
Hermione Granger walked out of the Ministry building, tucking her Unspeakable robes back into her handbag. She was the youngest Unspeakable to be accepted in over a century. Abruptly a memory accosted - "You're the youngest seeker in a century!" - her, causing her heart to pound sharply in her chest. The twenty-year-old shook her head as if to clear away her thoughts and continued on her way.

She had to return home and get ready for her dinner with Ron, who she was sure was going to propose to her. Adrenaline rushed through her when she thought about finally marrying Ron Weasley.

But first she needed to do some shopping. Glancing around to make sure there were no Muggles about, she spun on the spot and apparated to Diagon Alley. With a fond smile she wondered down the lane, trying to decide where she was going to buy the dress robes she wanted for that night. She paused, spotting Sirius Black arguing with Fred Weasley outside Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes.

She hadn't seen Sirius since her graduation three years prior, and decided to wonder over and see what the two were up to.

"Hermione!" Fred exclaimed with a smile. "How are you?"

Hermione returned the smile, "Well, I'm just out to buy some things, I've got dinner with Ron tonight."

Fred grinned and exchanged a knowing glance with Sirius. "Ah, yes, big night then?"

If ever she doubted her suspicions, they had just now been confirmed. Ron was definitely proposing.

"I guess." She allowed, a small smile pulling at her lips. "And how are you both?"

Sirius laughed. "Well as can be. We were just wondering over the window display."

Hermione peered around the two men and raised her eyebrows. "It looks great!" She exclaimed, having not been to the shop in many months.

Fred rolled his eyes as Sirius grinned in triumph. "Fine, fine, you and George win then."

Sirius laughed. "Don't be sour, or Harry'll drag you over to dinner again and you'll start arguing with Severus about your newest potions, and no one will be able to get a word in edgewise."

Fred blushed and grinned. "Yes, well."

"How is Harry?" Hermione asked a little nervously.

Sirius smiled in understanding. Although Harry had gradually become friends with Hermione and Ron again after the loss of his memories, they had never returned to the close knit friendship they once had.

"Couldn't be better." Fred laughed, "He comes 'round about once a week to help out at the store, but mostly he's next door with Draco and Blaise."

Hermione blinked, her gaze flickering over to the shop - not as bright as Fred and Georges, but not dark either - to see Blaise Zabini's own shop. She had passed many times, but had never had the time to go in, yet she had heard enough to know that it fronted as a shop and conducted research in the back. Theo Nott, a colleague of hers in the Unspeakable department, had helped Blaise with the initial research and now connected Blaise's little shop with the Unspeakable department, relating anything significant that they found.

Mostly they sold strong enchantments done in Parselmagic, and as the only shop in the country who had a parselmouth on demand, they had become quite popular. After people had gotten over their initial repulsion to Parselmagic, helped along by Blaise's book - also sold in the store.

"Actually, I believe they're currently doing research on Magical snake breeding." Sirius was saying, breaking Hermione out of her thoughts.

"Oh?" She asked, intrigued. "I hadn't heard, then again, I don't often see Theodore in the department."

Fred was nodded. "Yeah, actually I think it was Luna's idea."

"Luna?" Hermione asked with a little frown. "Luna Lovegood?"

She had known Luna became very close to Harry and the Slytherin boys, but she wasn't aware she was still in contact with them. After Luna's discovery of the Crumple Horned Snorkack, the girl had become a Magical Creature expert, and travelled quite a lot in search of rare or mythical creatures.

Sirius sniggered. "Yes. Shortly after she came back last. It was actually quite amusing."

Fred was laughing. "Poor Theo."

"What happened?" Hermione asked with a smile.

Sirius sniggered again. "Poor, poor Theo, there he was, valiantly trying to keep his cool as he proposed, and Luna says yes immediately and starts on about this Magical snake she found in Australia and the possibility of mix-breeding magical snakes."

Hermione gaped. "Luna's engaged, to Theodore?"

Fred and Sirius both nodded.

"Yes, about five weeks ago." Fred answered.

"Goodness. What else have I missed?" She wondered aloud.

Fred's grin widened and he exchanged another look with Sirius. "Neville's got a position at Hogwarts." Fred broke off, chuckling, and then added. "Poor Severus. Neville's completely ruined his reputation from what we've heard."

Sirius began laughing again. "Severus can't believe it! He keeps complaining about how it's all Harry's fault. How he was Severus's downfall after all."

