Disclaimer: I own nothing! I'm making no money off of this! Everything belongs to its respected owners.

Chapter 1

Haruhi Fujioka got the news about a week ago. Her dad was "promoted" and he had an increase in pay. They moved to a little house. It had three rooms, two bathrooms, living room, kitchen and dining room, and a washroom. They hired professional movers to help them move into their new house.

Ryoji also bought her a new cell phone and a laptop. He went a little crazy with the spending money. He loved being able to buy his daughter things that he never could have before. Haruhi constantly told him that he shouldn't blow their money on stupid things, but he insisted on buying whatever she wanted. But don't think she wasn't grateful. She did thank him when he gave her a gift, every time.

The only down side to Ryoji's new job, was that he worked in a VERY bad neighborhood. Murder, theft, and other crimes described the area. Haruhi originally begged him not to take the job, and he had answered that he had already started. It was too late and he would have to quit if he wanted out. So Haruhi begged him to quit, but he refused.

Today Haruhi was at school and Ryoji was working overtime. She was in the Third Music Room entertaining her guests. Everything was going great and she was happy. Unfortunately, that happiness did not last.

One of the secretaries of the school came to the music room. She was greeted by one of the hosts and she asked for Haruhi. The woman asked to speak with Haruhi outside. Haruhi agreed and followed the woman out. The woman looked at Haruhi with pity and complete sorrow in her eyes.

"Haruhi…I'm afraid…your dad…" the woman began. She looked like she would cry. Haruhi stared at her, waiting for her to continue. She feared she already knew the answer, but she prayed it wasn't true. "Your father was shot. He's at the hospital," the woman managed to choke out.

"…How is he?" Haruhi asked. She could feel tears sting her eyes. She could feel her breath quicken and become shaky. She could feel the emotions starting to boil over.

"He's in critical condition. I don't know anything else," the woman answered.

Haruhi's eyes grew wide in shock and fear. She stood frozen for a moment before sprinting down the hall. She ran into things as she ran, but she didn't care. They didn't even slow her down. She became blinded by tears as she ran towards the front door. She ran outside and away from the building. She didn't stop. She refused to stop. Her body ached and she felt like she couldn't breathe, but she didn't stop. She ran away from the school and towards the hospital.

The host club saw Haruhi leave the room with the secretary. They waited for Haruhi to come back in, but she never did. Hikaru called the others over to the window where they all saw Haruhi running away from the school. They talked amongst themselves for a few moments about what had happened. Tamaki said they should follow her. They escorted the guests out and closed the club room. They rushed to the limo and told the driver to take them to Haruhi.

Haruhi had run all the way to the hospital. She stood outside of it for a few seconds to attempt to catch her breath. When it seemed that would not happen soon, she quickly walked inside. She talked to the person at the front desk and got the floor. She reluctantly waited for the elevator and punched the correct number. As soon as the doors opened, she ran to another desk and talked to another person to get the room number. Her dad was still in surgery. She paced the floor until the doctor who had operated on her dad approached her.

"Miss Fujioka?" the man asked to confirm she was the one he was looking for.

"Yes, is my dad alright?" Haruhi asked with panic in her voice.

"I'm afraid…he's dead," the doctor said. The doctor proceeded to explain why he couldn't save Mr. Fujioka, but Haruhi ignored him. She stood there in a state of shock. Noises and visions became blurred as Haruhi slumped to the floor. She cried, no she sobbed. The doctor attempted to comfort her, but she pushed him away. A nurse offered to drive her home, but she refused.

Haruhi stood on shaky legs and stumbled to the elevator. After the doors opened, she touched the button just barely hard enough for it to register. The doors closed and she slid down the wall. When the door opened again, she pushed herself up and stumbled outside. She blindly walked outside and in the general direction of her house.

The driver could not find Haruhi and eventually returned the hosts to the school. Tamaki complained about not finding Haruhi. They tried calling her phone, but she didn't pick up. Kyoya managed to convince Tamaki to go home with the promise that they would see Haruhi tomorrow and she would explain what had happened then.

End of chapter 1! Hope ya like it! I know it's short, but I've already written chapters 2 and 3. Basically if this chapter does well, I'll update within a couple of days. So please R&R! luv ya! =^^=