A/N – This is a companion to the story Fallen Princess and will probably not make sense without reading that first. That being said, I'm happy you all are reading this! I honestly felt that Felix had some major unresolved issues, and I wanted to give him a happy ending more than anything. This first chapters goes through the first five of Fallen Princess.

This story has a banner made my the wonderfully talented SusanAshlea. Author of Finding Forever and it's beautiful companion story She Holds a Key. You should all read it, I say so.

Banner link: http: (double slash )i46 (dot) tinypic (dot) com (slash) 23hrprc (dot) jpg

An incredible shout out to my Beta-rockstar Jkane180, I lubs you but you know that.

Also special thanks to Tazz0617 for her continued support and Megsly and SusanAshlea for prereading.

I clearly remember the day she was born; it was spring, as it is now. The woman who had been selected as the carrier for the experiment was handpicked by Caius himself. He travelled everywhere, only to actually find her right on our doorstep. He first spotted her at a little chapel, just outside of the city centre, where she was about to become the wife of a local farmer. He'd immediately sent for me and Demetri to observe her. She was beautiful in her wedding dress; a simple gown that flowed softly down her body, hugging her curvaceous figure. Her hair was long and black, falling softly down her shoulders, and her eyes were a stunning emerald green. She smiled the entire time; it made her look radiant, like a dark-haired angel.

Caius was happy when we reported back to him, and he instructed us to snatch her the next night. I never showed my hesitation at his order; when the elders commanded you, you simply obeyed. Yet it was with a heavy heart that I invaded her bedroom that night. Her new husband screamed at the monsters that came to collect his wife, but it was no use. Demetri silenced him with a sickening snap of his neck as she cried in horror. She begged me to kill her with him, but we were under strict orders; she was to come to the castle alive.

I felt sick to my stomach when Caius approached her on our return; the lust was evident in his eyes. As he took her away to the chamber that would hold her until she gave birth, she looked at me with pleading eyes. I looked away cowardly; I couldn't help her. Caius conceived on the first try; it was a small mercy but I was thankful nonetheless. I tried to avoid going in the room where she was being held, and I succeeded for a full three weeks. It was when Caius gave me a direct order to bring the woman the blood she had been living off that I knew I could no longer escape facing her. She was sitting on her bed, propped up against the pillows, and she startled when I made my way in.

"You," she whispered as she looked at me with accusation in her eyes.

"You should have killed me."

I cringed at her words and the anger in her tone.

"I'm sorry," I replied, though it didn't seem enough. I didn't know how to express the guilt I felt over what I had been forced to do to her.

Her hands moved over her enlarged belly in a protective manner. I walked over to her and handed her the blood. She cringed.

"What kind of monster have you turned me into that I crave this?"

I just stared at the ground, unable to look at her or answer her. I heard her drink the blood with slow gulps. The scent of it assailed my senses, making me realize I hadn't fed in a while. Swallowing the venom that pooled in my mouth, I finally dared a glance in her direction and found her staring at me.

"You're different from the others," she stated, "I see remorse in your eyes." She handed me the empty cup, and I stood up from my place on her bed. As I turned to leave she grabbed my wrist with surprising force.

"Take care of my baby," she pleaded with tears in her eyes. "Promise me."

I looked at her, unable to speak. When I remained silent she continued.

"I know my fate; I will die. This baby is too strong for me. I will be with my love soon. I need someone here to look after my child. Please, I beg you." The tears were flowing down her cheeks now as she frantically held on to me.

"Promise me," she whispered urgently.

I had no other choice; my dead heart bled for the woman in front of me.

"I promise I will do whatever it takes to protect your child," I spoke.

She released my wrist and fell back down into the pillows. Her expression was peaceful now.

"Thank you," she said, "Please leave me now."

A little over a week later, Luciana was born. She didn't even cry upon entering the world; she just opened her eyes, which were just like her mother's, and looked around curiously. Caius walked away seething when he saw that his heir was not the son he'd hoped for; in his infinite arrogance, he'd never once considered that possibility. Aro put her in Jane's care, a decision I questioned but had no choice but to accept. I tried my best to keep my promise to her mother but failed again and again. Growing up among monsters meant she saw things that no little girl should ever have to see. When she went into shock after Caius had made her witness a feeding, believing it would spur her bloodlust, it was me who was by her side for two days. I watched over her trembling little body as she slept, and I woke her when she cried out in her nightmares. It was the arrival of Demetri however, that made her snap out of it. All he had to do was walk in the door, flash her a smile, and she ran into his arms to let him comfort her. It stung me, the way he was with Lucy, and the way she seemed so drawn to him. I guess it was just the way he handled her; he had a flair for making even the most mundane things fun.

