Authors Note: This is a rewrite of a previous fanfic that I had with the same exact name. I went back to it and realized how much work it needed so I took it down, and cut it up a little, added some detail here, fixed some grammar there. I hope you enjoy the new version of Alex Rider: Contamination. Please review, favorite or alert!
Alex Rider: Contamination
By: Edna Baudelaire
Chapter One: First Impressions
Annabelle's POV
Puberty can work wonders on a boy. Alex Rider's once lanky arms transformed into burly and physically powerful limbs. His chest, bronzed and toned to perfection, made passing girls stare in incredulity. His chiseled features were faultless enough to make any girl swoon...including me.
The first time I met Alex, my heart skipped a beat, my head was lighter than a balloon and I almost drifted up into hot boy heaven. But something, something about him made me slip back into reality. Everything about this boy was so radiant and gorgeous...except his eyes. His eyes were dark, almost sinister, and more serious than any 17 year old boy's eyes should be. I now know that those eyes have seen so much. Much more than they should have seen.
It all started when the company I worked for, a small organization called the Italian Secret Services sent me to MI6 for an important mission. I wasn't told, however, that I would be working with a partner.
I wasn't disappointed, believe me. Especially after seeing who my partner was, but he was the one who wasn't too thrilled to see me.
As I walked into the office of the Head of Special Operations, my eyes immediately fell upon Alex. I could barely tear them away. He was gorgeous. His chin was rock-solid, perfectly chiseled, like Michael Angelo's David, if that's even correct. I wouldn't know. I couldn't think straight, looking into those eyes. They were mesmerizing.
Mrs. Jones waved a nonchalant hand, indicating towards the seat beside Alex and I immediately complied. He looked over at me, perplexed.
"We have a mission for the both of you," Mr. Blunt muttered in a matter-of-fact way. I jumped in my seat, wondering where the Hell this older man came from. One minute, the chair was empty, facing the other way, and the next, boom, there he was, his hands placed smugly under his chin.
"Together?" Alex asked incredulously. "No. I don't think you understand, Mr. Blunt, I work alone."
I contemplated working with Alex. I've heard about him before. Every agent has read about the work that this extraordinary boy has done, that we could only dream of doing. It would be an honor to work beside him. But he wasn't the only child spy. I too, had started working undercover at an extremely young age. Thirteen to be exact, and have been on a steady incline ever since. Alex and I working together, would be like clockwork.
"Not now you don't," Mrs. Jones cut in sternly. "In order to remain undercover, you two will need to work together. Put up a front, as you will. You will pose as a brother and sister visiting your relatives in Australia."
I smiled unwillingly. Alex? As my brother? Puh-lease. He couldn't even pass as my third cousin twice-removed. I looked down at my hair, cascading over my shoulder. It was the color of melted chocolate and caramel fused together. My eyes darted over to Alex's, the color of sand and gravel.
"Mrs. Jones," Alex started. "I really don't think your understanding me. I can't work with a partner. You remember what happened last time."
Mrs. Jones's face went grim.
I froze. "Uh...last time?" I asked. "What happened last time?"
"This mission is not like last time," Mr. Blunt said, assurance ringing in his powerful voice. "It is guaranteed to be much safer and the both of you will be monitored closely."
"No," Alex said, shaking his head. "I refuse to do it."
I recoiled in my seat, offended. I have never, never heard of an agent refusing a mission from the commander. Never. It's unthinkable, unimaginable. It's a slap in the face, and that's exactly what it felt like.
"Alex," Blunt said. "You are going on this mission." His voice reminded me of my father's, the finality exuding from his breath.
Alex opened his mouth, prepared to argue, but I was quick to cut him off.
"Uh...are you sure about this?" I asked. "Alex and I are completely different and judging by the look on his face he really does not want to work with me, so I think that it would just be in our best interest, and by 'our' I mean you too, for all of us if-"
"Silence." My mouth shut. "As the Head of Special Operations, I order the two of you to go on this mission! Lives are at stake."
"No 'butts' Mr. Rider," Blunt ordered.
Alex scowled.
"Here are your files." Two heavy thuds traveled up to my ears as a tremendous stack of papers fell in each of our laps. "You are no longer Annabelle and Alex, two complete strangers and undercover agents. You are now Alyssa and Aaron, two siblings. Your parents sent you to Australia to visit your distant family. There you will get jobs as waiters for the TwistMist Company, so the two of you can get a closer look at David McCroy, the founder. You need to infiltrate the facility and find out exactly what he's planning. Later on today we will send Smithers to deliver some essential supplies, and you will be on a plane tomorrow morning at 5 AM promptly. Here are your tickets. Any questions?" Mrs. Jones said. The tone of her voice suggested that there should be none.
