Summary: Its Annabelles first day of school. Sarah Lennox is freaking out but it is nothing compared to Ironhide.

Genre: General.

Character(s): Annabelle, Lennox, Sarah Lennox, and Ironhide.

Disclaimer: Transformers is the rightful property of Hasbro and DreamWorks. I own nothing, and am simply having fun with the characters/ settings. I promise not to break them.

Of Crayons, Book Bags, and Freak Outs.

By: Life-is-Insanity.

Normally, the Lennox household was quiet at eight-thirty in the morning, its occupants just getting ready for the day ahead. The coffee would have been brewing slowly, bacon sizzling away on the stove top, and eggs cooking in the frying pan.

But that was normally. Today the household was in a flurry of activity.

"Do you have your crayons, sweetheart?" Sarah Lennox questioned, wringing her hands. "And your markers?"

Little Annabelle Lennox, looking lovely in a summer dress and her hair held back with a blue ribbon, nodded her head. "Uh-huh."

"And you remember our phone number? Just in case you need me?"

"Yes, Mummy."

Sarah, after smoothing out the skirt of Annabelles dress, rose from her crouched position. "Will?" She called out. "Are you almost done?"

Quick, heavy foot falls were heard and than Lennox came skidding around the corner, a small purple lunch pail in hand. "Yep. Just had to finish packing our big girls lunch." He bent down and placed it in Annabelles book bag, and then in a loud whisper to Annabelle added, "and I added a baggie of Skittles, as a treat."

"Will!" Sarah meant to look stern but she couldn't help the nervous smile that graced her face.

"What?" Lennox asked innocently, putting his jacket on. He winked at Annabelle, who giggled. "All right. You have everything you need? Books, crayons, lunch, information for the teacher, two feet and a heart beat?"

"Yep, yep!" Annabelle replied happily. She awkwardly put on her book bag. "Can we go now, please?"

Lennox bent and scooped up his daughter. "Why, yes, my dear lady, we can," he answered, dancing out the front door with her. Sarah quickly followed, making sure to grab her digital camera, as Lennox danced his way over to a waiting Ironhide.

"Will!" Sarah called, locking the door. "Be careful not to mess up her hair and dress! I want Annie to look nice for her first day!"

Snorting in amusement, Lennox gently placed his daughter on the ground. "Yeah, because she's not going to mess it up during recess," he muttered to Ironhide.

Ironhide shifted his tires. "Are you quite sure this is safe, Will?" He grumbled. "Sending Annabelle to this 'school'?"

"Its perfectly safe, big guy," Lennox said, patting his hood in reassurance. "Nothing bad is going to happen to Annie well she's there."

"How can you know?" Ironhide stated loudly. "Gunmen, these people called 'bullies', Decepticons. She could be kidnapped, injured, killed. I truly do not feel confident about sending her to this place, Lennox!"

"Don't worry, 'Hide," said Annabelle sweetly, in only a way a four year old could. "I'll be fine. And if anyone tries to hurt me, I'll beat the slag out of them."

"Annabelle, what have I told you about talking like that?" Sarah demanded, marching towards them.

"Sorry, Mummy," apologized Annabelle. "Can we get going now?"

Both Sarah and Lennox answered, "yes." Ironhide released a gruffly, "no."

All three Lennoxs stared at the black Topkick in surprise. "No?" Lennox said slowly.

"No," repeated Ironhide firmly. "Annabelle is not going to this place called 'Hills Valley Elementary' because I do not trust this place where she could be easily attacked."

"Attacked?" Sarah said weakly.

"Yes, attacked." Ironhide said. "Decepticons, gunmen, 'bullies' and Primus' knows what else. So she will not be going."

"But 'Hide," whined Annabelle, frowning. "I wanna go."

"I'm sorry, little Annabelle. But I can't allow it."

Silence followed as Annabelle stared furiously at Ironhide, and Lennox comforted his wife. "Well," said Lennox after a few minutes. "Thank god for the Toyota," and he picked a glaring Annabelle up, grabbed a hold of Sarah's hand and strolled towards the garage.

Ironhide watched them go in shock- he had forgotten about the family van- before carefully following them. Were they really going to put Annabelle in harms way?

"But Will-!" Ironhide protested, stopping just before the front lawn. "You can't!"

"Oh, but I can, Ironhide," stated Lennox as Sarah buckled Annabelle in. Sliding into the drivers seat and starting the van, he added, "y'know, your more paranoid then most parents," before stepping on the gas and disappearing down the families long drive way. Ironhide watched them go, disbelief vibrating throughout his spark.

Later, as Annabelle happily played in the school's yard during recess- she had met another little girl by the name of Jessica, whom she liked very much- she spotted a very familiar black Topkick parked across the road, watching her every movement.

'Daddy was right,' she thought. 'He is very paranoid.' Annabelle waved her hand energetically in the Topkicks direction before running after her new friend.

September 12 2010

But Annabelle likes a paranoid Ironhide, so she happily forgives him after school and draws him a pretty picture.

Can you imagine Ironhide at your first day of school, unaware that he is basically giving your mother a heart-attack with his talk of gunmen and kidnapping? Poor Sarah. She's going to need a drink.

Anyway, I have no idea when I'll be able to update next. I have to take my cat to the vet tomorrow because we believe she has cancer, so it all depends on the outcome of the visit. Hopefully everything is fine and dandy, and the lump we found is nothing more than fat. (Please, god, let it be fat…)

Next up: Math.

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