As she grew older, Caius made her sit through hours and hours of lessons with all of us. I was responsible for teaching her about the history of our kind, a subject she took great interest in. It was not uncommon that she stayed well over the time limit her father had set for the lessons as she asked me question after question. She was smart and impressed me many times with her insightful opinions and intriguing questions. When we started on the subject of the Cullen hybrid Renesmee, she hung on my every word. I patiently answered all her questions and told her everything I knew. The knowledge that she was not the only one of her kind seemed important to her. I knew she felt like she didn't fit in most of the time - a feeling only enhanced by her father who pointed out her differences any time he could. I cringed every time I saw her try to gain her father's affection, only to be turned away. Caius didn't love his daughter, and he never would. She was nothing more to him than an experiment that had gone wrong. He couldn't wait for the day when she was old enough to look after herself, and he could try again.

As soon as she was physically old enough, she started training with Demetri. He was a skilled fighter; not a brute strength like me, but stealthy and swift. She blossomed during those days, thriving on the hours spent in his company. For the longest, time it was nothing more than a younger sister looking up to an older brother, but somewhere along the line, things changed. I realized her fondness of him had turned into a crush long before Demetri did, and I felt the need to call him on it. He only laughed when I told him, stating she would soon become old enough to make those kinds of decisions on her own. I knew it was no use; it would only be a matter of time before he would take advantage of the situation. She was almost grown now and every bit as beautiful as her mother had been. As her birthday approached, my eyes found her more than they should. I started wondering what it would be like to touch the curves of her now womanly body. I kept telling myself it was just lust that I felt, and that it was only natural, but deep down, I knew there was more. She was special to me, even if I didn't realize it then.

When Demetri came to me on the day of her birthday and boasted about what had happened during their training session, it hurt me more than I would even admit to myself. It took me great effort not to show it as he recounted every detail of their encounter. Instead, I smiled and clapped him on the shoulder in brotherly support. I would have given everything to be in his place, to have her look at me that way. Demetri and I had always made quite the sport of conquering women; it had become a competition to see who could bed the most. We were fairly equal in that aspect; where I relied on my strong physique, Demetri drew them in with words, but either way, we always got what we wanted in the end. Now he was ahead of me however, as he had the one girl that I would give anything for. I knew it wasn't right, especially considering the promise I had made to her mother, but I decided to make work of pursuing her.

She was a vision in red when she entered the Royal room; she truly looked like a grown woman as she made her way over to Aro. He placated her with his sickly sweet smile before grabbing her hand to invade her mind. I saw her colour drain as she realized he was about to be part of her most intimate memories. Demetri stiffened as he too understood that within moments the elders would know what he'd done. I watched Aro's smile falter as he processed the information from Lucy's mind, and when he released her, he mumbled, "Interesting," before shifting his eyes towards Demetri. He shrugged at the elder, trying to look apologetic. Caius looked between the two and stepped forward.

"What's going on?"

Aro turned and faced him.

"It seems your daughter did a lot of growing up today."

I couldn't believe Aro was actually going to put this out there. Caius looked confused.

"What are you talking about? What happened, Aro?"

"Caius, it seems your Luciana has truly become a woman."

I could clearly see Lucy's embarrassment at the whole situation, and I couldn't help but cast an angry glare at Demetri. He raised his eyebrows at me as if to dare me to speak up.

Athenodora spoke in a hiss, "Just like her mother."

Her obvious hatred for Lucy cut right through the girl; that much was obvious. I'd never cared much for Athenodora; she was a vain and arrogant woman who took great pride in being the wife of one so influential. Their relationship had deteriorated with the arrival of Lucy. She'd never forgiven Caius for that one night he'd spent with Lucy's mother. Most of the time, she acted as if the girl didn't exist, and if she did acknowledge her, it was only to make her feel completely inferior. It should be no surprise that my dislike for her had grown exponentially over the last few years.

"What? You did what?"

Caius approached his daughter menacingly. I watched her cower in fear.

"Look at me, Luciana!"

She trembled as she looked up at him.

"Who?" Caius spat at his daughter.

"I...I..." She stumbled on her words, clearly uncomfortable.

Getting nothing from Lucy, Caius instead turned to Aro.

"Who?" he demanded again.

