By Rizember


Chapter 9: Wicked weekends and other wild warfare


Four days had passed since Tsunade declared my badassed-ness and removed me from the Mweru hostels into Emirés and I was happy to say I had survived all four of


Classes were interesting, even the chemistry ones, considering there was so much I didn't know about even the most basic of monster knowledge.

It had me going between two extremes: resenting my parents for not having taught me much about Konoha and loving them for leaving out so much information that I

actually found it interesting.

My days were filled with classes and friends and my nights were filled with Sasuke, Mizuki and dreams of murdering them both.

I had to admit, Mizuki now just served to add a new hate target instead of getting rid of the old one. But neither me nor Sasuke had kerned yet so that was something.

Maybe Mizuki being a douche took special training and was actually a pre-requisite for teaching people to stop kerning.

While Mizuki occasionally found time in his insults to actually say something about chakra control, it was usually only to point out that we lacked it.

Needless to say, there was so much killer intent from me and Sasuke going toward him that I supposed we greatly lessened that for ourselves.

I'd been eating from my room, not that I was avoiding Sai or any of the other future convicts I was living with, but I just found myself suddenly too busy for company.

Iruka hadn't yet managed to work out any free time so all my free periods were spent with Sasori in the library.

When Sakura had found out, she'd started coming, too and dragging the others along with her, saying she didn't want any of us to be kicked out if school in our first


But, joy of joys, it was finally Friday.

I wondered what it was monsters in college did on weekends, especially seeing as how we weren't allowed to go home.

When I asked, Sasori had simply smiled and said, "What don't we do?"

So, it was with great anticipation that I went through my classes, knowing that afterwards, I'd have to meet with Sasori in the library and then I'd see what all the fuss

was about.

I could feel the excited tension everywhere I went.

Other years looked like they wanted nothing more than to skip their next classes and get to the good part and all the whispering they were doing was killing my


My first two classes were both two-hour periods.

I sat in my first class of the day and suppressed all my groans.

I was sitting between Kiba and Gaara who seemed just as edgy as me.

Advanced math with Professor Asuma.

It blew by mostly because he knew we couldn't wait for it to end so he had us taking notes and solving equations the whole time we were in there, being sure that we

were too preoccupied with feeling like idiots who couldn't add, to actually concentrate on the fact that it was a Friday.

Sasori looked amused as he led us to our next class but didn't say anything.

Kurenai wasn't so understanding.

She gave us so much work for slacking off and daydreaming that we were sure the only time we'd get it all done would be after we graduated.

Glumly, we left her class with Sasori who seemed to be doing his best to not speak at all.

Monster Psychology with professor Kotetsu however, was fun and unfortunately, only one hour long before lunch time.

We had discovered during the week that Kotetsu had some seriously strange form of multiple personality disorder.

Either that or he was just nuts.

He wore extravagantly weird outfits everyday.

So far, he'd been a biker, a judge (complete with stupid-looking wig) and a fairytale prince.

Today though, he was apparently a caveman.

At least, I hoped he was a caveman. Otherwise the animal skin loin cloth was completely inappropriate.

"Good afternoon class," he greeted pleasantly.

We mumbled greetings back and he turned his hand with a flourish.

Abruptly, the ceiling turned into a detailed map of the school. Except for some things that struck me as quiet different from the real thing.

Like, on the map, the strip of land between the two lakes was missing and also, according to the image, the whole university was surrounded by the lake.

Like it was a moat.

Or like the university was an island on a lake.


"Today, we will focus on the way a monster's surroundings affect them, using our university as an example," Kotetsu started.

"Those of you who are more observant than others will have already seen the differences between the map above and what you see when you're outside.

The most noticeable thing, is the water surrounding the university that only appears to be two lakes to you when you see it outside. Who can tell me which is the

reality and which is the illusion?"

Gaara lifted his glass, swirling the blood-substitute and Kotetsu nodded at him.

"The illusion is what we see," Gaara said in his bored drawl. "The reality is that the university is surrounded by what would looked like a moat on a small scale but is

actually one large body of water."

"Very good," Kotetsu nodded. "And why is that?"

"To accommodate the wards protecting the school," Gaara replied. "Which are mostly water-based protections. Also, the illusion is there to prevent the monsters that

would feel claustrophobic from losing their minds."

I looked at the vampire sitting by me, impressed.

"Exactly," Kotetsu said with a pleased smile. "Certain monsters are likely to have adverse effects if they know that they are closed in, especially considering the fact

that Konoha University is actually an island.

I gaped as did most of the other students.

The water around the school now suddenly seemed to much more foreboding.