"Sounds good...yeah," I said as I flipped through my files. I looked over at Alex who hasn't even touched his. His eyes remained fixed on Mr. Blunt, as if that alone would change his mind.
"You two are dismissed," Mrs. Jones said with a wave of her hand. "Annabelle, you will stay at Alex's tonight. Get to know the files together. I trust that the both of you will be responsible, dignified and professional." I nodded. "Any problems Alex?"
"None at all," he said through gritted teeth as he hastily grabbed his files and flew out the door. I got up to leave.
"Oh, and Annabelle..." Mr. Blunt called. I turned. "I'm sorry to hear about your family." He had no expression whatsoever as he uttered these words. Why would he? In this business, I'm nothing more than a number attached to a file.
"Uh...thank you," I replied politely as I slipped through the door. I let out a sigh of relief as I stepped into the corridor. I lightly brushed the tears from my eyes. The death of my parents was still fresh in my mind, and just by bringing up the subject, my emotions went haywire. I took a deep breath and focused my attention on finding Alex. Right now, he was key. I need to find him so he could direct me to his house so we could go over these files.
"Alex?" I called out, my voice still a bit shaky. My footsteps echoed off the white, decadent walls. Where was he? I stepped into a dimly lit hallway just in time to see him disappear through another. Alright, this pretty boy is starting to piss me off. My emotions are already in a tizzy and I don't feel like chasing some kid who doesn't even want to work with me all over this God forsaken hell-hole. I trudged forward, accompanied by my most faithful sidekick, PMS.
"Alex? Where are you?" I yelled as I quickened my pace. I had to find him. There was no way I could go back up to Mr. Blunts office and tell him that I had lost Alex already.
I let out a distressed sigh as I rounded another corner. No sign of him. I broke into a frantic run.
"Alex! This is not funny! I need-" A soft gasp escaped my lips as I was forcefully pulled into some sort of closet.
"Shut it!" I heard someone whisper vehemently as a hand was shoved over my mouth. Expertly, I bit the hand, twisted around and shoved my palm into my attacker's nose and then his groin. My assailant swore and I heard his body hit the floor.
"It's me! Alex!" he said, through gritted teeth. Oops.
"What the heck were you thinking?" I said as I traveled my hand along the wall, searching for a light switch. "You don't just attack a highly trained professional agent! Of course I was going to fight back!" My hand found the switch. I flicked it on and light flooded the closet. There was Alex, on the floor, one hand clutching his nose, and the other on his groin. The light reflected off of the blood, cascading from his nose, over his lips and onto his mouth and neck. There was a lot more blood than I had intended.
"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry! Here, let me find some tissues." I frantically searched the room.
His hand powerfully enclosed about my arm. "I don't need your help." He spat some blood on the floor as he slowly got up.
I put my hands on my hips. "Fine," I said. "Then what do you need?" He froze. "Don't tell me, you pulled me in here for nothing."
"I wanted to talk to you," he said.
"Well then talk. I want some time to look over these files before our meeting with Smithers." I looked down at my files. Great. They were covered in Alex's blood. I looked around. His were safe and dry, sitting atop a box in the corner of the closet. I glared at him.
He took a deep breath and inhaled carefully. "I just wanted to say that I really don't want to work with you, but I'm stuck with it. So just stay the hell away from me and stay the hell out of trouble. Got it?" he said as he gathered his files.
My jaw dropped.
"Excuse me?" I asked, attitude dripping from my voice in a way only PMSing High School girls could do. He stepped closer, with the intent to intimidate.
It worked.
My back hit the door with a prominent thud. The blood on his face and the dead look in his eyes made him look like a maniac. A gasp escaped my lips. He smiled.
"As long as you stay out of my way, we will be fine," he said. With that, he gently pushed me aside and slid out of the door. I closed my eyes. Why did I let him scare me? I've been an agent since I was thirteen for Gods sakes! I know better than that! I took a moment to gather myself and then stepped out the door. There he was, waiting against the wall, most of the blood cleared off of his face.
"Ready?" He asked in a calm tone. I nodded, perplexed by the sudden change. One moment, he was attacking me in broom cupboards, and the next he's calm, cool and collected? What the Hell is with the boy?
He turned and we made our way down the hall and out to the front of the building. From there he jumped on a hot red mountain bike. I smiled a bit. Where was his car? He saw my expression and scowled.
"Hop on," He said as he motioned to the handle bars.
My smile vanished.
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