The usual apologies for the long wait, and a wish of luck to all who have started school again. For me, the only thing to describe the first couple of weeks is boring. Also, aside from my obvious devotion to Transformers, I have a side obsession. Sometimes it's dragons, sometimes faeries, and sometimes it's elves. Right now, I've fallen in love with Pirates of the Caribbean again. To all other fans, I will say that the most recent movie was good, but was sort of a disappointment after the first three. I miss William and Elizabeth.
To all of you who honestly don't care about Captain Jack Sparrow, shame on you, I give you the next chapter, and possibly the second to last. My only updates after this would be a re-write of The Fallen Scout, and you probably don't have to read it if you don't want to. The first version will fit into it all, if you would rather stay with the original, but, as I may have already said, I'll need to re-write it.
Hope you like it.
As I threw my feet in front of each other, I found flashes of other battles pushing their ways to my eyes. The destroyed street of Mission City, the sad battle-field of Egypt, and an entire city crumbling under the power of the Decepticons. The last wasn't my memory, I knew that, but I didn't give myself long enough to wonder where it came from. Instead, I shoved them all to the side and focused on the task at hand. The Allspark told me to conserve my energy, do not raise a shield. Do not save myself as I run through this war. I already know I may not live through this, but they have to.
"BOY!" a booming voice made the ground rumble, or was that because there was an explosion ten feet away? Acting on instinct, I dove to the left and behind a random Decepticon's leg. He noticed me immediately and lifted his foot to slam it back down inches from where I'd been half a second ago. Jumping forward and propelling myself farther than his reflexes, I escaped.
"Get him!" I pumped my legs yet harder, running faster through the war. I could sense them behind me, following me. Even surrounded by so many auras, I could tell which are following me. Then, it hit me. I don't even know where Prime was. Ignoring my pursuers, I tried to look around for Optimus. But, of course, I could see nothing but giant metal limbs. Even the sun seemed to have a dimmer tint. I didn't want to use my gift until I had a plan, but I can't run through here blindly. I need to find Optimus.
A hand clamped around me and I was thrown in the air. Working franticly, I tried to identify my captor's aura. He was a Taken Spark, knowing nothing more than that he needed to fight. To kill me, that his allies are telling him to kill me. Why hadn't I noticed him?
A blast to his abdomen knocked his spark back into the Well, and I sailed into the air. Not even thinking about saving myself, I realized that spark had had an undertone. A part ignored, because it was the actual spark, not the over written personality given when he was granted life again. I was certain that Taken Spark had been an Autobot in his past life.
Another, gentler, hand caught me.
"What are you doing here?" Sideswipe demanded, jerking me around as he swung his energon blade into the nearest Decepticon.
"I need to find Optimus." I looked around from this new, higher vintage point. I vaguely remember sensing his aura leaving from the east while we were in the medbay. But that had only been the closest exit from where he'd been inside, he could be anywhere now.
"What you need is to get out of here, youngling." Sideswipe never calls me that. "You're insane if you think you'll survive like this. Get out of here!" he looked around, he didn't have the time to drive me out.
"No, I need to find Optimus. I can help, I just..." I felt my throat close up. Never, EVER, have I ever simply told someone. Bumblebee and Mikaela found out because they caught me using my gift. My moment of hesitation was long enough for him to throw me, high in the air and over everyone's heads.
New hands caught me, then squeezed tight as we dropped quickly, then went back up just as fast. I heard something crunch behind me.
"Where's Optimus?" I demanded before even seeing who caught me. It was some Autobot I'd never met. He was blue, and about as big as Sideswipe.
"That way, what're you doing here human?" he demanded, jerking left and my ears were met with another crunch. I felt another Taken Spark returned, but so far not even a dent had been made.
"I'm here to help."
"You must be The Boy. Heard a lot about you." *CRUNCH* "Aren't you supposed to be with Bumblebee?"
"Yes, ah, no. I don't know how to- eh," I've got to say it. "Could you toss me towards Prime?" yes, I bailed. Again. He shook his head and ducked, tumbling into a wrestling match with some Taken Spark. I held back the urge to vomit from the motion. I heard the blue Autobot groan and his grip on me released four feet above the ground. I landed on my feet and started to run in the direction I hoped he had pointed. Stretching out my gift, I searched for familiar sparks. We were few and far between. The nearest other Autobot was another I didn't recognize about forty feet to the south.