"The island rests on Lake Keylan. Monsters that have natural fire or earth based powers like pyres and aries, would react to the knowledge instinctively. Their powers

would lash out or would diminish, until they feel that they can not do any magic. Does anyone know any other changes in the map?"

"The waterfall behind the forest," Kiba said without preamble, apparently not to be out down by a vampire.

Gaara smirked.

Kotetsu nodded. "Yes, however, like Emires, that area is restricted and extremely dangerous. And because some of you idiots will probably see that as a dare and go

off looking for it, it's best that you know that the waterfall is also covered by wards and if you happen to go anywhere near it, chances are you will end up waking in

circles until we come find you. Or your remains."

I stared at the map looking for the waterfall. Looking at the school, the buildings were right near the edge of the island and behind all the buildings was a dense forest

almost forming a crescent around the university.

At the very end of the island, right at the forest's edge and farthest away from the university buildings, was a waterfall. The image seemed to move forward when I

was searching for it, almost as if it was being helpful just for me.

"Why do we call them lakes then?" a girl asked from the back. "And won't the fact that we know we're closed in now affect us?"

Kotetsu grinned. "Excellent questions. We call them 'the Keylan lakes' because it helps the illusion as well as your assurance. Even though you know, the fact that your

eyes see what they see will affect any information that you now know to be true. That's the beauty of illusions. Especially large scale ones like these."

"So what other illusions are there?" the goat boy, faun, whatever, who I had found out was called Adam, asked.

"Well, there's the obvious one for the air monsters," Kotetsu said with an evil grin. "They can not fly over one mile into the sky."

"That doesn't sound so bad," Kiba said with a snort.

"Most monsters are typically used to flying much higher than that," the professor said, looking at Kiba like he'd heard what he said.

Kiba shifted uneasily in his seat.

"The reactions would be similar to earth and fire monsters with water but for air monsters, this knowledge would result in actual illness, as if they were caged, underfed


"Won't they know they aren't flying high?"

"You'd think that but once again, that's the beauty of illusions. They don't always just have to be what you see. They affect all the senses. Magic could be used to

change what you taste, feel, hear, smell and see. So while they are flying out there and thinking they are almost astronauts, in reality, without too many clouds, we

could probably see them."

"What about neutral monsters?" another person asked.

"Ah yes, neutral mosters," Kotetsu said thoughtfully. "You see, very few monsters actually have natural-born affinities for elements as they are just monsters.

For example, witches use magic well but do not have any particular affinity and as such, while a mother may control fire, her daughter can control water.

For monsters like hydruids, it is standard. You and your ancestors will all control water, without exception.

In your second year, you will each find out which element you are most suited for. Not everyone can master an element and to be fair, not everyone has an affinity for

one, but with even the smallest chance that air likes you, that will be your affinity and you will train to control it.

We can all use magic but you'll find that monsters that have natural talents for particular elements excel in magic to do with those elements. For example, water fey

magic is unparalleled except by water spirits and pyres have excellent fire production, not so much fire control. Aries have the best earth magic and for flying dragons,

air. These are not restrictions, however, as magic is magic, whether it takes specific forms or not.

So, in a battle, Aries can make all the earthquakes they want but that won't stop someone from simply shooting them in the head."

Kotetsu went on to explain the other details that were there and effectively kept us interested for the rest of his time.

Before the others walked to Dayan, Sakura pulled me aside. She'd taken to sitting away from us with Hinata and Lucy, the diclonious girl.

She looked worried.

"Naruto, do you think maybe we could try talk Tsunade into letting you back into Dayan? It's no fun without you questioning everything."

I raised an eyebrow at that. "I do not question everything. I ask questions about everything. Get you grammar right."

Sakura gave me a dry look. "Whatever nerd. What do you say?"

I shrugged. "I wouldn't mind."

"Way too be enthusiastic about it," she muttered.

I smiled. "Emirés isn't so bad."

"I just don't what you to get hurt."

"Don't worry, I'm awesome."

"Yes, I'm sure that powerful phrase will keep death away."

"Been working so far."

Sakura sighed and walked away, muttering about how I was a newly evolved kind of moron.

"I heard that!" I shouted.

"I didn't say you were a deaf moron!" she shouted back.

I waved at the guys and ran to Emirés.

This being Friday, I wanted to see if I could get as much information as I could from the older years.

I found Sasori at the entrance talking to Sai.

"Hi," I greeted.

"Naruto," Sai turned to me. "Lunch?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I'm eating with you guys today."

Sai smiled slowly. "Sure."

Sasori rolled his eyes at that before stepping in front of me and saying, "Drink him and I'll kill you."

