A/N: This is the final chapter in this story, but there will be a third part (when I get around to figuring it out). Please let me know if any of you would like to read the third part as I write it (as I've done with this story). If you'd rather wait until I finish it and post the whole thing, you don't have to say anything since that's my normal process. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)
Chapter 45
After a lovely, unstressful dinner with Matt and Judith (Chris performing his usual antics), Tim and Ducky returned to Ducky's home and Tim headed for the guest room...not to sleep, but to call Dr. Lewis. He'd already talked to him about the meeting with Vance and he had been encouraging. That night, however, Tim didn't sleep well. He tossed and turned for a few hours before giving up. Quietly, he got out of bed and crept to Ducky's study.
It was dark in the house, but Tim had been here enough that he knew his way without turning any lights on. When he got in, he closed the door and turned on a lamp beside the chair where Ducky did most of his reading. To his surprise, there was a book sitting on the table, with a sticky note bearing Tim's name. He picked up the book, half-expecting it to be some sort of inspiring novel.
...but when he pulled off the note and revealed the title, he was startled into laughter.
"A Morbid Taste for Bones?" Tim read aloud. He turned over to the back and discovered that it was a story about a twelfth-century monk...who apparently solved murders. Intrigued, Tim sat down in the chair and began to read, at the same time, wondering why Ducky had recommended this book of all the choices he had.
Still, it wasn't very long and, as he read, Tim found himself getting absorbed by the plot. He just kept reading and reading...not even noticing that he was getting tired.
...and he didn't even notice when he suddenly slipped from barely awake to dead asleep, the half-finished book slipping from his hands onto the floor.
The voice intruded on his peaceful oblivion.
"Timothy, it's morning. If you would like to ride with me to NCIS, you will need to get up."
Tim forced his mind back to consciousness and respectfully requested that his eyes open. They did.
"Ducky?" he yawned.
"Whom did you expect, lad?" Ducky asked with amusement.
"I'm surprised I fell asleep in the chair. I expected to be up all night."
"I was rather suspecting that myself. I was pleasantly surprised to find you sleeping."
Tim straightened. He had a crick in his neck and his back from sleeping in the chair, but he'd slept which was definitely a good thing.
"I was, too. I don't know when I fell asleep, but I didn't finish the book."
"Why did you set that one out for me?"
"Because I thought it would be a worthy diversion. You needed to get your mind off upcoming events. I quite enjoy these novels."
"There are more of them?"
"Oh, yes. Twenty-four in all. Every one worth reading if you have the time. Ellis Peters does a marvelous job at situating Brother Cadfael in the twelfth century in a turbulent time. Now, you should get ready."
Tim felt his stomach twist at the reminder of his upcoming appointment. It must have showed on his face because Ducky's smile became encouraging.
"Remember, lad. There are no enemies here. No one wants you to fail."
"Right." Tim took a deep breath and got up. He couldn't put it off by doing nothing.
He got ready as quickly as he could and breakfast was a rather simple affair. Ducky seemed to understand that Tim wouldn't tolerate anything complicated. Then, Tim was off to NCIS for the first time in months to face the ultimate in a situation over which he had very little control.
"You will be fine, Timothy. ...but you may feel free to come down to Autopsy afterward and tell me how things went."
Tim managed a weak smile at Ducky's encouragement. Then, he took a deep breath and headed for the elevator. He waved at Ducky and then got on. It was strange how familiar this place felt...and yet he hadn't really been here for a long time...and the last time he had been, it had been because someone was trying to kill him. To come here for something which was, on the surface, rather mundane seemed very strange.
When he got off the elevator, however, an even stranger sight greeted him. He looked down over the bullpen. Tony and Ziva were sitting at their desks, working quietly. ...and where he had formerly been, sat Jamie Davidson, his replacement. She was very obviously pregnant, but she, too, was working. Seeing the NCIS world working, clicking over without the emotional roller coaster he had brought to it...in a way, it made him sad. Tim almost lost his resolve. In fact, he did lose his resolve. He turned around and walked back toward the elevator...only to halt in his tracks when it opened, revealing Vance himself.
"Ah, Mr. McGee, I'm glad you're here a bit early. You never know what might come up and it's best to get these things done before the crises begin."
Tim opened his mouth to agree, but his courage had utterly failed him and he just stood there, knowing that he most likely had a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. Vance's expression changed very slightly and he smiled.
"Come right this way, Mr. McGee."
Tim nodded mutely and spared a glance down at the bullpen. Tony and Ziva had both stopped working and were staring up at him in surprise. He moved his eyes back forward. He didn't need to be wondering what those two were thinking right now. He had enough to worry about...like if he would be able to get over his fear and actually speak with Vance or if he'd just sit there in a shocked stupor until he fled from the office and then hid himself away from humanity for the rest of his life.
Still, he followed Vance nimbly enough and got into his office.
