~Oh yeah! People were creeped out by the last chapter! Lol I'm glad you all liked it. Thank you toooooo…



Sonamy Lover


The reviews you gave made me happy!

*Whooo I got 21 reviews! CHA!* ~

Disclaimer: You know the drill

~One more thing. When you see this * next to a sentence that consists of star language, it means that I will explain the meaning of the sentence at the end of the chapter. Just so the story goes smoother okay? Okay now read on! ~



A simple red liquid that the body emits when it is harmed. It's a liquid, not a solid. It's red, not blue. There is a lot of it; yes there is a lot of it. It's on the walls, on the floor, the ceiling, the lights. It's also on a fox, yes a fox. No ordinary fox, no, he's definitely not ordinary. There is blood on him, yes on him. Him and his sweet, innocent face. What happened to that face? Where has it gone? It used to be there, didn't it? Surely there was not always a gaping red hole…was there? Was his face always placed on the floor next to his body? Did it always have a horrified expression? Was it always covered in that liquid? That red liquid…there it is again. How come it always shows up when someone is hurt? Was it always staining the fox's face? His horrified face? Surely it hasn't always…right? The fox, was he always so…distant? Did he always look so cut up? So severed from other connections? Were his tails, yes plural, always separated from his body? Were they always drenched in that red liquid that appears when someone gets hurt? No, they had to have been attached at one point…right? Has the little fox ever looked so lifeless before? So dead, before? Has he ever been that still against the wall? Was there a time when he would be as energetic as a newborn? Yes, there was a time, but…when did that time…end?

Cream could only stare at the mangled body that belonged to Tails as it lay against the wall of the hallway they were all standing in. Nobody moved, nobody blinked, nobody even breathed. There was a terrible and nerve shattering silence as shock, disbelief, rage, and sorrow struck all the faces of everyone at the time. The silence was broken; however, by Mina who turned and ran back a ways only to throw up around the corner. Shadow ran to her and rubbed her back as she kept rejecting her breakfast.

Sonic stood deadly silent, taking shallow breaths as he stared at his best friend's body. 'It's not him. This is someone's idea of a joke. A sick and sadistic joke! That can't be my little brother…HE CAN'T BE TAILS!' he screamed in his head, a stage of complete denial had taken over him as his body shook subconsciously.

Knuckles wasn't far from abandoning all hope and crossing the border between sanity and insanity. His hands were balled into fists and were so tightly closed that they drew blood. The echidna grit his teeth and punched the wall next to him, sending a huge crack up the side of it. Tikal stared at him and a look of sympathy crossed her face as she saw that they could not see what she saw. 'I should have known. They can't see the illusion that has been set before them. I guess the echidnan trait of True Sight has really dwindled in the blood line. Because it looks like Knuckles is…torn.' She thought to herself and shakily walked towards Tails' body. Even though she could see what was really there, it didn't shake the fact that the sight was gruesome and scared her shitless. She stopped a few feet away from the body and summoned up all of the remaining courage that she now possessed. Shutting her eyes and bracing herself, Tikal ran full-speed towards the body and kicked it down the hall.

The only way to describe the looks on each of her friends' faces was 'I will MURDER you.' Except for Rouge and Amy. Their faces were more like, 'WTF?'

However, no one was expecting what happened next, Cream (yes Cream) launched herself at Tikal and grabbed her around the throat. She pushed the female against the wall and gripped her neck tighter. Tikal clawed at Cream's hand, desperately trying to pry it off so she could receive her desperately needed air. Cream, only squeezed harder in an attempt to actually crush the poor echidna's collar bone. Cheese floated around his master, chaoing loudly, trying to get her attention and make her stop.

Everyone was too shocked to say and/or do anything. They could only look as hundreds of thoughts ran through each of their heads simultaneously.

Tikal strained to look at Cream in the face. She saw that the young rabbits eyes were no longer a soft brown, but they were now a piercing silver that seemed to glow in anger as Cream glared into what seemed the echidna's very soul.

