A/N : And finally, we have reached the epilogue! As some of you might expected, no war in this chapter.
Let's wrap up this story with one final Redeemer explosion *KA-BOOM!*, er… I mean one final chapter.
Disclaimer : I do not own any character except the OCs I own, so that means I also don't own (Staff) Sergeant Koden and Sergeant Tory, who were owned by darknessDemon, and also Sergeant Tabby and Staff Sergeant Valerie, who were owned by xMemetoMorix.
Wait a minute, did I say that out loud?
Okay whatever, I don't own Unreal Series' weapons or Exterminator (again, from darknessDemon). I do own some equipments and weapons like Valerie's Special Quad-Shotgun (haven't come up with a good name, any ideas?), Celis' Insurrection, Tabby's Blue Striker, UTTF's combat goggles, and other stuffs I might forget.
Epilogue : Forever Peacekeepers.
Jalal's Peacekeeper dropship landed on the Hyperblast docking bay. The Liandri Robots quickly rushed to the ship and carried Valerie, Jacob, Riker and Harry to the sick bay. Jalal, Koden and Isa then exited from the ship, "Phew, glad I can still walk in the world of living. The Warlord might be strong, but justice always wins." Koden said, raising his fist up in the air.
"True that, and they were fighting Tournament combatants." Replied Isa. Koden high-fived him. The three laughed as they walked to the bridge to report to their general.
"I wonder if those Skaarjs have any nerve to show up again, after what you two did." Said Jalal.
"Nah, we all did that, and I bet they're going to think twice if they are to invade Earth again!" replied Koden cheerfully.
They soon arrived at the bridge in the center of the ship. Many Liandri bots have been stationed there to maintain the control of the ship's system. Xan was sitting on the Captain's chair. The heavily-armored Cybernetic champion stood up and walked toward them.
Jalal saluted, quickly followed by Isa and Koden. "At ease." Xan ordered. All of them complied, then Xan continued, "First of all, I'd like to thank you, Captain and Staff Sergeant." Koden was surprised, he got promoted! "You have destroyed the Mothership and killed one of the high ranked Skaarj Dark Lord. According to the database we earned from our scouts in Skrath, Morokh 'Arkh was one of the most dangerous Lord in the Skaarj regiments. Of course, I can't forget about what you did, Major. You saved the live of 6 people in the ship, not caring for your own safety. I can't thank you all enough. Of course, Young, Black, Riker and Potter have done an excellent job."
"We'll send your thanks to them once they have woken up." Said Jalal.
"I'd prefer to do that myself, Major. There's also one more thing. NEG has invited UTTF for a party to celebrate our victory. We're going to be in the NEG hall in an hour. Dismissed."
It was midnight. Many houses still had their lights on. There were also some people walking on the city, as if it was still midday. Chatters can be heard on the streets. It looks like many peoples were out celebrating the victory of the UTTF and NEG against the Skaarj Empire.
Valerie walked on the sidewalks. She was looking for her friends. Suddenly she heard a whistling on her back. She turned around, to see some of her fellow UTTF squads, all of the young ones to be exact.
"Hi, Val." Called Jojo, who waved his right hand on her.
They were hanging out in front of the entrance to the Blood Reaver Residence. It was quiet, unlike the other parts of the city.
The UTTF members standing there were Danny, Luke, Jalal, Jojo, Celis, Tabby, Koden, Gaara, Harry, Naruto, Shingo, and Chris.
"Cap, you didn't come to the party? They're expecting every high-ranked officer in there." Said Valerie.
"Hmph, I saw them on the way here. They're too busy with themselves. My guess is they're really enjoying the party." Replied Isa.
"Lemme guess, they're drunk?" asked Koden.
"Well, duh. After what had happened, they really need to forget everything we've been through."
Valerie noticed that Celis was looking back to the big house behind her. "Hey, why don't we just get inside?"
"I don't have the key. Boris has. Why, are you afraid of dark?"
"She's been like this since Jojo got bit." Explained Tabby.
"Bitten by what?" asked Koden.
"Ooh!" exclaimed Tory. "Looks like we got a little…"
"Tory!" warned Koden, preparing for an ETC bomb.
"That's not necessary Koden, and FYI, we haven't heard of vampires lurking on Liandri complex." Said Isa. "But if you're bitten, Jojo, then how come you're still alive, and a normal Who too."
"It's… a long story. To make it short, I was cured by other Vampire who happens to be Tabby's friend."
There was an awkward silence until Danny broke it, "So, what's the worst experience you have during this war?"
"Falling on the Pupae hive." Said Valerie quickly.