"It would seem Luciana has a little crush on Demetri."

Caius turned to the man next to me, and his eyes flashed with anger. Demetri, who was not one to be easily scared, now raised his hands in front of him, taking a defensive stance.

"You? You defiled my daughter?"

I was shocked to see him actually approach Demetri and wondered why he cared so much. It couldn't be because he actually felt bad for her. My guess would be that he was afraid that it would damage his reputation if his daughter slept with one of the guards. I also knew he had bigger plans for her.

"It wasn't like that; she offered; I accepted. I mean, she is all grown up now. She came on pretty strong, and I admit I was too weak to resist. My apologies if it offends you, Master."

As he spoke, I watched Lucy's face fall and contort in pain, and I realized that his words had hurt her deeply. I made a mental promise to treat her better; I would never make her feel like this.

Caius contemplated Demetri for another second before turning around to his daughter again.

"After tonight, I am done with you. Do what you will; I no longer care."

Tears fell down her cheeks as she looked at him.

"Father, please..." My silent heart jumped as her voice broke. She reached out to him, but Caius just pushed her away. The rejection hit her hard ; I could tell.

"Fix your face. We're taking you out there and giving you to the world. After tonight, you're no longer my problem."

She wiped the tears from her face while everyone made their way to the door.

"Well, that went okay," Demetri whispered to me. I didn't answer. I felt so angry at all of them: at Aro for sharing her private thoughts, at Caius for hurting his daughter like that, at Demetri for taking advantage of her, and yes, I was even angry at Lucy herself. I was angry that she gave herself up so easily, allowing herself to be hurt like that. I glanced back at her every now and again while we walked to the ballroom, but she kept her gaze firmly fixed on the floor the entire way.

Once all the formalities were over, and the festivities were in full swing, Demetri and I retreated to a corner and scanned the room. Every now and again, I cast a glance her way, feeling annoyed at the way she was being passed from man to man. Demetri quickly found a human girl to his liking; he was planning on feeding tonight. Normally this would not be allowed within the city limits, but the elders had made an exception for tonight and had called in some humans especially for this occasion. None of them caught my eye though; there was only one girl I wanted tonight, and right at that very moment, she was finally alone, standing in the shadows in a corner on the opposite side of the room. I made my way over quietly, noticing that she was leaning into the wall with her eyes closed; she looked upset, and I wondered what was wrong. I caught her scent as I stepped closer - lilacs and lilies; she smelled so enticing. I stopped for a second to savour it before I approached her. She was breathing heavily as if to keep herself from crying. Eventually, she seemed to calm down, and she opened her eyes to find mine.

"Are you okay, Lucy?"

I put my hand on her shoulder and revelled in the heat that radiated from her bare skin. She sighed deeply.

"I'm fine, Felix. It's just been a long day."

I smiled knowingly at her in an attempt to be flirtatious.

"Yes, I heard. Loads of new impressions today, huh?"

I winked at her and watched her cheeks flush. Venom pooled in my mouth as the sudden rush of her blood enhanced her seductive scent.

"Listen, Felix, I don't feel so good right now. I think I'm going to step outside for a moment, if that's okay."

She tried to walk away, but I couldn't let her; not yet. I put one hand up against the wall right beside her face before leaning in and caressing her cheek with the other.

"Demetri tells me everything, you know. He said you were delicious."

She shivered under my touch as she looked at me anxiously. I knew I was probably overstepping a boundary, but I found I didn't care so much; I was intoxicated by her scent as it pulled me in closer.

"If you ever want to try that with someone else, let me know. I'll make you feel things Demetri never could."

I couldn't help but lean in and brush my nose against her jaw line. My head started spinning as her concentrated essence assaulted my senses.

"Mmm…you do smell ever so sweet. I can't wait to taste you myself."

It took me great effort to pull myself away from her, but I succeeded. I gave her one last wink and laughed as I turned to rejoin the crowd. I hoped I gave her something to consider. At least she knew she had options now.

I made my rounds across the room, ignoring the admiring stares some of the women cast my way. A few of them tried to make advances towards me, but I easily turned them down even though I was ready to feed. I held high hopes that Lucy would come to me, and I didn't want to risk her finding me with someone else. My desire for her far surpassed my need for blood right now.

Aro beckoned me over, and I made my way towards him, wondering what he could want. I sincerely hoped he wouldn't want me to share my mind as I wasn't ready to show my affection for Lucy to him. I was relieved when he ushered me into a quiet part of the room without touching me.

