Disclaimer: I don't own Inception. You would know it if I did.

Overall Rating: G / K+

Author's Note: This idea somehow attacked me while I was in the shower; by the time I was out I had the entire thing mentally written.


Arthur isn't entirely sure why he is here. He isn't even sure why Ariadne is here. His on again, off again girlfriend had wanted to take a drawing class at the museum to help with her architectural designs, but looking around the room he sees mostly older people looking for a new hobby.

The man who is slouched in the seat beside Arthur might be around their age, but it is difficult to tell. He looks like he missed a couple days of shaving and his clothes look old and rumpled, a sharp contrast to Arthur's own clean and neat appearance.

The woman at the front of the room begins explaining the prompt of the day and Arthur can't help but feel like he's back in elementary school, and as he begins trying to decide what is important and within his ability to draw the man beside him interrupts the woman's explanation. He is too surprised by the calming, confident voice to be bothered by the man's rude behavior.

He frowns as the man begins asking hypothetical questions about what people should draw should they treasure an idea or an intangible object more than a physical possession. Somehow, Arthur knows that the man already has plans for the white paper that had been handed out, and when the woman provides an answer he knows that it was asked for the benefit of everyone else.

The class is almost over when he looks over to the man beside him to see that he had somehow acquired the supplies to make a Rorschach ink-blot of his paper. Arthur looks back to his own blank white square and frowns.

He draws a filing cabinet.