Then, there he is. Optimus, I found him. Still with no idea what I'm going to do when I get to him or even completely certain why I was going to him; I ran full speed. Jumping left to avoid a foot, I was in the middle of a make-shift Decepticon medical area. They didn't notice me for a minute, and I got an idea.
There was a scalpel on the ground three feet away, near a fallen 'con. I made a dash to grab it, it was the size of my fore arm, and skidded to a stop before a second scalpel embedded itself a foot into the ground.
"Witwicky." a familiar voice spat. I looked up at the 'con still gripping the attacking scalpel. Barricade? I thought he was sea- oh. Right.
"You know, I'm real sorry about the whole 'my guardian killed you' thing, but, why don't we start over again? You know, we could be great friends; you could not kill me and I could let you join the Autobots." he didn't seem to like the idea, pulling the scalpel through the ground and making a scar directly at me. I jumped away and ran out. Someone grabbed me and held me up to Barricade, who had a sick humor on his face.
"Or you could let me have the pleasure of killing you myself. Lord Megatron would be so pleased to see your carcass."
"I don't like that idea." I struggled to get free, flinging the scalpel I held at the digits restraining me. Surprisingly, they were cut wide open like butter and I was dropped. Barricade screamed and sliced at the air above me, obviously not very good at aiming a blade at a falling human. When I landed, again on my feet, I used the momentum of my fall to drive it into Barricade's foot. His angry yell turned to pain and he bent to slash at me again. I dove out of the way, pulling the scalpel with me.
"Get him!" I felt several large hands grab at me, and I sliced at a few palms, escaping with a cut on my shoulder. But I didn't feel it, trying desperately to remember which way I'd been heading. "Witwicky!"
He isn't giving up. All the others had turned away and assumed I'd get squished, but not Barricade. He seems to have a personal vendetta against me. Glancing back, I confirmed my thoughts that he knew exactly where I was.
Suddenly, my shins were scraped and my knees fell on the edge of something concrete. Picking myself up, I realized where I was. This is the edge of the racing track in the front of the base. I know where I am! What good does that do me, though, other than letting me know where I'm going to die. Looking around, past the warring Cybertronians, I recognized the entire area. Over there is the starting line, there is the picnic area for humans watching the races, and there is an entrance to the tunnels Bee and I used to escape. I know it's sealed, and impossible to find with scans. But, there's an alcove there.
Once I got there, in the human sized concrete alcove, I tried to find Optimus again. I can't locate him. There's Blackout twenty feet behind me, and wasn't Optimus fighting him last time I checked? Stepping outside, I was immediately faced with the huge cannon glowing orange inside ready to fire.
A cannon did fire, but it wasn't the one threatening me. A red and blue arm pushed Barricade away just before his cannon fired at the alcove behind me. I was swept up into the air again, but this time in larger hands.
"Samuel!" Optimus looked down at me sharply. I sighed in relief. I wasn't looking for him within ten feet, no wonder I couldn't find him. "What are you doing here, where's Bumblebee? You're supposed to be helping Ratchet inside." He shot at a 'con that came too close.
"Ratchet is fighting near the med bay. The base has been breached." I answered simply, glancing around. "I came out to help."
"With that?" He glanced at my scalpel. I looked at it, hey. It's better than nothing, right? But I shook my head. He waited, firing into the crowd. They seemed to avoid fighting him, probably under the orders to leave him for Megatron.
"Where is Megatron?" I wondered.
"Not here yet. This worries me, because the space bridge has closed, their entire army is here." he shook his head slightly. "Where is Bumblebee, you should be with him. Samuel, he is your guardian, let him keep you safe." Of course, he knew me too well. He may not know why I did it, but he knew what I did.
"I have something important to tell you. I know how to defeat them." he didn't even glance at me, dropping me on his shoulder and firing towards a cluster of Deceptions. That was their med camp, the one I just came from. "While Bumblebee and I were in the Tomb, the Primes contacted me and taught me how to defeat them. Prima, the elder most brother, himself told me that if we got here in time, the Autobots would win." that caught his attention.
