A/N: This is the last chapter of Drowning. I know we've still got an episode to come this season, and a whole season after that, but this feels like a very natural conclusion for this series and so I'm calling it a wrap. Thank you everyone who has read and reviewed along the way, this has been really fun. I hope you enjoy it!

This chapter contains situations suitable for adults only.


"Look who's back." There was a note of amusement in Jamie Brennan's voice as he looked past Sam.

Sam turned, and for a moment his heart stopped. Andy? What the hell was she doing there? And where was Traci? Sam's brain raced through a dozen different scenarios, Traci was hurt... dead... missing... Andy was in trouble... she'd taken a taste to prove she wasn't a cop and now she was tripping out of her mind... they'd gotten cocky and pissed off Donnie... But no, she looked too calm for any of that. Still, that didn't stop his heart from thudding painfully against his ribs.

"Hey," She was nervous, he could tell by the tightness in her voice.

"Hey," he responded, begging her with his eyes not to need him. If she needed him he knew he would go, and he couldn't break cover, couldn't let this be the second UC operation he blew in under a year because he couldn't get away from her.

"Um, I'm gonna be on a plane in a couple hours, back to Appleton, and I'll be gone, out of your life..."

Sam couldn't stop his mouth from dropping slightly. She wouldn't.. she didn't... Not here. Not tonight, with Jamie Brennan sitting close enough to hear and see everything.

"So if you're not doing anything for the next couple hours... Maybe..."

She was. Sam cursed the universe. For the better part of a year he'd been waiting for this, hoping for it, thinking it might never happen.. they'd come close once, but he'd gotten sick of waiting and he'd taken this job. And now here she was, propositioning him, albeit awkwardly, and he had to say no.

"I-I'm with my boss."

"Right," the sparkle in her eyes dimmed.

"And I wouldn't want you to miss your flight." he held her eyes, trying to convey how desperately he wanted to say yes even as his lips poured out the right words. Words that would save their jobs, even if they felt like they were being individually ripped from his chest.

"Okay," She nodded, her expression closing off, her voice took on a business like tone, "then I'm gone." She turned and walked away.

Sam half reached for her before he could stop himself, but she was gone, and he had work to do. He stared after her until she disappeared from view, hoping against hope she would turn back one more time. She didn't.

Behind him Jamie snorted with laughter.

Sam sat back down at the bar, shoving the crushing disappointment and bitter anger down so he could bring his focus back to the task at hand. They were going to bring this son of a bitch down and once they did Sam would... well he wasn't sure what, but he would figure it out. Whatever it was, he would make damn sure Andy knew how he felt. And if he was very lucky, she would feel the same.

"We got business you and me," Jamie broke the silence.

Sam forced all thoughts of Andy from his mind before looking up, "Yes we do."

"We can catch up on that business tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that." Jamie was smiling, "A woman like that doesn't knock on your door every day." Sam stared at him incredulously for a moment, half waiting for the other shoe to drop. But Jamie kept smiling. "Go on, we'll do business tomorrow."

Moth quirking into a half smile Sam stood and with a final glance at his boss, turned to follow Andy out of the bar.

o o o

"This is me," Sam pulled the car into a numbered slot and killed the engine. For the first time since leaving the Alpine he allowed his eyes to meet hers. She smiled and he took a deep steadying breath. God he'd missed her. But not matter how much he wanted it, nothing could happen tonight. There was too much on the line. He had to focus on the job. Now more than ever he needed this operation to go smoothly. He wanted his life back as soon as possible.

Andy was the first to move. She opened the passenger door and climbed out into the cold night. Sam was right behind her. At the door of his apartment he placed a hand on her shoulder and stopped her. "Gimme a second, just gotta turn off the cameras."

She nodded and leaned against the wall while he fished keys out of his pocket and entered the apartment alone. Flicking a couple switches turned off all of the surveillance equipment in his apartment. There was a pile of dirty laundry in one corner which he hastily threw in a hamper before opening the door. "Come on in."

Andy hesitated at the door before entering the apartment. "So what you can just turn the cameras off, they don't care?" she asked, shedding her winter coat.

"I gotta have some kind of life, right?" He smiled, reaching for her coat. They really didn't care when the cameras were on or off, though technically he was only supposed to turn them off when he was alone. But the part about having a life was a joke. Under normal circumstances, Sam loved UC. The work was challenging and almost always interesting, and the department was paying for rent of a decent bachelor apartment. This time though, he couldn't be done fast enough. He'd thrown himself into the case, working day and night, only breaking to shit, shower and sleep, consciously forcing his mind not to dwell on what he might have left behind.

Andy handed off her coat, "I guess."

Their eyes met. She looked so good, so at home in his place. Sam wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms, kiss her perfect lips, carry her to his bed, but they couldn't. Not tonight. "I'm going to call you a cab, it's going to take you back to the station and you're going to get into your uniform." He begged her to agree, even as he desperately hoped she would stay.