* "Canto? Canto shanta nosani sama janta ree, Tails? CANTO TEENA GANTENO SHANTA NOSANI SAMA JANTA REE, TAILS?" the rabbit screamed and squeezed Tikal's neck tighter. Tikal understood the language. She knew that Cream had every right to be mad at her for she didn't know what was really going on, but she couldn't speak. She wouldn't be able to tell her why she did it. No air would come to her, and she felt faint. Her consciousness was slipping, and she wouldn't be able to hold out much longer at this rate.

The female echidna was about to give up when suddenly, Cream let go. Tikal dropped to the ground desperately gasping for air. Her lungs starving for oxygen and burning from lack thereof. She strained to look up at Cream and was shocked to see that she was being held back by Amy and the bat that she hadn't really gotten acquainted to yet. The young rabbit was frantically trying to escape from their grasps.

* "SANDAN! SANDAN KITA SHO WATERMI PATRANA!" Cream screamed and thrashed about. Rouge and Amy held tighter and gazed at their friend with a sad look.

* "Danna sonatsu kitse, Sayama." Rouge ordered softly but kept a strong hold on the rabbit, but Cream just kept trying to break free. The bat sighed heavily. "Amy." She said simply and watched as the hedgehogette touched a point on the rabbit's neck, and saw Cream fall to the ground unconscious.

Amy looked towards Tikal, whom finally had gained the ability to stand again. She glared at the female and pointed to her accusingly.

"You, explain why you did what you did right now before I bust a cap in your ass,"

"Oh damn," Sonic mumbled to himself as he was shocked to hear such strong language from Amy.

Tikal swallowed hard and faced the group that stood before her, waiting for an explanation.

"W-well," she managed to stammer out. "I know it's hard to believe, but I have the power to see what is real and what is not sometimes and when I saw that body I used the power to determine just that. That body is not Tails', none of you noticed because you were caught in grief so I had to show you some way. I know, I should have chosen a better way, but I didn't think any of you were in the right state of mind to be talked to at the time. So look down the hall now and see for yourselves what I mean." She finished. They all did as she had instructed and looked in the direction that she had kicked the body. To their shock, Tails', or what they thought was Tails' body, was not there anymore. The hallway was not lit in its normal lighting and there was not a trace of the horrible scene they thought had occurred.

"B-but how?" Mina began. Tikal interrupted her, though.

"It was a type of hypnotism, someone or something wanted to slow us down with that. Whoever did this knew that you wouldn't be prepared for this kind of trick and took advantage of you. This person was trying to slow us down and sadly, has succeeded. Somewhere in this building, the real Tails is in trouble, but him being one of us, he's not going to go out without a fight. C'mon we have to get to him." She stated and began down the hall again.

Cream had woken up just in time to hear most of Tikal's explanation and felt guilty as hell for her actions towards her. The others were just as shocked but felt good as a huge wave of relief flew over them, but they weren't entirely relaxed seeing as they still had no idea where the real Tails was and/or if he was okay. All the time they had wasted being fooled could have been fatal to Tails' well-being. They all ran after Tikal, not daring to make a sound since each had something heavy weighing on their minds, but none more so than Cream who ran up next to the orange female echidna with a downcast gaze.

"Tikal, I am so sorry, I shouldn't have-,"

"Stop it," Tikal stated simply and Cream looked at her with a questioning gaze. The echidna smiled at her with the most sincere eyes. She wasn't mad at the young rabbit in any way, shape, or form. "I understood your reaction perfectly. It was not your fault and I would have done the same. So don't you worry about apologizing to me, you got that?" Cream nodded her head slowly and gave the girl, who was obviously wise beyond her years, a small smile.

"Thank you, Tikal." She said and they both ran faster.

'Shit, shit, shit.' Was all that went through Tails' mind as he hid behind a corner hoping that he had lost that thing that had been chasing him. 'What the hell is up with these hallways? It's like they're endless! I can't find any kind of real escape route, and that thing almost caught me a few times. I have to make it back to Cream and the others pronto.' He looked around the corner and saw that the coast was clear. 'Gotta make a break for it while I have the chance I guess.' Tails thought and made a mad dash down the hallway. There wasn't any sign of that freaky shadow thing anywhere and the lights were starting to come back on in the hallway. 'What the hell? Is it gone or something? Not that I want it back of course. Well I can't focus on that now. I've gotta get back before-,' he couldn't finish that thought.

