Reviews for Can Not Live Without Her
HOWLMOONLIGHT13 chapter 26 . 4/24
I'm mad I loved the way it was before you could have continued it!
Why did you have to re-write it. But dont worry I won't hold it against you. Your such a very good writer. Are you an actual author?
HOWLMOONLIGHT13 chapter 22 . 4/24
You made a mistake you wrote:
Alexander let out an exhausted sigh and headed into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw his pale reflection; I need to get out more. He thought to himself remembering when he had a perfect tan. A lot has changed since she has been gone. Adrian looked at his neck then with a shaky hand rubbed his neck erasing the foundation that Madeline had insisted he get to hide his scares.

This section was about Adrian but you wrote Alexander. I just wanted you to know.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
Please continue this story!
PiptheSnake chapter 25 . 4/14/2013
Awwww, come on! PLEASE CONTINUE!
PiptheSnake chapter 2 . 4/14/2013
Ha! I love this story already! Please continue it, you're on my updates!
alistarsmusic chapter 25 . 10/18/2012 do you really feel that way about the Twilight movies? I can agree the first one was ruined. I don't think the director did as great of a job as she could have. I saw Red Riding Hood and that one was a lot better. Oh, thanks for letting us know what happened in the previous chapters. I honestly would have been lost if you didn't include that. And thanks for the shout out! I also can't believe what Ash did. She's smart. I'm glad she set that plan up. But now I'm wondering what's in it for her? Please update as soon as possible!
Rosewaver chapter 1 . 7/29/2012
You asked me to look over your story, so I will. One chapter at a time.

First off, I've noticed that you've switched between tenses multiple time. The story kicks off with "Alexander has...," indicating that it's present tense. But two paragraphs later, it suddenly switched over to past tense, with "When Alexander got to school..." This kind of threw me off. I was getting used to the present tense style of your story (one that I don't normally read, since past tense is used more often) when it suddenly pulled a fast one on me. They kept switching around throughout the story. I recommend choosing one tense and sticking with it.

Next are your "vampire" characters. I can honestly say that I would not have thought they were vampires if it weren't for the author's note at the beginning of the story. They did not seem to have any of the characteristics of regular vampires. (Were
lagamma chapter 5 . 6/30/2012
Daryadayle99 chapter 24 . 6/22/2012
This is sooo great! Do you know when you will upload the next chapter?
xXallegedangelXx chapter 24 . 6/8/2012
I wonder how Iosif's voice was familiar to Amie. Will we find out soon? Awesome chapter, please update soon :D
lilliana-aka-josafinna chapter 24 . 6/7/2012
alistarsmusic chapter 24 . 6/6/2012
I don't know if I have suggestions...What about the opposite of this one? 'Can Not Live Without Him'? Oh, I wonder why Amie recognized a little Iosif's voice? And that Kristal! I wished Amie was really in that time so she could tear her off of Alexander... u_u' Will there be another chapter?
xXallegedangelXx chapter 23 . 6/2/2012
I have a sneaky suspicion that Amie had the same nightmare or had a vision or something about what Alexander had told her seeing as her replies were a bit curious and apprehensive. Please update soon :D
Buffs girl 87 chapter 19 . 5/30/2012
I do not think that it was cheese. I some what think that he deserved it but also not really. I think that she was acting out of anger and made a rash choice. So ithnk to a poiynthat he deserved it, but also that it was the wrong thing to do.
Buffs girl 87 chapter 14 . 5/30/2012
OMG OMG OMG that was awsome I absoutly loved this chapter. I loved how alexander asked amie out,you are such an amazing writer I have fallen in love andf have been adicted to this story.
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