"Really? You fell on their hive? That explains why you, Riker and Jacob were full of scars and… smelly." Said Isa.
"You have no idea…"
"On our joint operation, when the EDF fighter I was boarding fell." Said Shingo.
"That's it? It's nothing compared to the experience when the Captain and I climbed up the cliff." Said Jojo.
"Yeah, I scared the shit out of you, right?" replied Isa with a grin.
"Hmm, probably on the Alpen Mountain. Shingo and I got blasted by our own explosives back there." Said Chris.
"Yeah, but that's not really scary." Said Shingo
"I don't think I have some experience like that." Said Tory.
"Yeah, because you're too good to die, eh?" mocked Koden.
"Well, okay! I have one! It's when a Leviathan controlled by a Skaarj blasted the hell out of Lauren's Hellbender! And my powers can't melt that monster's armor down!"
"Of course. It even takes more than a single Redeemer to destroy it." Said Valerie.
"I think it's when Naruto, Jojo, Koden and I was being surrounded by the Skaarj and got captured." Said Harry.
"Same here. I almost thought we'd be done for." Naruto spoke.
"For me, it's when a suicidal Skaarj Lord blocked our way to the docking bay when the Mother-fucking-ship is starting to explode! I almost thought we'd be dead!" exclaimed Tabby.
"Yeah, same here. That Lord had a death wish or something." Celis agreed.
Danny was thinking out loud, "Maybe it's when Koden and Isa rescued us from being blown up when the Skaarj base was being destroyed. They steered the Raptor crazily!"
"Me too." Said Luke.
"It's when Isa and I fight off the Warlord. Man, was he so powerful!" said Koden.
"Yup, I also think it's the worst experience, and also the best, in a way." Said Isa.
"Oh, I wish I saw the battle, sir." Said Valerie.
"You already saw the Lord."
"Yeah, that was really frightening. That Skaarj can fly, and his bazooka! That really made him looked psychotic, and demonic!"
Everyone sighed after sharing their thoughts. Isa then broke the silence, "Knowing the NEG, they're going to keep UTTF."
"Yeah, we know." Replied Tabby. She looked really tired, "So, we're peacekeepers?"
"'Peacekeepers'." Commented Koden with a smirk. "We're more like 'Peacemakers'"
"Well, we'll be peacekeepers forever." Said Jojo.
"That's right, Jo. Forever Peacekeepers." Replied Valerie.
It was getting really dark. The lights on the houses had died out and the chatters nearby had gone. Isa then opened a box full of Coke. He picked up a bottle and spoke, "Let's have a toast."
Everyone quickly picked up a bottle and opened them up. Then they held it close with each other.
"To the victory…" Jalal spoke.
"To our fallen friends…" continued Harry.
"…and to the peace, which I wish will be over soon." Finished Koden.
"Hear, hear." Snickered Tabby. Everyone drank their bottles until they were empty. They spent the rest of the night talking about the war, what they'll do back home and other stuff. Eventually, they left for their base at 6 a.m.
2 months have passed. The UTTF squads were going home. All otherworlders were gathering on the dimensional portal nearby NEG lab.
"14 days?" asked Isa.
"Yup, UTTF don't take vacation really long." Replied Boris.
"Well, it'll be 14 months for me back home. Time 'freezes' here, right? Take care while I'm gone, and don't drink too much Vodka!"
"Knowing Boris, he won't take your warnings seriously, especially when it comes to his drinks." Joked Ramirez.
"Hey, I do take some warnings seriously!" Boris half-shouted angrily.
"Except the warnings about vodka." Commented Jayce. Everyone laughed. Boris muttered something that can't be heard by anybody else.
"Well, keep in contact." Said Jojo. "I really need someone to talk with."
"Hey, you didn't count us?" Tabby spoke.
"I'll be looking forward meeting you again!" Shingo exclaimed cheerfully. "How 'bout a hand-to-hand duel when we got back, Lieutenant?"
"Sounds good to me." Boris gave Shingo a thumb up.
"Hey, Trip. Be sure you have it ready when you came back here!" said Ramirez.
"Will do!" exclaimed Trip.
"Have what ready?" asked Archer.
"I'll tell you later on Enterprise."
Isa then walked to Ramirez and asked, "You're doing a project with Trip?"
"And everyone else. I'll tell you about it later."
"Hey guys." Malcolm walked in with Brock, Lauren, Koden, Naruto, and Annika. "I just overheard that you're doing some secret project."
"Yup. Top secret." Jayce replied.
"They didn't even tell me." Isa spoke.