Sai chuckled.

It was then that I noticed that instead of his wand twirling away in his hand, he had a large juice bottle with a straw.

I blanched, looking at Sai warily.

"You're a vampire."

Sai winked. "Yes and might I say what a struggle it has been to not drink you."

Sasori sighed at that before he turned to face me. "He likes to talk a lot of vampire smack but he's trustworthy."

"Which was why you had to warn him first?" I asked drily.

"Exactly," he smiled. "Anyway, I'm off to Dayan. I'll see you after your next class."

I frowned. "But...I have a free period."

"Library," Sasori said in a voice that brooked no argument, especially with how he was now gripping his wand, like he'd challenge me to a duel if I refused to study.

"Fine," I grumbled.

He smiled, pleased as punch and waved.

Left with Sai, I frowned.

"Why do you have a wand if you're a vampire?" I asked him directly.

He chuckled. "Somehow I doubt that's a mystery that'll eat you up inside but I will tell you one day."

"Are you a Lorian?" I asked.

Sai chuckled. "Both my parents are vampires. Besides, you should know," he stepped forward into my personal bubble. "You're the only Lorian alive."

"Do vampires count as being 'alive'?" I asked, moving away.

"Of course," he grinned, showing his fangs. "We just have terribly blood-thirsty reputations and rumours of all this undead business following us around..."

With that, he turned and led the way up teh stairs to the roof where the others were eating.

Sasuke was sitting at a table in the corner talking to a group of people and if all their laughter was anything to go by, he was either making a complete arse of himself,

or he was telling one hell of a story.

My money was on him being an arse.

Sai sat down by the rain-woman, a girl called Gesha who always had a rain cloud right over her head and a group of other monsters.

It was difficult to know what type of monsters they were, especially when they looked human.

Waitresses had already brought the food and as Sai and I helped ourselves, I asked him again.

"What are you?"

Shooting me an amused glance, he said, "I'm a vampire."

"A full-blooded one?"


I sighed. "Then-"

"I drank from a witch once and she transferred some of her powers into me."

I gaped. "Seriously?"

He nodded.

"Can you do that with whoever-"

"No," he said, suddenly serious. "Only really powerful monsters can give away power. And she transferred them willingly."


"So many questions," Sai said a suddenly. "How about we move onto another topic?"

I nodded, feeling bad for having pestered him about it. "Sorry."

Sai sighed and then gave me a small smile. "It's okay."

"I didn't mean to offend you. I was just-"

"Curious?" he whispered.


"And I'm curious about what you taste like," he said, eyeing my neck.

I put a hand protectively over it. "What is it with vampires and my blood?"

"It's not just vampires," Sai laughed, backing away.

When I raised an eyebrow at that, he chuckled.

"You have amazingly selective amnesia, don't you?"


"Pein, the demon who sucked your blood? Yeah, him. You also may not have noticed it but a lot of other dark monsters have a thing for your blood."


"You ask 'why' a lot," he groaned. "And it's because your blood smells delicious."

"I'm flattered," I muttered.

He nodded and dug into his rare steak. I took that as my cue to start demolishing my own meal.

(I am a vampire page break. I suck. And swallow)

Sai walked me to my next class, seeing as how we monsters at Emires had all kind of stayed on our rooftop restaurant setting longer than we should have.

Even though I'd been with the people from the other years, I was no closer to knowing what happened on weekends than I was before lunch.

They all just smirked or ruffled my hair or something.

There were some who even pretended I hadn't said anything.

I had obviously missed the other first years as Sasori had already taken them to our next class.

Sai walked me there, twirling his wand and occasionally taking a sip from his bottle.

"So what kind of blood do you drink?"

He glanced at me as we entered Trident. "Animal blood, usually sheep. Tastes like grass and dirt, not appealing I assure you."

"Why not switch to something else?"

He shrugged. "What does your friend drink?"

"Fake blood mostly," I said, remembering Gaara's blood-flavoured 'juice'.

"The human flavoured one?"
"Yeah, I think so."

Sai grimaced. "Must be hard for him to be around you then."

I remembered Gaara's eyes, fully gold and undeniably hungry as he tried to walk away from me.

"Yeah, it is."

Sai ruffled my hair as we finally stopped at the large doors. "He's a good friend, then."

With that, he walked away and I entered class.

Orochimaru was already into his lecture and after waving for me to sit down, I took a seat by Lee and Shino. All my friends were seated at the back and they waved at

me, with Kiba and Gaara smirking at the fact that I was stuck sitting right in front of Orochimaru.

