Yoai fan day day- Crappy name I now!
Disclaimer: I do not own host club. I wish I did but u would be able to tell because there would be a lot more gore and a little less romance. But I would keep the twins. (I have problems….T^T) oh well, on with the fic! Any way this is just a one shot thing.
Yoai fan day day- Well I partly wrote this cause it's late and I have nothing better to do. And despite my user name this will not be a yoai.
Twins- well that's good considering u have one already written and ready. Why didn't you just use that one?
Yoai fan day day- Well, because I'm self counsens of my stories and my grandparents are very strict about what I put on their computer.
Twins- nice way to stand up for yourself.
Yoai fan day day- Hey! Don't judge me! It's not my fault!
Haruhi- *walks in* what are you three yelling about!
Yoai fan day day- Nothing! On with the story!
Nekozowa ran through the halls without much notice of where he was going until he made a sharp turn and ran right into Tamaki. They fell hard to the ground and in a rushed apology Nekozowa tried to pick up all the books that Tamaki happened to be carrying.
"It's all right. I was late for class any way." Tamaki reassured the blushing Nekozowa.
Nekozowa looked up and with a small gasp found his hood was down and his wig was laying on the floor in front of him. In a rush he tried to pull it back but Tamaki was faster. He snatched it away before Nekozowa even saw his hand.
"You look better without it." Tamaki whispered.
Nekozowa's blush deepened and he looked away.
"We should be getting to class now" Nekozowa murmured embarrassed.
Tamaki chuckled softly and reached across to gently stroke Nekozowa's cheek. Nekozowa gasped and pulled away to meet Tamaki's warm eyes.
Tamaki looked a little hesitant then murmured "Your right, we should be getting back to class." He got his books together and walked away from Nekozowa with a quick wink over his shoulder at Nekozowa.
"Aww crap!" Nekozowa whispered as he pulled himself together enough to walk back to class. But before he opened the door he realized with a flood of dread and anger.
"That bastard never gave me back my wig!"
Yoai fan day day- Wow that took a lot out of me…
Twins- You didn't even write that much!
Yoai fan day day- Hey! Not only am I writing this thing I'm also texting Anime Akane!
Anime Akane- Yeah! So but out before I have to come over there and both your ass's!
Twins- *gulps nervously*
Anime Akane- that's what I thought!
Yoai fan day day- the evil one has spoken…
A/N: I would like to say I am sorry for making this so short. Plezzz r/r! And maybe if you like it I'll write more. The next one will be longer if enough people review, promise! ^.^