Reviews for Absolution
FireFlower77 chapter 6 . 10/17/2018
i realized this is the 2nd time I read a story where Rose and Emmett end up raising Aro's son...
BVRG0614 chapter 15 . 11/25/2012
I loved this story! I will admit that I hated Lucy up until she reappeared because of all the pain she was causing Felix. And plus, I always like Susanna better and I knew Felix would love her. The babies were so cute! I'm glad that Rosalie got to take the two boys. And I'm very pleased with how the Volturi ended up. I always like Marcus and he never seemed evil like the other two. Thanks for this incredible story! I wish you would make another story about all of them.
RachelxMichelle chapter 15 . 11/15/2010
Finally finishing these! Life has been crazy but i finally made time to finish reading these.

Anyway, I really loved this Felix story. He so rarely gets a happy ending.

I always knew he would never let Suzanna die. He was just too caring. I think that even without thinking Lucy had died he would have done it. So I'm glad he has her and Julie. He deserves them. I also like how even Demetri

changed with becoming a father.

Wonderful job on this story! Now I'm off to read the epilogue of FP.
Browns chapter 15 . 11/11/2010's over?

I loved the ending by the way. It was perfect!

Great story, chica. I'm glad I came along for the ride.
star574 chapter 15 . 11/9/2010
*sniff* I want my own island! Well, actually, I don't really need an island, but I would be quite happy living anywhere it doesn't go below 60 degrees at night. :)

Thank you for writing!
polly2010 chapter 15 . 11/8/2010
I loved it so much! :)
laurazuleta18 chapter 15 . 11/8/2010
Loved it

Loved it

Can't believe it's really over!

Over *pouts*

I can't wait for clips or shots of the kids! And now Lucy's kid!

Can't wait!

This was a really amazing story!

wordslinger chapter 15 . 11/8/2010

I'm jealous your fic is over. I have no such discipline. But I do haz cheeseburger!

So the part where Julie said "I know, Daddy..." about the star fish made me LOL. So cute, and so YOU.

And um... I'm hoping to find out what the hell Demitri was doing? yes yes?
TheNewOtaku chapter 14 . 10/25/2010
Tis was a wonderful heartwalming story that made me laugh cry and marvel. You, my freind, are a genius! Please write a sequel. Congratulations on such a sucessful story (It takes a really emotional piece of litrature to make me cry belive me!)
jkane180 chapter 13 . 10/13/2010
Wow. Please forgive me. And really do bitch me out next time!
jkane180 chapter 14 . 10/13/2010
I owe a review here too? Epic fail, Jess. I'm ashamed to be you. :(

But I would TOTALLY wear a beermaid costume for you! Just as soon as you visit! ;-)
polly2010 chapter 14 . 10/5/2010
I loved it!
star574 chapter 14 . 10/4/2010
Yeah, I really don't want to know everything that Juliana saw from Aro's mind. Ewwww. She totally needs mind bleach after that.
wordslinger chapter 14 . 10/4/2010
Things are winding down. It's a bummer. I want more lemons. NOW!
laurazuleta18 chapter 14 . 10/4/2010
So no DUI and Julie? :( *frowns*

loved the chap

Love how Felix and Lucys pov's are so different!

Please update soon!

I still think Dom should live with Rose and Em!

Loved it!
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