Fred and Sirius burst out laughing and Hermione hid a smile behind her hand.

A rather loud explosion sounded, causing all four of them to jump. Smoke billowed out of the shop next door - Blaise's store! - as the door was hurriedly pushed open and three coughing figures burst from the shop.

"Idiot!" One of them gasped. "I told you to be careful!"

A flurry of hisses permeated the air.

"English Harry!" Another laughed, coughs breaking in between.

Clearing away the smoke, Hermione saw Blaise, Draco and Harry covered in smoke and ash. Suddenly finding themselves in clear air, the three looked around and spotted Hermione, Sirius, and Fred.

"Hermione!" Harry exclaimed joyously, "Was that you? Thanks!" He bounded over to them, a huge smile on his soot smeared face.

Hermione couldn't hold back a delighted smile. "You're welcome. What was all that about?"

Blaise and Draco joined them, Draco casting half-hearted glares at Harry.

"Scar-head was being an idiot." Draco muttered with a roll of his eyes.

Blaise chuckled. "He didn't mean it, he's never been that great at potions."

Harry just grinned at Hermione, "So how are you? I haven't seen you in ages!"

"I'm well, and you?"

"Good, good." Harry bobbed his head and ducked the hand that came to cuff him without even looking.

Draco didn't look at all surprised that he missed, and instead just shook his head and gave Hermione a polite nod. "I hear you have a big night ahead of you."

Hermione blinked in surprise. "Oh, yes." She blushed. "Everyone seems to know, don't they?"

Draco smirked, "Well, Weasley never was one for subtlety."

Blaise chuckled. "He was in the shop a few days ago, wasn't he?"

Draco nodded. "Red as a tomato too, but acting like the luckiest person alive."

"He is." Harry interjected. "Hermione's great. Anyone'd be lucky to have her." He threw a roguish grin Hermione's way and she felt her heart jump.

"Well-" She started but was cut off by the arrival of two more people, exiting out of Fred and George's shop.

"What was that?" A young voice exclaimed.

Hermione blinked at the young boy, realising with a start that she was looking at Tom Riddle. The young brunette was standing with his arms crossed in front of George Weasley and looking at the three soot covered boys in a mixture of amusement and disapproval.

"Did you let Harry near your potions again?" The young boy asked in a surprisingly exasperated voice.

Draco rolled his eyes. "Who else would have done it?"

"Well it could have been Fred and George." Blaise pointed out, much to the indignation of the Weasley twins.

"Oi!" George huffed, "I'll have you know that we haven't blown anything up in ages. Unlike you."

"Not my fault." Draco grumbled, throwing a glare Harry's way.

"You shouldn't be letting Harry near the cauldrons. Uncle Sev always says that disasters follow Harry 'round everywhere and we shouldn't encourage them." Tom quipped.

Everyone sniggered as Draco once again rolled his eyes. "Yes Mum."

Hermione smiled and felt wholly happy for the first time in years. For the longest time, she had felt as if there was a small part of her heart that would never heal after Harry split away from her and Ron. Yet, standing among the family he had made for himself, seeing the success and happiness of the people who would otherwise have lived a life of darkness, she realised that Harry's loss of memories was really a miracle.

Harry had been given a chance to live she realised. Before the loss of his memories, he was chained to a fate that could have killed him and when that world was shattered, he was set free. He had freed himself, he had freed the Slytherins of prejudice against them, he had Sirius and he had made a life for them all.

Suddenly, Hermione found she could no longer be unhappy for losing her best friend. Not when he had created so much happiness just by being himself.

A buzzer sounded, jerking Hermione from her thoughts, "Oh. I'm sorry, but I really have to go or I'll be late." She said apologetically to the group as a whole.

Harry grinned at her. "No problem, just make sure we get an invite to the wedding."

Delighted, Hermione beamed. "Of course." She nodded and waved to the others and turned to hurry down the Alley.

"Give Ron my best!" Harry shouted out after her, echoed by the voices of his friends and family.

Yes, she thought, I might have lost my best friend, but everything worked out just perfect.

A/N - And there it is. This is the last chapter. I hope it satisfies. I'm happy, and yet a little sad that it's done. Personally I think the first few chapters were the best, but I'm still quite pleased with the way it ended. I once again thank everyone who read this, and especially to those who reviewed (some of which nearly made me cry I loved them so much!).

I've also got some Side-fics planned, so keep an eye out for them.