The young kitsune skidded to a hault mere feet in front of the very thing he had been running from. As he saw earlier, that same evil smirk still played on the lips of its deformed face. Tails didn't know why, but he felt that he had seen that same sadistic smirk before. 'That's impossible,' he thought to himself. 'I'm sure I would remember something that ugly.' Tails' ears then flicked to attention and he looked around. He had heard a noise, it sounded distant, but at the same time it was as if it was getting closer. A voice? No, a song? 'What the hell? Am I losing my mind?' he thought and looked back at the shadow. Its smirk had turned into a full on grin and its head, that was still not properly attached all the way, swung from side to side as if taunting him. Tails shivered if fear as the shadow 'thing' began to advance towards him. No, it was not walking or moving its legs in general, but it was advancing all the same. Its head still swinging side to side, until it stopped in mid-air. In an unnatural position for a head to be in. (A/N okay…I'm scared, yo.)

"Do you want to come with me, young fox? I can take you to a place that will be to your liking," the thing hissed as it came closer, and closer. Tails backed away.

"Hell no. With a head like that, I don't think anybody would follow you anywhere." He said and prepared to run.

"Can you feel-," Tails didn't hear the end of the sentence, he was gone. Running full speed down the hall and away from that thing. He didn't know why, but he felt as if he knew it from someplace before and that wasn't a good feeling to have. Also, what was that noise he had heard? Had he really even heard anything? He decided to debate about this later.

Tails ran blindly, not stopping, not looking back, no, he just kept going. His lungs burned, screaming at him to slow down and take a rest, but he knew that that would make him an easy target. So he kept going, not even caring where just as long as it was as far away from that 'thing' as he could get. He was so absorbed in his running that he slammed right into something. Something…soft…and brown. And that something, accompanied by another something, groaned in pain from the sudden impact.

"Oh man, what hit us?" Tikal rubbed her head and attempted to sit up, but found that she couldn't, for a certain kitsune she knew was laid out on top of her and Cream. Both were in just as much pain as she was. However, before she could feel the full joy of seeing the kitsune safe and sound, Knuckles and Sonic picked him up from on top of them.

"Tails, where the hell were you, man?" they screamed at him as they shook him wildly. The poor fox was so confused, but he at least knew that he was safe, for now. The echidna gave him a hard noogie and Sonic just stood there with the biggest grin on his face. Everyone was so relieved to see that Tails was safe.

Cream and Tikal got up off the ground soon after and stared at the three goofballs. Tikal smiled softly and looked at Cream to share the happiness, but the rabbit was preoccupied with looking in the direction that Tails had come from. She stared hard and the corridor the kitsune had ran from and concentrated hard. Tikal looked in the same direction and did the same, listening for anything that was even the tiniest bit suspicious. Then, they heard it. A voice? No, it had a rhythm, a melody of some sort. Was it a song? No, it couldn't be a song…could it? Tikal's eyes snapped open wide, her face twisted in fear as she recognized the strange sound. The melody, voice, everything about it was all, too, familiar to her. 'No way, this can't be happening! I have to get them out of here; this…this is something that we can't handle alone.' She thought and grabbed Cream by the arm, pulling her with her towards the others. The rabbit was shocked to be suddenly pulled out of her concentrated state, but was sure Tikal had a good reason. So, she followed her.

"Guys run! We gotta go now!" the female echidna screamed as she got closer to the group. They all stopped what they were doing and looked at her with questioning faces.

"Tikal, what's wrong-," Shadow began but the girl cut him off by pushing him and the others in the direction they came from.

"No time to explain, it's time to go!"


"JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND MOVE YOUR ASSES!" she shouted, making everyone stare shocked at their more docile friend's sudden outburst. Cream rolled her eyes and pulled most of them with her down the hallway. (A/N Ugh! Too much running and hallways! Gotta think of something else damnit!)