"How?" was his simple question. But I hesitated, struck again by a habit drilled into me since I first absorbed the Allspark. He shook his head, probably thinking I was just trying to convince him to let me fight. "I've contacted Bumblebee; he's coming to get you."
"No." I felt a sudden, irrational panic. What if he's off lined on his way here? He could get ambushed even if he weren't coming this way. What if he's already off lined? How would I know? How many Autobots are already lost?
Wait, this isn't my worry, it's Bee's. That buzz of worry and terror in the back of my mind is his, worrying about me. Realizing this, I could also feel the unnatural calmness and confidence the Allspark gave me, telling me to do this.
"Samuel, it was a mistake for you to come here." Optimus shook his head in disappointment, which made me sad. A Prime's disappointment was the last thing anyone wants, but he doesn't know what I can do.
"I can help." I insisted. "Trust me."
"Trust me; we all want you to survive. Go to safety. Let us hope there is still time to get you out of here." he looked back into the crowd. I narrowed my eyes, knowing I wasn't the first one to disobey a direct order from a Prime, and I won't be the last. But, most of us have a very good reason to do it.
"Optimus." I stared at him, demanding his attention. Taking me off his shoulder, he gave it to me. "I can help. I can do something none of you can, and I'm sorry I kept it to myself. We've been able to fix everything before this without it, but now I HAVE to help." he was confused, but waited for me to finish. I was grateful, because I doubt this courage would last forever. "The Decepticons don't have all of the Allspark..."
No time left. This is it. Now or never. Megatron has landed, and the Allspark told me that I had to act. Now.
"PRIME!" Megatron's roar, a fourth of a mile away, sounded over the chaos of the battle. As if rehearsed, the war gave way to a clean path from him, to us. Optimus braced himself so well, I felt his aura change. He knew very well that this was the last battle, and he said nothing about it. He is resigned, and he is determined to take out Megatron with him.
"No." I repeated, quieter. We aren't going to lose him, not again. I looked around franticly, what do I do? What am I supposed to do at all? My shield? My energy field? My mental shield? What do I do? How do I take out the Decepticons, and not the Autobots?
"Bumblebee." Optimus turned halfway as Bee pushed up to us. I leapt toward him, pushing my need for help over our link with so much force he actually stumbled. I looked back, and Optimus had already gone. He was walking toward Megatron, down the thin corridor between the dyeing and killing Cybertronians, to fight.
"Sam." I looked up at Bee, who somehow seems to be ignored by the Decepticons around us. Behind Optimus, the battle spilled back into its chaos. It was then I realized it wasn't just Bumblebee that had come. A dozen other Autobots surrounded us, fighting. We were so small, and they so large.
"What are you going to do?" he asked. I could barely hear his voice over the battle, but our link was so strong right now that the emotions he sent me were practically words.
Searching my memory, I went over everything the Primes had taught me. Both with my gift, and about life. How do I do it? I can't fail, and I've got a quickly disappearing time limit. The physical shield, energy field, mental block. Shield, field, block. Shield, field, block.
Shield. I've gotten very good with it; I could take and crush every Decepticon spark. Individually, one at a time they will fall without fail. But how much will that take out of me? And what if I accidentally take out an Autobot? There are so many new ones of them here whose auras I don't recognize, and if I'm in a hurry, I may not realize their faction, only that they are unfamiliar.
Field. I could send out an energy of distraction, and force it into their systems to stop them. But, again, what if I take out an Autobot?
Block. What would that do for me? That only works on the level of our minds and sparks. You can't destroy a spark or a mind on that level, they only return to the Well. Could I ferry them there, and put them inside? I've never visited the 'backyard' of anyone but Bee and mine. And that feels too wrong; I couldn't use the Allspark for something that deep in their being.
What do I do? What is my answer?
"I don't know." I muttered, looking back up at my best friend, guardian, and owner. I wanted to cling to him in all of those ways. I need the help of a friend, the guidance of a guardian, and the strength of an owner, but none of it would help me. Only I can do this.
"Get down, you two!" Ratchet yelled at us, throwing something in our direction and not even watching to make sure it hit on target. Bumblebee ducked and we were closer to the ground. I heard a metal on metal *pop* behind us, then a crunch.