Andy turned away before he'd even finished speaking. Walking further into the apartment. She unbuttoned the lowest button on her shirt."No." The next button followed and Sam felt his resolve crumbling.

He followed her, still clutching her coat in both hands like a shield. She undid another button, holding his gaze with eyes full of promise. Sam closed the distance between them. He couldn't stay away. She sat on his table and he stood so close their legs brushed. "If you don't leave now, there's no going back." The tiny corner of his mind that was still working normally told him to force her out, but even that part knew he wouldn't be able to. All he could do was give her this last chance to run and hope to God that she didn't take it.

"I don't want to go back." Her eyes on his were warm and fearless. So different from last time.

He dropped her coat and stepped closer, his thigh hitting the edge of the table as his fingers brushed against the soft cotton of her shirt. He cupped one hand around her face and leaned in. Andy tilted her face up to meet him. For one breathless moment Sam hesitated. They'd gone this far once before, and then she'd run... but that was months ago, she was different now, they were different. He let the doubt fly away as his lips touched hers.

The first kiss was slow. Sam ran his thumb over Andy's cheek as he opened her mouth with his own. His arms slid around her, pulling her closer. Andy ran her hands restlessly up his arms and over his chest. He cradled the base of her skull as his tongue explored the inside of her mouth with sudden urgency. It wasn't enough, he needed more of her.

They broke apart, both breathing heavily. Sam made quick work of his shirt, Andy's lithe hands helping him push it over his head. It fell to the floor unheeded. For a moment Sam just drank in the sight of Andy, cheeks flushed, breathing rapid, dark eyes giving his chest an appreciative once over. Her bangs were falling in one eye and he gently brushed them aside. He trailed kisses across her face and down her neck.

Andy gasped for breath, planting both hands against his bare chest. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes dark with arousal.

Sam turned his attention to the last two buttons on her shirt, pulling them free with little effort. He wrapped both hands around her shirt and used it to pull her close. He rested his forehead against hers for a moment, locking gazes. He stepped back and bent. In a swift movement he lifted her into his arms.

Andy twined both arms around his neck, cupping the back of his head with one hand as he claimed her lips. Sam carried her to the bed, and lay her back against the green quilt.

Andy half sat, pulling out her hair clip and tossing it aside. Sam slid one knee between her legs, and used both hands to push her shirt off her shoulders. He ran his hands over her, memorizing the soft warmth of her skin.

Sam used both hands on her ass to pull her tight against him. She tilted her hips, rubbing herself against his thigh. Her head fell back, and she moaned softly, rocking against him, seeking her own pleasure.

The clasp of her bra gave way easily under Sam's fingers and he pushed the straps down her shoulders. She let go of him long enough to toss it aside before twining both arms around his neck. With feather-light fingers, Sam caressed the length of Andy's back before bringing one hand between them and pinching her dusky nipple. She gasped and arched against him as he increased the pressure almost to the point of pain. He released her nipple, palming her breast gently as he sought her lips with his own.

She slid one hand through his hair, raking his scalp lightly with her fingernails. The movements of her hips against him sped up, becoming erratic as she reached the edge. Sam broke their kiss and dropped his mouth to her breast. He sucked her erect nipple between his lips, swirling his tongue slowly around the stiff peak. Andy gasped his name, her body going rigid as an orgasm crashed over her. Sam held her against him, mouth working slowly over her breasts until she went limp in his arms.

Gently, he lowered her to the bed. He kissed her firmly before pulling back. He rose to his feet, undoing his belt and letting his jeans fall to the floor before reaching for hers. He took his time, trailing open mouthed kisses along her belly before reaching for the fly. He slid the jeans down inch by inch, trailing soft caresses and wet kisses as he went.

Andy shifted impatiently, her hands bunching the blanket beneath her.

Grinning, Sam tugged her panties down and blew a stream of cool air across her center.

"Sam," she groaned his name.

The desperation in her tone sent a shockwave of need straight to his groin. He pulled her jeans and panties free in a single tug and removed his underwear before joining her on the bed.

Andy sat up and pulled him into a kiss, her tongue ravaging his mouth. They shifted up on the bed and Andy lay back against the pillows, pulling him with her.

Her breasts pressed against his chest and his throbbing erection brushed against the inside of her thigh. She arched against him and Sam ran one hand over her center. One finger and then two dipped between her swollen lips, testing her readiness. She was dripping wet and so hot. Sam forced himself to breathe deeply as he positioned himself over her entrance. He wanted this to last.

Supporting his weight with both arms on the bed, Sam slid into her slowly. Her muscles stretched around him as he buried his length inside her. He stayed still for a moment, breathing deep but harsh as he tried to regain control.

Andy cupped his cheek with one hand, bringing his eyes to hers. Dark eyes locked, they began to move. Sam pulled nearly all the way out before sliding back in. He started slow but it wasn't long before the thrusts came more quickly. Andy wrapped her legs around him, changing the angle so he hit every part of her.

She dug her nails into his shoulder, mouth open in wordless pleasure as a second orgasm contracted her muscles. With one more thrust Sam joined her. He circled his hips against hers, putting pressure on her clit to draw out her orgasm as best he could before collapsing beside her.