"To tell you the truth, we're also working on some project. When we're back to the base, we'll have it ready." Said Koden. "I promise, your jaws will drop when we're finished, and your eyes will be wide open when you see how awesome the result will be."
"I'd look forward to…"
"Isa!" called Jalal, who was standing in front of the swirling portal.
"It's time to go. Bye everyone." Isa dashed toward the portal and stopped in front of it. He turned his body back to face his friends for the last time. "Semper Fi!" He shouted with his thumb raised in the air.
With that, he and Jalal jumped to the portal, leaving the dimension.
Non Author-owned Characters (A/N : Sorry for mistakes. I never really paid attention on things like this)
A. Game Characters Source
King of Fighters [SNK]
1. Shingo Yabuki
2. Chris
Unreal Tournament [Epic Games]
1. Xan Kriegor
2. Matrix
5. Kyla
6. Boris
7. Ramirez
8. Jayce
9. Malcolm
10. Brock
11. Lauren
12. Johnson
13. Harlin
14. Karag
15. Barktooth
and others…
B. TV shows Characters
Star Trek Enterprise [Paramount]
1. Jonathan Archer
2. Charles "Trip" Tucker
C. Anime/Manga Characters
Naruto [Masashi Kishimoto]
1. Naruto
2. Gaara
D. Movie Characters
Twilight[Stephenie Meyer]
1. Jacob Black
The Incredibles[Disney]
1. Bob Parr
Horton Hears a Who[20th Century Fox]
1. Jojo McDodd.
Harry Potter[J.K. Rowling]
1. Harry Potter.
Star Wars[Lucas Arts]
1. Luke Skywalker
E. Cartoon Characters
Danny Phantom[Nickelodeon]
1. Danny Fenton
Original Characters
1. Tabby Monson [xMemetoMorix]
2. Koden [darknessDemon]
3. Valerie Young [xMemetoMorix]
4. Tory [darknessDemon]
5. Isa [Epsilon Team Captain Hande (Myself)]
6. Jalal [Himself]
7. Celis McDodd [Epsilon Team Captain Hande (Myself)]
8. Minister Keith Schuller [Epsilon Team Captain Hande (Myself)]
9. Dark Lord Morokh'Arkh [Epsilon Team Captain Hande (Myself)]
Special Thanks to :
1. darknessDemon (For Characters and weapon, that has become a published mod. Still has bugs, LOL)
2. xMemetoMorix (For Characters as well as the first one allowing me to use them for a long time, I promise I won't abuse the permission!)
3. Jalaludin, NON-AUTHOR (For Character, and reading my story, as well as inserting some random words. LOL.)
4. OSHUJAX (For first review that has lifted up my spirits for continuing this series.)
"Semper Fi!"
Isa 'Hande' Abdurrahman Handoyo
*Unreal Ending – Ended*
Special Features : Preview for the Sequel, UTTF : The Villain Alliance
Old enemy…
It was a dark night on Severnaya Prison Camp. TCA soldiers are patrolling on the walls, expecting for intruders.
Old hatreds…
A figure climbed up on the wall. One of the TCA sought him, but was shot quickly by the figure's sniper rifle.
New threat.
The figure began to laugh maliciously, as the guards noticed him.
"Hundreds of Marines were killed, thousands of prisoners are escaping and several hostages from other dimensions were taken." Malcolm spoke.
"What's shocking is the suspect was all alone." Added Slain. "And he has the same face as our dearest friend, Hande."
Suddenly Isa, Jalal, and Jojo thundered inside. Isa began ranting "We were called when we're at our high schools, and you know what happened there? Criminals were shooting at us and our friends were kidnapped. I demand to know what's going on!"
"Hande II's happening, Major, Captain, Lieutenant." Said Matrix
"Our chances against the Villain Alliance is slim, we need volunteers to infiltrate their units." Said Xan.
"I'll do it." Said Isa.
"General Kriegor confronted Hande II, but when he was about to take him down, he was not fast enough." Said Koden with sad expression.
"Xan's terminated, Captain. As well as other Alpha Team."
UTTF vehicles were rolling on the road toward the Villain Alliance main Headquarters. The convoy then stopped midway.
"Let every shit we've been through ends here…"
Unreal Tournament TaskForce : Villain Alliance
Coming soon
Only in Fanfiction(dot)net
A/N : I hope you enjoyed every bit of this chapter. Yeah, I'm going to do this procedure on Villain Alliance, Psychic Crisis and other UTTF stories. I might drop off the whole 1st POV later for the main plot stories, but not until I finished the Catastrophic Trilogy.
Oh yeah, before you guys might ask why I referred the Skaarjs as 'Demons' in story titles, it's just how Nali species calls Skaarj species.