They all decide to just listen to Tikal and Cream and ran off again. Then suddenly, an thought struck Mina.

"Wait a minute; we can't get out of here! It's just an endless maze of hallways! How are we going to find the original route we took?" she asked panicking more and more with each passing minute. Shadow smiled and put his hands in his pocket. 'They're gonna kill me for not thinking of this earlier but…' he thought and pulled out a chaos emerald.

"CHAOS CONTROL!" he shouted and they all disappeared in a blinding white light.

The hallways then disappeared to reveal the school as normal as can be, looking the way it used to inside. A dark figure then appeared from around a corner. Its head still in that sickly scary position as it sank back into the ground, becoming a shadow once more.


The white light faded and the Sonic Crew found themselves in the fields that surrounded the Master emerald shrine. Shadow put the emerald back into his pocket and surveyed the others, making sure they were okay. They all looked around a little dazed and confused, but alright none the less. He looked at Mina next to him as she smiled at him gratefully and kissed him on the cheek. Neither of them noticed Tikal watching and hanging her head in despair and…perhaps, jealousy? No, surely their quiet and respectful friend was not capable of feeling something such as that…was she?

Whatever the case, Shadow waited for someone to complain to him about the sudden chaos control. He silently made a bet with himself that Knuckles would be the first one to have at him. Shadow's intuition was right on the mark.

"What the hell, Shadow? Why couldn't you have done that earlier? We could have found Tails a hell of a lot faster!" Knuckles yelled in fury. Shadow just looked at him emotionlessly.

"Because for one thing I had no clue where Tails was and because I didn't feel like it." he stated plainly.

"Why you narcissistic Sonofabitch," the echidna mumbled under his breath and looked away seeing as he had been defeated. Rouge smirked at his behavior and poked him in the side. Knuckles looked at her smug expression and scoffed. "Why the hell do you look so smug, huh?"

"Heh heh, because you just got burned, Knuckie." She smiled and poked him again. Knuckles rounded on her attempting to sock her in the face, but the bat ducked just in time making him miss and lean forward a ways. She then round-house kicked him in the stomach and watched as he fell on the grass. 'He's kind of cute when he's all worked up like that.' The bat thought to herself, then shook her head violently as if she had just sinned the most horrible sin. (A/N and that sin is flaming me! Rouge: Stay out of this! SS96: I'm sorry! T.T) 'What the hell am I thinking? I must have lost my damn mind. No way can I think he's cute!'

Nobody, thankfully, noticed Rouge's little inner debate and thanked Shadow for the save. Well, except for Cream and Amy who had no idea what just happened. After a while of the others talking about it, they just decided that this Shadow guy was powerful, gifted, saved their asses, and deserved their thanks.

As Amy thanked Shadow for what he did, Sonic came over to her and cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Sonic!" she yelled happily and jumped on him, hugging him tightly. He hugged back loosely while fighting a blush that he thought always seemed to happen when she hugged him.

"Amy, we need to talk," he said seriously after a while. Amy, sensing his seriousness, let go and stood before him with a soft gaze upon her face.

"What is it, Sonic?"

"Amy, I think it's time that you told me all of what's going on here. We just saw something, that no one should ever have to see and I know that there had to be something wrong at the school. You said you came here to search for something called a Universal Hero, and you said that I am one of them. I need to know what I'm fighting, who the other heroes are, and what is this threat to our existence?" Sonic asked her and looked her straight in the eyes.

"I think we all deserve an explanation." The two hedgehogs turned to see Shadow smirking at them, as well as everyone else staring expectantly. Amy swallowed hard and sighed.

"Yes, you do deserve an explanation. Rouge, Cream, it's time we told them the whole story."

The bat and rabbit nodded silently, and prepared for the retelling of their long history.


At Knuckles' House near the Shrine

Each girl stood in a line in front of the gang as the others sat on the couch and prepared to listen. Cream and Amy shifted nervously under their gazes so Rouge started first.

