Disclaimer: I don't own any of the mentioned works or shows. Sadly they belong to others but I thought they might like to come out to play for a bit.

A/N: "Speech" 'Telepathy and thoughts'

A/N: Not betaed so read at your own risk

November 23, 2013

By:Fire Star

Part 50

The Prince looked at the group and noted that they seemed wary and tired. He could understand that if half of his briefing was indeed accurate. The time difference alone had to be staggering and that was not even including trying to calculate intergalactic travel. He shook his head and wondered when the world had become so crazy and insane that thinking such a thing outside of fiction was normal. However unlike many even in his own government and military he had known about the United State's Air Forces Star Gate Command. The American President had briefed he and the queen three years ago and they had begun contingency plans for when the rest of his government became aware of the situation. He supposed having a president who was a reserve member of the Council of Watchers at the time was useful. Of course he had flat out refused to allow more than a token presence in the SGC. Members were people like Janet who had held dual citizenship and at least on paper were members of the American military in some capacity. They had not approved but short of blowing the whole situation up and exposing it to the public they had little choice. He knew full well had Janet not been involved and had the president not needed some help keeping Buffy calm after the mess the Army made in Sunnydale there would have been no way in hell they have learned the truth. Allies they might well be but, the American President never let them forget that his country controlled the gate. Of course he and the Queen had reminded him that the slayer controlled the Hellmouth and she had a British Watcher. That fact had forced several favors being extended to Rupert Giles and his family. They had become the new Council and had gained a guardian of sorts in the President. He had issued an executive order granting the slayers and watchers under Rupert Giles and Buffy Summers diplomatic status. It allowed them protection should they be forced to deal with more than demons. A full pardon had also been arranged in California for Faith Lehane and a presidential order sealed her records. No one was supposed to be able to find her past now. They had even secured permission for Willow to sanitize the group's identities. The later made the prince smile as he knew the head Wicca had already done so without official sanction. Of course since it was official now no one could go after her. Not that anyone could catch her as she was an elite hacker who had the magic touch even without using magic. That made him smile as he recalled a favor or two the red haired witch had done to eliminate some rather embarrassing photos of his son from the internet. He was just glad she was a "white hat" it the world could be in serious trouble.

"Janet you and your family should go to bed some rest. We can deal with the fall out of this mess in the morning. Do not protest you all look knackered and frankly I am surprised any of you can even think straight."

"The Prince is right." Jack said."We are all done in. I could sleep for a week but I suppose we could all settle for a full eight hours. The world won't end if we sleep a bit."

Buffy rolled her eyes at that she knew it could but hey so far so good so maybe the Colonel had a point. "He's right sleep be good. So where do we crash?"

Giles winced at her bluntness and slang but he knew it was just Buffy's way to be straight and to the point.

The prince pulled a bell lever and several servants appeared. "Haverson please take our guests to their rooms."

"Yes sir if you would all follow me." He said.

"Sir we should call General Hammond."

"I'll do that from our room if his highness has no objection? I can reverse the charges if you would like."

The prince laughed at that humor. "No I think I can bear the cost of a single overseas call as long as it's not too long and as long as you make clear that Janet and her family are our guests."

"Ah yeah I can do that." Jack said grateful beyond words that his friend would be safe here. "We really appreciate that fact your highness."

The prince nodded and then motioned for the group to be escorted to their rooms so he could call and brief the PM and Queen.


The news that Janet had been found and rescued made George Hammond smile, he noted that the President also seemed pleased. However now came the hard part. What to do with Janet because technically she was classified as KIA. He was not sure changing that would be wise given the NID and their troublesome ways.

"So George should we ask Janet to come home or do we leave her as KIA?" The president asked. "I really think it be safer for her to remain dead and Rupert to take Cassandra with him and for them all to be away from the SGC at least for a while. I have a feeling that her coming back to life and being a Tok'Ra would be to large of a target for the NID to resist. The simple fact is I honestly believe she will be safer away from here and perhaps a more useful asset as a liaison to both the UK and the ToK'Ra."

The general would have protested except that was what he thought as well. It was kind of nice to know his Commander and Chief cared more about his people and their safety then learning about rising people from the dead. Of course his insight on the value of a liaison was dead on as well. His thinking was not totally altruistic but then again he did have to keep the nation and planet safe. So rather than protest or argue he nodded and said. "Yes sir I agree. We could seal the records and update it to MIA. Then if she ever wishes to return she can. Perhaps you could cut orders making that her last assignment so if it ever comes up she is covered. Though a death certificate would work as well, I guess it will depend on what she wants to do now."

