-Giotto, was um...B-because he looked r-really, really tired during breakfast...and-" After that, what the brunet said turned into low mumbling and rambling. Chuckling to himself, G patted the brunet's head, stopping his nonsense.

"He's just a little stressed. It's nothing to fret over." He reassured, desperately in need for some tobacco.

"B-but, I was wondering...If there was anything I could do that would... c-cheer him up a bit."

G raised another brow, staring at the boy, who fidgeted uncomfortably. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. "Actually, that gives me a great idea. What about this..." He leaned down and quietly whispered something into Tsuna's ear.

The brunet's face lit up, as his mouth slowly curved into a huge smile. "Of course!"


"G, is there something that's putting you off the edge?" Giotto asked curiously, for the third time in five minutes. Without a reply, he sighed and leaned back into the seats head rest. Looking to the side, he saw the small shops down the street from their mansion.

"You know, I take offence to that." G suddenly said, not taking his eyes off the road.

"To what," Giotto snorted in humour, "The fact that I'm suspicious of you because you're picking me up willingly without me having to beg or bribe you?"

"Oh, shut up. Don't make me sound so cold-hearted."

"Says you." The blond added, mocking him.

"Giotto, really, just shut up." G stressed, shooting a quick, but playful glare as he waited for the mansions' gates to slide open. "You'll see what's waiting for you when you get inside." He added in afterwards, but Giotto was already out of the car. Rather, outside - next to it, wondering if he should upgrade the automatic gates.

"Geez, these things are slow." He complained, stretching his arms above his head as he walked in through the gap in the gates, towards the house.

G drove along with him slowly, "Come to the lounge once you've changed." Giotto merely rose a brow.

"Just do it. Everyone's waiting for you." He drove off ahead, to park the car.

"Speaking of which, I wonder how Tsunayoshi is doing." Giotto whispered, finding himself picturing an image of his quivering young brother shying away from his stare. He shuddered, though he didn't know why. "I'd better have a nice long catchup with him once I get inside."

Once he did, however, he found himself curiously staring at the lounge doors, where loud whispers were emitting from. Ignoring it, he decided to get changed into a new set of clean clothes before doing anything else.


A few minutes later when Giotto had gotten a little more refreshed and changed into more comfortable clothing, he came down to the doors of the lounge, only to raise a brow at the eerie quietness. His suspicion arose, but assured himself they were just playing tricks on him.

"G-?" He called out with his usual calm and quiet voice, pushing the doors open. "-!" Much to his surprise, however, he was greeted by...well, a surprise.

A sudden bright stream of light filled the room, as the majority of the people living in the mansion popped out of their random hiding places. Giotto took a step back in surprise; At the same time, everyone pulled the party poppers in their hands and threw about the colourful bits and pieces of steamers and confetti scattered all about the room.

Together, they all shouted something along the lines, "Welcome back, Giotto!"

Stunned, Giotto remained where he was standing; The figure approaching him barely noticed. It was Tsuna.

"Of course it's him." Giotto rolled his eyes inwardly, snapping out of his thoughts. "Tsunayoshi, what's the meaning of this?" His voice sounded simply curious. Nothing else.

"W-well...You looked really tired and stressed this morning. A-actually, lately, not just today. So I-I...we...uh..." Tsuna trailed off, not knowing what to say next. Oh god, it was so awkward. His voice barely came out a little squeak from the sudden silence that slipped in as soon as he started speaking.

Fidgeting under everyone's stare, a slight blush spread across his face as he looked down to his feet. The others stared at Giotto, and his reaction.

"Wha?" He asked rather dumbly, not sure how to react at all.

"G-san said we hold a party to cheer you up." Tsuna suddenly blurted out, still finding down below very attractive.

Giotto looked up to G, who smirked curtly and looked away. "It was all his idea. I just made a suggestion."

"Tsunayoshi did?" Giotto half-asked, half-stated. He looked down at his youngest brother, who was refusing to look up.

"Well, are you going to stand there like a fool or hurry up and get inside?"

