Cross Nox presents

His answer to Perfect Lionheart's 'Missing Hokage Challenge.' Currently untitled.

By: Crossian Noxus



Naruto panted. His orange jumpsuit was torn and tattered after the fight with Sasuke. The pain in his shoulder, after having the Chidori shoved through it, was almost unbearable to the young Genin yet he still tried to stand and finish his mission. The only thing going through his mind, at the moment, was that he needed to get Sasuke back to the village no matter how bad his former teammate injured the hyperactive blonde.

"Just give it up dobe... You'll always be dead last," the Uchiha spoke in a bored tone as his body mostly healed after having unleashed the Cursed Seal. His hand flashed through the seals for another Chidori as he channeled the chakra required.

Now Naruto, though being a bit dense at times, was really quite a good ninja for all of his limitations. Sure he didn't have very good control but that was the Kyuubi's fault and not his own. Through the pain induced haze, he lost all traces of the hyperactive boy he had always shown the world. His eyes became red and cold as the raven haired boy charged with the sharingan active and his hand ablaze in a ball of lightning.

Sasuke thrust his hand forward, expecting the wet "thud" of his hand sinking through the flesh of his former teammate; only to have his hand grabbed in mid air and covered in a malicious red chakra. The finishing technique the boy had gotten so easily, with no hard work on his part due to the Sharingan, had been effectively stopped.

Naruto just glared and flung the boy into the nearby stone wall without a second thought. His wound closed before their eyes. Naruto's eyes changed back to their normal brilliant blue. He had then passed out from the blood loss, floating uselessly on the surface of the water.

Upon hearing the party coming to look for him, the Uchiha ran for the Sound country, leaving the orange wearing boy to be found and taken back to Konoha, where he was sure they would blame Naruto for his own defection.


Tsunade sighed, She was buried under the paperwork of the Sasuke retrieval mission. Never in her short time as Hokage had she had to do so much paperwork at one time. But she wasn't worried about the mission. If anyone could bring back the spoiled brat, it was Naruto. Hell, he was the reason she was back at all.

She sighed for what felt like the eighth time in the past couple minutes and personally it was getting on her apprentice's nerves. Shizune's eye visibly twitching was a never ending source of amusement for the Fifth, and she made it happen whenever she could.

Then a couple of Chūnin rushed into the room, one of them being Shikamaru. Truthfully she didn't think the boy deserved his rank yet. Naruto was much more capable when he put his mind to it.

"Hokage-sama!" Shikamaru bowed, his finger quite obviously broken from its mangled state. "Naruto needs your assistance!"

Tsunade wasted no time as she bolted out of her seat and rushed after the Chūnin shadow master, to the hospital. She followed Shikamaru to Naruto's room and looked over the boy. He was writhing in pain as the red chakra coursing over his body making his skin ripple. She set to work trying to figure out exactly what was wrong with him. クロスノクス

Inside Naruto's mind however thing's were much different. After He had passed out he had awoken in his mindscape, the large cage in front of him that held the Kyuubi at bay.

"Gaki...Do you have ANY Idea What you've Done!"the kyuubi snarled. The menacing red eyes didn't seem as scary as they had been the many times he had seen them before. In fact, now that he noticed, was the Kyuubi...shrinking?

"Uh...What's happening to you Fuzzy?"

He seemed truly concerned for the demon caged in the seal the fourth hokage had placed on him.

"You're absorbing my power. Once you decided to teach that Sharingan brat a lesson, you fulfilled part of the seal pact your fourth hokage placed me in."

The slowly shrinking fox demon growled slightly. Before long, the mostly human Kyuubi stood in the middle of the cage. Yes, the towering, furry menace known as Kyuubi no Kitsune had turned into a half demon... A female half demon to be exact.

"Wow...You're beautiful..."

Naruto walked closer to the cage. Right before reached the cage, he dropped to the sewer floor in pain. The pain was mostly in his head and right above his rear end, yet it was completely unbearable as the flesh on the top of his head and his lower back, tore and repaired itself around his new working accessories.

On top of his head were a pair of blond Fox ears, that twitched as the pain faded, his tail swishing as this happened as well. "W-what did you do to me?"

"I haven't done anything to you Naruto..."her voice was laced with worry. Her hand reached out of the cage to gently run her soft clawed fingers against Naruto's whiskered cheeks. "You should awaken Little Brother...Your Special People are worried about you..."

And awake he did. His hands immediately grasping at the fluffy fox ears atop his spiky blonde head. "So...I guess that wasn't a dream..." Looking around, he noticed a certain few things. First was that he had a comforting weight against his side. Upon further inspection, he realized it was Hinata curled up beside him on the hospital bed.

Second, he noticed that everyone in the room was asleep except for him. Tsunade and Shizune, he smiled at the scene of the two older females, were asleep with their heads on the others' shoulder. Though, he also noticed that none of the others were there to see him. Surprisingly, he really didn't care.

His family was right here; his grandmother figure Tsunade, his big sister Shizune, Hinata...what was she to him? Truthfully, he had always wondered as she followed him around constantly. Sure he was louder than the color of his clothing, but that didn't stop him from noticing her chakra signature. He was a ninja after all.


[A/N: Alright folks, This Is my first Naruto Fic and I kinda want to know if you think it's good enough to Continue with. I would Absolutely LOVE to continue this story But I leave it up to my readers and Perfect Lionheart..(Who created the challenge.) So anyway Read and Review.]