The president nodded and he was rather certain Janet would choose to remain in the UK if only to protect Cassandra. That was perhaps the best option at least until he was able to bring the NID to heel. It was now clear that he had no option if he was to be true to both his duties as the president and as a watcher.


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the mentioned works or shows. Sadly they belong to others but I thought they might like to come out to play for a bit.

A/N: "Speech" 'Telepathy and thoughts'

A/N: Not betaed so read at your own risk

By:Fire Star

Monday, December 16, 2013

Part 51

The leaders of the NID and their allies in the Trust were not happy at all. One of their elite teams had been captured and was being held incommunicado. The loss of Makepeace's team was a big blow despite the fact that said team only worked with them to protect their families. Worse yet they had to keep the hostages alive and well on the off chance that the group could free themselves. Despite Kinsey's short sighted suggestions everyone in the leadership was under no illusions of that teams real loyalties; they worked for them for the moment but if they their families were not a factor they could and would become the hunted. Whatever else most members of the Trust and NID felt they knew Makepeace was a dangerous foe one no one wanted to get on the bad side of. So for the moment at least Kinsey's suggestion of terminating the families was on hold. They did not really care except that keeping them alive meant they had some small insurance policy. Their lost agents would not risk them so they would remain silent on what they knew.


Jason Meijers rolled over and hit his pillow. He was rather annoyed at being in the infirmary right now. He hated that he had been taken out by Cassandra. It was damned embarrassing for a United States Marine of his years and experience not to mention he was almost ¾ Braken. He should have faired far better and he was under no illusions that the Colonel was in the least bit happy with him at the moment. However to be fair he knew that there was little they could have done against the magic the girl wielded so easily. He just wished his own family had magic that strong then maybe they would not be in this situation. He sighed and decided worrying about it was useless he might as well try to get some sleep to heal because one thing was for damned sure he wanted to be in on taking the NID down. He had no worries that Buffy would keep her word because the slayer was one of the good ones. She might not be a demon but she kept her word. She was by far one of the best slayers in recent history and he would be there to help her take out the trash. He looked over at his fellow team mates and noted they too looked determined. Yep they were going to join the slayer and her merry band of misfits. He shook his head and wondered when the slayer had become their best chance at survival?

Robert Makepeace stood at attention. He knew he and his team had been given a reprieve however he was not about to risk pissing off the General or the president.

"Stand at ease Colonel," George Hammond said.

Robert shifted with perfect military discipline.

"I have read your report on why you had gone to the NID. This changes the situation somewhat and because you were protecting your families the President has agreed to a pardon for some of your actions along with reassignment to the Slayer and her teams. The fines will remain as we spoke of because you should have brought this to our attention. However we feel that you and your team can act as a liaison between our two groups because of your situation. It is also felt that we can sympathize with why you did not bring it to our attention. In any case Colonel you will be given a second chance so please do not blow it."

Hammond was a good man and officer even if he was Air Force and Robert Makepeace had no doubt that he was the reason for the second chance so he simply said.

"Yes sir we will be honored to help in any way we can."

"Good, go check your people colonel I want a full report on how soon they will be fit for duty. Because I do believe you will be heading to the United Kingdom to help Buffy and her people."

"Yes sir right away sir." He snapped to attention and saluted both the president and his Co. Maybe just maybe there was hope.

When he left the room the General turned to his commander and chief. "Are you certain this is a wise course sir?"

"Yes George, Makepeace is a fine officer and in other circumstances I'd have recommended him for promotion and maybe to one day command here. You know we planned eventually having the command rotate. However, given the circumstances this is the best we can do for him and his team. They messed up but frankly they probably felt they had no option. I cannot see them having come out as demons before given the NID actions in Sunnydale. Robert had no way of knowing it was not a sanctioned operation. If we can get them on our side we have access to strong fighters. Men and women who will follow Buffy Summers willingly and frankly she could use some disciplined troops to help her. They could be invaluable as trainers alone. Plus this allows us to show mercy and compassion which might just aid us with other non-hostile neutral communities which could ease the strain for the slayers. That alone might help smooth things over."

"Yes sir perhaps it can at that. Only I wonder who the NID Will react? I would hate to have this cause their families to be killed."

"I know it's a balancing act. However I've called the head of the NID and Robert Kinsey here. I believe it is past time I reign them in."