Giotto immediately averted his eyes up. "Reborn!" Sounding somewhat shocked, he shut his mouth and tried to calm himself down as he remembered the short conversation the two exchanged just a few days ago.

"Regained your sanity now, have you?" The fedora-tipped man teased in an amused tone, smirking.

"I never lost it to begin with." Giotto replied back straight away, glaring directly at Reborn whose eyes were glaring back, but mouth was still curved into a smirk.

"Oh really." Reborn stated flatly. "You went pretty wild yourself and prettied up the town." Again, with his teasing tone of voice.

Giotto's eyes widened a fraction for a split second. "He was there?" But quickly, like he usually did, he shrugged it off. "That doesn't concern you."

Tsuna, who was in the middle of the two men exchanging words and obvious glares, shuddered at the tense atmosphere. Not only were these two ruining what was supposed to be a happy night, but everyone else, like him, were both curious and afraid of what was coming next.

"Enough chit-chat already, let's just get the party started!" Knuckles suddenly shouted, making those next to him flinch slightly at his loud voice.

"Giotto-san, we really do hope you enjoy yourself tonight." Gokudera said somewhat sheepishly, grinning as Yamamoto picked out a red string of confetti out of his hair, unbeknownst to him.

Tsuna looked up at Giotto and lightly tugged the end of his white shirts' sleeve. "Come on." He said quietly, trying to pull Giotto into the room as the other gave him a questioning look.

"Thank you, Tsunayoshi." Giotto smiled.

"God bless that child. Did Giotto really just smile like that?" Knuckles asked agape, rubbing the corner of his eye to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

"No, he really did." Said Ugetsu, smiling. "It's been a while since we've last seen him with that expression."

"EXTREME DRINKING CONTEST!" Ryohei suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs, punching his right fist into the air. He stood in front of the large table covered in various drinks and different types of cuisine, specially made by hired chefs and a few by themselves.

"You're underage, you stupid turf-head!" Gokudera shouted, shaking a fist at the boxer.

"What! You're underage to the extreme as well!" Ryohei argued back.

"I never said I was going to drink, you moron!"

"Shut up, octopus head!"

"Say that one more time, kora!" The two were head to head, glaring at each other.

"Now, now. Calm down, both of you. I'm sure there are drinks for us as well." Yamamoto came around and placed a hand on both of their shoulders', calming them down. With Yamamoto between the two, the others didn't have to worry about the lounge turning into a battlefield.

As the atmosphere became much more relaxed and comfortable, the latest pop music started playing from large stereo speakers around the room and a few greedily made a mad dash towards the food and drinks. One of the few, was Gokudera, who immediately grabbed and handled three glasses of coke. One for him, one for Tsuna and one for Giotto.

"Here you go, Tenth, Giotto-san!" He grinned, holding out the cup.

"Ah, thank you." said Tsuna, smiling from his seat on the sofa on the far side of the room. "Thanks." Giotto broke a tiny smile, gladly taking the cup. He sat on the sofa next to, or rather, a little further from Tsuna.

For another hour or so, Tsuna felt himself smiling and chuckling at Gokudera and Yamamoto's childish arguments, and almost on the floor along with a few others, laughing at Ryohei and Knuckles, who were both somewhat drunk, singing and dancing all at the same time. They were singing along to 'Dynamite' that was blasting through the speakers.

Giotto also watched the two go crazy, talking from G from time to time. For the sake of it, he even went over to Reborn to settle their little 'argument'. Though, all went well and Giotto sat back down on a different sofa next to Ugetsu.

On the other side of the room, Reborn sat on the sofa in front of the small coffee table, where Leon was crawling about. He had accidentally spilled some of his alcoholic beverage onto the table and Leon, who happened to be laying there, lapped up the entire puddle. Though Reborn knew he should've been sobering it up since it was his pet, he couldn't help but simply sit there and watch his drunken lizard crawl about like a bug. Yamamoto and Gokudera joined him. The 'baseball-freak' laughing continuously and Gokudera staring at the lizard with a comical, impressed expression and a tiny blush.