I gave them both the finger, being sure Orochimaru didn't see me.

With everything Kotetsu had said about elements, there was quite the air of expectation in the class.

"At the core of every element is magic. Untamed, unseen, unnoticed.

This being said, magic is everywhere. Those with the base level of chakra are the only ones capable of using them. This limit is called the 'monster line'. Anyone above it

are monsters, below are the normal humans.

At the centre of elemental control is a spell.

Spell casting is required to do any spells, especially spells involving the elements.

That is why spell casting is covered under elements 101," Orochimaru said proudly. "What you need to do spells is simple.

Magic, intent and power.

We all have the magic. What differs is the intent and the power, chakra.

Instantaneous magic is magic that is performed with immediacy. The thought, intent and magic occur almost simultaneously. Wizards, witches and warlocks are the only

monsters capable of this. Can anyone tell me why?"

I heard Sakura's voice call out, "Thousands of years of practice."

Orochimaru chuckled. "That is what they'd like us to believe. In truth, they have an innate rapid chakra pulsing.

Chakra pulsing is the feel of your chakra whenever you do magic. It can come from accidentally levitating things, from sudden extreme emotions and from kerning, to

mention a few.

These pulses are always small and very rarely are they felt, even by the caster. However, over the millennia, there have been several reports of pulses felt by others or

even large masses of people. The last one was felt seventeen years ago when a Lorian was born."

Orochimaru's eyes rested on me for a moment before he continued. "The pulse was said to have been from the child's parents at the joy of having their son. Being

powerful monsters themselves, this was not exactly impossible but it was unexpected. Before that, only a few had been noticed and recorded in the books of the Mage


So, innate magic and fast pulsing chakra speed means witches, warlocks and wizards can perform instantaneous magic.

Other monsters can perform magic as well, just not as fast as most witches seeing as how they use gestures, hands and thoughts.

Thoughts are usually the slowest, having no gesture to concentrate on intent.

Witches use wands to prevent their magic from being too destructive or from using too much chakra.

Because of the speed and intent, they could easily miscalculate or even get distracted and injure themselves or others. Wands were created to control and protect in

their use. Witches were also the most radical magic users and tended to be accident prone before the invention of wands.

Other monsters however, are slower but not by much. While they may certainly lose a spell battle against a witch, they can still increase the speed of their casting and

even surpass witches, although this theory has not been proved.

If tied up however, all monsteres tend to be somewhat useless...although it would be just for a few seconds.

Because of this, I will encourage everyone here to try use magic without a tool. You never know when you might be chained to a wall by a lunatic," he muttered.

When he was done, we were dismissed and before I could be properly relieved, Sasori came and announced, "All first years are to report to the library for a study


"Why?" Kiba asked, obviously afraid of the very real danger that was paper cuts.

"Because I said so," Sasori said with a grim smile.

We trudged our way through the grass to the library tower, mumbling and swearing underneath our breath.

Inside the library, Sasori pulled me aside and had me sit with him.

"This feels like a conspiracy," I said, glaring openly at him.

"You're paranoid," he replied. "Completely right, of course. But still paranoid."

I sighed, ready to sleep my way through the damn period.

Sasori nudged me with his wand and gave me a book.

I looked at it and immediately, my interest was piqued.

It was titled 'Werewolves of Konoha'.

Ignoring Sasori's smug grin, I immediately started reading. It started with explaining wolves' characteristics and other boring notes but I soon got lost in the text.

'...Werewolves in Konoha are different from those living in the human world.

In the human world, werewolves transform every full moon and tend to be vicious uncontrollable bloodthirsty beasts no greater than hungry vampires. They return to their

normal forms once the sun is up.

In Konoha however; Io, Lars and Xi are the three moons responsible for transformations and all three must be full for a werewolf to transform. Of course, this does not apply to

wolves that suffer from Moonrush.

'Moon rush' is the term used to describe a condition of uncontrollable violent urges and sometimes, incomplete transformations that some werewolves undergo. This is not

common as only two out of every thousand werewolves suffer from it.

Moon rush happens when only one or two moons are full.

For the werewolf community to transform as a whole, all three moons must be full.

this does not apply to Phasors but as per tradition, phasors join the rest of the werewolves during transformations.

When all moons are full, the wolves typically celebrate by acting like children; running around in forests, urinating on trees and being general nuisances to woodland creatures.

Most wolf packs meet with others in secluded forests to celebrate their transformations until sunrise after which they all return to their own lives.

In universities like Konoha, Suna and Mira, where students are not allowed to leave, large areas are given for such gatherings.

