Chickenheart: Another Story

Chapter Three:


By: War of the Four Horsemen of the End

"So your telling me the international Pharmaceutical company Umbrella is creating Bio organic Weapons and conducting multiple immoral, illegal, and just downright evil acts?" Brad asked Chris in the S.T.A.R.S. Office.

"Yes." said Chris.

"Uh-huh, and they also are part of some grand conspiracy and hold a lot more power than they let on, pretty much having the ability to discredit and eventually off us when they feel like it?" Brad finished fearing that this was all true.

"Yes Brad."

"…Have you been smoking herbs again Chris?" he said hoping on the off chance that this was all not really true, but as he looked around at the seriousness in everyones eyes he knew the answer.

"Well crap. What are we going to do? Everyone Else in STARS is Dead! No ones going to believe us, and we'll probably be made out as insane or some sort of drug addicts

"We Brad, last I checked you ditched us, and pretty much forfeited your position. We wanted you here simply to come to the briefing with the chief, to tell your part." Barry said with a glare being sent at Brad.

Brad simply looked down guiltily and waited for a few seconds before saying with a quivering voice, "I really am sorry C-Chris I-I just don't know what came over me. I was so scared and... no I have no excuse. I left you guys for dead and there's nothing I can possibly do to make up for it, but I want to stay with you guys. What I did was wrong and I not only need to make up for that, but I can't just stand by and let you all face it alone."

"I can't promise that I won't be scared, but I will never abandon you all ever again." he finished with his eyes steeling with resolve.

The others eventually accepted him... reluctantly of coarse. However, after that things started to simply go down hill even more. Chief Irons wouldn't believe a word they said after the briefing and labeled them as drug addicts (as Brad suspected) and suspended them. It would be weeks later until someone from STARS Barry had contacted came along for another break in this case appeared.

Little did Brad know that from then on out he would play a major role in this horrifying battle against evil.

A/N: Hey everyone and Sorry for the long wait and yet another short chapter, but I simply haven't had the motivation to write this till now. Also I simply couldn't find a way to lengthen this.

Anyway as you might have guessed I am going to use element from the second Resident Evil novel by S.D. Perry. I need something to fill in the time before Raccoon City becomes overrun. Any suggestions related to the plot I would appreciate pm'd to me. Well Bye now!