Hi~ I have lots of half written fics and some not written at all but more details to what on Earth I am doing are at the bottom of the chapter. The POV will change in the first few chapters before settling into a normal, it is partially to try different techniques, partially to get everyone's views in mind. I hope you like it, may turn out to be very angsty but I will fit fluff in somewhere.
Kyouya POV
Ok, maybe three years was a long time and maybe we should have visited at some point instead of the occasional text, letter or email.
But when Haruhi finished high school we suddenly had no ties to her, nothing in common.
That changed when she slipped the word fiancé into one of her short emails... that was a shock. We had never imagined Haruhi to have any romantic interests, she was the tomboyish girl we all knew from that first year she joined the host club. Naturally we decided to visit and interrogate... ahem... congratulate the couple.
'Sorry boys, she doesment, it looked like he missed Haruhi's company too, 'I can give you her address though, come in while I write it down,'
All six of us shuffled into the tiny closet *cough* kitchen. I looked around at Haruhi's old home. There seemed to be more reminders of her now than when she actually lived here. Photos practically plastered the walls.
'Haru-chan was a cute baby,' Huni peered at a photo near the door. It showed Haruhi around age one with a nappy (diaper) and purple T-shirt, her hair stuck straight up in a tiny ponytail. She had her hands in a sand pit, a look of concentration on her rosy face.
Ranka nodded and grinned, fumbling through a drawer for a pad and paper.
Tamaki found one of the host club just before Mori and Huni graduated.
'She was cute then as well,' Tamaki made that annoying squeal again.
'I wonder if she still looks like a boy,' Hikaru and Kaoru said, whom Ranka had learnt to hate almost as much as Tamaki after he learnt of the tricks they played on his daughter.
Ranka laughed almost hysterically at their comment while he handed me the address. The reaction was slighting disturbing but none the less intriguing.
'Oh!' Ranka seemed to remember something, 'Haruhi won't be home until late this evening, she's probably heading to one of her jobs right about now.'
'...She works?' Tamaki blinked, 'isn't she still at law school?'
'Of course she is, Insect. It's only a part time thing at a night club to pay rent and such,' Ranka gave an exaggerated sigh at Tamaki's stupidity, 'I wrote the name of the place down for you but I don't know the address.'
'N-night club?' Tamaki was quietly freaking out. Probably imagining Haruhi force to be a stripper at a dodgy club to make ends meet. Idiot.
'Thank-you Ranka-san, it was lovely to see you again,' I smiled that ever-useful host smile.
'My pleasure,' Ranka giggled, 'I hope to see you soon.'
'Of course,' I nodded and turned to follow the others. Then Ranka grabbed my arm.
'Watch out for my baby,' I turned to face him, all of the happiness from before had left his face, 'make sure Kyo is good for her.'
I nodded, 'I was planning on it.'
It was then I noticed he hadn't mentioned a wedding, engagement or even Haruhi's relationship with this Kyo person even once, odd, seeing as he's such a doting father, was that interesting or worrying?
Of course the first thing we did was find the address for the place Haruhi was working and go there. On the way, after we found the address, Tamaki was being unusually quiet for once and was going into temporary depression where the atmosphere would suddenly darken and go cold. I still haven't worked out what goes on in his head after all these years.
Hikaru kept tapping his fingers on the arm rest, annoying. And Huni was humming and swinging his legs, incredibly annoying.
It was starting to get dark by the time we got to the place. Mori was driving so we didn't have the knowledge of the city a chauffeur would have and we had never even heard of the street the night club was supposedly on*. It was around eight in the evening and music was thudding softly from behind the closed doors. We were standing there for a good few minutes bickering about whether Haruhi would be annoyed we came to visit her while she was working.
A man with casually messy red-brown hair walked past us and through the door, shooting us an odd look. Not that I usually stare at people's hair but it had become a habit for me to analyse people as they walked by, plus, it was far more interesting that listening to useless bickering.
'Look,' I sighed, feeling a headache starting, 'we've come this far and I don't want to have wasted my Friday, if you want to stand around in the cold that's your problem.'
I paid the titanic man standing outside the doorway and went inside, temporarily blinded by the coloured lights. I almost didn't notice the others joining me.
'Jeez Aya but down the lights you dumbass!' I heard one employee shout.
'Sorry!' I assume Aya squealed back.
The bar was quiet due to it being only early evening, a few people were sipping drinks or standing around chatting or dancing to the quiet music in the slightly dimmer light. I scanned the room but none of the staff looked remotely like Haruhi.
'Would you like some drinks sirs?' a girl with dark curls and pale brown eyes suddenly appeared in front of us, blushing and grinning like all of the Ouran girls used to. I was pretty sure that generally the barmaids didn't come up to serve you but I wasn't surprised, the Ouran host club was like a magnet that attracted people to it, especially girls.
