Indulgence: Follow the chaos
A/N: I felt kind bad for deleting one of my fics 'living with you' (which was in the category: Anime/Manga: Gakuen Alice) but I honestly had no more motivation or ideas for the story, so I decided to make another version based on KHR. I hope this one goes well, and I'll try to make sure that it gets finished. Some ideas may be based on the previous fic, just to let you know. Please enjoy the first chapter, I'm very much aware it's very short.
EDIT: 23/01/2011 – No major changes. Just a few changes here and there.
AU. "Welcome to the Vongola dorms." Tsuna never thought living with his step-brother, Giotto, would make rabbit-hungry wolves hunt him down. Nor did he think he would fall into complete turmoil or love.
Chapter one: Where it all started.
"Tsu-kun, please understand." Sawada Nana said gently, rubbing her sons' trembling back.
"My son, think of it as a new experience!" Sawada Iemitsu followed on, grinning and slapping his sons' back like any wonderful father would do.
Tsuna couldn't help but feel the colour in his face drain. Drastically.
There he was, sitting at the dining table with his two beloved parents, being informed about what he could assume was his worst nightmare.
"I'm sure Gio-kun will love your company as well!" Nana said happily, squealing at the thought of her two beloved sons' bonding.
"...C-can you please reconsider?" Tsuna begged, shooting the puppy-dog eyes at his parents, who probably did flinch a bit in their seats. Though, they didn't give up their end of the 'discussion'.
"Tsuna, you must become a man and face the life ahead of you!" Iemitsu said sternly, grabbing the brunet's shoulders roughly before turning him around to face him directly.
He let out a tiny yelp, "W-what?"
"Tsu-kun, Please do this for us...for me?" Nana pleaded, shooting her puppy-dog eyes to Tsuna. He scooted back in his seat an inch.
"Why can't I move in with...Dino-nii instead?"
"Dino-kun is still in college so it'll be troublesome. Whereas Gio-kun has already graduated and lives on his own!"
They shot him a stern expression and spoke with a firm voice, "You're moving in with Giotto and that's final." Iemitsu stated finally, before striding out of the kitchen with a triumphant look.
Nana squealed in delight and bounced off after her husband. "Pack your things tonight, you'll be leaving tomorrow!" she smiled before following after Iemitsu.
Tsuna groaned and slammed his head on the dining table over and over again, cursing incoherent curses under his breath. His life couldn't get any worse. For a moment or two, he expected to receive some kind of good news, but instead his dreams were shattered. Not that he had any to start with.
He, the useless and klutzy little brother was going to move in with his absolutely terrifying older blond brother. Half-brother to be exact.
Let's make things more clear.
Sawada Tsunayoshi, a fifteen year old brunet who was also known as 'no-good Tsuna' or 'Moe-Tsuna' lived in the small town of Shimon with his loving mother and father in a fairly reasonable sized house. His family actually consisted of five people. Sawada Nana and Iemitsu, his mother and father, Sawada Cavallone Dino, his nineteen year old brother who moved into a dorm with his friend, himself, and finally the oldest, his blond half brother, Sawada Ieyatsu Giotto.
"Why Giotto-nii..." Tsuna honestly wondered, why did Giotto out of all people just have to be his so-called 'brother'? Heck, they didn't have any kind of proper brotherly bond.
Dino was always the nicer one out of the two. Although he was sometimes a bit of a klutz, he was handsome, smart, funny and strong...everything a woman could possibly want in a man. Dino would always comfort Tsuna and help him when he needed brotherly affection, making the younger admire him. Unlike Giotto. There was always a flaw in a perfect family relationship. For all Tsuna knew, Giotto probably loathed the boy. Giotto was a pure god;everything about him was perfect, more perfect than Dino in fact. His cold attitude didn't help much, but it was one of his traits. Every single day of the brunet's life, since he was a young child, Giotto would give him the cold shoulder, call him names and abuse him at times (rarely), use him as a 'lackey' and send him around doing all his shares of the chores, blamed all his faults on him and didn't show a single drop of love or brotherly affection. He was the reincarnation of the devil himself. When he graduated from high school, he left the house without a word.
Though, Tsuna had some sort of charm that no-one else had. That was the sole reason why Giotto loathed him. That was the sole reason why Dino was overprotective and caring about him. That was the sole reason why he failed at everything, terribly and miserably.
His life didn't get any worse when his parents hired a home tutor for him, due in a week which was when he was going to be living with Giotto.
Oh lord, let us pray Tsuna doesn't lose his sanity before dawn breaks.
Before he knew it, the day passed by like a bullet train and dusk eventually turned into night.
Telling himself it was okay over and over again, the exhausted brunet finally fluttered his eyes down and drifted off into a heavy sleep.
Tomorrow was going to be hectic if not, worse.
10:58pm. Namimori. Vongola mansion (dorms) lounge room.
He slammed the phone down back onto the receiver, growling as he glared at the fire flickering violently in the fireplace in front of him.
"Giotto, what's wrong now?" a man with messy red hair asked, sighing as he walked up to his friends' side.
"Oh, It's just you G." he replied, not looking away from the fire.
The red-haired man with a distinctive tattoo under his right eye sighed heavily once more, "Yes, It's just me. Did something come up again?"
The blond nodded in return, finally ripping his eyes away from the fire. "I'm becoming a parent."
Suddenly, the other choked on his saliva and blinked in disbelief, "W-what?"
"My kid brother, you idiot. I'm gonna look after him for the duration of my parents' absence." The man closed his eyes momentarily and opened them again, staring at the flickering fire.
The other sighed in relief and turned away, patting the man on the right shoulder, "Good luck with that." he held back a major laugh. Chuckling slightly as he retreated up the stairs to his room.
Sawada Ieyatsu Giotto sighed lightly and turned to the grandfather clock next to him, which just struck 11pm. He exited the spacious lounge, shaking his head in frustration as memories seeped through his mind.
Damn everything. Tomorrow was certainly going to be a turning point.
A/N: Yes, very short, I know. That's's only the first chapter. I mean, think of it as a prologue! Thanks for reading, it would be nice if you guys left a few words. This is probably the result of the poll on my profile, but you can still vote. I can add whatever in on your request. So if you want a certain character in this fic, just tell me so I can fit it in the storyline. Thanks.