The night dragged on, and the large group enjoyed themselves both together and separately. However, by the time the clock struck nine, Tsuna had already fallen asleep on middle of the floor, buried in a pile of pillows and confetti. Whenever someone looked over to him, they would awe at the adorable brunet who was simply radiating with 'Moe-rays'.

Giotto found himself sitting on the sofa in front of his brother, watching his chest rise and fall with a little smile on his lips. "Thank you, Tsunayoshi." He whispered, silently thanking the brunet to himself once again. All remained peaceful for him, as he closed his eyes.

But then suddenly, "OKAY EVERYONE, UPSY-DAISIES!" Ryohei. Somewhat drunken, mind you.

"Gather around!" said Knuckles, a little softer in tone than Ryohei. The two were sitting cross legged on the wide empty floor in between the table and the sofas.

"Those two are too loud." Said Gokudera, annoyed. "Especially that idiot." He gestured towards Ryohei, who was punching the air and shouting nonsense.

"But really, to be sleeping through all this noise, Tsuna's amazing!" Said Yamamoto, laughing as he glanced over to Tsuna who was still sleeping soundly.

"Well, the tenth himself is amazing overall, so I'm not surprised." Gokudera stated smugly. "It's better off if those two get ignored anyway. All the best."

"Now, now! I'm sure whatever they have planned will be fun!" Unwillingly, Gokudera allowed Yamamoto to drag him towards the two loud ones.

Eventually, Ryohei, Knuckles, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ugetsu and G formed a circle. Reborn simply refused to participate in whatever was going on, Giotto simply watched from the sofa and Tsuna was still asleep.


"What kind of game?" Ugetsu asked politely, like he always was.



"Aha, Gokudera finally snapped!" Yamamoto laughed along with Ugetsu. "Ah, I know what game we could play!" Said Yamamoto, grinning.

"And that is?" Knuckles urged for him to go on.

"A game that no party is complete without!"

"Just say the damn name!"

"It involves a spinner and a large group like this!" Yamamoto paused, reconsidering if it was a good idea as he looked at his drunken and high senior(sempai; Ryohei). "Truth or dare!"

Everyone paused for a moment, as a split second of awkward silence passed through. Then, all of a sudden-

"OH, THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!" As Ryohei shouted out once again, a few of them couldn't help but laugh along.

"It would be great if Giotto-san and Reborn could join us. Oh, and Hibari and Mukuro!" Yamamoto smiled sheepishly, standing to grab another drink from the table.

"Che, we don't need those-" But, speak of the devil.

"What do you think you're doing in the middle of the night?" A voice hissed out, as the lounge doors burst open. "I'll bite the lot of you to death." Hibari glared at the people in the room, baring one of his tonfa's. Though, he didn't seem like he was going to attack.

"Wait, calm down Kyouya." Dino appeared around the corner and behind Hibari, sounding as calm as ever.

"And where have you been?" G asked, raising a brow at Dino's casual entrance despite going missing for a day. Not that anyone really cared though.

"Training Kyouya, of course." He grinned, walking into the room as he threw his coat onto the sofa next to Giotto.

"Sup bro'." He lifted a hand to indicate 'Hi' at Giotto and walked over to the table and swiped up a glass of vodka. "Where's Tsu-oof!" Dino stumbled over a pillow; his face barely missing the floor, thanks to the quick glimpse of Tsuna, who was still sleeping. Seeing that he was about to crash land on his precious little brother, he quickly twisted his body around and landed on his bottom next to the pile of pillows, confetti and Tsuna.

"What's he doing sleeping on the floor here?" He asked, thanking the lord that his drink didn't spill all over his clothes.

"Beats me. He just fell asleep there all of a sudden." Said Giotto, with a shrug. "Probably had too much fun in one night." The two brothers exchanged a smile and a smirk.

Outside, they suddenly heard two familiar voices. "Stop pushing me or I'll bite you to death, stupid herbivore."

"Kufufu." That was definitely Mukuro. "Don't be that way, Kyou-chan. I heard there's something interesting going on down here."