Transformations occurring during the full moon are perfectly safe as the wolves remain sentient and in control of their actions. In addition to this, while they hunt as is their

instinct to, they do not kill humans or other monsters but deer or any other un-sentient animals.'

I blinked at that.

I recalled that my dad and grandfather often left during the full moon back in the human world and my mom would grumble about being left behind like a geek for a cool


I tore a part of my notebook and left it as a bookmark while I skimmed through, looking for something about my current situation.

I hadn't noticed any other Kerners, obviously, but that didn't mean there were no betrothed wolves already at the university.

I knew I couldn't tell what a monster was unless they had some pretty obvious features or unless they showed me but I was curious as to how other wolves could be

here, be betrothed and not kill their mate.

The instinct to kill was there for them as well...wasn't it?

I found the chapter heading 'Betrothals' and read through it hurriedly, rushing to a part I thought would actually be helpful and not just informative.

'...Werewolves hate their betrothed because of the fact that they are their equals. Their nature is typically one of dominance, with key roles taken as they are.

Though there is no discrimination and even women may be alphas, strength is a deciding factor.

Werewolves get over their hatred for their betrothed in two ways, gradually or in an instant (as are the only options really, unless they just kill them).

Friendships may grow where the hatred is forgotten or a major event may occur, causing a change of heart.

One such event was a witches' spell cast on a betrothed in 1435. The witches council, tired of the neighbours- two quarrelling wolves, removed the hate and replaced it with


However, when the spell wore off, the couple immediately killed each other.'

I snorted. Real romantic...

'*Betrothed wolves are equal. this is true in every aspect. However, this fact may be doubted because of the murder of one by the other but every managed kill in the first five

minutes is opportunistic, not a matter of skill or superiority.

Most families separate betrothed couples by sending them away for a few years. If the betrothed are students, for example, one may transfer to another school until the

instinct lessens or dies off completely without the fodder of constantly being around each other.'

Why the hell this wasn't done for me, I had no idea.

'*However, if forced to be together, respect and friendship may grow, overcoming the hatred but still maintaining the underlying need to kill their partner.

The causes of this friendship or respect may vary. For example, one may have a child and not want to affect the child with violence.

When this, a truce of sorts, is acknowledged, both parties undergo a feeling of euphoria, like a drug-induced high, which is their magic marked seal reacting to the verbal, written

or accepted agreement. This event, called "Ascension" happens to the majority of wolf betrothed and marks the beginning of-'

"-to go?"

I blinked up at Sasori. "Sorry, what?"

"I was asking if you're ready to go,"

I stared at a clock on the wall. An hour had already passed?

I smiled. "Uh yeah, may I borrow this book?"

He nodded. "Just check it out with the librarian."

He pointed at the librarian and I walked up to the stern-looking old woman. The name tag on her sweater read 'Miss Chiyo'.

I sighed and whispered, "Good afternoon, I'd like to borrow this book."

She eyed me for a moment before nodding briskly, giving me a card and stamping the book.

"Have it back by next Friday."

I nodded and she gave me another nod before pointedly staring at the door as if telling me to scram.

I walked away with my apparently new library card and found Sasori blocking the door to the outside.

The first years were all waiting impatiently and Sasori chuckled when I moved forward. Beside him, Tsunade was standing and watching us all with irritation.

"Honestly, they act like they've never had a Friday before," she mumbled to herself.

Finally, she called for all of us to shut the hell up.

"When these doors open, so does your weekend. I trust you will greatly enjoy yourselves and will not do anything that *will get you expelled after I turn you into a

toad. Remember, the weekend is strictly Friday and Saturday. If any of you monsters even try to be hooligans on Sunday, I will drown you in the lakes."

We gulped and backed away as she turned and opened the doors with a flourish.

We slowly walked outside and froze, all of us in awe of what was going on around us.

I could feel the excitement of everyone around me, even as Kiba and Gaara made their way forward to stand by me.

It was difficult to explain what was happening cause it looked like...everything...was happening.

Not too far from where we were standing, a couple of fairies were apparently giving in to their innate evil and must have been putting people under illusions cause the

guy they were laughing at was professing his undying love to Gai who was looking pleased that someone loved him.

I heard Sakura snort behind me and mutter, "Tch, amateurs."

I supposed witches looked down on fairies as well.

A few of the third years were by the lakes, making it snow.

I spotted Sai there. Him and some warlocks were waving their wands at the air over by the lakes.

The clouds they were producing were small and just at the height of tall trees but they were letting snow flakes fall down onto the students below who were having a

snowball battle. Others were skating on the frozen surface of the lake.

Sai looked at me and my eyes widened.