"What did they teach you?" Bumblebee demanded, trying to help me anyways.
"Everything, but..." the world is falling down, and I can't do anything about it. I've never felt so, useless. So helpless.
Bee bumped up my confidence, drawing on what the Allspark already gave me, through me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I need to concentrate. Solus Prime's lesson; awareness. Take in everything, miss nothing, and realize the answer. What is here, that isn't obvious?
Death. Destruction. War. Chaos. Imminent doom. More Decepticons than Autobots. Good against evil. Probably the conclusion to the many millennia-old civil war of the Cybertronians, and probably the conclusion of Earth's existence if I don't figure this out. Who knew saving the world could be such a puzzle? Before it was just, take the Cube and run, or get to Optimus and bring him back.
"Bumblebee, cover Sam!" Ironhide warned seconds before there was an explosion and shrapnel flew everywhere. And, what only I could sense, sparks flew just as quickly as the debris. The closest was an older spark, full of hardened war and utter commitment to destroy the Decepticons. Some Autobot I've never met, and probably never will. Their spark, I think was a mech, was pure.
I remember this being one of the first things I noticed about Autobot sparks. They sure aren't innocent, as most human auras are; they have been at war for so long. But they're not marred by ill intent and murder of the innocent. When they kill, the Decepticons, it does the universe a favor, at least, that's how we seen it. To the Allspark, murders of its creations are all the same. And while I can see that, I can still know that the Autobots are very different than the Decepticons.
Their difference, that's what I can use! There could be a way to latch onto what the Decepticons have and the Autobots don't.
"Get up." We were suddenly pushed up again. Bee had his hands wrapped protectively around me as Ratchet pulled us to the side. "I need you to get him stable. Bind the fuse there-" Ratchet jabbed at the fallen mech's slowing energon flow. Slowing because there was no spark to drive it. I cut him off, picking up on the ghost of the spark that had been there, the same one I had felt fly toward the Well of Allsparks.
"He's already gone." Ratchet looked at me incuriously and reached forward to test something on the back of the fallen mech's neck, then looked back at me.
"How did you know? I was still picking up on processor activity seconds ago." he stared at me hardly. I glanced at Bee, but he kept silent.
"I-" another explosion hit at our feet, throwing us everywhere. I could feel the energy trying to pry me, of lesser mass, away from Bee, of greater mass, away from each other, but his iron grip kept his palms on either side of me. I felt something wet on my forehead and a mixture of anger, sorrow, and fear shot through the link from Bumblebee's side.
"I'm fine." I insisted before he said anything. But metal fingers went at my head, and then disappeared seconds later. Ratchet turned away to attend to some other 'bots that had been hit, leaving me with a 2-second bandage on my forehead. Bumblebee eased up at that. He was fighting his urge to drive me out of here faster than legal any freeway on Earth.
"Sam, do you know what you're doing?" Bumblebee asked, with so much confidence in me, yet still with doubt. He could feel my own uncertainty.
"Get Arcee!" Ratchet yelled at us. Bee crouched next to the disabled femme and set me down near her head. I looked at the scalpel still in my arms, wondering how I'd managed to keep hold of it. Nevertheless, I pried apart two pieces of her armor that had melted together, just above where I sensed an energy spreading slowly that I could only describe as poison.
"Sam, what are you doing here?" she demanded, struggling to get up. Bee pushed her back down, attending to a more obvious injury that limited her ability to use her left leg. I doubted he'd even noticed the acid here, which I now scraped off with the scalpel.
"Helping." Right now, I could point it out to Bee, then do my thing and end the entire battle, but I still don't know what I'm doing. So with the concentration I'd developed while in the Tomb, I analyzed every destructive energy I shared with the Allspark as I scraped every drop of acid from Arcee's protoform. When I pulled away, she put the armor back over it and rolled her shoulder, looking at me in surprise.
"Alright." Bee pulled away a moment after. "You're good to go."
Nodding, Arcee sprang up and dove back into battle. I glanced around, my plan made up. I want to get closer to Megatron, just in case I don't have enough energy to knock them all out. So before Bumblebee could scoop me up again, I took off toward where Prime and Megatron battled.