The two walked into the lounge casually, as Hibari glared at the pineapple herbivore behind him and scowled at everyone else. Mukuro had a creepy smile playing on his lips.

"OH, MUKURO, HIBARI! HOW NICE OF YOU TO JOIN US! JOIN THE GAME! SIT DOWN, SIT DOWN!" Ryohei shoved over, as everyone else reluctantly did, to make room for two more.

"Oya, isn't Tsunayoshi-kun participating?" Mukuro asked, twisting his body around to see Tsuna still sleeping in his mountain of pillows and colourful confetti. "It would be most boring if he simply remained sleeping like that. Let's say we wake him up, shall we?" Well, he sounded innocent enough.

"OKAY, SAWADA, WAKE UP!" But the brunet did not. "SAWADA?" Again, he did not.

"Uh, let me handle this." Dino suggested, getting up before walking towards Tsuna. He squatted down, "Come on lil' bro, wake up already!" And then poked his sides. Immediately, Tsuna squirmed about as Dino continued to poke him, but had already woken up by that point.

"A-ah, s-stop...Dino-nii!" Said Tsuna, giggling softly in between as he pried Dino's hands' away. "I'm awake, I'm awake!"

"If your awake, then come join us over there." Said Dino, helping Tsuna up from floor.

"E-eh, what's going on?"

"Hm, come to think of it, I'm not really sure myself. What are we doing?" Dino asked casually with a grin, making Tsuna sweat-drop. "D-Dino-nii..."

"We're gonna play truth or dare, Dino-san!"

"Oh, that sounds fun!" Dino and Tsuna sat down next to each other. "Giotto, Reborn, why don't you join us too?" He grinned, hoping the two would.

Though, Reborn remained silent and Giotto said, "I'm fine with just watching you guys."

"Aw, come on. Don't be like that!"

"No really, I'm fine right here."

Tsuna looked over to Reborn and Giotto, then pouted. Abruptly, he stood up and walked over to Reborn, who was sitting on a sofa across from Giotto. The others, including the two stared at him curiously.

"R-Reborn, come play with us...It's no fun if you sit out by yourself!" Still pouting, he grabbed Reborn's warm hands without hesitation and struggled to pull him up. "Reborn!" Tsuna whined again, giving up as he slumped down onto the floor.

As Tsuna remained on the floor, refusing to move, Reborn sighed heavily in annoyance. "Alright, alright. I'll join for just one round. Happy now, dame-Tsuna?"

Tsuna smiled. "Yup!" Turning around, he cracked a huge smile towards Giotto, who was rather taken aback by it. "Giotto, your playing with us too!" He said, much like a little child.

"Huh, I am?"

"Yeah, you have the special spot right next to me." Dino grinned patting the spot in between him and G.

Inwardly, Giotto cracked a small smile. "Oh the joy." He said sarcastically, snorting as he rolled his eyes. Standing up, he went over and sat down in his spot.

Dino stretched up to reach an empty water bottle from the table (since he was the closest), gently throwing it into the middle of the circle.


"Oya, could I make a little request before we get started?" Mukuro interrupted somewhat politely, "Why don't we change a few rules around?"

"Like what?" G asked. He was in a neutral mood, and didn't want to ruin that.

"Hm, how about, 'Truth and Dare', for starters?" He smiled. A few shuddered.

"OKAY, LET'S START TRUTH AND DARE!" Definitely drunk.

And so the the half-unwilling game of Truth and Dare begun.


A/N: Ooh~ Someone's planning something~ Ooh~ (lol?) Anyway, I will definitely come back to edit this and the previous chapter. But especially this one. I rushed through halfway, because I wanted to get it up already. I've stalled enough with my updates for way too long because of the stupid school work I have. Please forgive me if you see all these silly mistakes here and there, I just simply typed this up and didn't actually read through it, so yeah. I'll replace this with the edited version if I find lots of mistakes, so until then~ Now if you'll excuse me, I have a very painful speech to write. It's due tomorrow and I have no idea what to do!