'No thank you,' I decline politely, at least not until my headache went. The twins and Mori ordered something and I asked the girl a question, 'does Haruhi Fujioka work here?'
'Haru? Yeah, are you friends?' she mutter something about Kyo not going to be happy.
'Yes, my princess,' Tamaki took her hand, 'we haven't seen here is such a long time, could you point us in her direction?'
The girl wrinkled her nose, 'you must be the idiot she told me about,' Tamaki gasped and went to sulk in the corner, 'she's getting ready out back. I'm afraid you'll have to wait until she comes out. Have some drinks, relax, spend some of your unlimited cash, she won't be long,' then she threw her order pad at the bartender, 'Oi, Kyo! Get these guys some drinks,' she yelled, gave us a nod then hurried off.
We went over to the bar where the bartender gave the others their drinks then looked us up and down.
'The infamous Ouran Host Club?' he raised an eyebrow. I recognised him as the man who passed us earlier.
'How did you know?' Huni gasped.
'Idiot king,' he pointed in Tamaki's direction, 'Shadow King, devil twins, cute kind and tall n' silent guy. Haru-koi talks about you sometimes,' he nodded politely.
'You're the fiancé!' Tamaki shrieked, returning from his corner, the twins glared at Kyo.
'That's me,' Kyo grinned then frowned slightly, 'I'm sorry if this sounds rude but what're you doing here? Not your kind of place is it?'
'We came to visit Haruhi, our best friend,' Hikaru narrowed his eyes.
'Yet you haven't visited in the past three years? Even when Haruhi suggested it, I was there last time she asked if you were free for coffee or something,'
'I...' Hikaru stopped, flushing slightly from embarrassment.
'Don't worry though; she doesn't hold a grudge, she'll probably be happy to see you,' did he exaggerate the 'probably' part in that sentence. I small bubble of annoyance popped in my head but I wasn't going to let emotions cloud my senses.
'Did you meet through work?' I asked, generally curious.
'Nope we go to the same law school. We just decided to work here for extra cash. Haru does lots of other part time jobs I'm surprised how well she still does at school,' he looked at his watch, 'the masses will be arriving any minute now, gotta go get more drink, we're understaffed today,' then he bid us goodbye.
We soon found out that Kyo wasn't lying, within half an hour the space filled with people, most in their early twenties and lots seemed to know members of staff personally. The mass of people slowly swallowed me and the others; forcing me to talk to people I really didn't want to and after a while, I don't know how long it's been, I was starting to get fed up with getting hit on by stupid women and that I was more of a light weight than Tamaki. I mean, how is it fair that he's been throwing back drinks but is dancing with practically every girl he sees without falling over.
Ha, at least that jealous boyfriend threatened to beat him up.
I decided to order another drink to pass the time.
'Seen Haruhi yet?' one of the Hitachiins, Kaoru I think, appeared beside me.
'I – I dunno, I mean, no, noI haven't,' Kaoru gave me an odd look. Damn it my head's all fuzzy.
Hikaru stumbled up to us a few moments later, breaking up the awkwardness, 'I think I just got hit on by a guy,' he stammered, 'he touched my butt, MY BUTT!'
'So... You're not gay then?' did I just say that?
Hikaru spluttered, 'Wah... Huh? No!' he looked mortified, priceless. Kaoru laughed at his bother until I asked him if he was gay, which received another spluttered, half believable no.
'Guys, guys!' Huni stumbled over to us with flushed cheeks, 'I think that might be Haru-chan!'
'How can you tell? It's so dark on the stage,' Tamaki came to complete the group.
'Have you finished flirting yet?' Hikaru poked Tamaki.
'Silence, you're attracting unwanted attention,' I shot him a glare that would have sent him to his mushroom corner if a blinding white light hadn't come on the stage.
And there was Haruhi.
It was true she most definitely didn't look like a boy any more. Her hair was still relatively short, framing her face then flicking out in soft spikes to about her chin but her eyes were still the same, they seemed to reflect all of the different colours from the light lasers. Her face somehow managed to be soft but serious at the same time; she waved at everyone and smiled slightly.
There were many things going through my head and I'm sure I can speak for all of the hosts when I say one of my primary thoughts was what is she doing on stage, with a microphone none the less? I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be stand up comedy.
'She isn't going to sing is she?' Hikaru frowned.
'I didn't think she could,' Kaoru added, 'that's what Ranka-san said.'
The microphone crackled and that was the first time we realised there was a man standing next to Haruhi, he half-grinned, half-smirked behind his microphone, I could tell before he even opened his mouth he was a total ass.
