Dear Magnificent Readers,

I'm terribly sorry to inform you that I will not be doing a sequel for Hello, Martha Jones. After reading a recent review I believe it best not to ruin a good oneshot. I'm so sorry to those who I told I was going to do the sequel. It's like Beetlejuice. Anyone ever seen that film? It's fantastic! A Tim Burton true genius!

They were set and ready to do a sequel to it...Beetlejuice in Hawaii but Tim Burton lost interest. Who could blame him? Beetlejuice was and still is amazing; a cheesy sqeuel would have ruined the magic and brilliance of the film. I can't speak for this oneshot but from the brilliant reviews you guys have been given me, I can say it seems to be a hit. I don't want to ruin it by making a cheesy sequel and trust me...the sequel is cheesy. I have, after all, written it!

I hope you all can forgive me,


a.k.a Fire.