"Sam!" I heard his shout both with my ears and my mind. I sent back confidence, it was so easy I didn't have to lose any concentration as I dodged and weaved through the battle. I was coming up on Skids fighting two larger 'bots, Mudflap nowhere in sight. But, I knew what I was doing. I have to do it now, but where are they?
There! Changing course, I sprinted towards where I felt Optimus Prime's aura. Prime's and Megatron's were both stronger than any of the others, almost as strong as Bumblebee's, who's is only so strong because I was so in tuned to it.
Then, I was near his feet. I watched as Optimus threw a blow from Megatron's energon axe off, giving him enough time to glance down at me.
"Sam!" he was exasperated, perplexed as to why I was here. But he didn't have time to say anything off; Megatron was back and grabbed his arm, throwing him into the ground on the other side of him. I was pinned by Megatron's glowing red optics and cruel smirk. For the second time, I wondered if they had found out about my gift.
"Hello, boy." he sneered, stooping lower to squish me with his hand, but he was thrown off by a blast to his shoulder from Prime.
"Stay away from the sparkling." Optimus warned, dragging Megatron back into battle. I smiled slightly, but quickly got to business. I have to do this, and keep myself alive at the same time. Then let's do this.
Letting my body start to run on auto drive, dodging and running around to keep from getting hit, I slipped into my back yard, still vaguely aware of the outside world to allow enough of my consciousness to go on auto drive. From here, I searched for the perfect energy to use. It took me what felt like forever to find it, by mixing a destructive energy and a tool energy together to make sure only the Decepticons were hit. Now, I have to find it in the Well of Allsparks. I can't leave completely to go there; I have to access it from here. And that takes a whole lot of concentration. But I have to try.
Searing pain flew through my side and I fell to the ground, a gash telling me I had been hit by something. Above me, a Decepticon was about to bring down his energon-flail on my head. I was frozen in place, the pain in my side ripping me in half. I could feel the energon acidic on my flesh, yet at the same time it gave me a bit of energy when it reached my heart (heart) in my blood supply.
Then, the Taken Spark was escaping as the protoform lost life on the ground, a very angry yellow Autobot standing behind me. Picking me up, Bumblebee turned me to look at the gash in my side.
"I-it can't be that bad, can it? You do have a spark, right?" Bumblebee fretted, my blood was tainted blue.
"It hurts." I said in short, clutching the top of my fresh new gash. His worry and fear for me was nearly overpowering. I could actually feel his guardian instinct to do something, and his helplessness at not being able to do anything.
But it wasn't as bad as you might think. My spark was fighting to gain energy as my heart was fighting to fail. I could stand. It was no worse than a normal gash filled with acidic stuff. It wasn't killing me very quickly. I can still do this.
"Sam, no." Bee insisted. He knew what I was planning. I looked up at him. Why hadn't I thought of it before? Bee could keep me alive while I did this.
"Don't let me break concentration." I urged before pushing myself back into my back yard. Pulling myself toward the edge, I pulled the energies from the Well of Allsparks. I wasn't there personally, but I could feel how empty it was. And that made me not sad, but more determined to fill it again.
There, I found the tool energy. Hardens it, pull it out and into my back yard. Through me, into the real world, but not until I find the other one. The destructive energy. Where is it? How much time has passed? Am I already too late? How would I know, locked up in here?
Knock out of it! Bumblebee will pull you out if there is an emergency. He's there, at the edge. Watching me, waiting anxiously.
I got it. Urging Bee to help me out, I pulled my line to the Well of Allsparks, my hose of the energies, with me to the surface, into the physical world.
"You've got it?" Bee asked, fighting vigilantly with only one arm free, the other holding me secure and stable as to not distract me. I was grateful. When this is over, Bumblebee better get just as much recognition as I'm obviously going to get. I'm not looking forward to that, with everyone's attention on me and my gift. I wanted to keep it a secret, and now the whole world will know.
