This idea is weird but it has been in my head for a while so I decided to try it out ^^ Hope you like it, if not, just stop reading
Disclaimer: Hatori Bisco is not me, will never be me, even in later chapters, surprise, surprise.
Haruhi was late to the Host Club, again. It wasn't her fault but of course she would get the blame.
Haruhi ran along a quiet street, clutching the bag with coffee tubs inside. The twins had told her that she needed to restock the coffee supply so she had decided to do it just before she was expected at the Host Club but there had been a long queue at the supermarket so Haruhi's plans were spoilt.
I can't believe I'm letting these people push me around, Haruhi thought disapprovingly at herself, I don't want to draw attention to myself so I guess I'll have to put up with it.
Haruhi was sidetracked from her thoughts by a hand on her shoulder. She turned around warily. She eyed the person in front of her.
'Hi Tetsuya-san, I'm kind of busy, sorry, so I have to go,' Haruhi turned around and proceeded to the school.
'Oh please Haruhi, stop pretending you don't know who I am,' Tetsuya tilted his head and grinned.
'I know who you are but it doesn't matter, leave before I have to hurt you,' Haruhi hissed,' why are you talking to me now anyway? You just ignored me before.'
'Feisty aren't we? But I wouldn't expect otherwise. You shouldn't hurt me; I know your location now so I can tell The Authority, unless you're nice to me I'll give you away,' he leant down and looked her in the eye, 'I doubt a midget like you could do much anyway,'
'You can't contact them anymore that I can, you're an outcast, nobody will believe you,'
'Damn, your mama taught you a lot didn't she?' Tetsuya laughed, 'didn't help her did it? Did she tell you it was her fault I'm down here, just because I'm blood related? I hated that woman, wouldn't stay quiet, had to tell everyone just what she thought.'
'Leave my mom out of this,' Haruhi glared, she was getting angry and she knew that wasn't good.
'Poor little baby,' Tetsuya simpered, 'you were so weak your mama died protecting you, don't you feel guilty?'
'Shut up,' Haruhi clenched her fists.
'She died because of you,'
'Shut up!' Haruhi yelled, her blood was boiling and she felt the back of her shirt and blazer rip. Tetsuya jumped back in surprise and Haruhi glanced around, checking nobody was there, 'shit, and she jumped into the air, she had to get away before she was seen.
'A thunderstorm is brewing, princess!' Tetsuya called after her with one last laugh then walked away.
This was NOT a full chapter, just an introduction thing. I am posting the introduction to three stories and then the one with the most votes on my poll/ encouragement/ begging (XD) will be taken up first, the other two will follow closely. I guess it's kind of stupid having five stories going at once but I have the ideas and the one that people like the most will be the one continued first.
This into may be edited/completely changed if it doesn't fit in with the story I have planned but not likely as I am far to last -.-