I know guys, I deserve to be flamed for this, go on... get your flame thrower ready in hand. But first... read this newest chapter before you burn my stage.

Anyway... I need someone to help me to beta this chapter, this is not fixed so don't come bitching at me for grammar. If you are very particular about it please wait until someone help me. I try my best ;_; Anyway... This story will have lots of imported character from other series. I did inform you in my previous Author note so I still open suggestion for character. So far I get FMA, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Sailor moon.

Some OC is important but not the main focus, I try my best to make them likeable. BTW there is a new character in this chapter that is not an OC though at first I am sure you will think he is an OC XD that's your surprise for this chapter

Enjoy the show.

Chapter 5: Halfway to Fairyland

Narita Airport

"Go Fuck Yourself Lynford Lawliet!" Kuu spat to his phone. The man in the other side of the world could literally hear the capitals on each word. Kuu rarely cursed, he was a gentleman after all. If he did that meant he was extremely pissed and acted out pirate persona from one of his previous roles.

Lynford Lawliet didn't flinch when Kuu barraged him with another curses that so not gentleman like, when any man and even a sailor would had pink ears from hearing Kuu swearing. "Hizuri Kuu…" He cut in before Kuu could continue cursing, not to mention what if someone heard an international celebrity like Kuu swearing. "I am your superior…"

Kuu snorted, "Your father is my boss." He corrected with a sneer.

"I was your manager…" He tried again, "And you know how good it turned out when you listen to me…" He reminded the Japanese man.

"Blab la bla~ like I said, go fuck yourself Ford!" Kuu hissed, "Sure, you are one of the best manager one could ask, but you are not authorized to manage my private life." He spat hotly to his ex-manager.

"I am authorized to manage you when it comes to your career." Lynford shot back, and Kuu could hear the sound of fist banged to a desk. A sigh, "Look Kuu, I don't care if you adopt orphan from anywhere even if it's penguin from Alaska if you want." Kuu raised an eyebrow, wondering why Lynford thought it possible for Kuu to adopt penguin from Alaska or if he ever wanted one at that matter. "But the problem is… this girl is not an orphan, and as for why you adopt her… is because her mother didn't want her anymore and you pay for her custody." He gritted his teeth. "The press would all over this once they get the wind! I surprised nobody followed you to Kyoto and sniffed this news."

The Hollywood actor snorted, "Secret summer vacation, remember?"

He ignored the reminder, in favor of focusing on why they had this talk. And he didn't need a reminder and distraction Kuu was trying to do. "Kuu… if they get a wind of you at any way get your hands on this little girl with illegal means through your connections…" He trailed off. "Our company's connection to be exact."

That definitely got him all right, no use bitching to Lynford because the man objected to approve of him adopting Kyouko. But off course there was always a way when you tried. "I am sorry alright! But please! Could you abandon a sweet little girl with sparkly eyes giving you her best puppy look to help her from her witch mother?"

"Kuu… it's not what we…"

"Or a kitten abandoned in the rain on a card box, mewing to you for some warm milk… would you be so heartless and didn't moved at al to hold that cute trembling…"

"KUU! STOP! I get it alright!"


Lynford pressed the button that connected him to his secretary, "I am on the line now, tell them to wait and postpone my next meeting for ten minutes!"

"I am sorry Sir, but it's… president he…"

Kuu could tell if he didn't found an excuse to end the line, he would be the one Lynford lashing out at for whatever the boss had done this time, which from what he heard promised one hell of scorn. "WHAT?" Okay, Kuu thought as he ended the line abruptly and turned his phone off because he knew there was no way they could have civil conversation until tomorrow. He just hoped Lynford would be kind enough to not chewing him too badly once he returned to US tonight.

Julie pouted at him was not a good sign, no matter how cute she looked with a pout. "Why Lynford oppose the idea of adopting Kyouko-chan?"