"Have a seat, McGee," Vance said, gesturing at the table.
Tim sat down with an audible thud...and he could have sworn he heard Vance suppress a chuckle, but he didn't dare turn around to look. ...and it was only belatedly that he noticed Vance had dropped the formal address he'd used out on the balcony.
"Ms. Long, please make sure there are no interruptions unless absolutely necessary."
"Understood, Director."
"Thank you."
Tim still didn't turn around. He just sat staring at the wall, waiting for Vance to come and sit down in his line of sight. Finally, he did. Vance sat down and stared at him, clearing evaluating him. That finally goaded him into at least attempting to speak.
"Th-Thank you for meeting with me, D-Director Vance," he said and then mentally kicked himself for letting himself slip back into his stammering.
"My pleasure, McGee, although I had hoped to hear from you a lot earlier than this."
"I...I was...in Maine."
Vance smiled. "No. More like two years ago."
"Two years?"
"Yes. However, since that didn't happen, what can I do for you now?"
"Uh..." Tim was now beginning to wonder.
"Tim...completely private here. No one else will hear about this unless you see fit to tell them. I have no authority over you any longer. You requested this meeting. It's up to you. Have you reconsidered?"
"No!" Tim said. It popped out of his mouth so quickly and so vehemently that even he was surprised.
Vance smiled again. "All right. Then, what is it?"
"What...What I wanted...to know..." Tim took a breath and tried not to get frustrated at his own hesitation. "...was..." Another breath and he let it all out in a rush. "...whether or not it would ever be even remotely possible for me to be a field agent again."
Vance sat back, and Tim wondered just what the director was thinking. He couldn't read Vance's expression at all. He struggled to be patient and wait for an answer. He knew that Vance would answer. He just had no clue what that answer would actually be.
"This is something you really want, McGee?"
"Okay. Before I answer your question, I need to ask you some questions."
"First, do you think you're ready to come back to work?"
"Right now?"
"No. It's probably pretty obvious that I'm not."
No reaction. Not for or against.
"Okay. Next, would you be willing to go through the entire hiring process?"
"Including FLETC?"
"And what about the kind of work that led to your resignation in the first place?"
"Undercover work, McGee."
Tim took a deep breath and tried to answer with calm and clarity. "I'm not suited for it, Director Vance. Maybe it was just the particular situation and the error I made at the beginning, but I'm not. I think I could handle and perhaps even excel at short-term operations, but it takes a better person than I am to handle being deep undercover like that."
"Perhaps." That was all Vance said in reply.
"Would that ruin my chances, sir?"
"Why do you want to come back?"
"It's a simple question, McGee, although perhaps not with a simple answer. Why is it, after everything you reported in your account, after your violent reaction to your teammates, why is it that you want to come back to NCIS and be a field agent?"
Tim debated about what he should tell Vance about this. But what did he have to lose, really? He had no job. He had no requirements on him now except for when the case finally came to trial. Nothing else. Nothing to lose.
"Because...it's all I've ever wanted...and it's all I still want. I want to be an agent again...if it's possible. If it's not...I can't work for NCIS again. It would be too hard to remember what I threw away before."
Vance merely nodded in acceptance. He looked at Tim for a few minutes. Tim forced himself to sit calmly while he waited for an answer.
"What's McGee doing here?" Tony asked Ziva in a low voice. He wasn't sure where Gibbs was, but he was supposed to be finishing a report and Gibbs wouldn't take it amiss to dole out the head slaps. Only Jamie was currently exempt. Pregnancy apparently equaled immunity to Gibbs' usual method of encouragement.
"Meeting with Director Vance, apparently," Ziva said, pretending she was still working.
"But why? You think he's coming back?"
Ziva looked at Tony pointedly and then over at Jamie.
"I can hear you, you know," she said without looking up...but with a faint smile on her lips. "You can talk about it. I don't mind...as long as you don't require me to get up and run around because that's getting difficult."
"Do you?" Tony asked again.
"If so, I do not think it will be to work with us. I have not forgotten how awkward our visits were."
"Yeah...well, we can't really blame that on him. We weren't helping."
"And you're not helping now, DiNozzo. I should have your report on my desk by now. You, too, David."
"Yes, Boss!"
"Almost finished, Gibbs!"
"Good. Finish it, then."
Tony glanced up at Gibbs for a moment and caught Gibbs' look up toward Vance's office. So Gibbs was curious as well. Did that mean he knew or that he didn't know?
Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, Vance nodded.
