Chapter Six of Heat contains adult content, and the complete chapter will only be posted to my ArchiveOfOurOwn dot org account, username Colt_kun, to comply with FFN's policies. Here is the first third.

"Brace yourself."

Nico gritted his teeth and looked away, his fingers twitching in his fist strapped inside the wooden sleeve.

"Ready?" the medic asked, her expert fingers rechecking the positioning.

"Just do-SHIT!" The jolt through his arm brought tears to Nico's eyes as he felt his shoulder pop back into place.

The medic tenderly felt about the joint as Nico gasped for air. "It's done." The straps holding Nico's arm in place were released and he sat up, tenderly moving the horribly sore joint. "It'll be bruised for a while. Don't use it… for as long as you can." She raised an eyebrow at the boy that Nico ignored.

She had just finished strapping his arm to his bare chest when Percy burst in, sweat on his brow and still wearing his chest plate from sword practice. Nico smiled up at him meekly as a dark scowl crossed Percy's face.

"What happened?"

"A dislocated shoulder," the medic replied briskly. "The rest was healed with ambrosia."

"What rest?" Percy looked at Nico.

"Cuts, bruises, the pneumonia…"

Percy's scowl only deepened. He picked up Nico's top layers, helping slip the shirt over Nico's head and settle it awkwardly over his bound arm.

As they left the tent towards the cabins, Percy looked at Nico. "I thought you said you'd stay in bed until you got better."

"I did get better."

"Not enough." Percy steered Nico towards Poseidon's cabin. "You broke a promise, Nico."

"No, I didn't technically promise-"

"I don't care."

Percy motioned Nico through the door.

"Sit down," Percy ordered, releasing the straps on his chest plate. Nico hesitantly obeyed, sinking to the edge of Percy's unmade bed then sliding back as Percy stepped forward, tossing aside his practice armor, but the straps still wound around his arm.

Percy reached for Nico's shirt, and was tender in removing it. The jeans he was less gentle about, tugging them open harshly and nearly ripping them from Nico's legs, taking Nico's loose sneakers with them. The movement forced Nico to lie back, looking up at Percy as his underwear was taken too, and his socks. Percy toed off his own shoes, but remained dressed in jeans and camp shirt dusted with dirt and sweat. Nico wet his lips at the anger in Percy's eyes.

"Nico, you have to take better care of yourself."

Percy motioned for Nico to scoot up on the bed, a task slightly harder with one arm. Percy helped, his palms hot against Nico's sides.

"Promise me." Percy knelt between Nico's legs, thumbs stroking the pale inner flesh, his back straight as he held Nico's gaze.

"I can't promise what you want Percy, you know that," Nico protested.

Percy's gaze hardened a moment, before softening. "I know you have to answer the call to battle," Percy admitted, "But you don't have to do so recklessly. There are others to fight if you're sick."

"Perc-" Nico hissed as Percy's nails dug into his thigh.

To read the rest, please go to archiveofourown and type in / works / 1254634 after the address. If you don't like having to go to another site, take it up with FFN.