Kuu sighed wearily, "Let's say… as usual he has hell ears and somehow in such a short time he managed to know almost everything… how we convince Saena to give up her custody is one thing, the fact Kyouko is not an orphan will raise a question why we adopted her out of the blue… Saena is pretty well known in neighborhood so it's not that hard to find her history. And from there press can track it to Mikado's family… " Kuu listed on, "Which quite a prosperous family in their own rights from what I heard, and I don't want to imagine how they would react if press bring up their history with Saena…"

Julie could tell there were four letters on her husband mind right now, "Oh."

"Shit." Kuu continued.


Kuu in reflex flinched when Julie fishing out her phone, hoping it was not Link trying to call him from Julie's phone. "Moshi moshi~" Julie always use Japanese instead of hello because she found the Japanese version of hello is cute, even her fans went wild when they heard Julie said it cutely. It was staple greeting Julie used on talk show of hers, her trademark.

"Ah… Boss!"

Takarada's manor

Hizuris was staring at Kyouko who literally glowing at the sight of monstrously huge manor of Takarada Lory that undoubtedly on her mind was a palace came alive from fairytale. Kuon and Julie thought it was so cute Kyouko was that happy just at the sight of manor, even before stepped inside. Kuu in the other hand thought Kyouko was indeed destined to be a Hizuri, because she was also a living jewel like his wife and son. Sparkling like that definitely Hizuri's specialty! Kuu huffed proudly.

"It's a palace…" She sighed dreamily, "Waaa… twelve princesses are dancing in tutu in the garden." Kyouko said, her eyes and mind wandering to who knows where and Hizuris looked back and from Kyouko to Lory's manor. They were wondering what Kyouko was seeing actually. "Ah… little fairies joins the ball, sparkly wings… Pegasus…" she mumbled.

When his parents were still confused, Kuon understood what happened. He waved his hand in front of Kyouko's face, "Kyouko… " He called, "Kyouko… wake up!"

Kyouko blinked then smiled sheepishly to Kuon, "He he… I did it again." She blushed deep red.

Kuu and Julie looked at each other in confusion, "What's going on?" He asked to nobody.

"Lalalala~ lala~"

As usual nothing surprising that happened once they entered Lory's living room, it was just the living room had turned to imitation of paradise with something fluffy on the floor that looked cloud like and the living room had turned to imitation of Rome temple or maybe Greek, Kuon couldn't tell the difference. When he could be careless about it, some things were just too glaring for him to ignore. For one there were many people wearing toga partying without care of the world, and the shrieking opera of nine singers was not exactly kind to his ears.

Kyouko off course was off to her la la land again, and Kuon thought he better let her daydreaming since bizarre tendencies of his father's boss was not meant to be digested with logic. You will fry your brain. And there he was, the president of LME descended through the stairs in ancient Greek clothing that exposed half of his chest with laurel crown. "Welcome mortals! Feast on my magnificence!" He cried dramatically followed by dimmed lighting plus thunder effect. "And kneel before…"

"Hey! I thought I am the one who get to say that!"

They turned around to see a man approached Lory on the stage, he dressed in the same outfit and same color. "BOSS?" The Hizuris gaped at the newcomer, a blond that looked like cloned Lory.

The blond Lory ignored them as he argued with the other, "I thought it's me who suppose to greet them! And I suppose to be the Zeus, not you!"

"How you get to be Zeus?" Lory asked with a pout.

"I am older than you."

"Zeus is the youngest child! So I get to be the Zeus!" He huffed proudly.

"Excuse me…" Kuu interrupted their brotherly bickering, "Sorry boss, but can you please settle who get to play Zeus later? We kind of have a flight to catch in few hours."

The bosses blinked at them then said in chorus, "There is no flight for you to catch."


"We cancelled your tickets ten minutes ago." They said again in perfect harmony.

"YOU WHAT?" Kuu and Julie shrieked at the news.

"Anyway… " Lory trailed off as rubbing his sore ears, "You can go back with our private jet, so there is no need to freak out Kuu…"

Kuu glared at his bosses, "We have every right to freak out when you cancelled our flight without asking first. We just check in one hour ago!"