George Hammond smiled. The president looked determined and he was only sorry Colonel O'Neill was not here to see it.


"General, Sir we got a message."

General Damon Williams rose and went to take the coded message from the young Marine. He cursed then looked at his fellow NID Members and the Trust.

"Robert we have to go to Cheyenne Mountain."

"Why?" Robert Kinsey demanded.

"Presidential orders, so pack up we leave in ten."

Robert Kinsey cursed but knew his ally had a point it would not due to keep the president waiting.

The assembled members shifted clearly not happy each planning an exist if needed one thing was for certain not a one be it NID or Trust member was going down without a fight.


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the mentioned works or shows. Sadly they belong to others but I thought they might like to come out to play for a bit.

A/N: "Speech" 'Telepathy and thoughts'

A/N: Not betaed so read at your own risk

By:Fire Star

Saturday, December 05, 2015

Part 52

Kinsey and General Williams took the elevator down to meet General Hammond and the President. Neither man had any idea that they had been compromised and that the President was done allowing the NID to run out of control.

"Sir I hope we can end the NID illegal operations. I have to admit that keeping Colonel O'Neill from shooting Kinsey had become quite a problem."

The president chuckled he remembered back when Jack O'Neill had been accused of shooting Kinsey. He had not really been overly shocked at that. He had also been prepared to issue a pardon for that action. Not that he would tell the colonel that because he did not wish to give him an excuse to end the man. He may want Kinsey gone but it would create a lot of political issues if he had to issue that pardon.

"I intend to end their wild cating today." The president said. "We have enough groups attempting to end our world without having the NID make us more enemies both above and below."

"Yes, the monsters that Buffy and her group fighting are every bit as dangerous as the Gaould and the experiments they did on our troops make me want to shoot them myself. I am really not surprised the SWC reacted as it did given their experiences." Hammond said. "I for one will not ask Janet to return to the SGC until I can guarantee her safety. Given her connections we have to be careful."

"Yes the UK has made that very clear. I spoke to the Prince of Wales and he has made it clear that they will not be happy if anything happens to any of those under their charge and that now include Lord Rupert and his family. I will not risk our longest and best ally for the NID and Kinsey. I can see the M sending an OO to eliminate the threat if we don't handle it properly."The president said.

Hammond nodded and agreed then again he knew that Jack would end Kinsey if he looked sideways at Cassandra or Janet once more not to mention he had a feeling Buffy would and could end them just as easily. He found he really did not mind that idea all that much. The NID and its supporters had endangered his people one time to often for him to care.

There was a knock on the door and Master Sergeant Harriman looked in. "Mr. President and General Hammond General Williams and Robert Kinsey are here."

Neither man missed the lack of respect Harriman gave Kinsey not that either minded.

"Send them in Harriman." Hammond said.

"Yes sir." Was the reply, he let the men inside.

"Mr. President General Hammond it is good to see you once more."General Williams said.

The president motioned for him and Kinsey to take a seat.

"I am pleased you made it here so quickly."The president said. "We have a great dealt to discuss. Director Simmons will be arriving shortly."

Both men started having not expected this. It could change things a great deal. While both men worked well with Simmons they had all worked hard to keep that relationship on the down low.

"Oh why is that sir." Kinsey asked.

"Because we have some issue with the way the NID and its military counterpart have been dealing with various allies and even our opponents." The president said. "The groups that have been running wild will now stop. It had endangered our long term alliances and that we will not allow." The president said.

"What alliances Mr. President?" Williams asked he was worried it never ended well when the president ended up looking into the any agency and its workings. They generally got reigned in and heads rolled. He cursed silently because most of the issues could be laid at Kinsey's feet unfortunately he needed the man's connections for funding both the above board and black operations versions.

"We have allies off world who have begun to wonder if they should ally with us. The NID agents are acting worse than the Gaoulds and frankly it is ruining our alliances. Then there are Earth based alliances. I received a call from the Prince of Wales on behave of the Queen and she is very unhappy to learn about how we have been treating the some of her subjects. The NID's actions in Sunnydale and other areas are making then reconsider our long term alliances all of them." The president said.

Kinsey turned red. "How is it that they know about Sunnydale Mr. President that operation was classified?"

"Yes it was. Another thing that is not making me happy I do not like being kept in the dark Robert." Henry Hayes said looking angry. "However she had subjects in that got caught up in the project."

"I will have those anarchist tossed below the prison they all signed non-disclosure papers." Kinsey said jumping up.