"We leave tomorrow, Felix. It's time."

I looked at him, stunned. I knew this moment was coming, and I understood it would be soon, but I had not expected it to be as soon as tomorrow.

"Have you found suitable candidates?"

"Yes, I am pleased to say Santiago has done a great job. He's holding them as we speak. I myself cannot wait to meet them." He smiled widely at me, and I smiled anxiously back. This assignment had never sat well with me to begin with, but now it held even less appeal than before.

"Do you really need me, Master?"

Aro narrowed his eyes at me, and I realized I had just made a grave error with my question. Without even waiting for him to ask, I raised my hand so he could take it. He accepted greedily, and I watched him as he sifted through my thoughts. At last, he released my hand and sighed.

"I see," he nodded. "You realize her affections lie elsewhere?"

"Yes, but I have hope that might change soon."

Aro smiled before responding.

"That may be true, but that should not affect your loyalty to the cause. You'll be leaving with us tomorrow, as will Demetri."

He turned then, not awaiting a response, and I knew there was no point in arguing. We would be leaving in the morning, no matter how I felt about it.

"Your first failure wasn't enough? Now you want to take another concubine and raise her spawn?"

Athenodora's sharp voice caught my attention, and I looked up to see she was in front of Caius. Her face was furious as she stared him down.

"Why do you insist on doing this, Caius? Am I not enough? You would have me idly sitting by while you take woman after woman, defiling all the promises we made to each other so long ago? I will not do it! If you leave tomorrow, there will be consequences; be sure of that." I watched, entranced, as Aro stepped between them.

"You will hush, Athenodora. You know that we're doing this for the greater good. Just think of the possibilities."

"Screw the greater good; I'm done with this," she hissed at him before turning sharply and storming out of the room. Aro grabbed Caius and dragged him along into a dark corner where they began whispering frantically. I tried to listen in on what they were saying for a while, but I couldn't make it out, so eventually, I gave up and started scanning the room again.

My heart sped as I found her leaning into a wall on the other side. She stood rigid, and my eyes drifted past her to see what she was so focused on. I grimaced when I caught sight of Demetri and his human conquest, who was now dead in his arms. Lucy jerked and turned around in an ungraceful manner that was very unlike her. As I watched her stumble across the room, I realized she must have been drinking. Her eyes searched the room until she locked her gaze on me, and to my surprise, she immediately started making her way towards me with a determined look on her face. I smiled at her encouragingly as she got closer. When she finally reached me, I looked down at her.

"Changed your mind, Princess?"

She nodded before uttering the words I had been dying to hear all night.

"Let's go."

She giggled as I quickly carried her to her room; the sound of it echoed off the ancient castle walls.

"Eager, are we?" she said while she ran a finger over my chest. I couldn't help but smirk at her as I used my right foot to kick her door open. I carried her to her bed at inhuman speed and practically threw her down on the mattress. She watched me as I wasted no time taking off my clothes. Her eyes roamed my naked body, and I nearly came undone when they lingered on my erection, her teeth sinking hard into her bottom lip.

I slowly crawled up the bed and lay myself down beside her. My hand roamed over the silk of her dress, following her curves to where the fabric ended and the soft skin of her breasts began. I ran the tip of my index finger over the swell that curved over the top of her dress, and I itched to explore them further. However, before I could act on that, she moved to the edge of the bed and stood up. My cock twitched almost painfully when she curled her finger seductively, beckoning me to her.

"Come here and help me get out of this dress."

Wasting no time, I moved towards the edge and sat up, pulling her closer to me. Her green eyes glittered as they looked down on me, making them shine like the most precious emeralds. My hands caressed her back as I made my way to the zipper of her dress before swiftly pulling it down. It fell from her body in one fluid motion, revealing more of her than I'd ever seen, which somehow was still not enough. She wore a black corset, paired with red, lace panties; it was nearly enough to make me come.

"Wow," I couldn't help but utter as I drank in the sight of her.

Wanting so badly to run my fingers through her beautiful hair, I grabbed her hips and turned her to face away from me. I reached up and pulled out pin after pin until the dark tresses covered most of her back. Her scent was thick in the air now, assaulting me in waves. I took in a deep breath and let the flavour of it roll over my tongue before turning her around to face me again. I noticed the extravagant tiara that Aro had given her still stuck in her hair, trying to compete for attention with her stunning face. It was no match; she would outshine any gemstone known to man, so I reached up and removed the offending piece.

"You're pretty enough without it," I told her while looking in her eyes.

