So I had started writing this in my notebook. Then when i got on the computer to type it i changed the story direction completely. Lollll. Welll, this is the first chapter! It might be a bit cliche and then again it might not. No flames please!

Disclaimer: Alex Rider is taken.


Alex walked though the hallways of MI6 headquarters toward the room he hated the most. Blunt's office. His apparent calm demeanor evaporated as soon as he reached the office. He threw open the door with a bang and walked swiftly up to Blunt, slapping his palms down on his desk.

"If you think for one moment that I'm going on another mission, you are sorely, sorely mistaken. Your so called agents almost got me killed last time if I recall correctly! I am not-!"

Ms. Jones, who was standing by Mr. Blunt, cut him off, "Alex, if you hadn't noticed, we have company. Please set your emotions aside for a few moments.

Alex ignored her.

"I'm not stupid. I saw all 5 of them as soon as I came in. I'm a bloody spy remember?"

Blunt gestured to an open seat.

"Please sit down Agent Rider. We have some things to discuss."

Alex remained standing. Blunts face remained blank and he continued speaking.

"Another snakehead has arisen and is in action once again. This one is more dangerous than the others. Their leader is a man named, or called rather, Mackdun Hacker. They know what you did to the other snakehead and made it clear to us they want you dead. But they also want someone else."

Alex looked up.

"They want Mackenzie Adams. Her father currently works with the snakehead. Her mother had too, until she switched sides to work with us. Unfortunately she was killed as soon as the snakehead found out, on a mission. They have now turned their attention to the only other Adams alive besides the one working for them. Her," Blunt pointed to the girl sitting a couple feet away from Alex.

Alex spoke, "Where am I involved?"

"We originally wanted you to be her bodyguard for the time being. But then we got the threat for you also. K Unit and Agent Daniels will be accompanying you to your house, Alex. You will pack some stuff and you will be heading to a place a little ways from Brecon Beacons. The units will be rotating, keeping watch over the two of you until the matter is resolved," explained Ms. Jones.

"Brecon Beacons?" Alex exclaimed. "This is absurd!"

"Alex, you will not have to step a foot into the actual camp. You will not have to train with the units either," Ms. Jones clarified. She hesitated. "Not that we didn't think about letting you brush up on your training, but the Sergeant was adamant about not letting you in. New recruits are still being tested as of now and we didn't want questions being asked."

Alex sighed in frustration. "Do I have a choice in the matter?"

Mr. Blunt answered. "I should say not."