"My name is Annalisa Emesteno deme Cristanto. Translated into your language it means, Rouge Amethyst the Bat. I am 1700 years old in Starlian years. I am only 17 in your Mobian years. Yes, Starlians are what my people and I are called. Our language is called Satana meta quen Itasho Hisina, your race once called it, 'Language of the Star People'." She stated looking at Knuckle and Tikal, who nodded in recognition. Cream then spoke up, tired of being silent all this time.

" I am called, Sayama Ritsu deme Gitatsu. Cream Entity the Rabbit. I am 1400 years old, or 14 in your years and I was given the mission to seek out and guide Miles 'Tails' Prower on the journey that he is destined to embark upon. Yes, I know that sounds weird but it's the truth and I intent to fulfill my duties." She answered truthfully and gave a small smile towards the two tailed kitsune, who smiled back. Amy spoke out next.

"My name is Nima Rosalia or Amy Rose in your language. I am 1600 and a half, or 16 and a half by your standards. I am here to guide Sonic in this battle and defend him with my life. Should the time come when any one of you are overwhelmed in battle, we will not hesitate to sacrifice our lives for you." She said and looked towards Sonic. "Which means that we will never hesitate to die for you," she said in all seriousness and turned towards Rouge. Rouge nodded and began again.

"Alright, here goes nothing. We were sent from our homeland, labeled by your kind as Orion's Belt, here on this mission. To stop the one known as Damnation from rising again and putting an end to all life as we know it. All we know is that the Higher Ones, our superiors, said that signs of his resurrection into this time were beginning to appear throughout the known galaxies. We were told that long ago, something similar to this occurred and was the result of many deaths, chaos, confusion, and grief. Fortunately, this monster was sealed away by a powerful clan of echidnas," the bat paused and looked at Tikal and Knuckles. Knuckles' face portrayed excitement and pride for his clan, Tikal was crestfallen as if reliving a painful memory. "Unfortunately, the power and energy put into sealing him away for the rest of eternity were too much of a strain on those warriors. Thus their civilization was wiped out, and their whole race was thought to be extinct." She finished sadly as Knuckles' face became pained in realization of the tragic history that had befallen his people.

Rouge sighed and continued on. "With this horrible creature sealed away, all was thought to be saved and he would never be the cause of anymore deaths again, but something happened. Our people began dying in strange ways. Our scouts in other solar systems and planets reported strange deaths, ominous signs, paranormal activity in different places, and even mass murders wiping out as much as entire cities. That's when they called for us. Our superiors instructed us to seek out the three Universal Heroes and train them hard for the challenges they would have to face. We had no idea who they were, though. When we asked, our leader only said that our star essences would guide us to you and that we would know when we saw you. That is all we know, and all that we can tell you. Now that you've heard everything, the choice is yours again, to make on whether or not you want to help fight this war." She finished with closed eyes.

For a while, everyone sat in silence contemplating what to do next. They thought about their possible futures if they would say 'yes' or 'no'. Most had already come to the conclusion that there wouldn't be a future if they said 'no', but still; were they really ready to take on something this big? This was totally different from something that Eggman, the Metarex, or Mephiles could cook up. This was an interstellar war, and if they failed everyone they knew and loved would suffer the consequences greatly. They were only teenagers who had barely begun living, and now they had to take on the possible fact that they could fail and kill everybody? How long would it be before the stress ate them away and they ended up with nothing?

Amy, Cream, and Rouge looked at the bunch with solemn faces. 'We should have told them at the very beginning. We let it go too far. They weren't ready for this, and we should have at least warned them of what they were going to be up against.' Cream thought to herself guiltily as Cheese rested himself on her head, feeling just as down as she did.

Sonic rubbed his temples and stood up. All eyes were on him as he made his way over to Amy and stood in front of her. He looked at her for a long time, neither breaking eye contact, and neither wanting to. He then pulled her in for a strong and firm hug. The pink hedgehog was shocked but hugged back lightly, afraid that this kind gesture would be followed by a short and curt, 'I'm sorry but I just can't take on this kind of thing.' The total opposite of what she was expecting, reached her ears.

