Greetings beloved readers i am pleased to inform you that i am back on track for Can Not Live Without Her (earlier than i expected, REALLY early) and maybe a few other stories as well ;3 i have a lot of changes including age, characters, and plot, sorry to many changes. i'll make the story more interesting I SWEAR!


Alexander was a normal seventeen year old Roman boy back in the 200's BC he fought, was well disciplined, even when to war till the day he died in that same war and became something he hated and despised, a Vampire.

Chapter One

Alexander has missed two months of his new year at Wakeland high school, and Alexander is, once again, a junior. Michael, his brother, is in the same grade, and Ash, his adopted sister, is a year younger, so she is a sophomore. It was Alexander's first day at his new school, the family has spent a month at their new home everyone was getting their junk into the house and Benjamin, their dad, was getting their paperwork in order. The entire time Alexander has been in Frisco Texas he has become more distant from his family.

It was the last day until the Homecoming dance and Alexander's siblings are dragging him, yet again, but this time he actually wants to go. He had to find the girl of his dreams, literally. Alexander has been getting these weird dreams ever sense he got to this town, and he has this strange feeling they are connected to the dance. In his dream he cannot move or see, but he can hear just fine, there is always a girl weeping her eyes out in all directions and every time he hears them, he cannot help but want to come to her aid. The only thing going through his mind in his dreams is to shield her from what was paining her.

When Alexander got to school, he was very confused. This school, by far, was the biggest he has ever been to. If he did not know better he would say it was a collage campus, but the school had Justin Wakeland High school written over the front entrance. When they got inside Ash checked and rechecked everyone's schedules to make sure we did not have the same class together. Michael and Alexander, despite being in the same grade, have no classes together, which Alexander did not mind. Michael always treated Alexander like a nuisance, especially when he was flirting with girls. Michael had Blonde hair and sky blue eyes that most girls melted over, so he took advantage of it and dated a lot of girls, but never at the same time, he knew better than to hurt a girl's heart. Ash has Algebra II with Alexander because she took algebra in 8th grade (or that is what the papers say), so they had their last period together. Ash was like a little sister to him despite then being really related, or them not looking anything alike. Ash has African American and loved the color blue, ever sense she found hair dye she's been dyeing the top of her hair blue whenever she thought it was necessary.

They all had lunch together, but only Ash and Alexander sat together, Michael only sits with 'friends' that he just made in a day, while Alexander and Ash made small talk, meaning Ash talked and Alexander listened. Alexander spent the rest of his classes alone, and since every class was boring without Ash, he actually slept through most of them. This time in each of his dreams, he did not hear anything. He just saw nothing like she was not sad but not happy, just plain empty, like Alexander was. Then the bell rung and woke him up, and he headed towards Algebra II.

It was not as bad as his other classes, but that may be because there was next to no boys. The last period was for boys athletics. Alexander promised himself he would never play any athletic sport after he tried in the 90's. There were a few neck injuries after every sport Alexander tried out for. Michael on the other hand, played Soccer and football. He was better at not causing injuries, and if he did they were never serious, so he wasn't really bothered with it.

When Alexander entered the classroom he half expected the girls expressions, they have been making them all day. They all looked at him in complete awe. Obviously, there are not a lot of pitch black-haired, sea blue-eyed, Roman boys here because they all had the same exact reaction. He smiled and felt like laughing but held it back. He did not want to seem crazy on the first day. Then, he felt a prickle on the back of his neck. He felt it a thousand times a day, and still has never gotten used to it. It was what he felt when another Vampire was near. He was not sure if it was because of Ash or if there was other vampire teen or teacher in his Algebra II class.

In the back corner were two girls that did not seem to be taking any notice towards him. They were right next to Ash, so out of brotherly love he sat next to her, and she put on her loving smile. The girls next to them were talking about Homecoming like all the other girls in the school, but the topic was a little different from the usual.

"Come on Amie it'll be fun! I even got your boss to give you the day off, and a blind date from one of my boyfriends friends," the girl speaking was a ginger. She was as pale as a ghost with freckles all over her face, she also had strawberry blonde hair, and grey eyes. She seemed very familiar.

"You just met your boyfriend a week ago. I am not interested. I appreciate everything, but you know I hate big crowds," this girl was as plain as plain can get. She had the regular brown hair and eyes, natural light tan skin, and no make-up. She wore a white long sleeved shirt, jeans, and the classic black and white converse.

"Aw… please, Conner will gloat when he finds out your not there or worse, without a date!"

Amie gave a heavy sigh, "Fine, but you owe me for this. You'll get me a pop everyday for lunch for two weeks."

"Pop? It is soda! Gosh freaking Yankee," the ginger looked towards the front of the room with a sly smile on her face.

Amie started to turned towards the front of the classroom as well, but stopped right when she saw Alexander. Her face was not like the other girls, she was not in awe, it was more like pure shock. It may have been because Alexander was looking at her also. Then at an alarming rate her face became beat red like she just got done running a mile. Then in a flash, she looked away. However, during the rest of the class her face never once went back to its original light tan color, and Alexander could not help but look at her through the corner of his eye.