"Sit down Robert. It would not matter as Rupert and his family all have diplomatic immunity. However in fairness to them I will say that the people who saved your ass are not the ones who informed her of the capture and experimentation on her subjects."The president said angrily.

"They were demons."The general said to defend Kinsey. "We are not talking about people sir."

"You are wrong General. The Demon who informed the queen was once a lady in waiting for her. Needless to say the queen was livid."

The general and the Kinsey looked shocked.

"Yes some demons work in the real world. Her majesty grew up with Mrs. Harkens and was not happy that she was hurt. Then there was the rather long letter written to her by William Pratt aka Hostile 17. Needless to say we are risking a lot of making up to do. The attempts to steal Cassandra Fraiser on top of that have almost caused her to consider declaring war on us."

"That is insane sir."The General said. He was thinking that they had the upper hand as the U.K. did not have the forces the American government had.

"Yes one would think so until you consider her subjects are guarding the Hell Mouths alls she would have to do is recall them to the United Kingdom. How long do you think we could keep them closed and at what cost? How do you think the public would react when they learn about them and then that we pissed off the people who defend them from the night? I honestly don't think any of our careers could survive that fall out."

The General fell silent. Just then the Director of the NID arrived and was escorted in clearly he had heard the last part and looked very worried. He had never liked some of Kinsey's plans but had been forced to go along with it.

"Sir I agree. We will stop all unapproved missions and we will be giving you final approval going forward." Simmons said. He took his seat and gave the others a hard look. "We do not wish to mess up such long lasting and important relationships."

Kinsey gave him a hard look and said. "We should not allow ourselves to be blackmailed by some insane children."

"The Queen is hardly a child." Hammond exploded at them. "I am tired of all the crap you agency is making. We have a difficult enough time to defending the planet and finding allies without you lot mucking it up. The NID almost ended a civilization by stealing technology that kept their weather in check. The mining operation on the Native American Planet almost destroyed this command. While I will take some responsibility for that mess we only pushed forward because the NID would not back our alternate proposal. That fiasco almost got our entire command and perhaps nation killed. So I would say that it is more than children who are annoyed with the Agency and its agenda. That does not even cover the attempts to kidnap members of my command and our families. Nor does it cover the mess in Sunnydale and no I am not certain what happened there but because of it this command was almost destroyed again because the participants do not trust members of the Military. If it was up to me I would lock you up and throw out the key."

Kinsey rose and tossed a chair across the room. The secret service agents pulled their gun. He spun around and shouted. "We are getting weapons needed to defend this great nation. You lot are spending millions and getting nothing in return for that investment; millions in tax payers dollars. Of course I searched for a way to help our nation stay on the forefront of technology and to give us a chance to win the war against the Gaould and to protect us for Earth bound nations. I don't care if a few get pushed aside or run over or hurt it is for the Greater Good. We are at war and collateral damage happens."

Robert Kinsey froze when he heard the Secret Service weapons cock along with the Airmen who were protecting the General.

Henry Hayes stood up and moved before his agents could stop him and he hit Kinsey knocking him across the room. "They were children Kinsey. Cassandra Fraiser is a child, Dawn Summers is a child and so was the boy that Adam carved up into little pieces. He was eight years old. There was a planet full of children that you would have condemned to die as collateral damage to try to control the weather and then it got away from you and you caused storms across our own nation. I will no longer tolerate your arrogance and your foolishness any longer. The NID will be brought to heel or I will destroy it. I am not going to risk this nation to your ego." He shook his hand out. "While I agree we need more technology stealing it from our allies will not help. It will only create more enemies. The reason the Tollan would not help us was because they learned about the NID stealing technology. They only speak to us at all now because of SG-1 and their relationship with them. We only still have Slayers in the United States because Buffy Summers has a sense of duty that far outweighs any of yours." The president fist hit the table."You will follow my orders or I will have your resignations make up your mind because I will have an answer before you leave here today."

"I quit."Kinsey shouted. "I won't work for a weak fool." Kinsey said as he got up from the floor.


"Buffy we have to have a place to stay if we are stuck here." Dawn said. "It's nice of the prince to put us up but we should not take advantage."

Buffy nodded she also agreed not to mention she wanted to be independent of any government or officials. The royal familie's help was appreciated but it could be a problem long term. They had so many people's they had to protect and it could not seem as if they favored any one group. She also had a lingering anger about the Watcher Council as they had been chartered by the crown. While she was glad of all the support and help part of her wondered if it was all a front. She was wary of trusting her slayers to anyone's care but her and Giles and the gangs care.


