Final Nocturne

Hands clasped
(In an act of desperation)
One last attempt
At immortalisation

Shaking hands
Grasping at a rosary
A breathing angel
Right here beside me

We're going down
Sooner or later, my love
And no promises
We'll end up above

Moonlight spilling
Through one small window
We are two lovers
Trapped in a never-ending tango

Our love is bittersweet
It's forbidden and jaded
Yet I don't think
I can live without it

We're going down, love
I'm so sure
It's like poison in our veins
There isn't a cure

But that really doesn't matter
(It doesn't, right?)
As long as I'm with you
Because to my darkness, you're the light

We're going down, love
(It's inevitable)
I suppose it's all right, though
Dying isn't supposed to be amiable

Yesterday is history
(Make it fast)
Tomorrow is death
And tonight is our last

Nocturne means 'a musical composition of a romantic or dreamy character thought appropriate to night,' for those who don't know. Final, as you SHOULD know, means 'last.'

The title is basically a fancier way of saying 'last thoughts.' It makes sense to me, because this poem was originally a song I wrote(I just edited it), and it's about Matt's last thoughts on his and Mello's final night together.

Hope you enjoyed. :)

From: F