Title: Two That Are One
Author: Lovesrainscent
Pairing: Shikaku/Yoshino
Rating: T
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or these characters. This is a work of fanfiction and I stand to make no profit from posting this story.
Summary: Inspired by Contessa Hime's Yin and Yang (go read it, it's beautiful) – 50 Themes for Shikaku and Yoshino. With her kind permission, I'm going to use her themes and write them for my own beloved canon couple. I'm planning to do each as a drabble, exactly 100 words. I had started this earlier then, just like Triptych:369, took it down and reworked it to be sure I could finish all 50 themes. So, now it's back and finished.
The title is from a quote by Joseph Campbell: "…Now I am going to write you a book on the art of love so that you and your wife will know that in the wonderful mystery of the two that are one, Brahma is radiantly present also."
There are many sorts of comfort in the world and Yoshino is adept at dispensing them all.
She can tend to a child sick with fever through the night.
She can cry with the kunoichi who's just lost the love of her life in bloody battle.
And she can let the man who's had to call his own son a coward hide his tears in the crook of her neck.
Sometimes when she doesn't know he's watching he studies her and thinks he catches a glimpse of Kuan-Yin, bodhissatva of compassion, she who hears the cries of the world.