Julie nodded eagerly, "My manager will hang herself tomorrow if she can't get me to Hyde Park for my autumn photo shoot!" Julie chimed, as if she was talking about weather instead of her manager would do suicide.

The other boss, the copy of Lory sighed as he combed his blond locks with his fingers. "Oh please, we always know what we are doing Julie, Kuu… " Then he turned his attention to Kyouko who was staring at him with awe. "Hello young lady, my name is Louis Lawliet."

"And I am his younger brother, Takarada Lory." The presidents bowed gracefully to Kyouko who blushed deep red at the gesture.

She quickly bowed deeply, "I am Mogami Kyouko nice to meet you Lawliet-san, Takarada-san…" Then she looked up hesitantly, a question mark was hanging above her head.

Takarada Lory grinned at her, "Since I am the boss of LME Japan I took my mother's family name… "

Louis huffed, "And even change L in LME became your name… " Deep inside Louis wanted to change Lord in LME to his name too but his twin beat him into it. "Okay back to important matter in hand, I want to discuss about your adoption Kyouko-chan…"

Kyouko blinked in confusion then paled when a thought of them disapproving her to be adopted, Kuon held her hand gently to comfort her. Kuu growled to them, "Boss… don't tell me you think the same as Lynford did about…"

Louis rolled his eyes, "And I bet you didn't listen to my son to the end, nobody said you are not allowed to bring her back to US."

Kuu raised an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean?"

"You just can't have her legal guardianship…" He raised a hand to stop Kuu from protesting, "Let me finish… as in paper... to public knowledge."

The Japanese actor narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean boss?"

He raised his forefinger then said, "One… Kyouko-chan's legal guardianship will belong to Lawliet family, so even if she stayed with Hizuri it would not be suspicious because our family adopted many talented children all over the world. Kyouko-chan will pass under press' nose as one of our young talents." Hizuri gaped at him, thatwas a brilliant idea! Especially because it's not rare for celebrity under LME to take interest on Lawliet's young talents, many of them were taken as student. "Second, with this… she will be completely off of press' radar until everything settled perfectly."

Kuu nodded, grinning at his family then to his bosses. "I like that idea…"

"Hold on!" Kuon shouted frantically, and then quickly calmed himself when the bosses gave him a curious look. "Kyouko have not agree with this, and what if…"

"Kuon?" Kyouko didn't really understand what the presidents were talking about but she understood they didn't disapprove her, and suggesting something good that would let her stay with Hizuri without problem. So why Kuon seemed upset?

The blond boy sighed then kneeled so he was in her eye-level. "Kyouko… it's well known fact Lawliet only adopt talented children, and that means you…" Just like when with her mother, Kyouko-chan have to get to certain standard. It was no different from Saena, not to mention… "You have to… gain approval… you have to work for it." He swallowed hard at what he supposed to say to her. It was just too cruel! Why Kyouko had to go though this?

Kuu sighed as followed his son to kneel on the floor, "Kuon… it's just a façade. Kyouko didn't have to be anything…"

"But everyone will expect her to!" Kuon gritted his teeth. "And what if…"

Before Kuon could finish Kyouko had approached the blond president nervously then said, "Uhm… I will work hard, so let me stay with Kuon, Kuu-jiisan and Julie-baasan. I promise will be a good girl… I will work hard" She listed on when the presidents stared at her incredulously, wondering how her adoption became sounded like they were hiring her. "Uhm… I will get 100 in all my school subjects! I promise I will never get 88 for math test again!"

Louis knew it was not a correct thing to ask, but he did. "Uhm… so your grades is quite good?"

Kyouko looked down, blushing deep red in embarrassment. "No… I only can get 100 for Japanese, science and social studies… uhm sometimes I get ninety." Then her blush deepened, "But math… I get 88, it's… bad…" She mumbled math is a meanie subject under her breath.

Louis and Lory looked at each other then to Hizuris who sent them a mean look, it seemed there was an issue here. Louis chuckled, "That's fine Kyouko-chan, in fact… it's wonderful! How about arts and sport?"