"I choose to fight for this world," Sonic stated simply and pulled away from her with his usual cocky grin implanted on his face. Amy looked into his eyes searching for any form of a lie or joke, she found none. Her jade orbs began to fill with tears as she hugged him with all her might. She cried hard out of happiness and fear for his life, but she made a mental promise to herself that she will keep him alive no matter what.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, Sonic! I-I will help y-you in any way I c-can," she stuttered in between sobs. Sonic chuckled.

"Well I'm not the only one that will help. We're in this together, aren't we guys?" he asked and turned towards his friends. They all stood with smiles and nodded. Cream, Cheese, and Rouge jumped in joy and hugged their respective 'hero'. Except for Rouge who chastely placed a kiss on Knuckles' cheek. He blushed mildly but still gave her a soft hug which she returned thankfully.

Tails hugged Cream as Cheese flew around everyone, chaoing in excitement. Shadow slapped Sonic on the back with a smirk.

"Well this is a fine mess you got us into, Faker. As usual, I'll have to help you out again." He said and smiled at Amy.

"Yeah right! Like I ever needed your help before!" Sonic retorted with a competitive glint in his eye.

"Oh yea? What about on Ark when…" their voices trailed out of hearing as Mina and Amy shared words.

"So this is really big isn't it?" The young mongoose asked the star. Amy nodded slowly and looked down with a sorrowful look. Mina put a hand on her shoulder, making the hedgehogette look up. "I will help with whatever I can. I know I'm not some destined hero or anything, but hey we can't let all the men take credit for saving the world, now can we?" she said with a genuine smile, and Amy nodded, smiling back.

"Thank you, Mina. We can use all the help we can get."

"No problem girl, I mean behind every great man is a great woman keeping him together."

The two laughed.

Tikal looked at them all in pride and slight worry. 'They're so young and vulnerable. None of them could possibly even comprehend what they are about to take on. Just like I had no idea. Well, now I can help prepare them too. I will share with them what I have learned. Then hopefully, this time, we can be rid of this menace for good. I just wish that these children of today wouldn't have to take on such responsibilities. It's sad to know that they are so young, and will see things that will haunt them forever. But the more I look at them, the more I notice that they all have a strong and unique aura about them. And not one just fights for themselves. Also, these star children, they have a unique gift. Yes, I'm sure of it now. Where we failed in the past, they will succeed now. They are the hope for this future, this time frame, and I know that whatever comes at them, they will pull through. No, we will pull through. I have…great faith in you, heroes. Faith in you and all who will decide to fight with you. So now, all I must do is learn to have faith in myself.' Tikal ended her thoughts with a small sad smile as she went over to Cream to tell her that she would do everything in her power to help out. The young rabbit thanked her and hugged her like a sister.

"Hey I just thought, we gotta get Silver and Blaze in on this. We could sure use the extra help," Kncukles voiced. Tails laughed at the echidna.

"You make it sound like a game, haha, but yea we should, and they could help give us an idea of how things are going in the future. You know, report any problems or something." He explained.

"Great idea, lil bro. We gotta contact them pronto. Tikal could we use the Master Emerald?" Sonic asked, beaming at the female echidna. She nodded and they all proceeded towards the shrine. Rouge, Cream, and Amy were a little confused.

"Knuckles, where are we going and who are Silver and Blaze?" Rouge asked. Knuckles looked a little surprised at first until realization hit him like a ton of bricks.

"Oh yeah, that's right, you haven't even met them yet. Well, they're two of the best fighters you'll ever see and two of our closest friends. They transport themselves here from the future every so often. We're just gonna see if they want to contribute to the cause, I guess you could say." He explained as they arrived at the M.E. shrine.

"Oh, okay." Rouge understood now and was satisfied. Cream and Amy were, too, upon overhearing the explanation.

Tikal stepped up to the giant gem and spoke in the ancient language of the echidnas, allowing them all to gain access to a time window through the Master Emerald. On the other side, the group could see Blaze and Silver standing happily. Sonic ran closer to the window and waved.

"Wussup guys?" he greeted and Silver and Blaze waved back.

"Hey guys," Blaze greeted with a smile.

"Wussup, Blue? Yo, who are the two new girls?" Silver asked pointing to Amy, Cream, and Rouge who waved shyly.