His lips were dark red and then I saw the glass in his free hand.

He raised it in a toast to me, looking like his eyes were zoning in on my neck and I turned away quickly, looking at Gaara- the safe vampire, who was drinking his juice

through a straw and...also staring at my neck.

"Honestly," I muttered, shoving passed him and walking to Sakura and Hinata who I was sure didn't want my blood.

The blond I'd seen with Sasuke was arguing with the walking shark and apparently fighting with fire and water. The shark-guy was winning if the drenched blond was

anything to go by.

Flying monsters were in the air, swooping and trying to catch each other and I saw a couple of witches on broomsticks, sending suspicious looking sparks from their

wands at each other as they flew.

It was beautiful.

I looked up in the sky when I heard a roar and saw some dragons made from fire, being controlled by students I assumed were fifth years and there was some girl

riding on ice like the fire guy in fantastic four does.

There was absolutely no order anywhere.

Everyone was doing what they wanted but they were obviously showing off.

"So...what do you think?" Sasori asked, nudging me with his elbow.

I laughed, shaking my head. Some guys were forming large waves on the lakes while others were surfing on them.

"Snowball fights, fire dragons, flying..." I said in awe. "It's a lot to take in."

"Yeah," he grinned. "Tsunade introduced it when she started here as Dean. A few hours of the day when students can use their magic and powers without


I blinked. "What? Just a few hours?"

He nodded. "No worries. Saturdays are way more fun."

"What do you do on Saturdays?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

"I hate you."

He snorted and waved at the third years. "Wanna join the snowball fight?"

It was like the first years were suddenly snapped out of whatever spell they were under. We all ran for something we saw that we figured was interesting.

Me, Kiba and Gaara ran for the third years who were having the snowball fight and challenged their asses to a battle against us first years.

They pulverised us, using magic and obviously cheating, but it was fun.

They somehow made a large snowman chase us around and we had to admit defeat when the snowman sat on Kiba and refused to get off.

"Why aren't you using magic?" Sai asked, mocking us.

Tch, like we had any time to concentrate on magic or even make snowballs. We were outnumbered and outmagicked.

The three of us were covered in snow and breathless from all our running so it was sort of strange to see girls lying down by the lakes a short distance from us, getting

tanned from some fireballs floating above their heads.

Hinata was having a man-on-man fight with a faun and Sakura was surfing.

"I love it here!" Kiba shouted, riding a horse made of mud.

I couldn't help but agree before going off with Gaara to where the demons were making horrifying illusions and scaring students.

When the sun set, someone made pillars of fire all around us, giving us light.

I stared at them. "This is amazing."

Gaara hummed in agreement and tugged me forward.

"Where are we-"

"Dinner," he cut me off.

That was when I saw tables set with food like a buffet.

"I say we never graduate and stay here forever," Kiba said, walking up to us from where he'd been exploring tunnels made by some aries.

"That won't be so hard for you," Sakura smirked as she walked passed us.

Gaara snickered while I tried hard not to smile.

I saw Sai and Sasori still by the lakes, both of them yelling at someone I couldn't see clearly.

I was about to walk there when I bumped into someone.

I froze.


He looked at me, undeniably irritated by my very presence.

The people around us stopped whatever they were doing and stared at us.

I was fully prepared to kick his ass if I had to but then instead of kerning, punching me or doing anything particularly bastard-like, he simply sighed and mumbled,

"Watch it." before walking away and continuing his conversation with his friends.

That bastard.

How dare he!

I was just as shocked as everyone else and very, very confused.

What the hell had just happened?

"Did you want to fight again?" Gaara asked, watching my expression.

I shook my head. "No...not really."

He shrugged and we went to get our food.

Sasuke was alittle ahead of us and it occurred to me that I had no idea if we were meeting with Mizuki again.

No doubt the sadist would want us in his cold lecture hall, grudgingly freezing our asses off inside when we could we could willingly freeze them off outside while having


Steeling myself, I walked to him and tapped his shoulder.

He turned, dark eyes boring into mine and pale skin looking orange from the fire pillar light.

An eyebrow was raised in question and I took in a deep breath.

"Mizuki...are we still seeing him tonight?"

The Uchiha grimaced, "No. That asshole can listen to the sound of his own voice for a few hours."

"Somehow I think he'll make us suffer for ditching," I said with a thoughtful frown.

People were watching us, I knew, but at the moment, Mizuki seemed to be my biggest issue.

"Scared?" Sasuke smirked. "We can take him."

I snorted, ignoring his jab. "And then we can get expelled."

"If he's in excruciating pain, it will have been worth it."