"Yeah, I got it." he waited anxiously as I made a small energy field in my hands, it was nearly visible. All that energy, so closely concentrated and mixing together. As I spread my arms apart, trying to reach toward the closest group of Decepticons, it thinned out and the cloudy version of my shield faded into invisibility as I was used to. Just as I reached the closest Decepticon, the one getting ready to attack us again, he dropped to the ground, off line. I caused no harm to his protoform or armor, just to his spark. Once the energies reached his protoform, they absorbed into his systems and hitchhiked directly to his spark, separating it from the spark's physical form. I felt his Taken Spark return to the Well.
But I can't control the cloud like this. It's moving with me. When I rise, it rises. I can't aim, it isn't working. Bee seemed to realize this, picking up on the energies with his scanners. We stopped moving so much and I took a deep breath. If I take out the Decepticons around us, there's no point in dodging, right?
So down went the next, and the next. Then, another. They fell, one at a time as they unknowingly came into range. My concentration started to slip; I've never done something like this for such a long time.
Ten minutes went by, twenty, thirty. Bumblebee lent me concentration, keeping me focused as he once had in the Tomb. I felt sweat mix with the dried blood on the bandage on my forehead.
"Sam!" Sideswipe was behind us. I gasped and the energy field I had created dissipated, the connections I had drawn from the Well retreated. Bumblebee whirred around.
"What?!" I demanded in frustration. He shot a Decepticon behind us and nodded back toward were the entrance to the tunnel was. Where I had hidden how long ago?
"Beachcomber and I got it open. You two get out of here." I recognized the 'bot he gestured back at from the med bay earlier.
"No." I shook my head.
"Get out of here, Bumblebee..." He looked higher than me to my owner, but he was agreeing with me. I have to stay. Bumblebee seen with his own optics what I can do now, he's completely on my side.
"We're staying and helping."
"You two are insane, get out of here!" he shouted. I reached for the energies, finding they were more on stand-by than completely back at the beginning.
"Sideswipe, look out!" Bumblebee raised his free arm and fired so suddenly, yet was still too late. Sideswipe was struck, and the 'con escaped. On the ground, his spark was still holding on.
"RATCHET!" I yelled, no. I have to do this, before this happens again, to someone else. It's probably already happening to an Autobot somewhere right now.
The medic was, amazingly, there instantly. He barked an order for us to help, but Bumblebee was running with me back towards Megatron and Optimus. Cut off the head, and the rest will be easier to get rid of. In this case, two heads. Because Starscream is always ready to take charge.
I was ready to start again, I need to get Megatron. My energy field surrounded us, taking out any Decepticon coming too close.
Almost there. The end is near. I can taste it. The end of the war, the end of this battle. We will be saved, Earth will be saved. These important moments are always in slow motion, right? When the Allspark dissolved in Megatron's spark, when I plunged the Matrix into Optimus's spark. Those were both in slow motion, so that means we're about to win, right? This is the end.
The end... I've already learned so many different meanings of those words, in such a short amount of time. I could give you a million definitions, and they're all true. Every beginning has an end, and every end comes in due time. The end of this is long overdue, and while in that fatal moment, the war was not ended, everything I knew was destroyed.
A single plasma shot, one no different than all of the shots the two of us had avoided already, connected in surreal slow motion to Bumblebee's back, directly at his spark. It fused, melted, and exterminated his spark, and so we fell.
What terrible words, The End.
I've decided that I will write the next part, rewrite The Fallen Scout, but I will add it as a second chapter to The Fallen Scout, not on here. So, you're going to have to go there to read the next part.
I was literally writing this one, trying to make it perfect, or at least until I was satisfied with it. And, I'm very proud of this chapter, so I hope it's a suitable conclusion to my longest story, and enough to make you all ready for the third installment.
A couple notes, when Sam keeps referring to the "Autobots' auras" and excluding himself, that's only because he cannot sense his own aura, and he's always got that doubt that his spark isn't like theirs. And Bumblebee could pick up on Sam's energy field but no one else could was because, well, war is very distracting. Only Bumblebee knew to search for it.
Well, this is goodbye to Lies or Just not the Whole Truth, and you may have to wait on the next sequel until I get farther, at least, in all my other stories. My goal is five chapters for all my unfinished stories before I start on the next, but that does not include the new version of The Fallen Scout. That will come in turn, before I start on any of my other stories. I'm not that cruel.
For the final time in this story, and the most important time I ask, please review. Did you enjoy the story? How much do you want the next part?