I never took my eyes off of her as I started untying her corset until it fell off her body and onto the ground. Only then did I let my eyes roam downwards towards her chest where I came face to face with her breasts. Overcome with desire, I took one of her nipples in my mouth and let it roll over my tongue. Her resulting gasp made me impossibly harder, and it took everything I had not to throw her down and forcefully take her when she entwined her fingers into my hair. Instead, I concentrated on the smoothness of the little bud between my lips; I sucked on it hard before reluctantly releasing it. Lucy smiled down at me with heavily lidded eyes before stepping back and moving away from me. My hands hovered in the air for a moment, not wanting to let her go, as I watched her take off the rest of her jewellery and put it on her nightstand. I dropped my hands quickly when she turned and looked at me.

She moved over slowly and deliberately, swaying her hips in the most seductive manner. I grabbed her the moment she was within reach and pulled her close again. My fingers slid over the curve of her perfect ass, down her thighs, until they reached the soft skin on the inside of her knee. I pulled her leg up and placed her foot in my lap where I made quick work of untying her shoe. I slipped it off her tiny foot and let it fall to the floor. The way she was positioned only increased the potency of her scent, and I couldn't resist moving in closer. I skimmed my nose along the inside of her thigh, before pressing my lips against the smooth skin. I could've so easily lost myself there, but I fought to control my most basic urges and put her leg down gently. Her heartbeat was speeding rapidly as I repeated my actions with the other leg. When I put her leg back down onto the floor, she was considerably shorter than she had been in those heels; it made her look fragile and vulnerable. She was almost panting now, taking shallow breaths which made her breasts move up and down in front of my face. I was shocked, to say the least, when all of a sudden she quickly took her remaining underwear off before jumping into my lap.

"Enough with the foreplay," she practically growled, making me twitch against her.

She kissed me hard while her hands roamed all over my body. I let her push me back onto the bed where she straddled my hips, making my eyes roll into the back of my head as she pressed her slick heat against my aching cock.

"Fuck, Lucy!" I cursed, grabbing her hips to push her down against me. I couldn't help but buck up against her; I wanted to bury myself inside her soft flesh. She restrained me with surprising strength, and I looked up pleadingly. Her hands pushed on my chest hard as she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Don't move," she spoke sternly. I swallowed hard to get rid of the venom that was overflowing my mouth at the sight of her naked above me. I couldn't do anything else but nod.

I watched her curiously as she explored my chest and bucked against her again when she lightly touched my nipples. She moved her hands slowly outwards, over my arms and down to my hands, which were still on her hips. Her eyes locked with mine again when she took hold of my hands and started moving them over her body towards her breasts. Her skin was hot under my cold touch, making her nipples pebble the moment I touched them. I revelled in the feel of her soft and pliable flesh, enjoying the smoothness of the tiny buds under my thumbs. I could have done this forever, and I would have never gotten bored. Still, my desire to be buried in her overruled everything else, and when she moaned, it spiked to an almost dangerous level.

"Lucy, please let me inside you." She surprised me again when she chuckled.

"Not yet; I have other plans," she whispered.

She placed my hands at my sides where I understood they needed to stay. I felt oddly cold when she removed herself from my lap and kneeled down at my side. She seemed to hesitate for a second before she reached out and touched me. My cock twitched eagerly under her touch, and I leaned back and closed my eyes as she wrapped her warm hand around it. I moaned when she started moving up and down, lost in the pleasure she was giving me, and when I felt her soft tongue touch the tip of my cock, I couldn't stop my hips from bucking up. As she took me into her mouth, I tried to control my body, and it was with great effort that I refrained from thrusting into her. Though she wasn't human, she was no match for my strength, and I was positive I could end up hurting her. I groaned in pleasure, my breath speeding up.

"Oh God, that feels so good."

Her hands started working the parts that her mouth couldn't reach as she picked up the pace, increasing my desire to unparalleled levels. Just when I thought I would explode in her mouth, she released me and straddled me again.

"I need to feel you inside me, Felix. Do it now."

"Anything you say, Princess," I growled as I grabbed her and threw her on her back. I moved between her legs and looked into her eyes.

"Please tell me if I hurt you." I knew it wasn't her first time, but I also knew that my size might still hurt her, especially considering the fact that it had only been a short while since she lost her virginity.

"Just do it, Felix," she snorted, daring me with fiery eyes.