I almost smiled at that, completely in agreement. It took a full second before I realized we were having a semi-civil conversation. Sure we were kinda talking about

assaulting and/or murdering a lecturer but still...

I could still feel the instinct to kill him but I was also still on a high from all the fun I'd just had with my friends and was feeling so alive from all the magic that was

potent in the air that for now...

For now, Sasuke could live.

I'd kill him later.

(I am a werewolf page break. woof)

Morning was peaceful and calm and-


I fell off my bed and stayed on the ground, silently promising bloody murder to the fool who had just-

"Morning Naruto."

I groaned.

"Why the fuck are you in my room? I thought I never had to see you again."

Itachi chuckled warmly and waved his hand in the air as if clearing off everything I'd just said.

"Get dressed. The war's about to begin."

I climbed back onto my bed and-


I shot a glare at Sai who was now standing by Itachi.

They looked silly, standing side by side like that, Itachi with a bottle of alcohol, Sai with a bottle of blood... maybe together they could make a bloody mary.

An alarm rang, not like the dragons but like the type of alarm one would hear at summer camp. Loud and undeniably annoying.

"Monsters! You have fifteen minutes to get to the lakes and huddle up according to species. The Battle is about to begin," I heard Tsunade announce.

I blinked at the two in front of me and sighed, getting up and hurriedly changing.

As I brushed my teeth, Itachi yelled, "There's no time for a quick wank, get out here!"

I gritted my teeth and spat before walking out, ready to kill itachi.

Him and Sai led the way, running down the stairs three at a time like they were children.

As we approached the lakes, I saw all the years gathered there already, chatting away excitedly.

"What's going on?" I asked Sai.

He grinned but didn't answer.


"Group up now!" Tsunade shouted, her voice easily carrying over to the rest of us.

I saw Sasuke and that lazy guy who was always sleeping, sitting by the water, with his other friends standing by him.

The girl with the buns in her hair, Tenten or something left them and went to stand off all by herself.

She suddenly phased and then, a moment later, a couple of people from the crowd followed her and stood behind her. Werewolves, I supposed. Non-phasors.

Sai winked at me and ran off to stand away from everyone. I swallowed loudly as large dark wings erupted from his back. He opened his mouth, displaying fangs and

Gaara walked towards him, waving at me. Three others followed as well and I had to assume that either there were only five vampires at the university or the rest

weren't interested in whatever was going on.

One of the vampires had slicked back white hair and the next was the kind you'd expect to find on billboards. Girls were screaming but I could only assume it was

because girls generally tend to like vampires.

Maybe being bloodthirsty killers is sexy...

It went on like that for a couple of minutes. A student would display what type of monster they were and the others would join them.

Beside me, someone pushed me toward the wolves. I didn't even have to turn to know it was Itachi. I sighed and went.

Someone on a broomstick waved a wand in the air and dozens of students followed, including Sakura.

I stood by the wolves, waiting.

They were talking excitedly and one nudged me, "Namikaze right?"

I nodded.

He grinned and yelled to the others. "We have the kerner!"

They cheered and all started talking to me at once.

Hinata and Neji, the only angels at the school were both sitting it out. The vampires, all five of them, were participating and Sasuke was still sitting away from us. I

assumed that meant he wasn't joining us.

It was probably for the best.

I seriously doubted we would be civil today.

Another alarm filled the air and I stared at my hands that had previously been free.

A large crossbow lay in my hand and I started. The other wolves each had one, too. As did the other monsters.

Oh boy.

Tsunade stepped forward.

"We will soon begin our weekly war between monsters. For the first years, this is meant to be fun so don't wet yourselves. Anyone who gets shot will fall asleep after

five minutes so if you're going down, take as many as you can with you.

You will all be allowed ten minutes into the forest and when you hear the bell, start the battle. Last monster standing gets to choose their victory!"

She wave her wand at us and we all got were suddenly wearing coloured shirts. Wolves wore green. Vampires wore red. Witches and warlocks had been separated

but I had no idea why. Witches wore White and warlocks were in yellow. Demons had black shirts and the animagi were some bright shade of pink. I could hear Kiba

complaining from where I was.

"Go!" Tsunade yelled. "And remember, no magic!"

Everyone ran for the forest and I followed. I noticed the girl, Tenten, was now in her human form and when I looked at the vampires, Sai's wings had retracted and

were gone. It was like we were all humans and...were hunting each other.

(I am a pampered page break. Wash my undies)

The witches won.

I should have been surprised, really, but I wasn't.

I was actually pretty sure that they had in fact, cheated.

Sakura still looked smug.