He pulled her against his chest and for several minutes the only sound in the apartment was their panting.

o o o

"I can't ever come back here," there was a physical ache as she said the words. It wasn't fair. The moment she figured out how she felt about Sam he was gone, and now she was so close to him she could feet his pulse thrumming against her and she had to walk away. It was almost unbearable. "Never." She scanned his face, trying to memorize the look in his eyes.

She'd really thought this would help, that somehow it would be easier once she'd had him. When it really matters you don't think. She'd been so infuriated by those words, but they were true. Seeing him in the bar she hadn't been able to think, had barely managed to breathe. It had taken all her self control to act relatively normal and not to throw her arms around him. When she'd gone back into the bar she'd promised herself that it would be easier. That walking away and waiting for Sam to come home would be easier when he knew how she felt. That the ache in her chest and the nauseous churning in her stomach were because Sam didn't know, not because he wasn't there. So like an idiot, she'd ignored the promise she'd made to Tracy and the warning she'd already had from Sam and she'd sought him out. Like an addict's first hit of heroin he was in her blood now and seeing him wasn't enough anymore, she needed to feel him, taste him.

The weeks since he'd gone undercover had been hard. She'd never been good at time or space. But this was so much harder. She'd had a taste and it was good and now all she wanted was more. More of his smiles, more of his laughter rumbling against her, more of his lips on hers and his hands all over... just more of Sam.

It had never been this hard before. Not with any of her past relationships. But this wasn't Luke or Matthew or any of the nameless losers she'd dated in high school, this was Sam and everything was different. With those other men she'd lived a parallel life, sometimes they'd intersect for an hour or a night, but they didn't stay with her. Not like Sam. Every minute he was there, sometimes she missed him so much it hurt, other times he was the gentle voice whispering reason when her mind tried to run in circles. Every thought that mattered, every hope for her future, and every fear was hopelessly tangled up in him. She belonged to him. It was terrifying.

It was glorious.

"No," Sam covered her hand with his, bringing her back to the present. "And you have to go."

Andy nodded, leaning closer "Yeah, I do."

Sam's arm wrapped around her, pulling her closer as their lips met. Andy leaned into the kiss, rolling her body over Sam's. She could feel the beginnings of his erection against her thigh and she reached one hand down to wrap around his shaft. He groaned appreciatively into her mouth as she caressed the sensitive under side with her finger tips.

One day, when they had all the time in the world she was going to learn how to make him scream, but right then all she wanted was him inside her. She kissed his neck, the stubble along his jaw brushed roughly at her cheek. His cock grew hard in her hands and Andy sat up, letting the sheet fall away as she straddled him.

Sam gazed up at her, dark eyes drinking in the sight of her, mouth slack, as she raised herself up and dropped, taking him inside her in a single motion. Her breasts bounced lightly against her chest as she rocked back and forth slowly, closing her eyes to savour the sensation.

His calloused fingers ran lightly over her thighs, up her stomach. He brushed the underside of her breasts, sending shivers down her spine. Andy arched her back, giving him better access to her breasts. He pinched her nipples hard enough to make her groan before resuming his gentle caresses. Andy kept up the gentle pace, rocking forward until her clit ground against his pelvis and then back again as Sam's skilled hands explored her body.

He slid two fingers between them, finding her clit and pressing against it. She threw her head back, "Yes, right there." Already she could feel an orgasm building. She rocked faster, swivelling her hips to increase the friction.

Sam's hips began to move in time with hers and he went over the edge. She ground against him as he spilled into her. His fingers circled her clit and it wasn't long before she came, back arching in wanton pleasure.

She collapsed against him, kissing him hungrily before rolling off. Reluctantly she sat at the edge of the bed and reached for her discarded clothing. Sam kissed her neck as he too rose to dress.

"I'll call you a cab." He said running a gentle hand through her hair.

Andy nodded. She pulled on her panties and jeans and quickly buttoned up her shirt. Her hair clip was nowhere to be found, but she ran her fingers through her hair and decided that was going to be good enough.

"They'll be here in five minutes," Sam said, setting down his phone.

"Okay." She closed the distance between them as if pulled by invisible strings. He'd pulled on his jeans but no shirt and looked every inch like he'd just been fucked senseless. Andy wondered if she looked the same.

Sam tucked her hair behind her ear. "You can't come back here."

She nodded. "I know."

Their lips met in a final, desperate kiss. It tasted like goodbye.

o o o

Andy sank back against the drab grey interior of the taxi. She had less than an hour to make it to the station and into uniform, but she was too sated to care. Sam knew how she felt, and better than that, he felt the same way. They'd spent a wonderful night wrapped up in each other and it was only a matter of time before he came home and they could spent every night together. It might be weeks, or months... it didn't matter. For Sam, Andy would figure out how to wait.

A/N: Thank you again everyone who has read and reviewed along the way. I hope you've had as much fun with this story as I have and that you'll take a moment to leave a review.