'Hey pretty ladies,' he winked and smiled wider. Damnit I wanted to rip his throat out, 'and dudes.'
Dude? I'm most certainly not a 'dude'.
'Hope your all having a great time,' I was until you appeared, 'now our cute little Haru-chan here is going to start the night,' he gestured for her to step forward then placed a hand behind her back a nudged her forward.
I narrowed my eyes, his hand was a little too low for my liking and Haruhi seemed to agree, she jumped slightly and shot him a glare, the annoying man just laughed then backed away and grabbed a guitar from the side, leaving her standing at the front.
She coughed once and took the microphone almost hesitantly in her hands then turned her head to give a signal to jackass 'dude'.
'She is going to sing!' Tamaki seemed excited, Huni jumped up and down excitedly. Why must they make people think we're a freak show? Why am I here? I can't remember, never mind, I have decided alcohol is my friend. Ah, so warm and fuzzy.
A guitar snapped me out of what I could only admit to being a drunken stupor. Haruhi sighed and then opened her mouth to sing.
Guess this means you're sorry
You're standing at my door
Guess this means you take back
What you said before
Like how much you wanted
Anyone but me
Said you'd never come back
But here you are again
By this point I think most of the host club's jaws were on the floor, catching flies. I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised myself, for all I had heard about her music grades from her father I had expected a hidden C.D but I hadn't spotted one.
Cuz we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you
Haruhi's jaw almost dropped I saw her do a double take then almost forgot to keep singing. Yes, she had seen us and the next time she turned in our direction she smiled in our direction.
Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for trying' to pick a fight
I know that I've got issues
But you're pretty messed up too
Anyway, I found out I'm nothing without you
Cuz we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you
Being with you is so dysfunctional
I really shouldn't miss you, but I can't let go
Oh yeah
Cuz we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you
Haruhi stopped singing, looking slightly tired out, she waved goodnight to the crowd then disappeared.
There was silence (between our weird little group anyway, in the background the annoying guy had started another song) until Hikaru broke it.
'How come she never sang like that when we did karaoke?'
'Because I didn't want to,' Haruhi had appeared behind uh, holding a bottle in on hand, sipping from whatever it was.
'Haruhi!' There were a series of squeals and shrieks and she rolled her eyes as she was subjected to a bombardment of hugs but she laughed.
'You look so pretty Haru-chan!' Huni exclaimed, Haruhi didn't seem bothered at all by being given a compliment by a handsome boy. She hadn't changed.
'And you guys look... drunk,' she raised an eyebrow. I didn't say anything; I'd probably just prove her point with some incoherent babble. Tamaki on the other hand spluttered and waved his hands around for a bit.
'Psh,' he waved a hand dismissively, Haruhi gave him a look, 'maybe.'
Haruhi shook her head, 'I have to go back on stage soon so I'm going to call you a cab unless you have another way home that doesn't include driving.'
'I can drive,' I insisted although I most certainly didn't feel like driving, sleep sounded nice now.
'Uh, no you can't,' Kyo joined us, changed from his work clothes so I guess his shift had ended, 'you guys bought at least six drinks each.'
'Takashi can't leave his car here though,'
'I can drive, if you trust me,' Haruhi offered, we looked at her incredulously, 'what? Normal people can drive to you know.'
Mori handed over his car key to her willingly, Haruhi seemed grateful for his trust.
'You can come by tomorrow and pick it up, I'm assuming you already know where I live,'
'Affirmative,' the twins leant their arms on her shoulders, Kyo coughed but they ignored him.
'Stalkers as per usual I see,' Haruhi rolled her eyes again then pulled her mobile from her the pocked of her shorts and call a cab.
And that was how the host club were reunited with Haruhi and I experience the worst hangover of my life.
*Please, humour me here and say there is no such thing as satnav, there may be some explanation for why but to be honest I'm just rubbish ^^
PS: Have never been to a night club, I am 14 and yeah... so bear with me for sketchy details. They may also be me manipulating truth to fit the story but heck; Ouran is by no means the real world.
I hope I don't need to explain that Kyouya is drunk past some point in this chapter and he doesn't really control is thoughts and speech when he's drunk as you can see.
The song Haruhi sings isn't just randomly picked and also I like the song, it makes me happy ^^ it isn't mine (no shit) it's Kelly Clarkson's My Life Would Suck Without You, hope nobody has an avid hate towards it O.O if so, sorry for annoying you.
What you need to o if you want this story to continue
I am posting the introduction to three stories (Though this is the only one with a full chapter) and then the one with the most votes on my poll/ encouragement/ begging (XD) will be taken up first, the other two will follow closely. I guess it's kind of stupid having five stories going at once but I have the ideas and the one that people like the most will be the one continued first.