Chapter 2: Naruto the Bloodedge

Naruto looked around the town, smiling as he wasn't glared at, he wasn't spit on. No one even seemed to care that he was there, other than the large sword resting on his lower back, it was a comforting weight there, he didn't know exactly why but he liked the sense of safety it brought him.

It was then he relized he had No Idea how to use it, He knew one person that lived not too far away that could teach him, but he didn't know if he should, he may lead the leaf right back to them.

Sighing he sat on a bench and thought on it, Sure the leaf MIGHT be following him, he was technically a Missing Nin. Shrugging

he decided to risk it and stood up, walking past a clothing store he looked down at his bright orange jumpsuit and grimaced. 'New clothes first..'

Walking in he looked and saw that oddly it was a store that catered to shinobi needs as well as civilian. Not seeing any leaf shinobi within the store he strolled in and began taking things off the rack, including, a pair of black hakama, two belts, a black shirt and a single fingerless glove. Once he had chosen his purchases he walked up to the counter and placed them down, before pulling out Gama-chan.

He peeked within his wallet and grinned, he had plenty, Deciding to splurge a little he grabbed a single fingerless glove that was on clearence due to its twin being missing, and a nice dark orange coat to go over his new clothing.

He paid the clerk and walked into a dressing room, getting dressed in his new outfit he smiled. 'Perfect..' Stepping out the woman clerk began to drool a bit, she wasn't much older than him, but she noticed the way the black shirt hugged his toned upper body and the way the dark orange accentuated his tan. "Thanks!" He grinned at her, his left hand now bearing the fingerless glove he had bought, the belts hanging from his hips in an x , a few shinobi pouches hanging from them.

Leaving the store he got a few stares but quickly left the town, running towards the place he had his first important mission as a genin, wave country.

Not too long after Naruto left the girls strolled into town, Hinata scanning eagerly for any sign of Naruto, she was a little disheartened when she at first, saw nothing. "Ok, everyone split up and look for Naruto.." Tsunade ordered, the hat of a hokage firmly in place on her blonde head.

It wasn't until about twenty minutes into the search that Hinata found the rags of Naruto's old orange jumpsuit in a dumpster outside of a clothing store. "T-tsunade-sama!" grabbing the rags she ran off to find the others, eager to show them that he had in fact been here.

Of course the clothing store had been a dead end, they realized after sitting on a bench outside. "Did anyone hear Naruto mention anything about anywhere he'd perhaps like to go?.."

Shizune shook her head, tonton did as well. "W-well he m-may have mention the Wave Country.." Hinata spoke up, remembering how he stared sadly out over the village, mumbling to himself.

And once again the girls followed their only lead, taking off, full speed towards the Country hidden in the Waves.

Naruto was running full speed, surprised at how far he was going without tiring. 'Must be the fox..'

"It's not me Kit...The Azure Grimoire does quite a few things, First is it molds your body into it's perfect physical level, slowly...but it's done enough that you can feel the difference. Second is you no longer possess human Chakra, only my own and my brother's." Kyuubi took a breath, "Plus you get the sword Brother used to call it a pain in his ass, but everyone else just called it the Bloodedge. Speaking of...They called him that as well, Ragna the Bloodedge."

'Ragna the Bloodedge..That sounds pretty cool, Hey do you think he'd mind if I started calling myself that?' Naruto yelped when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach as a male gruff voice filled his mind. "Yes I do mind, you can't just use my name baka! You have to earn it first!"

"Brother? What are you doing here?" Kyuubi yipped and seemed quite happy.

"I came here with the Azure Grimiore to keep and eye on you and your vessel, plus everybody else is busy picking their own chosen to host their powers..." The voice sounded just a bit pissed off. "Seems, Jin and Nu have already found their own vessels. Noel and Bang and 3 more are the last to find anyone..."

Naruto could feel Kyuubi nod and stopped running for a moment to look at his surroundings, he was already where they had fought Zabuza for the first time. He heard it a split second before he saw it, a giant cleaver flying through the air towards his head.

Instantly he dropped into an unfamiliar stance and drew the Bloodedge, blocking the cleaver easily. "What the hell Zabuza!" Naruto griped, resheathing his blade. "It's just me Naruto"

"I know...I'm just checking your reflexes." He heard the voice and smiled, turning towards the bandage faced man. "It's been awhile Naruto, I see you've got a new blade.."

"Mhmm...It's called the Bloodedge, It's last owner's name was Ragna..." He felt the mental slap and winced.

"Oh?...And did you kill this Ragna?"

"No...He handed it down to me, apparently im worthy, but I don't really know how to use it..Think you could help with that Zabuza-sensei?.." He grinned at the older man.

Zabuza chuckled. "Sure...If I'm teaching Haku may as well teach you as well huh?, Follow me we don't live far from the village..." He turned, grabbed his cleaver and began walking away, Naruto not far behind.

Beta Omaki:

Yet another chapter done and let me tell you: The auther of this fic has been hard to motivate at times. I mean, how long was it since his last up date before me? And now that I am here he is pushing them out daily.(at least for now.) In any case it is time for me to have my fun. Oh Tsunade...

Tsunade is standing waiting for Hinata and Shizune to check in.

Beta appears behind a bush, fox ears back and tail into position, the Beta sudenly leaps through the air over Tsunade's head and steals the Hokage hat.

" What the hell do you think you are doing?" Tsunade shouts as she runs after the Beta.

Wild Beta almost escapes when the author pops up and clothes-lines." Bad Beta! I really do need those to finish the challenge."

" But I want it! Plus you will make another any way."

Author head fist the Beta."BAD BETA! No giving out spoilers! Here is your hat back Lady Tsunade." Hands it over.

" Thank you CrossianNoxus." Puts it back on glaring at the Beta.