The show must go on

by NihilisticAmbition313

Disclaimer: I do not own iCarly. I do this only for entertainment purposes. I do not make a dime from this.



Sam's view

It just had to rain today of all days.

Freddie and I stood underneath his black umbrella and watched as they began to lower Carly's casket into the ground. From the corner of my eye I saw Spencer doing his best to maintain his composure, but it seemed like he was bound to lose it at any minute.

He and everyone else knew this day could have come, because Carly was diagnosed with leukemia last year. She fought the good fight, but the cancer won. But that didn't mean she didn't live every day she had left like it was her last, no sir. We still did iCarly, she still went to school when she felt well enough. Hell, she even talked to a guy for a while. She lived like she was sure she was gonna survive. That was Carly though. Nothing was ever gonna get her down, nothing. That's what I said in this poem I wrote for her. I left it tucked in her hand once Spencer said it would be okay.

I didn't really cry when Spencer called me from the hospital and told me Carly was gone. I was more numb than hurt. I didn't even really cry in the days leading up to Carly's service. I was in a daze, hearing all these people saying shit about Carly being dead, but not really associating those voices with reality.

But the situation became reality as I watched her casket lowered into the ground. That reality came crashing down on me like King fucking Kong. I felt my heart skip a beat as I gasped for air and lost my legs from underneath me. I began sobbing hysterically as Freddie scooped me up into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same.

Carly Shay was gone. Really gone, as in forever gone. I felt my chest tighten as the tears flowed uncontrollably into a shoulder pad of Freddie's suit...

Freddie's view

My left shoulder was soaked with a mixture Sam's tears, snot, and saliva. I held her as tight as I could without restricting her breathing, while trying not to break down myself. It's not that I didn't want to degenerate into a puddle of tears, God knows I wanted to. But I wanted to be strong for Sam. Ha, imagine that; me being strong for Sam.

Sam said something that I couldn't make out over hear sobs. It sounded like "I can't believe she's gone." I grabbed the nape of her neck and continued to hold Sam as she cried into my shoulder.

It was at that moment I realized that she and I were all we had left. I had no other close friends, and neither did Sam. Yeah, we had other kids we'd shoot the shit with and all, but the three of us were the "iCarly Clique". We were best friends, practically inseparable. Today was the final reminder that we'd lost one of our own forever...

I began to exchange my own tears with Sam...