Kyouko beamed, "I like handcraft! And I can run really fast! Sho-can is better than me in PE but I can beat him in tennis!"

Louis turned to Hizuris, "It seems no problem to pass her as talented child."

Lory nodded in agreement, "Then how about hobbies… do you like…" He trailed off, "Music? Singging? Dancing? Or any art activities?"

Kyouko fidgeted at the question, she had no other hobbies other than cooking and reading fairytale stories and she doubted that was what they wanted to hear. "Uhm… acting?" Like Kuu-jiisan and Tou-san? Tousan seemed so happy when he was on stage so maybe… "Uhm Tou-san… was an actor, Tokiko-baasan said he loves acting."

Lory smiled at that, "And you want to try acting too?"

She nodded shyly, "It seems fun."

Kuon smiled at that, he was happy Kyouko took interest on what he loves. Maybe one day they could… Kuon quickly averted his eyes away as blushing deep red when all adult gave him a teasing grin, no doubt they knew what was on his mind Damn, since when he was so transparent?

Lory grinned at them, "So no more problem? I will give my staff a call and everything will be done in few hours."

"Thanks boss." Kuu grinned back.

Louis chimed, "And I will sign her up for our children theater, they will be happy to have her there."

Kuon flinched at that, he knew Kyouko would end up either straight to showbiz world or a theater. He didn't expect it would be the latter though but it may be for the best since Kyouko wouldn't experience his pain. He also knew there were many foreigners in Children Theater of LME, so it was unlikely someone would shun her. Kuon almost jumped when a yell he knew so well thundered on the room.


"It will look great on you! I promise!"


A.N: Karasen (term for girl who prefer older man)

A girl with curly brown hair stepped out from behind a column, she was wearing dark orange camisole and jeans. Her blue eyes were shining with glee. "I am not! Darling is an exception! And this is his order to get you in this gorgeous Greek dress!" Kuon blinked when he saw Jelly Wood stepped out from behind a pillar, holding a silk purple dress. And she was chasing after someone, a blond boy in his early teen wearing a black shirt with jeans plus snicker, a necklace with cross as a pendant dangling on neck.

Kuu stared at Louis and Lory in disbelief, "Boss… what are you trying to do to your grandson?"

Louis shrugged, "Kuu… you know how amusing my grandson is whenever I try this kind of stunt on him."

The actor scoffed, "He loves you though… I surprised your grandson hasn't sue you for child abuse."

"I did no such thing…" Louis huffed indignantly.

"Rubbing off the fact he is effeminate to his face in every chance you could get can be counted as child abuse… physiologically." Kuu pointed out with a grin.

He grinned at that, "No worries… as my heir he supposed to…" Louis never got a chance to finish when a shoes was printed to his face, landing him on the floor with a blond boy towering over him.

"You old fart… " The young Lawliet gritted his teeth, his foot was hovering in certain body part that made all males in the room paled when Kuon covered Kyouko's innocent eyes with his hands. "Let's see how smug you could be when I crush your man's pride literally." He said as dangling his foot a little as if he was crushing something under it.

Louis paled at that and even Lory who usually unflappable in any circumstances was scared shirtless. Kuu approached the enraged boy carefully, "My dear boy… don't do that to your grandfather okay… he is wrong for pranking you like that but you don't have to go that far…"

"Why not?" He asked snidely, a foot still hovering threateningly. "So what that I am a boy then… I have no manly pride?"

Louis whimpered, "Oh my dear beloved grandson… honey, please be a sweatie and let go of your good old grandfather please?"

Kuon rolled his eyes thinking that was not a smart thing to say. "Boss is a dead man this time." He mumbled in English, and Julie nodded in agreement.

"You earn this you… beep beep beep!" Kuu never knew the boy had such a colorful language considering how he and Kuon were raised; he had to watch out their boys more in the future for sure. All of parenting thought however flew away when the boy brought his foot down right between his grandfather's legs. Kuu and Lory screamed at the scene followed by Louis, Kuon and Julie in the other hand was busy to protect Kyouko's innocence as thinking they never saw how girly grown men could be when it concerning their precious family jewel.