"Yes, McGee, I think it's possible. In fact, I think it's more than possible." Before Tim could get too excited, he continued with a stern expression on his face. "However, I cannot, in good conscience, guarantee it. In order to come back and work here again, after so long an absence, and considering what happened during the course of your absence, you will have to reapply and go through all the steps to return. You will need to pass a psych evaluation, interviews, and all the other facets of the process. In addition, you will need to graduate from FLETC again. Now, that particular obstacle will have to be tailored to your particular situation, given that you've done a lot of the theoretical work before and I doubt that you've forgotten any of it, even if you haven't been using it lately. However, all the practical aspects will have to be done, including recertifying with firearms. While I might be able to pull strings to avoid those hoops, I won't because it won't do you any good and it won't serve NCIS. So, if you don't feel ready to be an agent right now, do not apply. Get yourself straightened out to the extent you feel is necessary and then apply. If you pass muster, I, for one, will be happy to have you back."
The words washed over him, and Tim heard them all...and filed them away for later perusal, but the only sentence that really penetrated at first was Vance saying that he'd be happy to have him back. The sentiment shocked him.
"Are you sure, sir?"
"Am I sure of what?"
"Th-That you'd be happy to have me back? After everything I did wrong? After the crap I pulled when I left? You'd actually want me to come back?"
"Tim, I don't say these things lightly, and I don't say them without meaning them. Yes, if you meet all the requirements to become an agent again, NCIS would be fortunate to have you."
"I...I...don't know...what to say...sir."
"You don't have to say anything at all. You understand that I can't make any guarantees about where you'd end up, what you'd be doing, anything like that."
"I know. I don't care."
Vance smiled and stood up. Tim followed suit.
"Tim, it may have come a lot later than I expected it to, but I'm glad you've decided to make the effort." His smile faded. "...and I'm very sorry that you left in the first place. A lot of things went wrong that shouldn't have. I stand by my decision that you were the best choice, but like I told you before, if taking my second choice would have meant you stayed at NCIS, I would have done it." He stuck out his hand. "I apologize."
Tim shook the proferred hand without hesitation. "It's...It's not your fault, sir. I...I was more screwed up than I knew I was. If it weren't for Ducky..."
"Yes, I'm aware of your connection to him. He's kept me apprised of your situation."
Before Tim could register his shock at the idea that Vance had kept tabs on him during his absence, the phone rang. Vance released Tim's hand and strode to his desk.
"Yes?" He listened while Tim's mind reeled. "I understand. Tell them I'll be ready in two minutes." He hung up. "I have an urgent meeting in MTAC; so I'm afraid our time is up. I hope to see your name on the roster, Tim. Good luck."
Vance didn't give Tim any time to come up with an answer. He almost physically propelled him out the door.
"I know you're supposed to have an escort, but feel free to go down to Autopsy where I'm certain Dr. Mallard is anxiously waiting for a report."
Tim managed to smile, and then stood still as Vance left him behind to head quickly to MTAC. He took a breath, almost unable to believe that it had all happened. Then, he looked down at the bullpen and saw Tony and Ziva looking up at him. Taking what seemed to be a bigger risk than making the appointment with Vance, Tim gave a small smile and a slight wave at them before walking to the elevator. He sent it down to Autopsy and walked in.
"We'll be with you in a moment, Jethro," Ducky said, airily, not even looking back over his shoulder. "Mr. Palmer has just discovered something fascinating."
Tim stared for a moment...slightly saddened by the fact that Ducky was simply peering over the corpse. The scalpel was in Jimmy's hand instead. He couldn't begrudge Jimmy the chance at this...but still...
Then, Jimmy looked up and grinned. "Hey, Tim!"
Instantly, whatever had been so fascinating was forgotten. Ducky turned around.
"And?" he asked with unabashed curiosity.
Tim smiled. "Director Vance says that...that I'll need to go through the whole process, but he thinks that there's a possibility that I could become an agent again."
"That's wonderful, lad. So...what now?"
"Now...I guess I get ready."
Ducky grinned and nodded. "Good. Now, would you like to see this? It is quite interesting, I must say. This man was born with situs inversus, or a reversal of the internal organs. That, in and of itself is quite rare, but he also had, not one, but two cervical ribs! Fascinating!"
Tim came forward with some reluctance. He'd never particularly enjoyed staring at the exposed insides of dead bodies...but as he came near to the table, Ducky continued his monologue with Jimmy's silent, tolerant smile...and squeezed Tim's hand in encouragement with a distinct twinkle in his eye.
Tim couldn't help but smile back.
Two days later...
Dr. Lewis smiled as Tim came into his office.
"It's been quite a while since we met in person, Tim. You're looking much better."
Tim smiled. "Thanks."
"So...what's on tap for today?"
Tim sat down and looked at Dr. Lewis with nothing less than sheer determination. ...something that Dr. Lewis didn't think he'd ever seen in this particular patient before.
"Tell me what I have to do get back to...back to normal. I'm going back to NCIS, and I need to pass the psych evaluation when I apply."
"And you're ready to tackle that now?"
Tim nodded. "Yes. What do I have to do?"
Dr. Lewis smiled widely. This was what he'd been hoping Tim would ask.
"You've done a lot of it just by being here, Tim. Now, we'll get to the rest of it."