I was digging through my folder of old fanfiction, and I stumbled across this little thing here. Just a quick drabble I wrote from Mithos' point of view...probably during class or something. I don't really remember. XP Anyway, enjoy, guys.

Disclaimer: I don't own Tales of Symphonia (but I do have the game XD). Sad day.


I'm sorry, Genis…

I can't even count how many times I've wanted to say that.

But…part of me isn't sorry, because this is just how life is. It presents you with friends only to split you apart at its own discretion like a sick, twisted game. It tears away the people closetst to you in the most cruel way possible.

Why did you have to betray me, Genis?

Why did I have to betray you?

We're perfect enemies, you and me.

Two people of the same rejected race trying to better the world. That's who we are. It isn't not that fact, but our means that set us apart.

Unlike you, I have lost all faith in humans end elves alike. I can never bring myself to trust them again. Ever I'm done making that mistake. Trust is for the weak who cannot stand on their own two feet. They trust and depend on others when they aren't strong enough by themselves.

But even so…you're not weak, Genis.

I knew that the moment I looked into your beautiful blue eyes, bright and clear as the ocean with rays of sunlight reflecting off the water's surface. You had been through more than you let on. Though you place your trust in your human comrades…though you depend on them as they do you…your heart remains strong enough to withstand anything.

I envy you for that. My heart was never that strong

Genis, you're such a fool.

It's because of that heart that you still place faith in me. Why would you still believe in me? I don't understand it. I don't deserve it. Because of that faith, you will suffer great heartbreak…and it will be all my fault. I will once again hurt and disappoint you.

Once again, I'll have to see that awful pain swirling in your eyes, mixing with a glare of hatred you'd be reluctant to shoot in my direction.

I'd rather take an Indignation Judgment to the face than see you like that again. But, it's inevitable…

…because we're perfect enemies.

I watch you sleep now, wishing I could be curled up by your side, wishing that things didn't have to come to what they had. I want to see you smile again, knowing I was the one who brought it forth. I want to make you laugh, because the sound is like linkite flute music to my ears. I want to see your face light up with happiness at the fact you found someone who understood the things you've gone through. But even in slumber, determination has hardened your demeanor. You no longer seem at peace, this I can immediately tell.

I wish I could kiss away your worries…but I'm the one who created them in the first place.

I'm sorry, Genis…

But it can't be helped.

You and I will always be…

…perfect enemies.


I've noticed that every single Tales of Symphonia fanfic I've written involves Genis in some way. Could possibly have to do with the fact that he's my favourite character. XD

Until next time,