The show must go on
by NihilisticAmbition313
Disclaimer: Blank
#27-"Tears and prayers"
Marissa's view
I was afraid. Of what you may ask? Of facing not only Freddie, but Spencer as well. Jake knew that I was pregnant, and Spencer knew he knew I was pregnant.
With my head down, I trudged into the elevator that led up to my floor, not in the least bit looking forward to seeing the two most important males in my life.
Freddie's view
"Is it feeling any better?" Melanie asked after making a new ice pack for me
"Not really. Jacob's nose must be made of steel." I replied
I was beginning to worry that I really may have broken my hand. It still hurt long after the blow I laid on Jacob, even in spite of icing it down. I knew that wasn't normal, and I was afraid that I would probably have to go to the hospital.
"You might need to go to the hospital." Sam said, as if reading my mind
"Really? So my mom can find out I tried to bash my father's face in?"
"Dude, your hand is hurt. You gonna put a Brand-Aid on it and call it a day?"
"I'll live."
As I pressed the new ice pack on my hand I heard the door open...
Mom was home...
Marissa's view
My son turned his attention to me. I noticed that he was holding a makeshift ice pack on his hand, obviously the hand he used to hit his father.
"What happened to your hand?" I asked calmly
I noticed Sam and her sister Melanie become rather uncomfortable.
"...Dad...Jacob came by..."
I knew what happened already, but I wanted Freddie to say it for himself.
"...I blasted that motherfucker square in his face." my son hissed with as much anger and venom as one could summon, while at the same time his voice quivered
Without another word, I went to my son and wrapped him in my arms. He hugged me back and began to cry...
Sam's view
In all the years I've known Freddie, I've rarely ever seen him cry. In fact, the only time I saw him cry before now was at Carly's funeral. I always considered him a dork, but if there were one thing I could say about the boy, he was a tough dork.
I felt tears of my own welling up, and looking at Melanie, I could tell she was welling up too.
Miss B. just held her son and let him cry on her shoulder. My God, how long have those tears been building up? The tears of the hurt from his father leaving him so coldly. The tears of wondering why. More than likely the tears of feeling like it was his fault. I felt so sorry for Freddie...
"He's gone now, Freddie...Shhh. Don't cry my baby. It's okay." Miss B. said softly as she smoothed Freddie's chocolate hair
"I hate him." Freddie sobbed
"Shhh...Hush now little baby. It's okay. You're okay, we're okay...We made it, Freddie. We made it without him, you and me."
I hated seeing Freddie so distraught. It wasn't the kind of juvenile distraught that I caused him. It was real distraught, and watching him feel it hurt me to my heart.
"You and me, Freddie...We're a team honey, and guess what. We have a new member coming on board."
Freddie heaved a sob onto his mom's shoulder. Melanie turned away and began weeping. I went over to my twin and put my hand on her shoulder.
"He's okay Mel."
"I know...It's just now I'm thinking about Daddy." she whispered
Me and Melanie's father wasn't around, but that wasn't by his own decision. He was killed in a liquor store robbery when Mel and I were nine. The robbers didn't want any witnesses, so they shot him down. According to the robbers, when they were caught, Daddy begged for his life, but they shot him anyway. That was when Momma fell into a downward spiral and turned to alchohol. She started drinking just to make it through the day. I turned to overeating and acting out, and Melanie turned to her studies. Between us, though, Mel has had the hardest time getting over Daddy's death. I've managed to put it in the back of my mind, but Mel can't even bear to hear Daddy's name without breaking down, poor girl.
Soon enough, everybody stopped crying and dried it up (To my relief). I looked and noticed Freddie was still favoring his hand.
"Freddie, I think you should get that checked out, seriously." I said after separating from Mel
"I agree." said Miss B.
"I'm fine."
"Fredward, we're going to the hospital." Miss B. insisted
"Freddie, just go. Please." I pleaded
"...Fine." he growled
"We'll stay behind Miss B., if it's okay." I said
"Oh, yes it's fine Samantha."
"Actually, I'll go." Mel piped up
"Fine, let's just go already." Freddie hissed
"Okay, okay."
Freddie, Miss B., and Melanie all left, leaving me all alone in the Bensons' apartment.
Don't get any ideas. I wasn't about to go snooping around Freddie's place.
I sat down on the sofa and kicked my flip-flops off, kicking my bare feet up on the coffee table (Miss B. would have a hissy fit if she saw that). My mind wandered toward Freddie and what was wrong with his hand. It also wandered to the moment he hurt his hand by walloping his dad square in the schnoz. I'd never seen Freddie hit anyone, let alone so hard that he hurt his damn self. It wasn't a very comfortable sight.
My mind then wandered to Carly, and what she would have thought. She wouldn't have condoned what Freddie did at all, but she would have looked the other way because of what Mr. Benson did to Freddie.
Then my mind wandered to Wendy. I had no idea if the girl was dead or alive, and I was getting scared. I tried to get word, but to no avail. I wanted to try to call somebody who would know her status, but by then I was scared. I was scared somebody would tell me she was...
I hoped to heaven she was alive. I keep replaying the fight we had over and over in my mind, and the potential that that could be my last memory of Wendy frightened me. I was angry at her, but I didn't want her to die. I've seen too much death in my life...
I suddenly felt compelled to do something that I hadn't done since i was six. I put my ham aside, stood up from the sofa, and got down on my knees. I clasped my hands together, bowed my head, and closed my eyes...
"Hey, God...It's me, Sam Puckett...Look, I know I don't keep in touch, and I know I'm not on your good list, but, there's a lotta chizz going on down here. I just want you...I mean, I just ask if you would make everything good. Please let Wendy be okay. If you do I'll make up with her as soon as possible, I promise...And too, help Freddie deal, not just about his father but about the baby...Make sure Miss Benson and Spencer's baby is okay and makes it to this world. I wanna hold my niece, or nephew...Help Melanie find her way. She's at a crossroad and she needs help. And, help keep Momma on the right path. She's doing great, and she's getting better everyday. I'm so proud of her, God; help her stay on the right path... And tell Daddy and Carly to look over us, and that we love them and miss them. Please...Amen."