Hello, everyone! Yes this is the end! Whoppie! Hope you enjoyed everything, cuz I know I did. I will be writing more fanficitons! ~Jack
The End
Misaki felt a small tear roll down his cheek as he stood in front of the grave. It had been years since Akihiko had died, and yet Misaki still cried in front of the man's grave. Tilting his head so that he could gaze into the sky, Misaki let the tears fall slowly. His eyelashes met each other in a warm embrace as he closed his eyes. It's been awhile, Usagi-san. He reopened his eyes and looked down at the grave. Misaki smiled, water still dripping from his eyes.
How have you been? I'm doing alright… but as you know, all of the children have moved out. Would you like to know something interesting? Ishida's moving to London! I'll have to get a passport now. Kyouhei and Yuuji-kun have just adopted twins from China. They have one girl, Biyu, and one boy, Lau. Lau is so adorable, and Biyu's very smart. I'm sure you'll be watching over them from where you are. Chihiro's going to get married soon. Isn't that exciting? I bet you'll be there.
"Mom?" Misaki turned swiftly. The youngest of the triplets, Kyouhei, was standing behind him. The new Chinese twins were strapped to his chest and back. Yuuji was behind Kyouhei, holding the hand of their oldest daughter, Akiko. Misaki wiped the tears from his eyes, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious.
"What are you doing here, Kyou-chan?" Misaki asked.
Kyouhei smiled and shrugged. "We were on our way to the supermarket, when Yuuji and I decided we should introduce the twins to Dad." He explained. "We brought flowers."
Akiko ran toward the grave and placed the roses she had been carrying on top of the stone. She smiled, bowed her head and folded her hands together. Hello, Jii-sama, it's me Akiko. Guess what? I have two new siblings. They're so much fun, but sometimes they cry too much. Mama says it's because they can't talk. I wish they would learn soon. I miss you, Jii-sama. Akiko stood and rejoined her parents, her hand clasping with her father's once again.
Kyouhei asked Misaki if they would be willing to join the rest of the family for a little lunch before they headed to the market. Misaki smiled and nodded. As they exited the graveyard Kyouhei looked back at the hill where his father was buried. Are you having fun in paradise, Dad? Everyone misses you, but I'm sure you can see us down here. Did you hear about what happened to Noriko? She was almost hit by a car, but she said someone pulled her out of the way. Was that you, Dad? You've been watching over us all this time, haven't you? Don't worry, Lau and Biyu have so much to learn, and they're going to learn about you first.
Maria Had so many tears welled up in her eyes that she wasn't surprised when they began to fall down her cheeks. Her soggy eyes shifted to where her little sister stood beside her. Chihiro was sniffling, water streaming down her face. The sisters visited the grave together whenever they got the chance to. It had strengthened their relationship. Maria stared at the purple rose in her had. It began to blur as more tears came slipping out of her eyes. She stooped and set the rose atop the gravestone. Hello again, Father. Are you well? I am doing very well. Naoki and I have had no trouble in bringing up rebellious little boys. I'm sure you would be very proud of them, they're just like you. I pray to you every night, but I'm sure you know that. I can feel you watching us sometimes.
Chihiro took in a gasping breath, the tears running faster down her cheeks. Her hand rose up and wiped a few tears away, but more escaped her eyes. She knelt to the ground and placed a small teddy-bear with a bow around its neck next to the headstone. I miss you, Daddy. Everyone does. Did you know that I'm getting married soon? Mom says that he'll walk me down the aisle, but it won't be the same without you. You'll be there won't you? I'll give a special seat! Promise me that you'll come.
The sisters gazed at each other once again, before clasping their hands together and leaving the cemetery. Chihiro was still sobbing, but the tears had slowed. Maria had wiped the tears from her eyes, but they were reddened and the drips of sadness threatened to return. Deep inside, both girls were happy.
This is the last time you'll see me in a long time, Dad. We're going to London. Can you believe that? I can't either. I'll be old when we meet again… I have a favor to ask of you, Dad. Keep an eye on Mom. He's really lonely without you in that big house. If it's not too much to ask, could you show him that you're there with him? I'm sure you already have. You've shown Noriko that you're always watching, haven't you. And now our son's praying to you as well. Is he asking for the same things I am? I'm hoping that you're proud of me… I'm sure you'll find away to tell me one day.
Ishida opened his eyes and glanced at his wife. She was teaching their very young son, Akihito how to pray properly. Ishida was moving to London next week, so he thought proper goodbyes were in order.
As Noriko and their son finished their prayers, Ishida raised his head skyward and stared into the clouds. A gust of wind blew his silver-blonde hair into his face, and he smiled. I need a haircut, he thought. As the small family left the cemetery, the wind twirled around them wrapping them in a warm embrace. Akihito shivered and gazed over his shoulder at his grandfather's grave. For a moment he thought he saw someone leaning against the headstone watching them go. He squinted to see the person better. The ghostly figure seemed to smile and wave back at him before disappearing with them wind.