When the final bell rung Amie was the first out the door, dragging the ginger with her, Alexander tried not to think about why she was so startled by him so with Ash hot on his trail he headed for the parking lot. In the very back of the parking lot held his car, a black 370 Z Nissan touring, the coolest car he has ever seen, he drives with Ash all the time. Michael has his own car, silver convertible 2009 Corvette Stingray Concept, it may be better than Alexander's Z but he never cared.

"Hey, Alexander don't forget our plans today, we're going to the mall," big events always excited Ash. Of course, she does not really dance, but she loves to interact with everyone.

"Yea I remember, how could I forget when you say that every day," he put on a fake smile to tell her he was joking, but there were still no real emotions behind it, everyone knew that.

When they got home the house felt empty, but Ben, Benjamin, was in his study. He already knew of their plans so they found the keys to his 1971 mint condition Dodge Challenger R/T. It has four seats unlike Alexander's and Michael's sport cars. When Michael finally got home, they went to the mall.

"So Alex," everyone in their family called him that, though he protests often. "What made you come to the homecoming willingly?" Michael curiously asked while Alexander was driving. Michael's face showed that he thought it was because of a girl, that's all he ever thinks about, but Alexander didn't really see it.

"I did not want to be stuck in the house all day." Alexander was technically telling the truth.

"Are you sure that's the reason?" When Alexander saw the look at Michael, he was dumbstruck. He pulled the car into a parking lot that was no were near the mall.

"What the hell got into you? Since when have I ever dated or was I even interested in a girl in my whole entire life?" Michael looked surprised but not because of the sudden stop, but because of Alexander's sudden anger, he almost never got angry at anyone.

"Then what is your reason exactly?" Michael said with a little panic in his voice, Alexander was older than him by over a thousand years, and that made him stronger, but despite that face Alexander was in a corner. He did not want anyone to know about his dreams, but he did not want anyone to misunderstand. He was almost certain that the girl might be at the dance, and maybe, just maybe, he can help her in a way.

"Fine, if you don't believe me just wait until homecoming; I am not interested in anyone," when Alexander heard himself say that he wished he could take it back. He might just be seen with his dream girl and prove Michael right.

Michael's sly smile came back when he realized Alexander was not angry, "It's okay I'm interested in a girl myself, there is nothing to be ashamed of."

Ash sighed from the back seat with a smile on her face, "Michael. When have you ever not been in a relationship with a girl?"

When they got to the mall they headed straight to their destination, or Ash's at least, Hot Topic; she wanted to get a dress there. Despite the fact that most of the dressed were for Goths and punks to wear on a daily basses, no one could say she did not look outstanding.

The dress was exactly her style. It was not anywhere near girlish. It had no sleeves, and looked shredded but the cloth over lapped each other to make it into a perfect dress for Ash. The dress was two different colors, black and blue, each complimenting the other. Then Alexander felt a tug in his gut that he knows well. It was his brotherly instincts kicking in, Alexander has only felt it towards Ash and his real brother Adrian, who dies when Alexander was turned. When Alexander saw her he was glad Ash did not have a date or he would probably be missing from the dance, school, and home.

When they got her dress they went to look for tuxedoes, but there was only one shop for them in the entire mall. The suits took hours to size up, so when everything was done they had to stretch. Michael's tuxedo was white on white. Alexander got the regular black jacket and pants with the white shirt; it was the best in his opinion, though Ash wanted him to get the black on black. Then they looked for ties which was a hassle, because they only had four left, a red one, a blue one, a light blue one, and a black and white striped one. For Michael it was easy, he got the light blue tie. For Alexander he just could not chose, so he went with the one Michael insisted he get, the red tie.

The rest of their shopping trip was Ash's choice. She thought it would be fun to do some more shopping, so they did. When it came to what Ash wanted to do no one argued, except for Ben, he makes the rules. They spent endless hours shopping at random stores Ash chose. Alexander was not interested in any of them. Then when Ash dragged them back to Hot Topic Alexander thought it would be better to stand out side like all the other brothers and boyfriends.

When he looked around he saw a bunch of girls staring at him all of them either going into Hot Topic or coming out. It took him awhile to realize why. He was a Goth girl's dream man, black hair that almost covered his eyes and was spiked up in all different directions, and sea blue eyes. He tried not to look at anyone in particular, but two girls did not look like the typical Goth, so they stood out. These two he actually knew from his Algebra II class, the Ginger and Amie. They seemed to be looking at hair accessories.

Then they smiled like the flowers they were looking at were amusing, Amie turned her head towards Alexander's direction. Her face then turned the same red blush on her face as in Algebra when she realized who he was. Then to get her to look away he looked straight at her, and to his amusement, she turns away. Ash then, out of nowhere, stuffed two large Hot Topic bags into Alexander's arms. While they were leaving, Alexander could yet again see the girl look at him except this time with extreme curiosity all over her face, but he could sense a little worry as well.

I'm so happy i finally got my story in order, so hope you enjoy the next chapter, though it will take a while to get on i have to look over it a lot, but i have the beginning middle and end for my story hope you like it and yes i did change Xander's name to Alexander and maybe a few other characters, but i don't remember.