"GYAAAAAA!" Louis screamed like a little girl.

Ten minutes later…

"I bet that almost pop your heart." Kuon raised an eyebrow at the comment.

"But you didn't really do it" Kuon pointed out, "You scared three grown men shirtless though."

He grinned from ear to ear, "I am quite awesome right?"

Kuon rolled his eyes, "Yes dear cousin… Seriously Rick, one of these days you will be disowned by your father."

"I am his only son, he will own no son if he disown me… "He said as ruffling the younger boy's hair fondly. "And if he did, I will bleach my hair brown as a memento."

The younger blond raised an eyebrow at that, "What kind of logic is that?"

"My logic." He stated then his eyes averted to a little girl who hid behind Kuon since he talked to his cousin. "And when you will introduce me to this little princess? Surely you are not planning to hog…" Rick trailed off then stopped when he saw the look on Kuon's face. He didn't know if Kuon was aware of his glare or not that said 'mine, so don't ever think about it' which he usually saw on Kuu whenever any men tried to flirt with his aunty Juliella. It was a talent in his family to be so observant and picking up things like this never gets old.

Kuon hesitated a little but in the end stepped away so Kyouko could peek out of his back at Rick, staring at the older boy in with her doe eyes. "Hello, I am Mogami Kyouko… nice to meet you…" She muttered softly then bowed.

Rick grinned, it was the first time he saw a very proper little girl. This must be what his grandpa called Yamato Nadeshiko in training. "I am Lawrick Lawliet… Kuon's second cousin." He said as jerked his thumb to his chest, "Just call me Rick, and nice to meet you too Kyouko-chan."

Kyouko nodded shyly, "Hai…"

The older boy then turned his attention back to Kuon, his eyes shifted to the right and his forefinger rose a little from his side and pointing to the nearest empty couch. Kuon nodded in acknowledgement then said, "Kyouko… go with mom and Jelly, you know… " He trailed off as eyeing sparkle eyed Julie and Jelly who were holding filly dresses, no doubt they borrowed it from Lory's collection for one purpose. "It seems they are expecting you…"

Honey colored eyes blinked innocently, "Hai…" Then she slowly walked away to Julie and Jelly who squealed in excitement when Kyouko came to them.


Rick sighed as he placed a pillow behind his head on the couch, "The stunt your family pull this time make our management in US go south… at least my father think so."

Kuon cringed at that, "Uncle Lindford is so angry, doesn't he?"

A shrug, "Quite… and the fact my grandfather ran off to Japan without telling him is just the cherry on the top…" He grinned from ear to ear.

The younger blond groaned, "Oh… crap! There would a hell to pay once we…"


Kuon glared at Rick when the older boy handed him the ringing phone, "I am not going to pick it up for you." He stated firmly.

"Okay…" Rick said as slowly raised the phone to his ear, hesitating he pulled away and picked it up. "Hello…" He gulped, "Okay, I will put it on speaker." Kuon blanched at that, why his cousin was such a smartass? Good going in dragging him down to hell!


"What the fuck you are doing?" A calm voice sounded like echoing from the speaker.

"Language dear sister…" Rick reminded in sweetest voice he could muster.

Kuon could almost hear a sound of popping veins from the phone, "How dare you ran off to Japan with grandfather without telling me a thing…" Kuon was more than eager to run away from the phone that had turned to a bomb in his eyes, but he suspect if he left, Rick's sister could tell even if she was half of world away from Japan.

Rick smiled sheepishly, "I am kidnapped…" He corrected, "Grandpa was the one who ran off."

"I don't fucking care… " She snapped, "And do you have any idea how angry father was this afternoon? You two dunderheads dare to go to Japan leaving us clueless… not to mention Aunty Julie's manager tried to jump off of our building again for the tenth time this year."

Kuon sweat-dropped at that, "He did it again…" He could imagine how that happened, it practically a running gag already.