I took it slow, allowing her time to get adjusted to the feeling of me inside her. Her heat enveloped me, and I struggled to control the urge to thrust into her hard. When I was fully inside of her, I started moving deliberately, measuring my movements against her reactions. I couldn't take my eyes off her; I'd never felt more connected to anyone than I did right now. She looked at me curiously before she pulled at my face and kissed me. Her lips felt so soft and tasted so incredible, unlike any woman I'd ever been with before. She was so sweet and innocent, and right now, she was mine.

"Felix, please go faster," she pleaded. I wasted no time and thrust into her with more speed and force. She moaned loudly every time I filled her, the sound of it driving me to the brink of madness.

"Yes, just like that, Felix, please; don't stop!" She arched her body towards me, pushing her chest in my face. I couldn't resist; I had to taste her skin again. I pulled her closer and eagerly licked and sucked every part of her perfect breasts before biting down on one of her nipples.

"Oh, God! Harder, Felix, fuck me harder!"

I wanted to, so bad, but I was afraid to hurt her. I knew it was a possibility, and I needed to make sure she understood that once I lost control, there was no going back.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

She looked up at me intently, fire burning in her eyes.

"I'm sure, just fucking do it!" she hissed at me.

My control faltered, and the beast inside me roared at its release. I sat up and pushed her thighs further apart with force, allowing me even deeper inside. I pulled and clawed at her flesh with each thrust as I relished the feel of her surrounding me completely.

"Lucy….Sweet Lucy," I moaned, overcome with my passion for her, taking her again and again and again, exactly how I wanted to.

"Felix, stop." Her voice barely registered in my mind as I kept up my pace.

"Huh…what?" I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"I said stop. I want to try something else."

This time I slowed down, curious to see what she might want. An uncharacteristic whine escaped my lips as she moved away from me. She rolled onto her stomach and moved onto her hands and knees. She teasingly looked over her shoulder, and I nearly came as she wiggled her perfect ass in invitation. I wasted no time plunging into her again, harder and faster than before. My hands had a firm grip on her hips as I pulled her to me again and again. Needing to feel her closer, I let my hands roam over her ribs, and I pulled her upright against me. She responded by throwing her arm backwards around my neck, pulling my face to hers and kissing me passionately. I grabbed her breasts roughly, squeezing and pulling at them. The way she gasped and moaned brought me close to the edge, and I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. She broke our kiss and looked at me.

"Do you like this, Felix? Is this what you wanted?"

"Yeah…so much," I panted in her ear.

I was so close to coming it was almost painful, which only got worse when she grabbed my hand and guided it down to her clit.

"Touch me, Felix; make me come."

I moaned at her plea and bit down on her earlobe. My fingers worked her with frantic pace, and within seconds, I could feel her contract around me.

"Yes, Felix, oh God!"

She thrashed in my arms as her orgasm overtook her. Her juiced flowed, and her core pulsed around me, pushing me over the edge with her.

"Lucy…" I moaned as I released everything I had inside of her, and I growled as wave after wave of undiluted pleasure ripped through me. Eventually my body slowed, and I loosened my grip on her. She fell to the bed on her stomach, and I lay down beside her. Her hair was covering most of her face, and I brushed it away so I could see her. She had her eyes closed and looked content. I continued to stroke her hair, loving the smooth, silky feeling under my hands. I feared she was falling asleep, and I wasn't ready to let her go yet, so I decided to speak.

"Demetri was right; you really are something else." As soon as I mentioned his name, I knew I had made a mistake in bringing him up. She turned her head towards me and opened her eyes.

"What else did he say about me?" I thought about how he had boasted about her, about the way she'd practically thrown herself at him. I couldn't tell her that though; I was afraid it would hurt her.

"Nothing much, really. Just that he was a bit shocked at your advances initially but delighted that you chose him to be the first." I couldn't help but be slightly bitter about that fact, and I could tell she'd caught onto it. She giggled softly; the sound was like music to my ears.

"Does that upset you, Felix?"

I looked at her as her eyes were closing again, and I knew she was close to sleep.

"More than you could ever know," I whispered. Her breathing evened out; she was sleeping now. I lay there for a long time, just watching her. Eventually I knew I had to get up and get moving; we would be leaving soon. I dressed quietly, making sure not to wake her, and when I was done, I leaned over her one last time and kissed her cheek before walking out the door. My chest constricted as what I was about to do hit me. This might have been the last happy and carefree night of my existence.

Did you like? The next chapter will finally find out what it was that they were doing during that time they left Lucy alone in the castle!

Please review? Pretty please?