"I'll explain later, Silv but right now I've got something to ask you." Sonic said getting a little serious, but still maintaining his cocky demeanor. Silver sensing this, gave a smirk.

"What do you need, homie?" he asked getting excited already.

"Just wondering if you and Blaze are up for a new adventure."

"You know it man. Any time, any place." Blaze nodded agreeing, anything to get her away from princess duties.

"Yea, but this one is big Sliver. Bigger than anything we've done before. If we fail it, we could end all life as we know it, no joke. You still in?" the blue blur asked, dropping his grin for a moment. Silver and Blaze looked at each other as if silently asking the other whether or not if it's okay. The soon nodded to each other and turned back to the window.

"Silver and I got you guys' backs. We've been in deep before, and even if it is nearly impossible, we'll fight with you." Blaze said, determination written all over her face. Sonic's grin appeared again.

"Alright then you two, get your butts in gear and high tail it over here. We'll explain when you arrive."

"Deal," Silver grinned. "C'mon Blaze."

The window then faded as a white light surrounded the area and Blaze and Silver appeared before the gang.

"Took you long enough." Sonic joked as the cat and hedgehog walked towards them.

"So what kind of adventure are we talking about here, people?" Blaze smiled looked around at everyone.

"We'll explain, but be warned. We're about to dive into some deep shit here." Sonic said. Silver high fived him.

"So what else is new, Blue?"

The blue one laughed and everyone headed back to knuckle's for a 'de-briefing'. Fasten your seatbelts everyone. It's going to be one hell of a bumpy ride…

…To Be Continued.

~Heh heh raise your hand if you thought Tails was dead. *raises hand* lol

Gaara: but...you're writing the story...

SS96: I know but my brain won't let me know what it wants to write next!

Gaara: -_-' okay baby let's go to bed.

SS96: hold on I need to tell the reviewers something...All I have to say is I'm soooooooooo srry it took sooooooooooo long to update! I had writers block for a minute, and my sis wouldn't get off the computer, and UGH! Excuses Excuses! Anyway, I promise I'll update faster cuz ideas are coming to me again so watch out lol! Thanks for all the reviews and kind words! Especially FlanoireBunniex3 and Sonamy Lover! You guys are awesome! Also people, check out FlanoireBunniex3's profile! Her stories are great and she needs more fans bcuz she lost some when she started writing for a bit. Check out Sonamy Lover's new story too! It's the bomb! Oh and before I forget and somebody tells me, I'll put the star language from earlier in English right now.

* "Why? Why did you do that to, Tails? WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT TO, TAILS?" the rabbit screamed and squeezed Tikal's neck tighter. Tikal understood the language. She knew that Cream had every right to be mad at her for she didn't know what was really going on, but she couldn't speak. She wouldn't be able to tell her why she did it. No air would come to her, and she felt faint. Her consciousness was slipping, and she wouldn't be able to hold out much longer at this rate.

The female echidna was about to give up when suddenly, Cream let go. Tikal dropped to the ground desperately gasping for air. Her lungs starving for oxygen and burning from lack thereof. She strained to look up at Cream and was shocked to see that she was being held back by Amy and the bat that she hadn't really gotten acquainted to yet. The young rabbit was frantically trying to escape from their grasps.

* "HOW! HOW COULD SHE DO IT?" Cream screamed and thrashed about. Rouge and Amy held tighter and gazed at their friend with a sad look.

*"Calm down now, Cream." Rouge ordered softly but kept a strong hold on the rabbit, but Cream just kept trying to break free. The bat sighed heavily. "Amy." She said simply and watched as the hedgehogette touched a point on the rabbit's neck, and saw Cream fall to the ground unconscious.

Hope that helped you

Well I'm out for now its 5am and I'm tired as hell but I do this for you reviewers cuz I love you! Please give me at least 3 reviews and I will update. Plus you'll get more cookies! Lol Well goodnight…no, goodmorning!

SS96: I'm tired, Gaara...*snore*

Gaara: *picks her up and goes to bed* Remember review for cookies. *pulls SS96 close and goes to sleep*