"Oh you can hear me Kuon?" Crap! Why he was such a fool? Now he had to feel her wrath too! "I don't care who you want to welcome to your family, but give us a little warning. All of you have hand phone, there is a reason why LME provide you with one!"

"I am sorry okay!" Kuon snapped, they were just too preoccupied in these two days! "It's not even a problem anymore! Your grandfather solved everything anyway…at a drop of a hat."

Kuon backed away when a deep growl emitted from the phone, now the little device transformed to a tiger that ready to bite them. "Yeah! Lucky that we have hell ears huh?" She asked sarcastically, "Feel guilty at least a little will ya? Calming your parent's managers down is no fun!" She whined, "Dealing with my irritated father who would explode any second is no fun! And staying in here with no clue what you guys were up to in half of globe away is NO FUN!"

Rick winced at the rant, if only from phone his sister was this bad he feared for their lives once they meet face to face. "Is there anything I could do to compromise?" He asked timidly.

"…" A pause that in their opinion was not a good sign, they would be so dead. "It's still… twenty seven hours until you reached our home…" That sentence sounded like a bell of funeral for them. "Consider yourself lucky I have enough time to think…"


That sealed their fate all right, Kuon thought painfully. "Now what Rick?" he demanded, hands twitching and ready to strangle the older boy.

Rick grimaced at the furious look Kuon shot at him, "Don't look at me! I am as miserable as you are! No! More than you are! I live with her!" He reminded the younger blond, "Argh! What should I do?"

"Just admit we are the one at fault and face the consequence like a man?" Kuon offered the most logical answer he could find, but definitely not the most painless one.

"No way!" Rick whined, "I think we should avoid her at all cost for few days! Who knows if my dear sweet little sister will calm down by then?" He asked hopefully.

Kuon rolled his eyes, wondering why Rick never learned from past experience. "It's unlikely she will calm down as you hoped." He pointed out grimly, "If anything like what happened usually, your sister will get more creative with her punishment… the more time she has to brain storming it."

"Oh…" It was a wonder how Rick could be so dense about his sister when he lived most of his life including in his mother's womb for nine months with his sister.

"I am sure we will live longer if we just admit… 'Yes, we are the one at fault… please forgive us!' as bowing or even kneeling if that is what it takes to keep us from tortured." Kuon suggested seriously.

Kuu who had stood watching his son and nephew plotting how to avoid certain misery that would befall them in America sweat-dropped at how serious they were. "You know…" He interrupted them for the first time, "I don't think you have to be that scared of her."

The boys shot him an incredulous look, "We want to live longer, thank you very much." They chorused in a deadpan.


Rick ignored Kuu who tried to convince his son to calm down and just take their problem easy. The older boy picked up his phone, cringing at the name and turn on the speaker so all of them could hear it. "Hello… sister?" There was a spark of hope that he would hear something along the line 'I love you too much to torture you, so I will forgive you dear brother.' Or at the very least 'I was just joking bro! I am not that angry ha ha ha!' Or simpler one, he never had much hope to begin with. 'It's too troublesome to think of suitable punishment with this headache, so I will let you off the hook this time.'

Off course God just had to smite his hope this time, "I have decided… you are lucky you don't have to grovel on my feet where you belong… so… " That was not a good sign on their book, "Come with me for my next shopping, that's all…"


"We are doomed." Kuon summarized their fate in three words. When Kuu was still skeptical about how bad this could end, Rick agreed wholeheartedly with Kuon.

Lawliet's private jet was the embodiment of their family as in everyone who lay their eyes on it could tell it's Lawliet's. The aerodynamic body that born from the latest technology from their scientist completed with the most professional pilot who could fly in par with US army's pilot. But all of that was the least that could scream Lawliet from the private jet.

It was the pink colored heart that decorating the private jet added with BIG image of Louis and Lory with a smile that worthy for toothpaste commercial, stand side by side mirroring each other.

"Waaaaa Boss' face is so BIG!" Kyouko exclaimed excitedly. "Wow!"