Janet tucked Cassandra into her bed. It was a relief to know her daughter was safe and she had suddenly reverted to that scared little girl they had brought home through the gate. In a way Janet understood and if she was honest it felt good to know she was so deeply -1 had barely left her alone. She was certain that if Sam had her way she would have Kevlar vest on and she would be wearing a dozen trackers.

"Goodnight Cassandra."

"I love you mom. I am so glad you are safe and alive. I was so lost without you."

"So am I Cassandra. I just hope you can learn to accept my new sister."

"It may be hard but I wanted I will accept it. I suppose that I can get used it. Besides maybe it will be like having to moms." Cassandra said.

"We will have to work things out but I am sure it will happen." She hugged Cassandra and gave her a kiss on her head. Cassie hugged her back and then let her tuck her in. All while SG-1 waited to make sure Janet was ok.

She left her daughter's room and shut off the lights and sighed. "All of you to bed or I will see if I can find some needles."

"Ah Janet here I thought you might tuck us in."Jack said.

"Move Colonel."Janet ordered. The others smiled and obeyed her orders. It was good to have her back.


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the mentioned works or shows. Sadly they belong to others but I thought they might like to come out to play for a bit.

A/N: "Speech" 'Telepathy and thoughts'

A/N: Not betaed so read at your own risk

By:Fire Star

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Part 53

Baal had a new world to colonize. While he was still angry at the female Tarui's escape this world made up for it a great deal. His mind was already laying out plans for this moon. He could not believe he had not found this place before. He sent his First Prime out to search for a location to build a place and to find the moons star gate coordinates. It had not been listed on any star gate maps he had known of. It was absolutely beautiful. He wanted to make this a retreat and perhaps a world where he could relax a bit. He had been reconsidering how those under his care had been treated. His time on the Tauri world and dealing with those of SG-1 had altered his thinking somewhat. He was not about to give up his empire but perhaps he could treat those under his care better. This world would become a place to experiment with the ideas he had. He had been reading about Earth's history in the past and found the idea of certain forms of government to be highly interesting. It was far different then the Gaould had ever used before. He was not about to embrace any government where his people totally ruled themselves but perhaps he could gain more if they at least had some minor control over their lives. He knew his Jaffa worked better when they believed they could advance perhaps he could do something similar for his slaves. The idea of a noble class made a lot of sense to him. He was going to use that on this world. A mix of the Jaffa and his slaves working to form the base of such a ruling system, if it worked he could leave far fewer Jaffa on each world to control the local population. He would have to consider it with care. However for tonight he would rest and he would sleep. He turned and went back into the ship to rest.


General George Hammond resigned himself to spending another night at the SGC. He had been spending way too much time on the base of late. When he had been a young officer he had thought that Generals had it easy. They had office jobs that were 9-5 and got to spend time with their families. He had figured that the hard part of his service had been spent in the Viet Nam war. Like many men of his generation he had spent time in one of America's most unpopular war. Of course he had done so by choice. He had chosen to serve his country and even competed for a spot in the Academy. George Hammond had not cared about the politics of war back then he had only sought to step up and serve. He still remembered John F. Kennedy's call to service and while not everything the man had proposed was something he could agree on that he did. He admired John. F. Kennedy for his service and the service of his family. Both he and his elder brother had stepped up and served their nation even if they probably could have gotten out of it. So George had listened to his speeches and taken up the call to service. If back then there had been a small foolish part of him that wanted to visit the stars well…one should always be careful for what one wished for.

"Yes Colonel I understand. I will brief the president on what you have learned. See what you can do about securing at least one of those ships." He listened to his second explain that they had no real claim on the ships. I mean if Janet was staying and claiming to be dead back home then the ship technically had not been stolen by a USAF officer and Ethan/Edgar was a subject of the crown.

George pinched his nose and knew that this was so going to piss off the pentagon but for once he did not care and the President had order Sg-1 to play nice. "All right Colonel I will point that out as well as pointing out our suggesting we take Janet into custody is why she is staying in the U.K. with Cassandra. The repeated screwed up kidnappings by the NID are enough reasons for her not to be willing to come back. Get some rest and heal. I will speak to you more in a few hours." He hung up and sighed there was not much they could talk about on an unsecured line. He had no doubt whatsoever M-5 and M-6 had listened into the conversations.

George hung up and decided he needed a vacation…yep Generals had nice easy jobs.