She'd been the one to shoot me and even though the arrow in my ass had stung like nothing else, I shot her, aiming for her heart. She'd deserved it, the backstabber.

Gaara and the other vampires hadn't lasted long. They'd charged in with their tranquilliser-tipped arrows shooting everything that moved (including branches swaying

in the wind) and had been taken out by everyone else.

The animagi males had been distracted by a girl with large breasts who'd gotten her shirt caught on a branch. while they watched her, they were shot mercilessly by

their own girls.

Needless to say, somehow, no matter how improbable, the witches won.

Their victory was our punishment:

Every one of us losers who'd been in the game was wearing frilly princess dresses.

I sighed.

And even though I was greatly embarrassed, It was fun because...well, I wasn't the only one looking like an idiot.

After we had been brought back to consciousness, Tsunade had announced the winner and said they should deliberate to choose their victory.

When I had asked Sai what that meant, he'd frowned and said, "Something dreadfully embarrassing. For all of us."

I hadn't believed him, thinking he was just being dramatic but Sakura's face when the witches were done huddling and giggling, was proof of his words,.

Tsunade had called all participants forward, tying up those who tried to escape, and had said the spell that had us all looking like we were in the worst school play


"This is Sakura's doing," Kiba grumbled, drinking heavily from his glass. "I just know it."

All around the lakes, blankets with picnic baskets were placed and Tsunade encouraged us to eat and go take showers before bed.

The battle had lasted all day and even though I was unconscious for most of it, it had been cool.

It was fun, talking with anyone and everyone, seeing people rendering the story...

I felt eyes on mine and turned.

I saw Sasuke looking amused at my frilly, fluffy dress and choking back laughter.

I gave him the finger and turned away.

Kerning would ruin my dress.

I turned back to Hinata and Sakura who were also enjoying the punishment.

"Why does this feel like a victory for the girls instead of the witches?" Sasori asked, sighing as he sat by me.

"Because it is," Sai stated drily, twirling his wand again.

"Still, it's better than the thong victory the demons had last year," Sai muttered.

Sasori winced. "Yeah, much better."

I snorted and Kiba rolled off the blanket. "They made you wear thongs?"

"They aren't called demons for nothing," Sasori grumbled.

"Why not just sit the battles out?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, I suppose."

"It's amusing to see Gaara still trying to get some while looking like a poorly dressed transvestite," Kiba choked out.

I smiled. "Knowing him, he'll still manage to make it work."

"So can we do this again tomorrow?" Kiba asked Sasori.

Sasori snorted. "No way. Studying tomorrow. And tutoring," he turned to me. "Meet me in the library at nine."

I groaned. "Seriously?"

"We can't go around shooting arrows at people all willy-nilly every day."

"Aw, why not?" Kiba whined.

Sasori just laughed and got up before he walked back to his friends. "See you tomorrow."

Sai lay down on the blanket. "You know, the corsets hurt like a bitch but these dresses aren't so bad."

"Yours has a corset?" I asked, surprised.

He looked at me. "Yours doesn't?"

I shook my head.

He glared off at Tsunade who was having a drinking contest with Itachi. "I'm going to kill her."

Kiba and I chuckled as Sai stalked off angrily to confront the Dean.

Sakura raised her glass in a toast to us and we made faces at her before lying back down and watching the sky.


A/N: as you can see, I love shooting things. It's becoming a thing in my fics XD

Also, I watched Van Helsing (yes I know, it's a lot of years too late... when was it out, 2004? Whatever) and the part where Anna is dead and appears in the

clouds is a total rip-off of lion king. I told my sister, "Just watch, she'll have a deep voice and tell him to *Remember... Or sing circle of life."

she did.


And different people want different things, I get that... so here's a few things you should know:

-This is a sasunaru fic so they will fall in love eventually.

-As cute as Gaara and Naruto are together, please refer to the above point.

-This isn't based off Hogwarts, no matter how much it seems that way. If it looks like I'm ripping Harry potter off, let me know and I will discontinue the fic. The

things is, it's a magic university and with the many common themes of both magic and monsters the world over, I suspect there will definitely be similarities,

especially with how much I LOVE harry potter XD But you don't have to worry, I'm not (knowingly) stealing from Hogwarts.

-Semesters for the university will be like my semesters here so if it's cold in June in the story and not wherever it is that you live, well, know that it's always

cold in June over here (our winter).

Also: Sasuke and Naruto interaction in the next chapter. I'd have added it here but as we all know, I sometimes can't be assed to do more (which doesn't

necessarily mean I'm an ass)... Maybe I should go from "Rizember" to "That Lazy Author".

That's all for now :)


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