The Japanese girl was wearing a baby blue dress, one with two thin string hung on her shoulder and big sunflower on the center of her chest. According to Julie she dressed up Kyouko with image of a little girl in the middle of sunflower field. A straw hat with big baby blue ribbon and sunflower perched on her head, and her black hair were curled a little courtesy of Julie. Jelly also insisted to put some make up to protect Kyouko's face from summer heat, and the Japanese girl was so happy she could try big girl make-up. She was excited even more when Jelly told him there was special make-up for girl her age, specially made for her young sensitive skin. Kyouko was in seventh heaven.

Kuon relaxed at the excited Kyouko who in his opinion was too cute, the fact Kyouko wasn't weirded out by their boss antic was a minor thing for him. Nope! He wasn't worried that Kyouko in a sense was in tune with their eccentric boss.

Nope, not at all!

Saying their trip back to US is uneventful was like saying Lory and Louis was the most normal twin you could find in your life. It went like this…

Kuu and Julie was contacted through the jet's phone (with screen) by their furious managers, or rather one furious manager and one bawling manager. Kuu's manager was a third generation Argentinian named Albiore, he had blue eyes and long blond hair that tied in ponytail and tanned skin.

"You gave me such a fright Kuu…" He crossed his arms, "Can't you give me a call at least? That's so irresponsible of you." He chided the Japanese actor.

Kuu laughed sheepishly, "Yes Al… whatever you say."

Al narrowed his eyes, "I am serious Kuu… if you do this again I will make sure to cut our next trip to Mao Hsin's restaurant short." He threatened the glutton with a smirk.

All color drained from Kuu's face, "Al!"

Julie's manager had blondish brown hair with brown eyes, and he was a half-Japanese. He was crying his eyes out at the sight of his charge, wailing for mercy. "I AM SO SORRY! Why you can't get in contact with this worthless manager? Is it because I forgot to buy that tofu for you? Or is it because I broke your phone?"

Julie rolled her eyes, "Rit-chan…" She sometimes wondered how such prestigious family as Sohma could have someone like Ritsu. He was a good manager though a bit quirky sometimes, his behavior simply didn't match the background of her family. "I am not punishing you… it's just… so many things happened and contacting you just slipped off of my mind." The blond model explained honestly.

Unfortunately it backfired in regards to Sohma Ritsu, "IT MUST BE BECAUSE I AM SUCH A WORTHLESS MANAGER I WAS FORGOTTEN!" He wailed then took off his the scarf he wore on his neck, "Let me punish myself!"

Julie would be worried if only it didn't happen too many times to count and she didn't even raise an eyebrow when she saw someone tackled her manager from behind thus saving her from suicide. The Hizuri matriarch hoped her manager would be coherent by tomorrow because they had to work, and incoherent manager equal disaster.

Rick was busy telling a story to Kyouko who listened with rapt attention. Kuon couldn't help but felt a little jealous Kyouko was paying attention to his cousin. He had to admit the story Rick was telling to Kyouko was interesting especially it was about a drama LME Children Theater played for summer this year. LME Children Theatre held four grand shows every year, for each season. It was every children in CT dream to be in cast for those plays.

"Last year we had midsummer night… about four lovers in fairy forest I am sure you would like…" Rick finished his story about last year performance.

Kyouko beamed at that, "Fairy… Oh! I want to be Puck! He is so cute!"

Kuon was glad Kyouko probably never read Shakespeare, if not she would be so disappointed. The midsummer night's dream the children from CT of LME played was dumbed down version one, and simplified to suit kids. Kyouko would be so sad to read Shakespeare's portrayal of her sparkly good faeries.

"This year instead of fairy we will have pirate." Rick said with a grin.

Kuon rolled his eyes, "Who spill out the spoiler to you?"

Rick snorted, "I have my source… " Then he turned to Kyouko, "The story titled Pirate Princess Pearl, it's about daughter of a duke named Perdita who ran away from home because she was about to be forced to marry someone she doesn't like." He grinned at the fascinated look on Kyouko's face. "She find a new life as one of Pirate crew with hiding her gender and identity. But!" A dramatic pause that made Kyouko leaned forward and Kuon rolled his eyes. "The Captain found out but instead of throwing her off of his ship, he adopted her as his daughter and raised her to be the Pirate Princess! It will have cool battle scene with heroine kicking… a… " Another pause, Kuon was glaring at him. "I mean fighting bad pirates!"

"Oh! Will there be any mermaid?" She asked excitedly.

Rick swore he saw transparent fairy looked like mermaid with wings waving at him and introducing themselves as water fairy, waving at him cutely. He rubbed his eyes, "Erm… I think there is part of the story where she meet one." Thankfully it was children's theater so the mermaid was still depicted a pretty girl with half fish body, Kuon thought thankfully.

The real mermaids in pirate story usually were monsters that eat men, he couldn't bear the thought of Kyouko found out the other side of fairy tale where not everything is sparkly and fluffy. Even he had to admit disturbed how mermaid in fairy tale and mythology was like heaven and earth in comparison and he was sure many kids would forever blame Christian Hans Andersen for giving false impression about mermaids.

"Oh…" Kyouko was still paying attention to Rick's story.

"If you want… I am sure you can try to apply for Pirate Princess Pearl Audition." Rick suggested with a grin, "Our theater decide their cast with audition so everyone have a chance to get a role."

"Rally?" Kyouko was a little disappointed that she just started acting and she really want to play a role in the story. It didn't have to be Princess Pearl even playing to be one of crew mate was good enough for her.

Kuon's eyes widened at the suggestion, "Hey Rick! This drama will be held at the end of summer! That's less than one month!" He hissed at Rick, careful so Kyouko will not hear him.

He rolled his eyes, "Naah… what is the harm? It's not like she will be too downhearted if she failed. " A pause, "She will be sad but that will be a good lesson and I doubt Kyouko-chan is that weak…"

"BUT!" Kuon hissed again.

Rick laughed, "But it would be really interesting if she is chosen to be Pearl."

"Rick you…" Kuon almost growled, he always hated it when Rick was plotting something. It was in his nature to plot something from behind the screen like a Lawlier, this family just loved to mess around people for their amusement.

"Shhh…" Kyouko was still daydreaming so she didn't pay attention to the boys, "Don't you think her life story kind of alike with Princess Pearl? A girl who set off on adventure looking for a new life? She can pull this one off!"

"So what?" Kuon gritted his teeth, "Acting is not that simple!"

Rick rolled his eyes, "Whatever… I am sure participating in this drama will be a good experience for her."

Kuon narrowed his eyes, "Fine! But you will answer to me if something happen."

"Yes Lover boy~" Rick sang mischievously.

"RICK!" Kuon blushed deep red.

Before they could bicker Kyouko's voice interrupted, "What is Lover Boy?" She asked innocently.

Kuon sputtered because even though Kyouko don't understand English she was still listening. Rick in the other hand laughed at Kuon's deep red face, it seemed the Japanese girl really could mess around with Kuon's mind with the littlest thing. Rick grinned, he will enjoy teasing Kuon for the next few years. He almost forgot certain sister of his was waiting for him for a shopping trip, he almost forgot.

Review Please!

Roses to my stage! Let me pick it up before you burn my stage for late update!

So What do you think? Rick has entered the stage XDDD In canon from what I see he probably a senior of Kuon or someone working in agency or at least an older friend. Yeah I write Rick is blond originally but dyed his hair for a reason in the future ha ha ha

I put Sohma Ritsu as Julie's manager XD I just think someone who keep numbers their days like Julie would be a very amusing combination with Sohma Ritsu

Kuu's manager is Albiore from Saint Seiya ^^, just a tribute for my friend who love him so much.

Hopefully someone will help me to fic this chapter, I would do it myself if I could... I am very busy these days since I already work. And my schedule is packed like hell... Despite of being a designer I am not that fond of describing places or clothes so pardon me ^^